Beth Rigby (2)

I’ve ‘ad to pu’ mi fuckin’ dinner dahn for this, because Beth Rigby is on the fuckin’ box. SHE IS A HIDEOUS CUNT!

But that’s not the reason for this cunting. If you are a Senior Correspondent on a national news channel, speak English properly. I remember Gideon Frogspawn giving a parliamentary address as cuntcellor and using the phrases ‘gonna’ and ‘wanna’ and I wanted to die (or rather I wanted him to die, the cyaaaant.)

Rigby is some Essex tart who thinks it’s OK to drop ‘g’s from ‘ing’ words (runinn’, doin’, goin’, etc) and Sky seems to think it’s ok as well.

Rigby – you are a cunt (note, no dropped ‘t’).
Sky – you are cunts for employing this witch.

Final point, if you put lipstick on a pig, it’s not still a pig. It’s Beth Rigby.

Nominated by Dark key cunt

76 thoughts on “Beth Rigby (2)

  1. I’m sorry, I must have missed something. Beth fucking WHO? the only Rigby I EVER heard of was Eleanor – even the character in Rising Damp had an ‘s’ hindering things. No, I’ve thought for at least 30 more seconds and still don’t know a Rigby!

  2. Hmmm, common type eh? She needs firm discipline and training in etiquette which I could provide – “what did Rex Harrison say”
    “I think he said “it puts the lotion in the basket”..
    “Oh deeaaar”.

    • Beth doesnt have a neck.
      Dont know why, just doesnt.
      Shoulders, straight to head no messing about.
      Likes a 1964 beatles haircut too.
      Bit of a leftie cunt.
      Not cunting her for being a Northerner or dropping ‘g’s though!
      Nowt fuckin wrong wi that pal!!

      • All I know is, that I have to ‘mute’ the TV when she’s on, as her droning stupid voice grinds my bloody gears.

        Also a cunting for that ITN cunt heckling Boris at the daily update – “Prime Minister I find the advice confusing. You say it’s ok to take children to the park, but have you ever tried to stop a 5 year old getting close to another child…”

        No wanker, because I’m leading a country. Not looking after a 5 yr old or spoon feeding Morons who can’t use their fucking loaf.
        I told why we shut schools. Use some common. Take your kids out for fresh air or sit at home. Better still, get a group of 50 together, go to the beach or all sit together on the sea wall at Brighton…. THERE’S A PANDEMIC YOU CUNTS. WATCH THE FUCKING NEWS. 2000 DEAD IN ITALY OVER JUST THE LAST 3 DAYS. IT’S COMING HERE NEXT. IF YOU’RE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO ISOLATE YOURSELVES THEN CATCH IT & TRY BREATHING – YOU THICK FUCKING BASTARDS !

  3. Dark Quay – Like me, you first thought she was a Northerner as she does a passable imitation in the way she speaks. Having researched the subject, I have found out that an American woman woke up one day speaking with an English accent and an English woman woke with a Chinese accent. No really!
    Although it’s rare, it’s a real condition known as Foreign accent syndrome (FAS). It happens when you suddenly start to speak with a different accent. It’s most common after a head injury, stroke, or some other type of damage to the brain.

    It’s about time someone knocked the cunt over the head with half a house brick to turn her back into an Essex girl – or maybe not?

    • I’ve heard about people speaking with a strange accent after a brain injury. However, regardless of brain injuries, this cunt’s a cunt.

    • Jesus Bertie,
      Imagine that?
      Rather die, than wake up and sounding like Lorraine Chase!
      Or worse, oh my lord!
      Could get a pakistani accent!
      Never show my face at the National Action Christmas do!!

      • And how much crack did that casting director hoof down before he decided to cast yer man Ray Winston as the voice-over of choice for fackin’ Beowulf???

        Just wrong wrong always and forever… wrong f.f.s.!

    • I’m just this guy, our Tone, could do the Estuary twang.
      Same for lots of public school comedians, init?

  4. As much as this ugly lefty annoys the shit out of me , strangely I wouldn’t mind giving her a good fucking

    • Don’t go there. The photo is quite flattering. In reality she looks more like Morticia and would turn you to stone if you got within a social distancing range.

      • Do you think it’s safe to have a wank Bertie? I’ve read it compromises the immune system in the elderly.

      • Evening Ruff one.
        Agreed but my headstone will read “At least he died doing something he always enjoyed.”

      • No need to wank and die just consume the resulting liquid of said wank and immune system will be replenished.

