Peter Lee Goodchild

A retired gallery-owning cunting, for Facebook-bound halfwit, Peter Lee Goodchild, who saw a post about Coronavirus and what some Chinese cunt’s ‘Uncle with a MSc and working in Wuhan’ had said about it, copied it, embellished it and shared it. By the time he realised it had no scientific source, it had been shared 350,000 times.

Like many under-employed cunts, the 84 year old spends too much time on Fuckbook, and shares unsubstantiated hearsay and bollocks. I used to see it all the time; gormless dopes on benefits sharing scare stories from blogs or the Independent (same thing) about the Toreeez shutting down the internet.

Still, he’s worked in art galleries so more than used to making shit up.

This sort of thing demonstrates the utter failure of social media during a crisis, or is it the appeal it has for epsilon cunts who watch ‘Love Island’?

‘My mate’s uncle has a masters degree in Chinese whispers’.

Gullible cunts.

Admin note: This cunt’s got form. A history of posting misleading bullshit. Look at this!

Nominated by Cuntimus Prime

43 thoughts on “Peter Lee Goodchild

  1. This guy is an opponent of immigration, Islam and the EU. He can spread as much false news as he likes for all I’m concerned! Surely we can find a role for him as IsAC recruitment officer?

  2. What a shame that the truth from the likes of Tommy Robinson is taken down from these websites immediately.
    Bullshit is all that’s left.

  3. Absolutely correct. Ill informed nitwits with no qualifications or experience . Idle hands and a pea sized brain easily duped spreading half baked crap from the font of all foolery the internet.
    If it’s on the net take it with a shovel full of salt.
    It’s not from an established scientific journal or renowned scientists.
    Ffs waken up spoon heads .

    • This type of bottle merchant abound online,
      Sowing the seeds of panic, halftruths and mis-information.
      Just a timid little rabbit.
      Quiet out an about isnt it?

      • Gunfight at OK corral Miserable with Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster. A great film with great tension but slightly for me sinks into bathos when they’re waiting for Ike Clanton and Johnny Ringo to turn up. The Deputy keeps saying ‘it’s awful quiet Wyatt….’

      • I had a friend who dressed as a cowboy. Sat in front of the pub fire, the steton over his eyes. Clint. Then he changed one day and it was all black jacketed shiny buttoned waistcoat, a watch chain hanging. Doc Holliday!!!
        You dress up as a cowboy anytime?

        Cabin fever! this site is getting stranger by the minuet I am thinking of going back to TV chics admin.

      • No, not a cowboy Miles.
        A pirate for the silver Jubilee fancy dress in 77,
        An as Fidel Castro for a birthday do, with a real bullet belt(live ammo).
        A bloke (puddled) near me dresses like a yank soldier has for years,
        Even has flat top hair an a shemagh scarf like hes fighting in Fallujah.

  4. Reminds me of other shit people just shared on facebook without checking, like the ‘christopher butterfield is a hacker’ hoax, people spread that around despite the fact it made no logical sense. But then, these are the sort of people who post things like ‘ive just seen a cat’, well whoop-de-fucking-do so did I you nutjob but I didnt share that pointless bit of info with my friends.

  5. Years ago you knew there were a lot of fruit cakes out there but they were easily avoided, now there are torrents of the dinlow twats “invading your personal space ” uninvited every time you plug into the interweb or Faeces book or Twitter, somebody should invent some way of avoiding them, a twat-nav perhaps.

  6. I’ve no idea who this cunt is but I’m informed that there is nowt for my sandwiches tomorrow.
    Fucking disgrace.

  7. I’m on daffodils on rice cakes. It was all that was left.
    Might take a few dog biscuit s too.

    • I’m getting sick of ham sandwiches. Fucking panic buyers!

      Still, beats starving to death.

  8. 1) the virus is killed by a bacon sandwich every morning
    2) trans are all going to die
    3) All millenials carry the disease and most will die in six months where as everyone else will survive
    Carry on……

    • Great idea, make it so only those with plenty of money can buy stuff.
      Oh wait, fairness aside,
      What happens when the poor start mugging your more affluent customers?

      • Fuck I’ll have to dig out my balaclava and cosh. Some rich cunt in a Chelsea tractor is getting it , and I’m getting their grub .

      • To rob the poor moggie! – Hunger will make the chavs weak and easier to tackle, it should only take 9 or ten libtards to bring a working class oik down – but it could get nasty if Burberry boy waves a slice of bacon at them, mass faaainting allied to howwified gasps!
        “What is it Sebastian”
        “Don’t sully your eyes Jacasta, just keep them tightly shut and keep repeating “there’s no place like Waitrose”!

    • Yep, that makes perfect sense.

