Panic Buyers

Coronavirus fears spark shopping frenzy leaving empty shelves across UK – as hand gel, loo roll and cleaning sprays top Amazon’s best-seller list.

Foods such as pasta, rice and couscous selling out fast as are tinned foods. Empty shelves for many of these products.Experts predict that a major UK Coronavirus outbreak in Britain could cause ‘food riots’.

The same pathetic, desperate, lowlife fuck heads undoubtedly will be the same selfish twats that go to the sales, queue up and fight one another for the low end model big TV screens.

Absolute cunts.

Nominated by Willie Stroker

Panic buying cunts…

We have all heard about the virus, so what do these cunts do? Think about their community, their neighbours, their colleagues? No, they plough head first into the nearest supermarket and buy the fucking lot. I am soon expecting to see some twat with a trolley full of boot polish (just in case).

The cunts in this clip are from ‘The Land Down Under’ and are very civilised local folk indeed!!!! Panic buying tons of anything is a proper cunty thing to do, especially if you’re young and healthy, as those in genuine need will just get fucked over. But my point is this: It’s not the cunts with forty hand sanitizers that you have to worry about, it’s the cunts who couldn’t buy any hand sanitizer at all because they will spread this virus to you even if you have a million sanitizers. So a bit of calm in the shops, a bit less me, me, me, and a lot less cuntishness all round.

Meanwhile, I’m just off to do a stock take in my garage of the pallet of baked beans and spaghetti hoops I bought.

Nominated by Cuntsince1066

A massive, Coronaviral cunting for panic buying stockpilers.

What’s the fucking point? Let’s assume that we’re going to catch the dreaded bug and need to lock ourselves away from the dregs of humanity for a couple of weeks. Why exactly do we need a years supply of bog roll and baked beans?

I went shopping yesterday and found the shelves empty. No beans, no bog roll. Also no lemonade, no tea bags, no paracetamol. Now as far as I know, viral infections are impervious to paracetamol. I can understand not wanting to go without a cuppa. After all, the Empire depended on it, but lemonade? What the fuck is that all about?

I’ve had the misfortune to have to visit three supermarkets in the last couple of days. Due to Mrs D’s allergies, we can’t get all we want in one. Everywhere was heaving. Trolleys were bulging. My favourite was the woman filling her trolley with bottled water. Don’t be a cunt, dear – turn on the tap.

Mrs D doesn’t understand the logic behind it all. I keep trying to explain it’s because people are stupid. Take for example the two Aussies caught on camera yesterday, literally fighting over the last pack of bog roll. I rest my case.

Ironically it’s all a self-fulfilling prophecy. Shortages are caused by people bulk buying because they think there are going to be shortages.

Frankly, I hope these cunts catch the virus and it removes them from the gene pool…

Nominated by Dioclese

172 thoughts on “Panic Buyers

  1. “Manchester United medical staff ‘testing club’s stars TWICE a day for coronavirus symptoms’ with no plans to close Carrington yet… despite other sides being in lockdown”…..

    No shortage of testing or testing- kits where it really matters then.

    Fuck them.

    • We can’t have the rich getting ill DF – that would never do! How on Earth did we get through the blockades of the two Wars?
      F*cking softies!

    • No cunt would notice if they did have the virus… They are fucking shit anyway… And that’s coming from a Stretford Ender since 1975…

      Be nice if those Glazers got it, mind….

      • They’re in good for currently Norman. You’re just just spoiled. Let’s share in the happiness Liverpool are two games away from being Champions and having it snatched away once again.

      • if a million die and Liverpool are denied the title then their deaths will not have been in vain

      • Fuck Man U, when are they gone start the season again and award LFC the Title? This Coronavirus was probably started by Man Citeh…the cunts.

      • Funny you should say that B&WC – I’m pretty sure they have a few Chinese in their boardroom.

      • Manchester Cheaty engineering the coronavirus to stop Liverpool winning the league has just become my favourite conspiracy theory along with John Lennon assassinating JFK.

    • Ain’t it funny how whenever there is any trouble of any sort there’s always a certain type of person involved. Must in their DNA. Cunts!

  2. When I was out yesterday I noticed all the bottled water being loaded into cars – some cunt with a shit-eating grin also had the obligatory outsize pack of lavatory paper in addition to three dozen bottles of water in two litre bottles. I suspect there will be an increase in demand for surgical appliances and trusses with all these idiots overloading themseves.

