Doomsday Corommunists

Like everyone, due to the enforcement of quarantine (and now not having a fucking job), I’ve seen some truly dumb fuck comments on social media saying this moment is evidence of a coming new age of Communism. And, that ‘aren’t we lucky that this tragedy forced us into it, rather than having to rely on those pesky democratic votes to usher in the next great leap forward.’

To those insufferable morons I say this: right now we are experiencing an event of immense rare occurrence. It’s such a low frequency event that we have had to resort to extreme measures to fix it, i.e. a command economy bail out. IT’S. NOT. FUCKING. COMMUNISM. It’s effectively the government acting as an insurance company in case of an unforeseen cataclysmic event.

This mess and its TEMPORARY solution does not mean that Communism won the ideological argument. No, that argument was lost when over 100 million people were destroyed in the name of collectivism last century.

It does fucking mean that right now we are being visited by a threat so bad we’ve had to rely on the government to do it’s fucking job for a change and pay out our own taxes to keep private industries alive, so we can provide food and clothing for our young and keep the fucking lights on. It’s a stipend to keep us from falling into a neo dark age, you cretin.

And either way, now or in 18 months, whether we are still subsisting on the prexisting yet dwindling fruits of predominant Capitalism or not, when the Capitalism runs out we won’t be living in a Communist paradise. Oh no. We’ll be living in a Chinese, fucking wet market and your head will be on the chopping block, you ungrateful cunt It will be brutal, confusing, chaotic and downright horrific. People will not know what to do.

So, no. Stop indulging this weed induced student fantasy. Communism will never work and this isn’t Communism. We didn’t vote for it (unless Corona is now a casting vote) and you’ll have to go back to work when this is over. You fucking, fucking murderous ideology loving cunt.

Nominated by Jimmy The Cuntfinder General

45 thoughts on “Doomsday Corommunists

  1. Those twats have no idea what true communism really is!

    Perhaps if they read up on their history via YouTube and examined raw communism in the USSR and China way before 1990, then they might have a clarity of vision!

    They might also change their tune when the government has to take things a step further and introduce Martial Law. Only then will they get an idea of what true communism is all about.

    Oh, and on the subject of insurance companies. I notice these fuckers have gone either on the quiet or in denial about the current crisis, with many of them refusing to pay out on all sorts of general cover using the lamest of excuses.

    So now they’ve been let off the hook with the government doing the big bail out. I do so hope someone brings these shysters to task one day – they’re a bunch of scabby spunkbuckets that deserve a kick in the collective cunt.

    • Martial law? 200 grand a week for kicking a ball towards a goal in the Manchester rain?
      I’ll have some of that! (“Get off the pitch fatty, you’re shit” – owww, stop hitting me”!)

      • You misheard Foxy,
        Martian law.
        Icke was right.
        The chances of anything coming from mars, were a million to one,
        But still they come…

      • That’s why I changed the name of the ship from Thunderchild to The Black Pig – got sick of metallic aliens bombarding me with fake mash! ?

    • Too true. But to a communist, the sight of death and destruction in achieving their aims is par for the course. They’ll see it as a price worth paying. A difficult birth. That’s how they rationalise it. “What about all the deaths caused by capitalism?”

      I fucking hate that non-gotcha question. 1) as if under Communism death is an extinct phenomena that doesn’t occur in the hundreds of millions 2) the one guarantee in life, other than fucking taxes, is fucking death, you fucking fucking thickheaded fuckwit.

      Capitalism added net lifespan to every society it’s been implemented in. Yes, its not perfect and needs to be watched for excesses and monopolies etc. We still need government to adjudicate. But, its the best solution we have right now to poverty and it’s track record is all around us in every privilege, labour saving device, life saving scientific innovation etc etc we have.

      Makes you wonder why these cunts aren’t lining up right now to immigrate to one of their communists paradises. Hmmm. I wonder why.

  2. I notice all the Labour wimmin and poofters want unlimited spending on everything and everyone – I suppose Magic Grandpa is trying to ease the way for communism, but nice communism so it wont upset Mandy and Adonis.

    Here is somebody more eloquent on the subject than me, but forgive all the four eyed wankers included within it:

    • Thatcher was a bit of a cunt at times during her PM tenure, but one of her greatest truisms still rings out today:-

      ““The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

      Socialism/Communism – it all the fucking same when it comes to looking after the lazy workshy cunts with the money of those who aren’t!

      • ““The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
        A PERFECT description of socialism.

      • I think that was famously asserted by Maggie Thatcher who is still of course mysteriously blamed for all the worlds evils by the deluded anti-capitalists despite having left office over 30 yrs ago.

        In contrast, Blair’s crimes against the state, and in particular the secret below the radar encouraging of unlimited migration without our consent, STILL seem to be conveniently overlooked by the fucking Twatterati and divorced from reality Islington cunts.

