Sean Connery….
I cannot find anywhere on ISAC where this cunt has been cunted before – which amazes me as he is Grade A, platinum plated!
Where do I start?
Racism – Connery has said some very derogatory things about the English over a number of years, for no other reason than hatred of the English. Unpleasant racist hubris.
Tax dodging – Mishter Bond has spent decades flitting between his homes in Monaco and Spain purely to avoid tax, whilst simultaneously whining that corporations based in Scotland should “do the right thing and pay more tax”.
Treachery – Lives offshore for the aforementioned reasons, but has a tattoo on his wizened old arm saying “Scotland the brave” – yep Seany boy, so brave you turned tail and fucked off as soon as you heard your first big cheque was imminent.
Misogyny – Connery has been quoted as saying any woman getting “funny” would get a “slap” from him.
Meanness – Connery is worth hundreds of millions (How? Did he get 10p back on every empty bottle of Buckfast?) but is notoriously tightfisted and refuses to do anything for charity unless a huge cheque appears (actually, I can’t fault him for that one, I would do the same!).
Utter lack of talent – I genuinely cannot remember this wooden clown giving a single good acting performance in his entire career.
So, in overview, for all the aforementioned reasons, and the fact I find this creepy old man reprehensible – Sean Connery is a CUNT!
Nominated by Vernon Fox
Anyone who lives offshore for tax reasons (although they won’t tell you that) and complains about how things are run at home is a cunt.
Christ… what a fucking washout! No more Pussy Galore for you, Mr Bond.
Don’t you mean Pooshy Galore ?
More Ruff
More Ruff ?
Should have been Morning Ruff.
Yes, more Ruff. Masses of Ruff is still not enough.
We want Ruff !
We want Ruff !
Or Spoonington.
Good morning.
Morning Fenton, morning Jack.
Relieved to see you’re still with us Fenton. How goes it?
I’m ok thanks Ruff. It’s the Mrs, she’s feeling lousy. It started to wear off then came back with a vengeance. Apparently that’s one of the symptoms of Corona virus. It comes back when you think your all clear.
I’m in self isolation for another 7 days bored out of my skull.
I’m flitting between ISAC and Xhamster all day.
The worst Bond except for that dreadful Australian who had to have his lines dubbed by a proper actor. Connery failed to do an English accent, he wore an Elton on his noggin, and had zero sense of humour. Same for most of his films:
Marnie – wanders around California mumbling in a Scottish accent.
Indiana Jones – whines throughout in a Scottish accent.
A Russian submarine captain – barks in a Scottish accent.
Put the flag down Connery, you fucking hypocrite. You left because Scotland is shit.
Loved Connery as Bond in the 1960’s. I was born 1959 and remember the excitement of going with my father to the “pictures” (still call it that to the amusement of my much younger wife and son) to see 007. But to be fair he has done absolutely FUCK ALL since then.
Name a film that Connery has made since Bond that has been half decent? Thought not.
Over 50 empty years with nothing worthwhile to show for it. A bit like my own life if being totally honest but I am not a “celebrity” and have worked hard in my life for what I have.
I also liked OHMSS with George Lazenby, Dianna Rigg and Kojak (a long way from home). A different Bond and a different setting made for a nice change.
Reckon Daniel Craig makes for a most excellent James Bond however he has already shown signs of being a bit precious and showing wokish tendencies and as in all likelihood Bond will be portrayed by a transgender person of colour going forward which will be the end of the franchise as we know it.
The Untouchables?
Afternoon Willie.
Connery was excellent in The Offence (1973).
He played a right fucked up cunt. Probably not a million miles from his real self.
Yes, the Offence is a good shout. To be fair to Connery, he has made some decent films apart from Bond, but I’ve always considered him to be a bit of a cunt.
The Anderson Tapes (1971) is pretty good, The Hill (1965) is pretty well regarded. Outland (1981) is a decent Sci-Fi version of High Noon.
The guy has always struck me as a mean, humourless, self-important, pompous buffoon however. I already mentioned he was a cunt didn’t I?
Never seen it Terry but assuming you are right (and IMDB would seem to back up your comment) this means that his not doing anything noteworthy only extends to the last 32 years.
Morning Willie.
I remember my Dad taking me to see THUNDERBALL at the ABC Granada in Hove around 1965. I was so amazed by those Jet packs and the underwater scenes.
Oh Happy days.
ABC cinemas. Takes me back to the 90’s. There were two on a nearby high street.
Now one’s a bingo hall and the other a block of posh flats with a gym.
Then there was Presidio, with Mark Harmon. Plays a U.S. Army officer…with a Scottish accent.
The Untouchables was a decent film but not because of Connery who played a “Irish” character….with a Scotch accent.
