A rail freight company has been fined £1.2 million, because three teenage cock ends decided to trespass on a railway depot and two of them ended up electrocuting themselves on the overhead power supply.
One of the daft cunts climbed on top of a train and ended up being fried with 25000v. He was set on fire and ended up with burns over 40% of his body. His mate was also electrocuted trying to push his numpty pal off of the live wires, whilst his third pal is suffering from PTSD, having witnessed the whole thing.
An investigation by the prosecution told the court that the rail firm knew of the trespassing, as they were aware of graffiti, theft and vandalism and therefore were guilty of not doing enough to stop trespassers.
I’m sorry, but you go trespassing on the railway and end up cooking yourself, it’s your own fucking fault. No idea why the company should be paying out millions to these retards.
We really do pander towards the thick fuckers in this country. What ever happened to common sense? The whole world has gone mad.
Nominated by elcuntio
What a fucking joke.
I am without words on this one.
That description was hilarious, those fucktards got what they deserved.
When I lived in Switzerland, this used to happen a lot down at the local freight yard. IIRC, the Swiss just used to consider it an unfortunate accident / vermin control. Darwinism in action. No compo. (In general, Swiss railways are NOT fenced off as they are in GB, owing to lack of space, and roads/rail frequently running along the same “corridor”, and crossing over &c….)
Do these fuckwits think trains run on 9v Duracell bunny-power ?
I’m sure the fine will solve the problem.
Money sorts everything out after all.
Fried spotty twat anyone?
Get to fuck.
It’s the whol stupid country – in my day, if you cycled up the inside of a truck and got killed, people would, rightly, say you were a thick cunt and got what you deserved. Know the lorry driver gets the blame and they go on about re-designing road junctions.
Anyway, is that a Class 66 in the photo? I think I have it in my spotters book.
The one centre shot is a 70 and the one on the right is a 66.
It appears to mean that personal responsibility for your own actions is a thing of the past and everything that you do, or that happens to you, is somebody else’s fault. Personal injury lawyers are directly responsible for this shit and it would be funny to watch them all in a tsunami/tornado/earthquake/whatever takes them all out..
The BBC is reporting a 2.7 m fine.
Also on the BBC news site:
David Ethell, DB Cargo’s head of safety and operations, said: “Our thoughts are with the young man who was injured in this unfortunate accident.”
My thoughts are “little cunt”. Apparently he’s now disabled by the accident so this turd will be another drain on my Army pension pot. Cheers mate.
Kids these days have access to a world of information, yet somebody else has to take the blame.
In my day, we were shown Tufty movies and Charlie and the Cat. Those films put the fear of God into you, so you stayed off railways, farms and paedos. Nowadays, teachers are too busy teaching LBGTXYZ to teach practical stuff.
Not so much teachers at fault, more non existent parenting.
You’re so right. I would have said “he was a stupid cunt and, unfortunately, can still breed” and fuck the consequences.
Are there any pictures of the idiot?
For some reason, this reminds me of that Billy Connolly film, The man who sued God…
Natural selection in action; world is better off without them. Fuck ’em.
I’m the interests of transparency, the “facts” (together with other highlighted and more amusing local stories)
Other news°°°°
¶Road closed as boy suffers serious head injury in horror two-car smash in Oldbury
¶Fake beggars preying on kind Walsall people warned ‘we know where you live’
¶Mum’s daily routine sees her wake up at 4.30am to make husband breakfast
Top Stories°°° – Black Country
¶Big brand closes Merry Hill store
¶Murder arrest after house party stabbing
¶Jail for car thief caught red-handed
¶Takeaway shut down after rat found
¶Stolen poodle returned to elated wanker
Twats, the lot of them.
¶Woman suffers ‘medical emergency’ at Pendeford Library in Wolverhampton
¶New home wanted for neglected bunny kept in cramped cage
Particularly relevant to the sentencing in this case would be the following “detail”:
Ian Prosser, HM Chief Inspector [sic] is a well-known cunt, but that’s beside the point.
Actually, they’re not “facts”. Electricity at 25 000 volts does not arc 3 metres, or even three centimetres.
We can but hope these boys will develop a taste for high-energy particle physics in adulthood, and accidentally try to take a selfie (wow! – there is noe a “suggested” emoji for that BS, viz :?) inside the Large Hadron Collider.at CERN.
Better still: they’ll develop a taste for industrial chemistry, à la
Thomas Midgley and accidentally self-immolate whilst playing with large quantities of picric acid.