    • These middle class neurotics in islington must be throwing a rope over a beam in the garage as we speak!
      Tory government, leaving the sacred EU, a virus that cant be bribed, doesnt respect wealth, sex, race, celebrity, it’ll fuck up trannys, peacefuls, everyone!!
      Is coronavirus god?

      • Coronavirus is a filthy Chinese bastard.
        Thank’s for the offer of Ready Brek btw.
        Death to all panic buying cunts.
        Good afternoon.

      • Ever smelt Dorian fruit Jack?
        Chinks love it, go to chinatown in Manchester can smell it round the backstreets, smells of rotting flesh, rank.
        Anything orrible theyre straight in!
        Stinks,slimy, got tentacles tbem cunts will have it on a buttie.
        Bats is fuckin bland for them.

      • Think I’ll pass on that, MNC. I can think of no valid reason to visit China Town, other than to raze it to the ground.

    • People who buy loads of bottled water… When they already pay a whacking great water bill and have the stuff coming out of taps?

      Yeah… Them cunts….

  3. Excellent cunting,
    Just been the Aldi around the corner from me in Liverpool, fuck me not a trolley in sight outside, shelves hàve been ransacked, I only wanted a few bits for my tramping next week, fucking queues the length of the isle’s


    However there was a fit Chinky bird in there that looked a bit worried, I would have hammered it senseless , just can’t shake the image of Bat wings hanging out of there fucking mouths

      • There’s no buying takes place full stop in Birkenhead.
        It’s all knocked off stuff!

    • Or terrified bats flying out of their mouths…
      JC, I still can’t get that disgusting vid of a slitty-eyed bint chowing down on a geoduck out of my mind.

  4. Panic on the streets of London
    Panic on the streets of Birmingham
    I wonder to myself
    Could life ever be sane again?

      • The ‘wartime spirit of the Blitz’ Miserable? Everyone ‘Blitzing’ the supermarket.
        I am a looking forward to this period of Privation. Get us all out of our ‘comfort zone’.
        We have become a nation of neurotics.

      • Different people nowadays Miles!
        During the blitz they stuck together, shared.
        Nowadays mugging each other for toilet rolls.
        Thats a pretty poor show isnt it?
        But yeah like you, I find it interesting!!

      • And a nation of fat cunts. Food shortage will benefit my fat arse that’s for sure ?

      • Only ever a couple of meals away from cannibalism, the phrase ‘had a indian’ or ‘fancy a chinky?’ Soon have a whole new meaning…

      • Blitz spirit bollocks, every fucking government in the last 50 years has collaborated wholeheartedly in the total extinction of any characteristics that created a “blitz” spirit. Half the population of our major cities have a job speaking English let alone understanding a concept such as blitz spirit; please all you leaders and influencers, give it a fucking rest.

    • Popped to Asda yesterday to collect a prescription. Talking to the assistant about nutters bulk buying toilet roll, she made a great point “makes you wonder how many bums they’ve got ?”

      Shoppers seemed pretty chilled when I was there, but the ransacking had taken place earlier. I was more interested by what people do & don’t panic buy :-
      Shelves Empty – Loo Roll, bleach, washing powder, tinned fruit/potatoes/veg/baked beans/tomatoes/soup, fresh potatoes, biscuits, eggs ?
      fresh bread low but they were re-stocking, plenty of fresh carrots, other veg, fresh fruit – loads of Ryvita (can’t even shift that crap in crysis!)

      Given it’s early days I can see things getting a lot worse. I think the police are going to have their hands full maintaining public order.
      Predict a lot of theft & looting 🙁

  5. I suppose its up to the supermarkets to put a cap on what people can buy, although how that would be properly managed is unclear – especially if it meant some cunt buying 12 bog rolls, leaving the premises, dumping the stuff in his car, and then walking back into the store and repeating the same thing!

    Then again you may get some people who appear to be selfish cunts with 80 odd bog rolls in their trolly; but they could be buying on behalf of relatives and/or neighbours.

    Expect food muggers to hit the headlines next – with a bog roll having more value than 6oz of cocaine!

    • The Daily Mail just ran a story about the government deploying the army to escort food deliveries as well as put soldiers in super markets to keep the peace. This is mental!