        And Nye Bevan is a cunt too.

  3. Communism? Rich people telling poor people it’s some other rich peoples fault.
    See also “Labour”.
    Good nom – communism? “stop throwing those potatoes at my Rolls Royce comrade, for we are all equal”.

  4. The left will use this as an excuse to implement socialism across the west. The left have infiltrated the system for many years and this is the opportunity they have been waiting for.

    The left would have the world believe they are the good people but they know if people are dependent on the state they will give up freedom.

    The left has no morality, it encourages depravity and what really irks me is that the left is the home of the me first cunts.

    If we surrender freedom through fear we don’t deserve freedom. For the time being we must observe the measures required to protect us all during this crisis, once the crisis passes we must ensure the laws and the dependence on the state is rolled back.

    What they are not telling us is once the virus is under control the economy is fucked, depression size fucked.

    It’s possible we will wake up in a virus free world but living under martial law, the state loves giving itself more power but rarely does it like relinquishing them.

    • If the Left in general, and Labour in particular really do believe in the values of socialism/communism, then I’m sure they won’t mind :-

      opening up their personal bank accounts and redistributing anything over a certain universal saving to those that are not “equal”

      surrendering their knighthoods and other honours in order to show true equality, and that such rewards are unbecoming in the dogma that is socialism/communism

      and the likes of Flabbott and many others no longer sending their children to private schools, because there again it defies everything that is socialist.

      Labour’s strapline in the last election was something like “For the Many and Not the Few”. I doubt that idiom would bear close scrutiny should these cunts ever regain power and bring about a mandate for pure socialism never mind communism!

    • This fucking Wuhan Bat Flu has been given to us by a nice communist government, who bare responsibility for the cover-up when it was first discovered.

    • Labour wanted to keep rationing permanently after the war.

      The ‘conservative’ party realised during a time of plenty it would piss people off.

  5. What’s their policy on Richard Branson, Philip Green and Prince Harry?…I may be persuaded.

    • Certainly where Dick Branson was concerned Blair fawned over him all the time, and I believe the current wanabees have a soft spot for Harry Hewitt – as do I – it’s a bog in Epping Forest

  6. If the communism they’re talking about is stripping the shelves bare,stockpiling everything they can get their hands on, whinging d list “slebs” allover soshit meeja then I’m all up for a Krystallnacht Süpër das Sterben. Let’s drain the swamp of scum

    • Commie with coronavirus.
      Never met a commie who wasnt middleclass softhanded an work shy.
      When shit hits the fan im hoping Terrys oven is on overtime but it wont be the communist party at the barbeque,
      No, the Northern Reich will last a thousand years..?

  7. I wasn’t much of a germophobe before this corona my sharona outbreak but I sure fucking am now! Practically wiping down every surface with soap suds before I touch it I wasn’t this cautious before and washing my face and hands 3 times a day

    I had another corona scare after being peer pressured into going with my brother to a Asian grocery store on friday for fucking mangos of all things. I feel fine now but i was spooked when I saw a Asian girl coughing, and for all I know some cunt might have tried to do a drive by coof on me but thankfully I was covering my nose and mouth, no more pussyfooting around now this shit is serious
    I TitSlapper am officially on quarantine lockdown for at least 2 weeks solid before going out again thankfully I am blessed to be stocked on the essentials and could last a few months if need be

    I’m also a fucking champ at self isolation as I’ve been basically living in some form of self imposed isolation for 10 years now. Its just more time doing what i love playing video games, watching tv films, and listening to music practically a fucking holiday if you ask me cheers stay safe

    • My house arrest started today. I’ve painted a fuckin’ big Red Cross on my front door that will even keep the pikies away.
      I’m quite an optimist though. I see it as an opportunity to do new things or to revisit old pastimes(wanking).
      I intend to do more reading – Das Kapital maybe and learn a foreign language. I was thinking of Italian but I might not be able to practise it for much longer.

    • Our official lockdown here in Spain has been extended now til the 12th of April. At least our shops are full of booze, food and arsewipe so not too bad.

  8. McDonnell was on radio four the other day, and he was laughing. Laughing at how the government is having to use methods to keep us afloat that his commie labour cunts wanted in their manifesto. He really did laugh, it made my fucking blood boil. He thought people losing their jobs, their homes, their lives was funny, because it is an unthinkable catastrophe, but labour would have handled it better. There, is the evil of socialism.

    • McDonnell is the cunt of cunts, even where Liebore is concerned.
      A sort of Cuntmaker-General.
      The caaaaant.

