Scotland’s Free Sanitary Products

Scotland’s First Free Fanny Pad Service….

Today, the Scottish Parliament has approved the £24 million to provide free fanny pads, tampons and other sanitary products for its ever burgeoning and diverse population of menstruators. As Krankie has overstretched her budgets, is in deep doo-doo with her accounts, it will fall upon some fucker else to pay for the cunts!(no pun intended)

Now, think of this. The provision is to ensure that young schoolgirls (and young trans) can have free fanny care at the time of their month, free of charge. It means that the impoverished child will no longer be embarrassed when her cunt leaks and she hasn’t got the cash to sash the gash! Now I don’t know how many of Scotland’s kids are so fucking poor that they cannot afford £3.98 per calendar month, but perhaps by spending a bit less on mobiles, Irn Bru, Mars Bars and of course the obligatory tattoos.

Scotland needs its arse kicked for caving into this “poor is me” mob and “the fucking English stealing our wealth crap” and learn to either live within its means, or better still, fuck off to their beloved EU cap in hand.

I wonder what Barnier would say when asked, “Gis mair fir some fanny favours” or ” Adopt a wee bleeding cunt will ya?”

Fucking grow up, ditch the fags, no more tats , nae Drugs, nae booze and pay for yer own, feckin’ cunts!

Nominated by Asimplearsehole

54 thoughts on “Scotland’s Free Sanitary Products

  1. Since Wee Jimmy and the Scottish Nazis are in thrall to the transgender militants, could I put on a dress and demand my freebies? I could then sell them south of the border in the land that subsidises the SNP’s economics of the madhouse. Any objections could met with shrill claims of ‘transphobia’ because I ‘feel female’ only when I’m in Scotland.

    I’m sure a philanthropic Northumbrian landowner of my acquaintance would be prepared to support this venture.

    Some thoughts on twats buying up all the fucking bogroll…

    • I think the toilet roll craze comes from the media telling us that we will be sneezing into tissues as the white death overwhelms us. Obviously a bog roll is a shitload cheaper than a box of Kleenex as any experienced wanker knows.
      Having said that I went to the Tesco Express yesterday and there were loads of bog rolls. Then I went round the corner to get my fags from the Joe Dakis and they had loads of them stacked up. Maybe people in poor areas can’t afford to panic buy or maybe they have been fucked over so many times they don’t believe the media bullshit any more.

    • Shopping this morning in my not so local Tesco, Bog roll isle was fully stocked, mind you it’s not in a Chav area so I guess the locals are shopping normally.
      I did buy 1000 rolls and they are available to ISAC at a knock down price of 10 for £50, an absolute bargain.
      I am having them tested to ensure they Coronavirus free.

    • New football chant:
      ‘Wee Jimmy Krankie’s on her period, Wee Jimmy Krankie’s on her period, Wee Jimmy Krankie’s on her period
      Let’s all buy her a tampon!!!!’

      • Sharpen a telegraph pole, and ram it up the puce-faced auld bitch’s cunt…

  2. Whatever next: subsidised make-up? subsidised mobile phone contracts? Subsidised broadband? Subsidised birth pills?

    And will teenage boys ask for free porn mags and wanksocks? If not, why not? Otherwise its blatant discrimination etc etc

  3. To be fair to the Scottish Nazis ( not something i’m inclined to do ) giving taxpayers money away to any old scrounging p*nce is very much a British disease. Where is the fucking cure, that’s what I want to know?

    • Why weren’t Nicola Sturgeon and Gina Miller’s tampons talking to each other?

      They were both stuck up cunts!!

  4. And why not,indeed?…This Country,and particularly Scotland, is apparently awash with money to hand out to those poor souls who’ll never work nor want…sex-changes,some “on the spectrum” conditions, some”mental-health” issues,some IVF treatments etc…..and you know what? Most of them involve “the Kids” and the generation who have bred this latest batch of weaklings.

    Previous generations seemed to stagger by without the likes of free gash-patches but not this one…Oh no,regardless of how much free cash is shovelled at them,it’s never enough…well.a new iphone isn’t cheap is it? and little “Cheyanne” would quickly develop “mental health issues” if she didn’t have one.

    Personally I think that they should stop the pensions of the old Farts and give the money to the current “Run,Hide and Tell” and “it’s me ‘uman-rights” generations….they have done so much more to earn it than those lazy old bastards.

    Never forget, Cunters….” I believe the children are our future
    Teach them well and let them lead the way
    Show them all the beauty they possess inside
    Give them a sense of pride to make it easier ..etc.”

    To Fuck with the sponging bleeders.

    • Is this the queue for free tampons?
      Spiffing idea, “owt for nowt” price is right for the feckless an workshy,
      Stick em in your sporran,
      Trans nutters need tampax like fish need bicycles,
      What trans folk really need is either a) sectioning
      Or b) electroconvulsive therapy.

    • I think this will turn out to be a storm in a wee slot frankly. What a bloody mess. The cunts need wiping out.?

  5. It’s not the sanitary goods , it could be anything but once again those of us south of the border will be expected to stump up once again to pay for this avarice of the jocks. Free uniy, free prescriptions, free care homes for the elderly, free parking at hospitals etc etc etc. Fuck how I wish they had gone independent. Watching these cunts trying to actually run a country would have been so joyous as they fucked up one area of public life after another. The only downside is that we would have had millions of them moving south to England although they would probably go to wales which is just another political basket case which depends on England to pay for its benefits and freedoms.