      It has occurred to me that people will come here and try to steal my food! I only have an air rifle but it looks menacing enough. A townie won’t be able to tell.

    • I am sure I read yesterday that the Army is to be deployed. Hopefully shoot-to-kill of panic buyers…

      I can see certain items being transported under armed guard, and likewise distributed…

  6. I was in M&S yesterday with the missus and there was a troupe of masked chin-keys coming down the aisle towards us gabbling in their hideous excuse for a language, so without alerting my wife (she would have stopped me) I let out a huge round of theatrical dry coughing…

    The looks on their faces (well, what you coukld see of them was a picture) I was just pissing myself laughing, wife gave me the elbow, but I could see a smirk on her face…

    Fuck the almond eyed cunts…

    • I honestly think we should deport Chinkies (among others) simply because they are a danger to us (“not conducive”I think is the term they use when they throw people out). Let’s just hope they don’t bring their filthy culinary habits over here with them.

      • Deport them. No reason whatsoever apart from the fact I don’t like the sly brutal disease spreading economy ruining c*nts.
        “Why you cause trouble”?
        “Because I have a sawn – off and you don’t, so f*ckoff”!
        “Aaah – Mr Fox velly sensible”!

  7. Now that everyone is panic buying, you have to get in on the act otherwise there will be nothing for you. Only enforced rationing will put a stop to this.

    Don’t see the point of stock piling water – not like the water boards are going to shut down.

    • Am guessing that some of these cunts are speculators, willing to buy stocks of bottled water and tinned goods in order to flog on ebay or Amazon at hugely inflated prices.

      you only have to see how much bog roll costs on those sites to see why.

      Supply and demand, and all that

      • Apparently eBay and Amazon are shutting sown the accounts of people doing just this.

      • Bit rich of Amazon, shutting down the accounts of people who just want to make a few billion quid.

      • Jack just bought a box of ready brek of me for £15 Rtc.
        Now im all for friendship an sticking together but im a capitalist and any criticism is communism.

      • Cheap at half the price Miserable!

        You’re not Flash Harry in disguise are you?

      • I quite agree MNC. I have just sold said box of Ready Brek to a local pensioner for a tenner profit.
        We could have a good thing going here.
        The Wolves of ISAC !

      • Ive fucked it up Jack!
        The shrewd old bastard just sold it me back an made another tenner over what you got!?

      • The bint in the Australian video was a paki-shop owner buying all the supermarkets stock to sell in her shitty little shop at 5 times the price the fucking cunt.

      • I think I may “acquire” large bundles of The Groaniad and The New European just in case, and not for any “journalistic” value, you understand…

    • Never mind stuff like food and bog roll. Does anybody know where I can get some KY Jelly??

      • I’ve got some Ron! I had recently restocked my First Aid bag for my now cancelled trip to Gran Canaria (I was due to go on March 24th, but that has now gone down the shitter of course) I’ve got a big fuck-off tube of it!

        I was due to visit my other half who lives there. The KY was naturally for ’emergency purposes’ (ahem) One is always prepared for all eventualities (ahem)

        Let me know. I can carrier pigeon it over to you. One doesn’t want to take any risks with the grubby Royal Mail.

      • Thanks Nurse! Naturally I, er, only want it to ease the soreness on my hands; They’re *cough* red raw from all this hand washing…
        Will despatch carrier pigeon immediately…

  8. I’m currently trying to sell something on Ebay, although at the moment not a lot of interest.

    For Sale….
    Bonsai Tree. Large….

  9. I’m not an old cunt (41) and wasn’t abaaaaaht ok n the 40s 50s etc but surely that generation wouldn’t be such Bottlers and act the way these wankers and cunts are?
    What an embarrassment, this has to be the outcome of the Gays, Cuntbook, Twatter, Tranny’s, Soy boys etc influencing the younger generations.
    Flu killed in England (not the UK) an average of 17,000 a year in the last five years.
    Get a grip, what an embarrassment.
    No wonder this country will be peaceful in 70 years time.
    This country is finished.

    • I used that stat on a post here the other day to put it into perspective. It’s very clear that people, especially those with money, are thick as fuck. They worry about a shortage so they go out, buy everything in fucking sight and cause the very thing they’re worrying about. Utter cunts.

