Gina Miller (13)

Gina Miller deserves a new cunting because of everything in this article:

If you can’t access it, I’ll give you a smidgen, with honours given to Matthew Lynn of the Speccie.

‘Miller has written to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak demanding Bailey is summoned before the Commons Treasury select committee. There are also calls for a full-scale investigation to be launched into his conduct. Probably very soon we will see petitions, crowdfunded legal action and eventually a hearing before the Supreme Court to have him removed from office, before he has even got his feet under the desk.

But in fact, it is not hard to work out what is going on here. Miller has launched a Remainer guerrilla war. Sure, it is possible to make criticisms of Bailey’s tenure at the Financial Conduct Authority. There were some collapses, especially of London Capital & Finance and the peer-to-peer firm, Lendy, both of which cost investors money. But Miller’s ‘report’ is flimsy with little substance in it. There is always the occasional financial firm that goes bust, of course. And it’s a shame when investors lose money. Yet is this really the reason Miller is going after Bailey?

Perhaps instead, it has more to do with Bailey beginning to already swing the Bank behind Brexit. He has certainly argued forcefully that the City will be better off once Britain has left the EU, allowing London to free itself from the EU’s regulatory system.

Gina Miller. A monstrous cunt.

Nominated by Dark key cunt

46 thoughts on “Gina Miller (13)

  1. First reply, so I’ll keep it brief.

    Gina “Banana Gob” Miller……what a contemptuous cunt.

  2. I’ll talk to myself for a minute if you’ll bear with me……

    I know of this woman via this esteemed website and the articles linked within. She seems to me, as a distant observer, to be self centered in the extreme, insofar as keeping her putrid face in the news. Her real intentions are obvious, to most anyway; derail the UK exit from the EU (really hate that contraction Brexit ?) and secure herself a seat at the high table.

    Having failed to sway millions of intelligent people into her way of thinking, she now seems to be embarking on a character assassination of a person who thinks The Exit was the correct course of action.

    At what point will she stop? How much of her posturing will the populace at large tolerate? She should, in my opinion, tread very lightly here, as someone will, at some point, grow weary to the point of extreme action against the pompous cunt.

    All written from a far flung vantage point, but that is how it looks from over here anyway.

  3. This old cunt needs to be cured of her meddling. I suggest she be assigned to Westminster to be used as a cut price whore for men who can’t afford better. She could be fucked and buggered by the likes of Corbyn and used as a toilet slave by Kweer Charmer, Hilary Benn (one of his turds pushed into her gob) and all the other misfits. She can be used as a urinal by Mangeldbum and the other poofters and as a shitpan by the members of the House of Lords. All for 50 pence a go. Even that is double what she is worth.

  4. Here’s an a very strong case for self isolation. This floater clearly needs several flushes before it disappears from sight.

  5. The not so secret agent of the globalists and don’t imagine, for one moment, that those cunts will ever give up………they “have a dream” and the referendum totally fucked that up for them. However, they are patient cunts and they have plenty of fifth columnists in place. Miller is just one of the more conspicuous ones being well paid to snipe from the sidelines. The enemy within.

    • You have to wonder what they’re doing in the background while we get angry at the cow.
      Mind you, globalists haven’t exactly been subtle recently: Merkel, remainers, Soros, UN, etc.

    • “The enemy within” – very well said FtF! Perhaps the odious Ms Miller could use some of her ex Husbands and George Soros’ money to address the appalling situation in her HOME COUNTRY of Guyana, that well known bastion of democracy, law and competent honest transparent financing.
      But I doubt that because very shortly after opening her sewer mouth in the third World she would be “dissuaded” by some chaps with AK’s – and on that day I think I will take a drink to wash away the taste of arrogant interfering c*nt.
      F*ck off back to Guyana Gina, back to where you came from, don’t let the door hit your arse on the way.
      Thanks Gina.
      Excellent nom Dark Key! ?

      • Why is this cunt in the UK anyway? Last time I checked Guyana wasn’t a British county. They should deport this treasonous cunt back to the third world shithole the whore crawled out of.

  6. What right does Miller have to “demand” anything? Has she been elected to some position that gives her the right to make demands of the Chancellor?

    • I was about to make the same point; who are these non elected non entities to demand anything. Such people may consider themselves to be important but no one else does.

    • The tinted turd has no more right of demand than Les, the chap who corralles the trollies at the local Asda.

      Miller is a pompous dangleberry who grossly overestimates her importance and blithely crosses the line between being a concerned member of the public and a fucking pain in the arsehole.

      She can go and piss up a rope. The cunt.

    • Morning Dick,
      The right of being a loud arrogant opinionated bitch. In other words…. bugger all.

  7. She is practically guaranteed a seat in the House of Lords, probably put there by the Lib Dem’s for her services to cuntness.

  8. She pretends to come over as oh so reasonable. Just move to the EU why don’t you?
    The only cunt with a full on on grimace when she ‘smiles’.

  9. Does anyone else remember an ex-cunter (ex only unless he now goes by a different name) “Trouserbulge”? I only ask as I once commented on a pre-Brexit (fucking word!) nomination and suffered a broadside response for my troubles.

    “Anyone who isn’t in it, should fuck off and stay the fuck out of it” was one erudite comment that sticks on mind.

    Something as monumental as The Exit, even if it gets diluted into something less than ideal, affects countries far and wide, albeit to a lesser degree. For that reason, I see no reasonable explanation as to why others outside of the UK shouldn’t have an opinion.

    • I know Trouserbulge from old and know he has had some health issues. I haven’t heard from him for some time, but hope he is OK and makes a speedy and full recovery. Hopefully he may be reading this.