  9. Jimmy this isn’t a serious event. The Spanish flu of 1918 was serious with a death toll of 50-100milliin world wide.
    This virus has a low mortality rate of about 3% if all inflected. We have all of us already been exposed. The government has no right to order anyone to stay in doors. This is because our NHS doesn’t want to spend money so forces self isolation. This is a democracy. We’ve heard too much of this crap about it’s for your own good. Heard it before. They have massively overreacted and now economies all over the world are fucked. We the individual should not be punished and have our freedom taken from us because these idiots have gone over board .
    It is truly sinister that governments everywhere are putting in place martial law. There will be a lot of questions asked after this and a real reckoning.

    • See, I’m in two minds about our governments reaction.

      On the one hand, I look at Italy and see the several hundreds of daily deaths and I flash forward to our coming death toll. It’s truly frightening numbers. I used to live in Italy and have friends there to this day. It’s sobering. The statistics, however, tell us an overwhelming amount of those are elderly and in an area where humidity is especially high and tactile contact is the norm. Italians are touchy. It’s part of their charm. So, that could be sqewing the numbers. That said, we are heading towards an unknown in the UK. We just don’t know how our particular ecosystem will react.

      On the other hand, I do feel that there is a very thin line between us containing this virus and us falling off an economic cliff, and with it a societal avalanche of other social freedoms and tragedies in its wake. We could be seeing the world economy collapse. It’s already built on debt and liabilities, resembling a house of cards waiting for a gust of wind like this virus to blow it over. The world economy is volatile. When it goes, all this comfort and modernity might go with it.

      We can’t simply stop everything and sit at home for 4 months while society itself, infrastructure, industry, trade all go into neglect and hope to resume normal life post mortem, consequence free.

      Now, I know I sound like a doomsday prophet. But, its reality. However, I do trust in the wisdom of this country to anticipate when we are sailing too close to the sun on this one. But, what wisdom can we trust from the rest of the world? Somehow I do feel hopeful that we’ll strike that balance. But, I said Deontay Wilder was gonna KO Tyson in their last fight. So what the fuck do I know?

      In all fairness this campaign in Italy did not help matters, the Mayor of Florence needs hanging by the bollocks after he has finished his grave digging duties.

  10. What follows may or may not be communism, but unless someone gets a fucking grip this kind of scenario is going to replay and replay.
    It’s not as if there’s been no warning, and it’s not as if a pandemic assisted maximally by free movement and globalised labour wasn’t inevitable. In fact, we’re rather lucky that it isn’t killing more people.

    Just as in 2007, everything’s gone tits-up, printing funny money isn’t doing the trick, so the magic money tree of last resort – the taxpayer – gets a call. Yup, that’s the wonderful thing about free markets – someone else can always be found to foot the bill when they fuck up as they are designed to do.

    Communism, boo hiss, not a very dangerous bogeyman to be jeering at, really, until you notice that the draconian government measures it takes to control its population are exactly the ones needed to control the spread of a highly infectious disease in an overcrowded country with effectively open borders.

    Sweetly asking people not to panic-buy doesn’t seem to be working, anyway. And that’s demahcracy…

  11. Oberleutnant Johnson is penning letters as we speak for “at risk” individuals to self isolate at home for a period of approximately they don’t know!
    People have to go out to shop, etc etc – so where is the massive logistical support network that these people will need to get the basics delivered?
    We need all the military hospitals ready for use, all the available private healthcare capacity seconded and ready for use and we need to get the military involved to transport and deliver basic supplies.
    We further need the Government to just be honest with the people – we do not have the medical facilities to treat the most vulnerable in the scenario of a major outbreak so we are asking people to self isolate to avoid overloading services.
    And the BBC and every other channel to stop the 24/7 horror stories which seem designed simply to terrify and confuse people – we didn’t have this madness in two wars and this hysteria is just OTT and completely unhelpful.
    Also, invade China and slap some of those dirty f*ckers up – I nearly apprehended their leader Judi Dench (Chinese name – “Yellow shrivelled stink lotus”) after I saw her hijacking a lorry filled with toilet paper last night but the slippery little b*tch downed me with a shifty Shaolin move and then nicked the loaf of bread I had just had to fight 7 fat chavs to a standstill for!
    Shifty Chinese!

  12. The best thing anyone can do while being stuck indooors at the moment is getting off social media.

    It will drive you mad.

    • Too right. I’ve already deleted Facebook. It’s done me no good to be there. WhatsApp and Instagram are uninstalled as well. I’m gonna sit this one out, read some fucking good books, rock out on my guitar and lift weights. I’ll emerge in 4 months looking Jason Mamoa with the intellect of Christopher Hitchens. Either way, I’ll definitely need a fucking haircut.

    • Well said.
      Read a book,paint,watch a comedy,do the garden…. anything but avoid the net. Your brain will become hot wired with this guff and you’ll never sleep.

  13. The most heartening thing to come from all this is the massive outpouring of hatred towards the Chinese.

    • And the fact I have time to get my seed potatoes in – business is at a standstill so it looks like DIY and gardening time.

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