      • Breaking Copyright can result in a fine of £50,000 or 6 months prison.
        Go for it Ruff one! Sue, sue, sue!

    • The conservative estimate is 40yrs with most large cities succumbing around 2035.

      But hey, nothing to see here right, say the powers that be!

      I’m sure the Islamic State of Great Britain in 2060 will fall all over themselves to appease the newly formed Christian Council of Britain, and overly promote them on TV and in advertising just like What we do for them now…

      What do you think? ?

      Or, is it beheadings at dawn?

      Answers on a postcard to:

      You Sell-Out Westminster Bastards
      PO Box CUNT
      SW1A 0AA

    • This country will be peaceful in 10 years time, more like. They only need to take London, economically, politically and spiritually, then we’re done. And Khan has just dodged re-election in May for a year because of this shitcunt virus panic. So in May 2020 he’ll have even more overwhelmingly moose limb votes.

      I’m not in the least bit concerned by ‘coronavirus’. My concern has and always will be, as I’ve been trying to tell people the last 20 years but no-one will look up from their screens to listen, the Eye Slime.

      • Two cases of Ready Brek and a quarter of Humbolt Gold should cover it.

        Nice doing business with you B&WC.

      • On its way RTCP.
        Whilst we are trademarking phrases.
        -I know naffink abaaaaaht it.

        -Aaaaht and abaaaaaht

        -I’d stick my tongue up her arsehole

        -Go fuck yourselves

        -What a pile of cunts.

        © Black and White Cunt.

      • Not tried that before HBH, looks interesting. I have to admit to liking near Navy strength Rum.
        I’ll keep an eye out for it.

    • Read exactly the same thing on yesterday. Was going to cunt the fact that no one in authority seems capable of pointing this statistic out. But we all know the media would rather promote ‘mass hysteria’ than a page or tv scene of sensibility.

  10. My most embarrassing moment was when everybody found out that I’d been caught wanking in the newsagents.
    It was all over the papers….

  11. This will be the biggest consequence of chinky19 virus (much better name than Covid, as it follows the old racist practice of naming a strain of virus after its place of origin). Cunts are already instagramming their stockpiles, and I truly hope they will get burgled for it, the spiteful shameless cunts. What seemed to be stupid and peculiar behaviour, gleefully reported by the media, has turned into a potential life threatening event. My elderly parents rely completely on internet shopping for their food, and the knock on effect of these selfish pricks has seen shortages on the delivery side. My dad, who worked until he couldn’t, paid tax all his life, brought up four taxpayers, and is now dying of dementia, my mother who looks after him and my sister who has been bedridden for the last six years are now at the mercy of a clueless government, a sensationalist media, and a fucking population of spiteful me me cunts. Dunkirk spirit now is that shown by the dinghy raiders that leave there now, not that which got us through nearly six years of world war. We are finished.

      • My favourite is the Kung Flu. Coronachan is a good one as well.

    • In complete agreement Gutstick. If Boris and all the Tory cunts had sorted out a proper system of Social Care instead of kicking it into the long grass, the country might have been in a better place to help the sick and aged at this time. And yet, the hypocritical cunts will still attend Remembrance services to praise a generation (admittedly dwindling now) who made sacrifices for this country.

    • Gutstick don’t worry there are some good people still out there. These people will still will look out for their neighbours, check on the old couple down the road, and share what they have with their local community. If you want to find one here are some clues, They will be almost exclusively white, predominantly working class and will have predominantly voted for Brexit.

  12. Top cunting. These selfish cunts should have their loaded-up trollies confiscated and then should be thrown into an incinerator to generate electricity. How’s that for a green initiative?

    Fucking seĺfish ‘Me Me’ cunts.

  13. For my sin’s I was “darn sarf” for a meeting/exposeé that was to happen in Londonistab yesterday. Late Friday it was cancelled so I came home “oop norf” early yesterday morning and called in to the local Poundstretcher (for essentials like coffee pods and air fresheners) and then Lidl for a loaf, some sausages, eggs and – the most important thing – booze!

    I had no bother getting anything and the shelves were well stocked. This was around 11am. Poundstretcher still had some arsewipe available too!