I think these would be more in keeping: ??⚡️??? ???
See! emojis can be fun
The holes in the fence are irrelevant, they don’t imply permission to enter. If I leave front windows open at home in hot weather and some cunt climbs into the house, he’s going to get battered.
Indeed so, moggie63, although there is a c category difference between cunts climbing in through an open window at your home, presumably a private residential property (not, eg, a hotel, sheltered accommodation or bail hostel?) and children (young/old/gay/straight/happy/sad/rich/poor/?¹/white/red/green/blue etc etc immaterial) scrabbling through holes in fences around “dangerous” goods yards which are adjacent to “play areas”.
Personally, I’m apt to agree with Cuntan on his “Darwinism in Action” comment, and might be tempted to go one better and sabotage the swings and see-saws in the fucking playground (in view of the behaviour of some of the feral
cuntschildren I’ve encountered around Brum.Anyone climbing in through open windows, and then breaching the “keep” at my private home in Bell End (near Kiddy) will, after repeated automated loud warnings in English, Polish, Romanian, Urdu and Modern Arabic, immediately be exposed to dangerous levels of aerosolised carfentanyl. [I have an implanted device which prevents a Thomas Midgley style sticky end for me (and prevents accidental deployment of the security system). I take personal security very seriously, mainly because of my job.]
What about the cunt who held his baby grandkid out of the window of a cruise ship, lost his grip and fucking killed it? The cunt was blaming the cruise company for the design of the windows. It doesn’t matter what the design of the fucking windows is, cunt, you’re not supposed to dangle babies over forty foot drops! Don’t you geddit?
yes that was a bit Michael Jackson
Yeah that cunt seriously sizzles my piss Freddie!!! There’s even side-on footage now the cruise line have admitted as evidence, that shows the prick lean through the clearly open window, then go back and pick the kid up, before holding her out through it. He has no defence, yet won’t back down and is still saying it’s the cruise line’s fault on – of course – the advice of his lawyer. My bet is he will STILL win his case anyway cos Dog forbid anybody take fucking responsibility for their own actions. I actually nearly did a cunting for this idiot but to be honest I wouldn’t want the hellish guilt he’ll live with for the rest of his life
Did anyone manage to capture the spectacle on film?. It would be most entertaining to play it in slow motion. PTSD my arse!
Aren’t I shocking ?! (pun intended)
unfortunately not but this is close
If it’s anywhere it’ll be on Best Gore, always lots of entertainment on there
Very good site as it thenyc.com
“Dude gets electrocuted” (sic) is even more spectacular…one less dude, oh dear.
Taking a stroll on the carriage rooves, and using the 25kV as a handrail seems quite poular in India.
I assume that the idea is parents can’t be expected to take responsibility for their idiot offspring so the rest of us have to.
The problem with this is idiots are now reproducing in greater numbers.
Natural selection exists for a reason, fuck with it at your peril.
They should show again the public information film Finishing Line from 1977.
If shown to a young enough audience, it should discourage at least some the daft cunts from trespassing on the railway line.
Or this fucking childhood-scarring nightmare:
the alternative.
Never seen the Dave Allen clip, but I do recall bits of the PIF, although not Death.
He does a wonderful spoof drink driving add with the same character 3.16 mins into this,
Excellent stuff, always liked Dave Allen.
Is that a young Miserable Northern Cunt in the video??
Morning mate!
‘Spirit of dark an lonely water’!
My favourite!!
Voiced by Alec Guinness, dont make childhood spoiling information films like that anymore eh????
I always liked that anecdote of Guinness when (as a notorious hater of star wars which he considered juvenile) he reduced a young lad to tears when he asked for Obi Wan Kenobi’s autograph; I’m paraphrasing but he said he would give it provided the lad “never saw that awful film again”
I can imagine his distaste as he banked the cheques!
May the new mansion be with me always young Luke..
All trespassers should suffer the same fate. I am currently looking to electrify all the fences around my vast Estate in time for rambling season.
Fuck Off.
Don’t forget the holes in the fence at random intervals which have covered 8′ deep pits with spikes at the bottom.
Would the savings on food for your hounds and foreign staff balance your expenditure on the fences?
No….but at least the foreign staff wouldn’t be able to escape either…plus just think of the amusement at the sight of some Rambler’s bobble-hat lighting up the night sky as the volts shot through him…make him an easy target for my shotgun too.