    • The problem is 90% of the time, people outside the UK support the EU.
      Usually because they are immigrants who want to bring their people over or expats whose loyalties are questionable.

    • Everyone is allowed an opinion KC, just as long as you agree with our democratically elected representative Gina Miller..

  10. Gina Miller has a new book out – it’s apparently her autobiography – ie – born, got old, fucked us all off, died – it’s called ‘Rise’ i think – the only way she’d rise is by putting her in the oven at gas mark 10!! Cunt

  11. I love the header pic, but I’m a bit confused as to which is the turd and which is Miller?

  12. Who the fuck does she think she is?

    No right to demand anything.

    Odious bitch.

  13. Already read it and it’s a lot of noise over nothing.
    This ugly munter is toast and she knows it. We’ve left the EU,there will be NO extension and she has run out of road. The actions of a desperate cunt.
    More and more people are swinging behind Brexit , except this cunt and that deluded loon still outside parliament shouting stop Brexit”. The bus has left you sad inadequate… we’ve left.


  14. The meddling monkey should be stuffed and put on a shelf.
    At gas mark 6.
    The silly cunt.

  15. Oh dear, the colonial muppet show compere raise her mush above the parapet once again.
    Having enjoyed her brief stint at notoriety (or fame as she doubtless tells herself) but subsequently fucked off into semi-oblivion, this attention seeking desk jockey has sat back bridling under the monstrous ignominy of witnessing real democracy in action and her efforts to thwart it gone awry.
    Thus she’s back, having run out of bullets she ‘s now brought her trusty catapult into the fray and is determined to carry on the cause by firing pea sized projectiles of vacuity at the advancing hordes.
    Just how thick is she that she continues to believe in her own self-righteousness by continuing this one gibbon band against the will of the people? I’m not interested in this persons background but am I right in thinking her husband works in finance/the city in some sphere? Does he support her stance or is he facepalming like Lily Allan’s mother on a bad day at all this petulant gesturing from his spouse?
    Listen here Doris, the BoE is a far bigger and stronger institution than you could even dream to be, do you seriously believe your po-faced stubbornness to be a coherent force against political will to still be relevant today?
    You’ve lost, you were bettered by the same people you despise, the same people who see through your vested self promotion and pomposity.
    I’ll state now, just for you Gina:
    The EU is fucked, has been for decades and will continue to lose influence as countries like Poland, Greece, Hungary and Italy start to ignore its dictates and look to regain their independence and sanity.
    You’re on a hiding to nothing dear, now run along and make me an armadillo sandwich.
    As the saying goes, get to fuck.

  16. Miller is from Guyana, a corrupt, third world shit hole where her family wields considerable influence. Crime, drugs and poverty are rife, only the criminal elite can thrive there. She doesn’t try to meddle in the affairs of her country of birth, nor does she try to alleviate the poverty of its down trodden inhabitants. She is a top drawer, hypocritical ugly bigoted CUNT.

      • She is.

        PS: I’m demanding a £1million handout for everyone posting on ISAC.

  17. Boris Johnson, Priti Patel and now this Bailey dude. You drain the swamp, the swamp strikes back!

  18. We all know Banana Gob was a ‘model’ (cough!) who married into money… She’s probably seen off more men than both World Wars… God knows how though, with a ‘Gremlins 2’ fizzog like that….

  19. Can’t say I’m a fan of this hatchet-faced ratbag, I think her comment from a couple of years ago to the effect that we should listen to the Remain campaign because it was fronted by `the best people in society’ (she then rattled off the names of a pile of QC’s etc), strongly suggested that she thinks we the proletariat are a bunch of fucking retards akin to Aldous Huxleys Epsilon Semi Morons.

    I found it amusing and obtuse in the fashion of many remain arguments, in that she totally failed to highlight that there were at least as many QC’s, intellectuals, politicians etc batting for the other team.

    Perhaps it would be best for her to demonstrate her disgust and ire at the British Proletariat and their wayward independent thinking ways by fucking off to any of the 27 Remaining (see what I did there?) members of the EU… which begs the question: how many remain minded remainers have actually upped sticks and fucked off? Or have they all just hung around the UK being resentful and cuntish ad infinitum … the cunts?

    • Leaving the EU was not an IQ test as far as I am aware. Millers malice will continue, hateful arrogant old skank she is.
      Back to Guyana Gina, where you can disposition yourself with the intellectual heavyweights – but check them for weapons first!

      • Unfortunately I doubt she’ll fuck off anytime soon Vernon. Miller is the turd coloured turd that won’t flush. Like many Remoaners, she won’t agree to go by the concept of ‘losers’ consent’. A fucking irritating boil on the arse of the body politic.

      • Agreed RK – it genuinely baffles me why people across the UK are not saying what I imagine a good majority at ISAC think – not you Country, not your business – f*ck off back to Guyana Gina.
        And while you are on the plane (cultural appropriation, white Man invention) Gina feel free to drop off Cringe and Ginge, little windy willy and “never off the f*cking screen” Idris Alba in any third World slum they like.
        I do not feel the need to interfere in the way Guyana is run, you are more than free to reciprocate Gina the Soros rent-a-gob.
        Hateful Woman.

      • Truthfully, When I was abroad I did not like the Government there I may have mentioned it a few times.
        The precursor to my return to the UK was simple, a friend said ” If you say anything about the President again I can not be responsible for your safety”
        I was more or less offered a walk in the woods, so I left and guess what I don’t think I will be going back there again.

    • Gina Miller is uncharacteristically quiet about the “alleged” election rigging in Guyana.
      Strange that.

  20. Admin,

    I’d forgotten all about this nomination and started reading it thinking ‘this looks familiar’.

    Fucking brilliant meme!

    Keep up the good work.


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