      Pensioners will not only struggle to find food and supplies, but then even if they do, they will be unaffordable for them on their measly pensions/savings.

      Fucking opportunistic arseholes.

    • I am over 70. I am no longer allowed to leave my home to obtain food, even if any food is available, and it wasn’t the last time I looked.

      The virus is a cunt, but the cuntishness of the cunts, ahem, “dealing” with it transcends by many orders of cunt any possible measure of cunt ascribable to Covid-19.

      As I fume, some of my younger and hence still working colleagues are manufacturing hand sanitiser in a teaching laboratory for the NHS….yup, thieving chavvery makes this necessary.

      • What’s the penalty for leaving your home? They can’t force you to stay in.

        Try online shopping. Because we have no transport we’ve been getting the bulk of our provisions that way for several years now. Recommended.

  9. Ffs now virgin is closing down it’s call centres.
    This is rapidly starting to resemble Airstrip one and the Ministry of truth is in overdrive.
    There will be fuck all left open soon.

  10. During the great Brexit referendum victory of 2016 and its subsequent three years’ of war there was a copious amount of misinformation from both sides though especially the tantrumesque EU-fanatics. These shitbirds seem to have crawled back inside their foreskins while Corbynvirus dominates the news but they haven’t disappeared for good. They’re hibernating. They know people will lap up any rubbish if it corroborates their belief.

  11. What failure of social media do you mean? To only say what is instructed? It has no ordained or statutory position to upbold. It is just people talking. Mostly shite. Same as it ever was.

  12. I’m currently in the process of applying for a job at the morgue.
    The reason is twofold.
    Firstly, there’s a lot of elderly people in the area and I’m assuming their going to be busy and secondly, I keep hearing how masturbation can be more enjoyable with a dead arm….

    • There are two certainties in life: death and taxes. You can only evade the second one.

  13. Stupid old duffer. Time he either got off of the internet entirely, or made sure whatever he has to say is actually fucking TRUTHFUL.

    This Coronavirus clusterfuck is getting right on my tits already. Now we can’t even get fucking cat food. Dry food – yes, just about – but my cat Derek has a very discerning palate and does like a bit of Sheba in gravy mixed with the dry. So not only are these batshit cunts making sure their fat arses have enough wiping material, but are also now stockpiling for their pets.


    Mind you, there might be a point where we will be sharing Derek’s ‘Whiskers Dry Tuna biscuits’ if these fuckers keep clearing the shelves…..cunts!

    • Derek the cat haha

      Mrs got a cat. We thought it was female when it was about 10 weeks old when she got it (we turned it upside down and couldn’t see a nob).

      She called it Tina. Tina then grew a nob somehow a few weeks later (noticed it licking its ‘lipstick’ one morning). Not sure if it’s a tranny cat, but it seemed to like the name Tina ,so he’s still called Tina, the daft twat.

      • Tina? Love it. Yep, funny thing is that Derek never, ever responds to his name. We mostly call him Del Boy though…..not that he answers to that either, awkward little scrote.

        My Dad worked with a Polish bloke many years ago who had brought his old Mum over from ‘the homeland’ to also live in the UK.

        Her cat was named SUSAN.

        We couldn’t stop laughing every time it was mentioned. Apparently, his Mum really liked that very English name, so ‘Susan the Cat’ it was……

      • Our British Giant rabbit came from local RSPCA warden, who had saved it off Naaaarge livestock market, where it was about to be sold by the kilo. We were told “Bunty is getting bad habits from her mother – eating too much, drinking gin, playing baccarat – the usual stuff.” We thought Bunty was a fucking stupid name for a rabbit, so it became Virginia. It got ear mites, at which point a trip to vets. Vet put his gloves on, rummaged around its nether regions (yes, odd for ear mites, but I think it was a first consultation), and told us we’d have to find a new name. When we called the rabbit Erik, he actually started to pay some attention to us.

  14. mondays only shoppers with surnames beginning A to E Etc etc . simple . most people have some form of ID now.

  15. The last two weeks ive gone to Tesco Express and M&S simply food at the BP garage. They’re open late on a Sunday and both times been absolutely dead and relatively well-stocked.

    • Yup, same here; had nowt in for Sunday nosebag so moseyed down to the garage in the village hoping there’d be a familysteak pie lurking at the back and bingo, fridge full of chicken roasts, ribeye steaks, yorkie puds, some crackley fresh Savoy cabbages, you name it. Settled for a tray of lamb (cunty) chops and two shanks… yumsk… baaaaaarrrrp!

  16. i am lucky i have a local shop 50 yards from my front door. so far they are well stocked. not been near a supermarket for 3 weeks, bit more expensive but fair play to them they haven’t jacked their prices up.. can’t face the madness

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