    “Darn sarf” my colleagues were bemoaning stuff flying off shelves. Maybe it’s a norf FC Vs sarf FC thing because you savern cunts are a bit more ME, ME, ME and you also have the distinct disadvantage of having more of our “Greatest Strength” in the enrichment stakes, and let’s face it those selfish, grabby Africunt bastards don’t know any better do they (have you seen the free-for-all hysteria when a grain van turns up anywhere in Africa, no “waiting their turn” there is there).

    As soon as Covid19 hit we should have closed the borders to everything apart from commercial imports and exports – to our foreign partners – especially travellers. Russia did this across their huge border with China and Europe And – lo and behold – look at their infection rates compared to ours (and with a population three times that of ours), it’s negligible!

    The British people and UK at large have been badly let down by this refusal NOT to close out borders because of the Tories measure of success being based solely on GDP, and, by liberals not wanting us to see how easily our borders can be isolated from undesirables like the hordes at the gates of Greece (we’re an island nation for fuck’s sake)!

    The Health Minister is now saying we don’t have enough ventilators – which is honest at least – while the Shadow Health Minister blames this on 10yrs of NHS cuts.

    The fact of the matter is that the NHS’ budget has increased year-on-year but what the Labour cunt meant to say (but obviously wouldn’t) is that the money per capita has decreased.

    Well the indigenous population’s birth rate has fallen to 1.8 – well below the 2.1 replacement rate (which also offsets folk living longer) – and given the NHS’ budget increase each year it should be swimming in cash right? Less people, more money, right!?!

    Wrong because there are more people, artificially imported courtesy of an open border policy that began in 1997 under Labour, and has never been halted – exacerbated even – under the Tories!

    If nothing else, I hope the Covid19 crisis shows mass immigration for what it is – an absolute detriment to our society – and that the issue of our demographic replacement IS very real (especially from “peaceful” quarters) and needs to be discussed as a matter of national urgency!

    And I don’t give two fucks from the Plumrose Hot Dog sausage cock of a trans “man”, any illegal who gets treated for Covid19 in a hospital, over and above UK folk I DON’T CARE HOW FUCKING OLD THEY ARE, then those medical staff should be fired – and if foreign themselves, deported – once the dust has settled!

    Boris do right by YOUR people! They voted for YOU! Do not let them down in their time of most need!

      • Absolutely. That’s a thorough and accurate cunting of a useless government & opposition. We the Right, and the Left, both need new political parties that actually serve their interests.

      • In that supposedly Catholic country the birthrate in Italy is alarmingly low. And has been for many many years. Full of old people it is which this virus will kill off. To be replaced by….you know who.

      • That’s already been well achieved. This is here for something else. Something $oro$ and Killary would no doubt approve of.

    • I didn’t vote for Boris, but…
      It’s toe-curlingly awful watching the “opposition” trying to make political capital out of people’s misfortunes at the moment.

      I might hire some cronky old buses, whitewash the windows, force the useless cockwombles on board, and send them on a day trip to either Unkle Terry’s oven warehouse, or the Harold Shipman Medical Research Memorial Labs.

  14. As the great Jewish poet Rabbi Burns once observed, ‘a cunt’s a cunt for a’ that’. The veneer of civilisation is indeed thin.
    Personally I’m not worried for myself. My overwhelming anxiety is for the Queen and other members of the royal family, esp. Princes Andrew and Harry. As long as they’re well provided for, I’ll happily sacrifice myself. Corbyn-19 and his acolytes can get to fuck tho.

  15. Simple answer would be to limit purchases of certain items. Then again, I suppose people will take five family members to buy two packs of bog rolls each or just come back later.

    Personally, I’d round the fuckers up and inject them with coronavirus. And the Aids, just to make sure.

    And then, stop trading with those Chinese cunts and close the border to them until they drop certain ‘tradititions’.

    • I advocate ID cards. A proper system of identification is the only thing that can be useful to food-sellers or effective rationing.

  16. I was going to cunt these selfish, self-centred wankers myself but was too lazy to do so. I did support work for a while (I left thanks to ‘office politics’ so to speak and bad management but that’s besides the point), and one of the people I helped had a severely compromised immune system and had already been in hospital multiple times because of this. If she gets it she is going to end up dead and these selfish cunts will be part of the reason why, and the same is true for so many other vulnerable people up and down the country. I’ll say it again – prosecute the panic buyers on criminal charges,

  17. Two days ago, I saw some peaceful fella shovelling boxes of Cadbury Creme Eggs off the shelf at my local Tesco Express into a grubby sack.