      • In a a pamphlet written in 1716, Dr Balthazar Bekker  opined that wanking can result in:

        “Disturbances of the stomach and digestion, loss of appetite or ravenous hunger, vomiting, nausea, weakening of the organs of breathing, coughing, hoarseness, paralysis, weakening of the organ of generation to the point of impotence, lack of libido, back pain, disorders of the eye and ear, total diminution of bodily powers, paleness, thinness, pimples on the face, decline of intellectual powers, loss of memory, attacks of rage, madness, idiocy, epilepsy, fever and finally suicide.”

        Is it any surprise people in this country have had enough of experts?

      • Thanks for the advice but I am prepared to risk it , even in these uncertain times

  5. The latest National Lottery ad where some bint, sounds like she’s ‘of colour’, singing a song, constantly dropping her ‘T’s’. ‘Gehhing’ and the like. My blood pressure rises to 300 systolic whenever I hear it. And I’d wager I’m not the only one…

    • Have Go Wank (slitty-eyed poove), Soup Erkins and badger-tribute act Mark Commode ever been photo’d together.
      Sharing the same pair of specs must be a health risk…

  6. I wouldn’t allow anybody on telly who didn’t speak using Received Pronunciation – the “posh” accent that the Queen uses.

    This would get common people,foreigners,people with a speech impediment and screeching Mincers off our screens.

    Carole Kirkwood can Fuck Off too….saggy-titted old boot.

    • Fiddler, you would have made a most excellent mid-19th century Victorian school master. Reading, writing and pronunciation all punishable by humiliation and minor assault in the name of self-improvement.

      • But Dick, if you were on the telly, say some scandal over public access land and you breaching ‘the right to roam’ say,
        We’d need fuckin subtitles to understand your Northumbrian brogue!
        Ps i have a lovely speaking voice, proper honey dripper, bit like David Niven.

      • You’d hear a lot more of the “bleeb” machine than you would of my Country Squire accent if they asked my views on trespassing or as you call it.. “Right to Roam” MNC.

        I bet you use your “honey dripper” accent to man a phone-sex line.

      • Yeah, heehee, phone sex for pie hungry racist birds!
        “Nice golden brown crust, I’ll break it gently with my fork…its, its steak an onion, succulent and steamy, im gently pushing in my fork…
        Do you like forking?
        Now open wide..sieg heil!!”

      • I miss the Pathe news,LL…..

        No slovenly speech..just well pronounced news of The Empire. Rylan Clark and Big Nasty would only have appeared as a footnote in stories about the Police boinking Undesirable types over the head with a truncheon behind Public toilets in Clarke’s case or about some lazy fat Dark key being civilised at the point of a bayonet in Big Nasty’s….Happy days.

      • Fred Didnah was one of the few people on telly that I didn’t actually mind,RTC….may well have been a common little Oik but he knew his place.

        Oliver Twist is on the old film channel at the moment. I shall boo when Fagin appears.

      • Dibnah sounds suspiciously like a peaceful name to me Dick. Are we sure he was entirely kosher?

      • How can we truly tell if anyone is kosher these days,RTC?..although we may well have our suspicions.

      • You having anything nice for dinner?

        I’m having toast and marmalade (Seville orange) and vanilla ice cream for pudding.

      • I had a nice bit of wing-rib earlier..cold beef sandwiches covered in mustard later.

        You live a very frugal life,RTC….toast for dinner indeed….get some of that money you’ve got stashed away spent…. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”

      • Nothing out there to spend it on Dick. I tried yesterday but the shelves were all empty. ?

    • I agree, I want the news audible and clear, I don’t need some cunt with an accent or bad pronunciation.

      Someone has to maintain standards in this overly diverse country!

      • Need a Degree in fucking Kitchen Kaffir to understand some of the Dark-Key presenters I’d imagine…don’t really know because I mute the sound if “the wrong type” pops up…..hardly ever have the sound on,tbh.


  7. Carol Kirkwood is a nice bit of stuff. Attractive buxom, comfortable, mature blonde, just my type.

  8. Like you say, a reporter on national tv that can’t pronounce going. It’s goin’.
    And along with that other witch at Sly news Kay Burley they think by saying bot instead of but that sound well spoken.
    Fuckin’ horrible pair.

    • I like a regional accent, brummie, geordie, wedgie, whatever.
      Like them!
      But shes nicked this one,
      Shes faux northern.
      She should sound like Ian Dury not like ian curtis.
      Cultural appropriation.