His best performance ( indeed Michael Caine’s as well) (well maybe after Alfie) is in John Houston’s ‘The Man Who would Be King’. The slow realisation or rather developing sense that he is a King is brilliant stuff. From memory ‘You know Peachy I think you ought to bow to me like everybody else now..’ Peachy ‘Kiss my royal arse’. Brilliant film.
The Wind In The Lion was vaguely watchable….where he played an Arab leader……with a Scottish accent.
Then there was Highlander, where he played the immortal Egyptian-Spanish warrior Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez…..with a Scottish accent.
SNP supporter = massive cunt.
Taxdodger = utter cunt.
To be fair, Connery was good in The Man Who Would Be King. And the first Highlander film.
My latest…
Man who would be king is a fine film.???
And Hell Drivers….(very early film before that Bond shite)
Hell Drivers is a great film – one of my earliest acting roles as I recall…
Some great actors in Hell drivers Ruff.
William Heartnell and Stanley Baker amongst others
Hell Drivers is FTW
When that film came on TV when I was a kid it was an occasion…I also recommend The Titfield Thunderbolt if you’re stuck indoors and looking for a pure class film.
Acting rolls?
He’s probably not been cunted because he’s irrelevant now. He’s been a long term total dedicated cunt for years do arise Sir Sean cuntery and receive your honorary lifetime cunting for services to the field of being a massive cunt
Yip he was the best Bond but a fucking horror of a person. If he loved schcotland why did he fuck off to London and why has he hardly ever been back?
It’s like those cunts who say they love their country but fuck off to the USA for money reasons. Or the turds who claim to be left wing but go to the US to make money.
This arse is a violent,nasty piece of work.
Connery you are a cunt and a wooden actor.
Dr. No I can’t wait a week for an appointment…
Haha look at that picture!
Where is he? The bins at back of Asda?
Big ishue!!☺
A particularly loathsome cunt who according to his ex wife Diane Cilento used to physically assault her…
If it’s Gina Miller then maybe…
I am surprised this is a maiden cunting for Connery the Cunt. Nothing but SNP, independence-loving, wife-beating bollocks ever dribbles out of his, stingey, tax-free mouth. Of all the actors who have played Bond, Connery is at the top of the pile with his innate cuntitude.
The half-dead old cunt now looks like he could push his coffin lid fully open and take on new acting roles – such as one of the slab cadavers in Midsummer or Endeavour. I never thought he was a very good Bond in any case. For entertainment, the true Gent, Roger Moore blew this crochetty old Scottish cunt straight into the water.
Fuck off mish Moneypenny and give ush a nosh.
Bit of trivia…
Moore was one of Ian Fleming’s personal choices for Bond, and would have starred in Dr No, but was contracted to The Saint on TV and unavailable.
Fleming was initially horrified when Connery was cast and referred to him as “that fucking truck driver” and an “overgrown stunt man”
Terence Young had to teach him how to eat with a knife and fork and put on a suit properly…
Lishenshe to knock the mishush about. Yeeeessshhhh Mish Funny Fanny.
Being of a certain age (I was ten in 1963 when I sat spellbound in the cinema watching From Russia With Love), Sean Connery is the only Bond for me.
Apart from maybe Roger Moore, but he was really The Saint. Good in The Persuaders though.
Well cunted Vernon, Connery as an individual has long been a massive cunt.
Morning Ruffington
For me, Daniel Craig is the best with Dalton second though he had rubbish scripts. That wimpy, Irish one pouted every time he fired a gun. Moore played it as a comedy which wasn’t too bad.
Seconded Capn. Roger Moore and Tim Dalton were at opposite ends of the Bond spectrum, but both great entertainers. Tim Dalton was severely underrated and was good in both outings – The Living Daylights and especially Licence to Kill.
Connery talked like he was chewing on a fossilised dog turd.
“chewing on a fossilised dog turd” ??
Morning Ruffers.
Got to agree on this; Connery was great as Bond. Probably helped by the fact that he was actually a mean cunt in real life.
It was (I think) Billy Connolly who once summed him up as ‘the man who’ll do anything for Scotland except live here and pay his taxes’. Just another SNP hypocrite.
For me Connery is OK as Bond, no more (and after Goldfinger his films were shit, apart from Diamonds Are Forever which is ruined by the silly man in a wig), the worst was Brosnan, fucking dreadful actor and Bond by committee (said by possibly Matthew Sweet).
I did prefer him as Bond than that Camp Tailors Dummy Roger more. Connery was a bit more rugged. A mans man you might say.
The only other film I enjoyed watching him in was ‘The Man Who Would Be King’
The scruffy old fucker has certainly kept up the age old tradition of being a tight fisted miserable Jock.
Agree with RTC….Connnery all day long.
The safari suited cunt was dreadful.
In Planet Hollywood they do a Roger Moore pizza, just cheese with extra cheese….
Great with Caine in the Man who Would be King.
Never liked Bond and he was dire in the Untouchables (I think, although may be the wrong film.) Cant say I’ve seen the tight fisted old cunt in anything else.