    How will they stop the spread of coronavirus? Or has Allah ordered his followers to remove anything to do with that infidel festival of Easter?

    • They need to stockpile supplies of stuff that will tempt those of a certain age into hanging around them.

  18. What I don’t understand is why stockpile at all if you think you’ll get ill.

    Anyone who’s had real flu, not a cold but real man flu will tell you eating is the very last thing you want to do.

    And what in the name of fuck is all this abaaaaaart bog roll???

    Fuck off.

    I read some stats on the .gov website about winter flu.

    Apparently 35m contract it globally on an annual basis, apx half of them will need some form of treatment and 500,000 will be hospitalised and 10-15000 in the U.K. will die annually.

    Now with facts like that the only danger Covid 19 poses is the panic it’s induced on the fucking bastard cunt cretins buying up all the bog roll.

    Just fuck off

    • I think people are afraid that so many people will get sick that there won’t be any food, medicine, personal products etc.

  19. The only thing I’ve been panic buying is McVitie’s milk chocolate digestives. Then again, been doing that for years.

  20. This event goes some way to proving what I’ve been saying for years. All these conspiracy bellends banging on about control and secret orders running the world, all nicely detailed in videos on YouTube, where it is really easy to get videos removed. It’s like a little comfort blanket that they can moan about, that everything is under control, even if it’s by people they hate. The real conspiracy in my opinion is that civilisation is hanging by a thread, and would take very little real action by large sections of the population to bring it to its knees. The thought of not having an abundance of bog roll should not be a factor in the fall of mankind, yet seeing pictures of people queuing around the block to get in Lidl near me this morning is saying otherwise. As much as I despise religion, at least it kept stupid people occupied.

  21. Food riots, people dying, an economic crash – this is exactly what the all-wise Remainers said would happen see!? Oh wait, it’s been caused by foreigners and open borders – doesn’t fit the narrative at all so nobody mention globalisation!

    • Funny this didn’t kick off until after the impeachment of Trump failed.

      Funny that the first two countries it exploded in were China and Iran.

      Funny that’s it’s got Suck Dick Khunt a free pass for another year as London Mayor.

      Nothing to see here, move on.

  22. They should enforce a war style rationing system for this current situation….
    If only to watch selfish millennial modern parent entitled wokeflake heads simultaneously explode…

    • ”I predict a solid bout of rationing by May.”
      Surely not? FFS – please tell me she’s not coming back?

      • Yes its true Bertie, only one pair of kitten heels for Mrs B and spines are totally out of stock.

      • Ahh! LL There you are! Knew I had something to tell you!
        I had a weird dream last night. I was visited by the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the form of Miserable Northern Cunt, Creampuff, yourself and Black and White.
        It was terrifying. The big 6’8” one who was riding a pale horse and called himself ‘Death’ just pointed at me and his horse shat on my bed, before they all disappeared in to the night. Can you interpret what this dream might have meant?

      • “There’s a Brexit voter and in an at risk coronavirus group….get him!”

  23. I wonder how long it will be before some snide, greedy bastard exploits these panicking idiots and comes up with a “magic potion” that protects you against the yellow plague, fifty quid a bottle to you sir.
    Oi! It was my idea so fuck off you cunts!

    • It’s already happened. Sounds as if a few people have been peddling snake oil remedies.
      American TV Evangelist Jim Bakker and crazy conspiracy guy Alex Jones.

  24. I don’t want to miss out, looking for suggestions on stuff I can panic buy.

    Anything, I feel then need to buy shit loads of stuff ?

    • Sponges. Lots and lots of sponges. If the food runs out you can fill your stomach with them.

      • Good suggestion, I will be off to Tesco in the morning, keep it quiet though or they will all be gone before I get there

  25. In sainsburys yesterday. My son made an observation that of all the bare shelves in the cereal isle, there were loads of healthy cereals left, such as Alpen etc. Lots of brown bread and fruit as well. However, biscuits gone, crisps gone, chips gone. I suspect all the unhealthy crap is stockpiled in a council estate somewhere so that little Jayden and Chanelle dont go without.