  9. I thought Beth Rigby was a Bloke ? She’s got that monotone low voice . I keep trying to see if theres an Adams apple but because her head is fused on to her shoulders its very hard to tell. I bet she’s got a massive cock with a bell end like a door knob.

    • I hope the Boche have still got a Zeppelin hangar or four to shove the fat bitch in.

  10. Nice bint, I would smash her rusty sheriff’s badge in , while she reads the shipping news, she can tell me all about low pressure in Dogger bank, the saucy bitch

  11. Used to be reporters had to have an intellect, some knowledge of the subject matter and a command of English.

    Fuck all that, the news is prepackaged by the elite now, may as well share presenters with the shopping channel.

  12. Merkel’s got coronavirus, well, who flooded europe with the 3rd world?
    Cosmic justice.
    She always looks worried and confused, like those poor dementia sufferers,
    Well, shes fucked now.

  13. Hopefully she’s infected Junker, Verhofstadt, Toooooosk et al. Fuck the lot of em.
    Any cunters our there have any advice on building a still? I’m fearing it may be a long time in isolation and appear to have inadvertently invented a cure that involves 50% bacon and 50% gin. Just worryingly low on the gin front.

      • Pretty cool, an like the idea of bacon gin.
        Know youve got to be careful with moonshine stills KK, they can blow up, you can make ‘wood alcohol’ that sends you blind, an the pesky revenuers an gov,mint nosing about.
        Get yourself a good shotgun, see Dick he’ll steer you right.
        Might try this myself!
        Fancy the glamorous life of a hillbilly moonshiner.

      • Fiddler probably has a unused barn in a quite corner where you could knock up some ‘Stevie Wonder Experience’ Miserable. Get yourself a rootin’ tootin’ pickup and some Jim Bob Walton dungarees, you’ll be on your way.

      • I used to run a 25 l reflux stil that I bought from stil spirits NZ.
        I used to mix turbo yeast and sugar, 7 day ferment, distill to 70/ 80% mix it with spring water and carbon filter it. (there is more to it than that , finings on the wash, throwing the first cut).
        I used to knock up Ginger Vodka, or ginger and lime vodka, occasionally Ginger and lime vodka (still spirits sell cordials to make various stuff but I thought they were shit). the problem I found was the cooling tower, the water required to do a run over night was a little excessive until I turned to my other hobby…..
        The fish pond! The fountain pump had a take off to run a waterfall so a simple bit of pipework int the shed with a return into the pond solved that problem, but alas presented another problem, on cold mornings the fog coming off the pond resembled a horror film, the poor fish thought that summer had come and swam round like nutters, and worst the plod copter with the thermal camera thought I kept tropical fish in the garden.
        (The cooling tower froze one winter and fucked it)
        and the Mrs wont let me do it any more!

      • Some Polish bloke was brewing up bathtubs of tato vodka near Cardiff, but unvented fumes got into the electrics, and very suddenly he was a gone-Pole…as was most of the house.

        But I bet the whole process would be very anti-Corona…

  14. Who is this cunt?
    Anyhow fuck her put her in the oven at once.
    On a brighter note I’ve established tomorrows sandwich shall be pastrami and spicy cheese,thus avoiding a full emergency.
    Fuck right off.

  15. Good skills RTC. That’ll keep me busy! Just off to check my woodpile now MNC, can’t be too careful. I actually love the idea that bacon gin may be a cure, the peacefuls would be fucked and London inhabitable again. Perhaps I can get a government grant? Rishi don’t lose my number.

  16. Disgusting old hag, she should be put on the naughty step with Peter Sutcliffe.

  17. Pigs are beautiful creatures.
    This Beth person is not.

    The ghost of Headless Bethan should visit her.

  18. Have to say, I wasn’t aware of this lady. Checked her out on YouTube and low and be hold she is a cunt. Talks like a cunt as well. She has that Westminster village pompous pronunciation, but as a signal to her non-existant working class roots she’s deliberately taken out the /g/ in her -ing continuous verbs.

    It’s to say “I’ve had to get to the top by seeming educated and talking like a Oxbridge cunt. But, here’s a clue for all the working class. I’m just infiltrating and shutting this lot down from the inside. Im one of you!!”.

    Saying that, I’ve got a thing for power hungry dark haired milfs with below average bodies and too much red lipstick. I’d throw her my bone. She treads that fine line between arousal and disgust for me. But then I am a fucking pervert.

  19. I share your opinion. She may be daft, but she looks alright. Would look even better in a French maid outfit or some latex.

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