Good Bond, utterly putrid human being.
Bitching and whining about wanting Scottish Independence when he fucked off out of his hallowed land decades ago to avoid paying tax. Typical tight-fisted, sweaty sock.
He was extremely lucky when he landed Bond, as my suspicion is he would have continued making utter bollocks like ‘Darby O’Gill and The Little People’ until he sunk like a fried Mars bar-laden turd and slunk back to Scotland to dig graves for a living, or some other peanuts-paid shite.
Abusive old cunt.
Give me Sir Roger Moore over this prick any day of the week. He was suave, charming, very funny, self-deprecating and didn’t take himself, or acting very seriously. He was also a wonderful, hard-working Ambassador for UNICEF and gave a lot back for his fame and celebrity.
Sean Connery you say? Cue for a joke!
Sean Connery loves DIY and built his own library. He was sorting out his books one day when the whole lot fell on him. His flunkie ran across to ask if he was alright to which he replied “it’sh ok..I only have my shelf to blame .”
I can’t get my coat because I’m fuckin’ shelf isolating!
That made me laugh Bertie ???
Afternoon Fenton. It’s day 2 of my self- isolation and I’m already pissed off! I’ve just worked out that three months of it will be like spending 6 consecutive Christmases cooped up but without the pretty lights!
I’m starting to go Stir Crazy Bertie…
Ive got another 7 days isolation.
Starting to dream up conspiracy theories that this whole Coronavirus thing is a plan by world Governments to make us all in debt and to drive the small companies out of business so the big boys can move in.
My Son has a Brewery Company and he reckons he will be out of business by the end of the week.
The Governments promise to support small companies is just fucking lip service .
That’s bad news. We need all the micro breweries we can get. I suppose he’s trying to work out if there’s some way he could shift the emphasis from pubs to home delivery?
The demand would still be there but I guess there’s no way you can do it without a distribution system in place? I’m only guessing that this is his situation.
Obviously bored shitless and just turning up for a cheque in every Bond film after Thunderball…
“The hunt for Red October”? There are thirty crew filming it, how can anyone miss the f*cker?
I believe Connerys next (and final) role is “Coronavirus – all my money didn’t help me”!
Mean! ?
Robin and Marion.
Playing a past his sell by date Robin Hood to Audrey Hepburns Marion.
A great film an in my top 10 self isolation films.
Richard Harris as Good king Richard too!??
Interesting how he detests the English, but didn’t mind taking the knighthood from old Queenie!
The only films of his I really liked were “The Offence” and “The Hill”, with a passing nod to “From Russia with Love”
Other than that he’s a 1 dimensional cunt, and a hypocritical two-faced, tax-dodging cunt at that!
A knighthood is the mark of a true cunt. With a few honourable exceptions.
And even then, he got it after whingeing about not having one. From a Queen he doesn’t feel any particular loyalty to. The guy is a weapons grade cunt.
In the picture, I wonder what he is staring at.
The Grim Reaper?
I was on holiday many years ago with the ex wife and we met a guy who was his butler for a time. He then went on to be the butler for Jackie Stwewart, the racing driver…
Apparently, he (Connery) forbade anyone to look him in the eyes and had a habit of washing his cock in beaker of mouthwash…
Must be a Scottish thing…
Blimey! That must have brought a tear to his japs eye!
Christ, I swear I can smell him from here…
Am sure he was wandering aimlessly around Cardiff Poundland a few weeks ago.
Here’s hoping his accuntant rips him off…
?? Ultrabrite made you make your cock cleaner ??
Christ I’ve been stuck inside for to long Flu. Your right its Opal Fruits.
I saw this it made me laugh. 🙂
He looks like a right fucking tramp, Jeremy Corbyn on a bad day.
Dr cunt. You only live twice if your a cunt. Russia is a cunt.Thundercunt. Diamonds are not a cunt. Goldcunt . Never say never a cunt.
From that photo he looks as though he’s shrunk to 003 and a half.
Dr. No marbles, Oldfinger, The Cuntouchables, Highlanded a punch in her gob.
What about the Bollywood actor who allegedly clumped his missus….Chinda Goodenpropa…..
Connery is a one-trick pony. He’s played the same part in every film all his life and is lucky that enough people liked watching his ‘act’ to enable him to make a career out of it. The only film of his I can remember since Bond is ‘The Next Man’ (1976) and I remember it because of Cornelia Sharpe, not him. I can proudly state that he doesn’t appear anywhere in my extensive film collection.
Someone said he’s worth millions well he doesn’t spend it on clothes looking at that picture he looks like an old bag man?
Fucking hate this twat with a passion wife/woman beating tax dodging SNP Scotland for Independence loving wanker.
Worst Bond ever that stupid fucking Scottish accent wooden & lame as shit actor Daniel Craig is the best Bond not Connery scruffy silly old git hurry up and shuffle off you silly old wanker?