    • I have bought wholegrain rice on the basis that I really wouldn’t want to eat the stuff if anything else, like cardboard and carpet fluff, were available, and there is no danger of using it before a real emergency occurs.

      • Nothing wrong with wholegrain rice some don’t like the taste seriously don’t know how some think it tastes like cardboard unless they are not cooking it right. White rice is obviously a bit sweeter on the taste palate

        Keep in mind for brown rice you have to ferment the rice in a vinegar water solution for 12-24 hours before cooking it to neutralise anti nutrients and to break down the whole grain Doesn’t surprise me stupid cunts are stock pilling unhealthy foods over healthy ones

        on the negative side, it is hard to work out how much mouse shit is in it.

      • TY for the valuable tip, TS, and for the warning, Admin. I guess soaking it also dissolves the mouseshit, as well as reducing the necessary boiling time from days to hours.

  26. My sister’s hairdresser, Chantelle, told her that she went into Morrisons early yesterday morning – 7.30am!!! She said it was great as the shelves were fully stocked and she leisurely wandered around to get the shit she needed.

    She said to a staff member, “This is great! The shelves are all stocked up!”
    He then said to her, “Yeah? Well, you just wait and see”……

    Within minutes, there were herds of people and in the aisle that she was in, some fat cunt and his Mrs shoved her out of the way and put an entire tray of pasta in their trolley. She then saw them again with copious rolls of bog paper.

    As it happens, she was behind them in the checkout queue. As they reached the front, a Store Manager firmly told them that the number of items they had was unacceptable and that they could buy a maximum of THREE packets of pasta and TWO packets of bog roll. The fat cunt went into one stating, ‘But I am getting this for other members of my family too’.

    The Manager said, ‘I don’t care, not my problem. That is as much as you can have, take it or leave it’.

    Chantelle said she could hardly contain her laughter and pleasure at seeing the cunt put in his place. About bloody time too that ALL the supermarkets start doing this!!!

    • Fucking ace. I love it! Wish we had the resources to put either scuffers or the army in every store in land; tooled up in the process. Anybody kicks off, they get ‘neutralised’ sharpish.

      • Yeah, that would be a brill solution, Ron. Even volunteers from the public to police these idiots would be good. Drastic measures, but what else can be done when these selfish cunts won’t get a clue and are leaving others high and dry?

      • Bloody hell Nurse, I’d volunteer, esp. if they’ll give me a sawn-off shotgun and a licence to kill any cunt who crosses the line.

      • Me too! I would take great pleasure in stern wording these cunts and if that fails, karate-chopping the cunts in the knackers.

      • Ron – I don’t want to alarm you but your Avatar is remarkably similar to a microscopic view of the virus. Is it infectious? If so, could you please self isolate it and keep the bloody thing under control!

    • Fair play to the manager. I can see that going wrong in more ‘enriched’ areas though. I give it a week before the first serious assault on a store manager/shop assistant, after some selfish cunt feels ‘disrespec’ at being told to put the fifty big rolls back.

      And about a month until the looting starts. Again, more so in enriched areas. These next few months will reveal some uncomfortable home truths for many about ‘diversity’.

      • The mandingo’s love an excuse to kick off and loot. They were victims of shortages so have to start smashing up shops and stealing phones!

      • You’re right, Shagga. Any excuse to go apeshit and create anarchy and they are there like a rat up a drainpipe. It gives them the perfect excuse to go on the rob – ‘Society oppressed me and drove me to it, man’….fuckers.

      • I can see the army being deployed at supermarkets in certain areas before this shit come to an end!

  27. I know to some this will read as awfully unkind, but out here most of the panic buying is by Chinese immigrants. My home town is being overrun by such types nowadays. For every good one there are countless barbarians. These deserve every bacterial and viral infection, every epidemic and pandemic that they create. I only wish they would have kept it in their homeland.
    Sorry to those I have offended. I’m a cunt.

    • If you ever watch border force Australia, the slitty eyed fuckers try to take in all sorts of shit, it’s hilarious watching the cunts with stupid looks on their faces as the officers just sling all the shit straight in the bin and then give them a hefty fine.

      • But it onry: One gross rive scropion; 5kg fromented pok; 6 tigra Kok; 1 linoscelos horn. Wass the ploblim?

    • You need a special ‘oven’.
      Speak to Terry hell stear you in the right direction.

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