The Black Curriculum

According to the BBC, October is officially ‘Black History Month’. Well, that was news to me and, I would imagine, news to many of you.

Anyway, the Black Curriculum ( it is a pressure group…they have t-shirts to prove it) want Black History to be taught all year. I Am not sure if this group include Indian, Chinese and Japanese History in their syllabus. Should the Black Curriculum manage to get their way, then we can look forward to Black Mathematics, Black Chemistry, Black Physics.

Happily, these three could be covered in a single afternoon.

Nominated by Guzziguy

94 thoughts on “The Black Curriculum

  1. Black PE – running from da polits…
    Black home economics – no knives though….
    Black geography – where de best chiggun shop…

  2. Should be a short history lesson. Their contribution to Britain…rap music,goat curry and gun crime.
    Thank you so much for enriching us with your colourful culture and fascinating language.
    Fuck off.

    • Goat Curry is not West Indian/Caribbean. It was introduced by the indentured Indian workers came to work there post slavery. Just like Roti, again Indian, nothing to do with Black people.

      So in short, just Music and Crime. The cunts!

  3. Black maths…non existent
    Black physics…non existent
    Black chemistry…non existent.
    All great advances have been made by whites. Ffs when will people stop trying to give blacks and mooslims credit for things they haven’t done.
    Two of the shortest books in history…
    The black and mooslims contribution to democracy and human rights.
    Great black and mooslims inventions and discoveries.
    Fuck right off. Useless mumblers.

  4. Which pioneers and trailblazers in various fields were actually black?…
    Einstein? Newton, Pasteur? Wright Brothers? Marconi? Logie Baird? Mozart? Beethoven? Edison? Faraday? Kingdom Brunel? Van Gogh? Turner? Dickens? Victor Hugo? The Bronte Sisters? Auguste and Louis Lumière?

    Not one of them, it appears… So what exactly is the black fucking curriculum and who the fuck is it based on?!! What a load of fucking shite….

  5. Does this include sitting on their arses for millenia and not getting around to invent the wheel, or were they waiting for the Great White Bwana to show them how?

    • Actually no, the moose limbs provided that particular piece technology, up and down the east coast of that dark continent for many hundreds of years, trading with the natives. It didn’t catch on. But now, ta-da, so long as your ovaries feel all warm and fuzzy, like your many, many cats, that’s all that matters. Reality be damned.

      • Admin knows where you’re coming from, but fair point, although even the Britons had the wheel long before Mohammed.. Add to it the preservation of Greek science, which the Christians thought the work of the devil, by both Jews and Arab Muslims (working in harmony in Spain), and some stunning and original architecture, which the Normans pinched, and a pretty fair case can be made for mediaeval Islam when it left the desert behind. Trouble is, it’s gone back.

      • My point, ahem, is that the wheel, an astonishing revelation for the camel inclined, was quite beyond our melanine enhanced overlords.

      • The Islamic wave that spread across so much of the ancient World invented almost nothing. What they did was take over anything they thought useful and as such the item, idea became associated with Islam. Many of the original Islamic scientists were actually converts from Christianity or other religions. By the 15th century the rate of conquest had almost halted, no new ideas to plunder. During this time Islam turned away from science as we understand the concept as nothing could “tie the hands of Allah” being all powerful. Combined with a lack of new ideas etc the death knell of Islamic science was sounded.

      • You may care to contrast this with Christian inventions during the expansion phase both of Christianity and Islam. Or you may not. I can’t think of anything much before van Leeuwenhoek or Galileo which had not already been done by the Romans and Greeks.

        And Sinan (d. 1588) was the equal of Wren (d. 1723). Sinan built across the MENA region. Wren built in London. Both of course used the Greek basilica as a model.

        All great art is plagiarism….

  6. They do have some marvellous boxers though – Ali, Frank Bruno, Euwbank, Dawn Butler and world heavyweight Diane Abbott

    • Black ice, Blackpool, Blackberries, Blackburn, Blackadder, Blackbeard, Blackbirds, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, Blacklight UV, Boys From The Blackstuff, Black Friday…and so on…we have so much to be thankful for.