    • We can make Scotland feel what it’s like to be independent by making them pay for their own expenses.

      To stop a flood of welfare tourists from Scotland, force them to have at least 16 years residency in England before they can claim. If they change residency, wait another 16 years.

      Can’t piss about with Defence and Immigration though. Scotland provides 2% of GDP to Defence and we fund the rest.

  6. That ginger wee hat peg is a tin pot dictator and this fanny bandage caper is the last straw.
    Invade I say!
    The cunts.

    • If invading is too much hassle then stop sending money parcels to the bent cunts.

  7. I suggest all Tory’s in Scotland identify as Wimmen and demand free jam rags.

  8. Inspire FM yesterday, a Luton based hate radio station.24 hour Ali snack bar propaganda.
    Islam is the answer to Covid 19 because they wash 5 times a day…..

    If this is true explain Iran….

    • No Krav, they wash their FEET five times a day. This stems from the ancient practice of planting their bare feet in the dirt to get proper purchase when they are fucking a goat. An age old tradition of which they are rightly proud.
      Dirty fucking cunts.

  9. A wor from ISACs Wimmins Correspondent:

    Rich girls use sanitary towels,
    Poor girls use a sheet,
    But Nicola uses neither & leaves a trail along the street,
    Nicola, Nicola, show us your leg a mile above your knee

    Tomorrow is International Wimmins Day and when last seen Wireless 4 male staff and Tony Hall were heading to the bogs for a wankfest. Fuck off.

    • Wtf is international wimmin’s day??? Is that a fucking joke?
      What about us blokes? Fuck off . I’m starting to hate wimmin. Really. They get everything and we get fuck all.

      • No it really is on March 8th as Wireless 4 has been reminding us all week – lots of wimmin’s things on R4 tomorrow and wimmin musicians and composers on Wireless 3 – I am sure they will fit in Dame Ethyl Smythe who was one of the original early 20th century lesbo composers – she wrote something called “The Wreckers” which I think had to do with the sea, rather than an outsize strap-on.

      • ‘she wrote something called “The Wreckers” which I think had to do with the sea, rather than an outsize strap-on.’
        That made me laugh aloud, thank you W.C.

  10. Ive just told the missus about the free tampons,
    But she rolls her own.

  11. Socialism in action, the state must be involved in every aspect of life, every nook and cranny. Socialism appealing to bleeding hearts and bleeding cunts.

    Why don’t the SNP go all the way and put a 100% levy on all products used by men?

    Scotland twinned with Liverpool, victimland.

  12. As a Scot I am lost for words. It is an embarrassment to all of us.
    But be cool fellow cunters Krankie is on her way out so with luck this pish will be short lived. It’s nothing more than a bribe prior to the kick elections coming up.
    This Krankie tart really is the lowest of the low.
    I urge all my fellow English ,Welsh and Northern Ireland cunters to petition your MPs for a referendum on kicking the pikey jocks out the union.
    I for one will be keeping a firm grip of my British passport ?? and moving to northern England as I am sick to death of this clubby little troglodyte making an arse of us.
    Wimmin can surely to fuck pay for their own toiletries, us blokes do.
    Fuck off the Scottish parliament. I’d love to bulldoze it.

    Utter cunts.

  13. Are these the same fuckers that are so poor they only spend £100 per month on make up and £3 for a coffee every day? I wish I was that poor.

    • Moggie why do you want £100 of makeup?
      Not going into acting are you?

      • Not remotely interested in make up, but would love to have £100 per month spare to spend.

      • I nearly won £30,000 last night.
        One fucking number out. Yes moggie I could do with an extra £100 a month,think we all could.

  14. Interesting that Krankie and Co are on their way out and you’d know about that better than me, Mac.
    That just seems a long shot to me given the Swing needed to return the Tories or Labour to power north of the border.
    I do hope the imminent trial of that doom laden cunt Salmond brings a complete 3D drama every night on C4 News and reveals a shitload of nefarious activity that will bring the entire SNP project crashing down. ?

    • In fact I do believe proceedings get under way in 48hrs time. Bring it fucking on !!!!

    • Yes IH the Tories are the second biggest party up here and from the chit chat I hear the SNP are hated as they’ve fucked up everything they’ve touched.
      I wish Boris would shut the Scottish parliament down and just have politicians in Westminster. It would save waste and stop these mongs ruining Scotland.
      I’ll be voting Tory again. These SNP cunts have got to go.

  15. Yes, the fat bastard is in court on Monday. I bagged the cunt in the dead pool in the hope he would do the decent thing and top himself. Still time left for dreams to come true.

  16. What do you call a heavily menstruating Flabbott on a Scottish ski slope?
    A: Jam Roly Poly

    Must go. Taxis waiting!

  17. You can get tampons and sanitary towels in poundland for £1.00.
    Surely women have £1.00 spare.
    Or just use cloth then wash them the same as using cloth for nappies for children.
    Disposable nappies are not good for the environment all that plastic and silica gel.

    • The New European or The Groaniad, in case of any leakage of bodily fluids &c….

  18. Weird isn’t it. Scots ( my grandad included used to work the mines and shipyards etc and were fearsome soldiers. Worked hard and played hard.
    Now they’ve settled into a life of permanent snowflake victimhood viciously downtrodden by the heartless bloody English who withold funds rightfully due to them.

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