    • Hmmm, nope can’t think of any. Black minstrels are quite entertaining. Oh, hang on a min…

  7. Sorry for going off piste…

    I’ve just heard that all churches across Rome will now be closed indefinitely because of the Covid 19 virus.

    At least the kids will be safe.

    • Kids don’t seem to suffer from bat flu but can be carriers, the creepy gluttonous old priests are much more susceptible and are just trying to save their perverse hides.

  8. I hope this subversion of history continues.
    Eventually even the woke will realise they are thick cunts whose first instinct is rape and pillage.
    Secondly,but vitally,oven them.
    Fuck off.

  9. Picture the scene – 30 kids rammed into a small space, majority black, no matching school uniforms, headphones in, grime music pumping thru their heads, jumping about and screeching like scalded monkeys.

    Yoof worker addresses the class as the last 4 teachers committed suicide and 2 were murdered in the classroom.

    Less talk abar bwack istree clars. Ooo know abart it ? Yes Jevon what can ya teww me blad innit?
    Jevon – white man bad innit, black ist is me Uncle Wesley, he does crack at a fiver a rock. Reparations for da niggs back in the day, cotton or samfink.
    Nafe crame is white men dressed as niggs killing us off innit rasclart

    Yoof man :- yeah dass right. White man bad and wayciss innit

    Here endeth the lesson as the class erupts

  10. They didn’t come up with the wheel.
    They didn’t come up with writing
    There was no mathematics.
    No chemistry, biology or physics.
    They couldn’t even manage to come up with a 2 storey hut.
    Their history only started when Europeans and Arabs reported on them.
    Wherever in the world the black diaspora have settled they have gravitated to the bottom of society.
    And sadly, their great musical heritage of blues, Motown and Stax has degenerated into rap and bland ‘R&B’

    I fear the afternoon of black history will be an early finish.

      • Find a true egyptian descendant and look at them, odds are thats what they used to look like. Judging by their heiroglyphs and pictures, they were kinda red like the apaches and other indians of america. Blacks stayed on africa continent until they were captured for slavery.

  11. There are only threeo people who are black that should be talked about in any school… Pele, Richard Pryor and Jimi Hendrix… The rest can fuck right off…

    • Pele- the finest footballer to ever have lived, Jimi Hendrix could have played an egg slice and sounded like a fucking god and Richard Pryor – genius.
      Personally I’d add Miles Davis and most of the jazz set from the 50s and 60s too

      • Charlie Williams, Ali, Joe Fraser, big George Foreman, Neville Staples, jack Johnson, Don Letts.
        Like them all.
        But dont want to be forced by some cunt to like them!
        Just do.

      • Coltrane and Marvin Gaye should be on the door cent list, deffo. Not Pele, he’s is an cunt

    • Well im all for it!
      Black pudding should be served in schools and all year round.
      Its about time.
      As for dark keys an history, what?
      How to sit on your fuckin arse while your 6yr old kid fetchs piss tainted water from 10 miles away? Or how to fuck your missus while the kids starve?
      Great!! Crack on.

  12. I don’t know what is the biggest disease the covid 19 or the blacks , i mean what more do they want ? . They will stop at nothing to promote to the entire world that black is best , they are constantly playing the poor me game and always go on about how hard done by they are.
    They want to push everything in our face and they will not stop until everything is black in the schools films/tv to show us black is best. They would get better treated if they just got on with there lives instead of always moaning and wanting to show the world that they need to be heard etc and are better than us. As iv’e said before they are the ones breeding racism and they are the ones who are racist more than any whites and they are totally relentless with it.
    Personally i can’t stand the bastards , never had a problem with them in the past until a few years ago when all this shit with them started. To be honest they all know that they need the white man to survive and that’s why they hate us so much. They should build 2 colonies one with all white people and one with all black people and make them self sufficient and go back in a few years to see how each colony have gone on. We only have to look at Africa to see that having black leaders is a bad idea , could you imagine the state of this country if Diane Abbott or David Lammy was running it ? . They are and always will be primal and still have that mentality , even in medieval times the whites had more sense.

  13. I don’t think khuns can claim to have invented the inferiority complex, but fuck me they have made it their own!

    What’s the difference between black history, black present and black future?

    Fucked if I know!

    • That’s bang on about the inferiority complex and hits the nail on the head totally , if we are honest they wouldn’t be where they are today without us and they know it and they hate us for it.

  14. No white history? But we wrote it. Because we could WRITE!
    Had it not been for white people we would still be living in mud huts and eating each other.
    Black history Month?
    In the esteemed words of Sir Fiddler – “Fuck off”.

  15. It’s been well proven that white folks are the best at racism, just like everything else! Our dark skinned bredren has achieved fuck all throughout the years. Most of them are well aware of this and keep quiet about it. However, a small number of shouty mouthed cunts are determined to bring attention to the fact. Constantly banging on about an injustice that happened 400 years ago, which even out moans those Scouser cunts about Hillsborough!

  16. Pre white cunts bringing a few of the cunts into civilisation it’s going to be one boring fucking subject.

  17. There have been many famous songs with ‘black’ in the title.

    Los Bravos sang . . . . .
    ? Black is black
    I want my machete back. ?

    • Michael Jackson made an album called History, not black history though because he has abandoned being black by that time. He didn’t care if the kids were black or white.

  18. I’m identifying as black today.
    Yeah Black Power…go fuck yourselves.

    • Me too blud, I is black and proud today. Gonna have me a goat curry without fear of being accused of cultural appropriation.

    • I’m identifying as Irish today (St Patrick’s Day)
      But there again, who doesn’t? ?

  19. “History is always written by the victors.” (Winston Churchill)

    Implying that history is not grounded in facts, rather it’s the winners’ interpretation of them that prevails.

  20. Why do white kids have to learn this entirely made up crap. How about just telling them about Lord Nelsons Navy where escaped black slaves from the Americas fought alongside escaped white slaves from north Africa as equals. 150 years ahead of his time. Job done.

  21. I think a lesson on Black History would be very useful. Fucking Brexit means that there will be less cheap labour available to work on my vast acreage and perhaps I could learn about how those old cotton plantation owners managed to keep their workforce motivated….smuggle in a few units of cheap “farm-machinery” from Calais and I’d be able to pocket even bigger profits.

    Alex Haley was an Uppity Cunt.

  22. If the Black Curriculum pressure group wants to have black history taught all year, have they thought about lobbying the BBC to bring back Crimewatch UK?

  23. Just debating this subject with my crew and it got a bit heated! So I said ‘alright you cunts! Name one thing invented by the Velcro Heads!’ The answer? Fried fucking Chicken!

    • How about the Combined Hat Rack & Table, invented by WJ Ballow in 1898 (patent number 601422) eh?

    • They didn’t even invent that there is a fried chicken recipe in Nathan Baileys recipe book Dictionarium Domesticum from 1736. Marinated chicken portions coated in a batter of flour wine and eggs than deep fried.

      So it was old whitey for fried chicken as well.

      • Yep, sure has been. Fried chicken was an English recipe before KFC, S@mbo’s or C@@n Chicken Inn got hold of it

  24. Did you know maths itself is now deemed racist? Yes, even 2+2=4 is racist according to a Seattle school-board last October and where the US lead we surely follow.
    Attached is an article about their proposed maths curriculum with a link to a plan which includes such gems for students to learn as,
    ‘Right? What is Right? Says Who? ‘ like 2+2=4 is actually up for debate,
    ‘identify how math has been and continues to be used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color.’ Say no more.
    It goes on and on. These people are so-called educators but they’re twisted fucks.

    • Yeah that Aborigine math took off a storm didn’t.

      Just like they conquered most of the known world.

      I’m still waiting for Wakanda to show itself and then we can get some real technological advances.

      Until then it’s just Somali Khat and stabbings…

    • 2 plus 2 isnt 4 anyway. Maths is made up. 2 only follows 1 because we are told that. Thats why we will never have time travel too, no such thing as time.

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