Duty of care, those three words which when acted upon have landed many a company and individual with a large hole in their finances. Surely a decent fence regularly patrolled would have saved them a few quid and in this age of cuntery make bloody good sense. I have little sympathy for the persons affected by this act of fuckwittery as their actions lead to their electrocution; both lucky to be alive. Always admired the thieving cunts who steal power cables but only for their incredible bravery in the face of 11,000, 22,000, 33,000 volts. To paraphrase that shouty twat “bang and the cunt is gone” smouldering blackened clothing, big pair of bolt croppers with the jaws missing and a four hour power cut for the locals whilst remains removed and damage repaired.
Cillit “cunt in the substation” Bang?
You’ve just given me an idea, BB: install covert IP cameras with motion detection at electricity substations proximal to settlements of Roma “travellers”.
The CCTV exists, I recall a similar case to this
but it was a kid who lifted a metal bar on to his shoulder and became an earthing rod, his “Mates” left his body behind.
Was ? ing of sthg more in the “private domain”, Admin.
Homemade snuff videos with a twist, if you might.. and the smell of “frying tonight”.. but not a whiff of redtube.
Mr Broken Biscuits has given me a good idea here, methinks. Not a whiff of the 1971 Criminal Damage Act, either..
You can see a situation where any hint of danger to an idiotic gormless public will be dealt with in the most extreme of solutions. For example:-
automatic fencing along train station platforms that will keep cunt from tripping onto the lines; but would be lowered below ground level when a train arrives
similar fencing on all roads on high streets in order to keep dozy phone zombies from stepping out into the road without looking
All windows on trains and buses will have a fixed opening of no more than 3cm
knives and forks will be abolished – you’ll just have to eat your fucking dinner with a spoon or your hands
Lycra-clad cyclists or cyclists with absolutely no lights or hi-viz can legally become easy game, and run over and flattened without the threat of prosecution – cunts!
Official documents, risk assessments and medical appraisals from doctors, psychologists and Health & Safety bods, signed in triplicate for any daft suicidal cunt who wants to pork Flabbott up the pantry passage (or any part of her anatomy come to that)
Bugger- my post in Moderation because I stupidly used the word do.c.u.m.entation.
I really must remember this
Just use ‘paperwork’ instead.
Can I just say one thing in defence of porking the Flabbott – given her legendary Vorderman-like mathematical skills it would be the only time in your life you could tell a woman you’ve got a fourteen inch cock and she wouldn’t know any different……
To the local Police station every Friday, line up, cuff round the head.
Repeat until dead or capable of common sense.
Good common sense English solutions!
Thanks admin
Adding to the problem, the Government funded Central Office of Information (COI) which made these public information films was closed in 2011 after 65 years of production.
Besides, nobody watches the BBC anymore, so I doubt showing those films today would make much difference anyway.
They also used to show those films at the cinema. Do they still run them? I doubt it. Haven’t been to the pictures for 20 years plus.
They should bring back playing the National Anthem, whilst projecting a shot of Andrew Porchester-Windsor and his gurly fwend on the screen.
That’d learn them.
In my day you would have got a thick ear for being a twat.
I’d fine the parents for failing to instill a sense of right and wrong.
Cunts .
Trouble is, if you put warning signs along all your property buildings and fencing, detailing all the risks and dangers a cunt may face if they enter, you would have write it in 10 different languages given the way this country is now culturally enriched! (just like you see when you open a new electronic device, you’ll find one page on how to use the fucking thing, but something verging on the size of a paperback book listing health & safety in 20 languages!)
I bet the third one with PTSD developed it at the exact time his, no doubt, pikey family discovered that you might be able to monetise their kids dumbfuckery
I’m just waiting for DB to be sued, after making the changes, for stopping the local young people having the enjoyment of vandalising trains with their “cultural street art” – graffiti to the rest of us.
Silly boys give trespassing a bad name!
Nothing better than wandering around and ‘finding’ stuff!
If i see a sign saying ‘keepout’ or ‘private property’ in straight in!!
Found allsorts of treasure!
Tools, chainsaws, golf clubs, even a packed lunch left on the seat of a land rover!
No get outdoors, have fun, help yourself!!?
Did the “packed lunch” contain caviar,Quails eggs,roast Partridge, pressed-duck sandwiches (with the crusts cut off) and a fine bottle of Claret?…if so,it was mine.
You should be put on a Govt. watch list.
Hehee im a dreadful liar Dick!
Knew thatd get your response?
Never stolen or intentionally trespassed really, but in all honesty sometimes im shocked by peoples lack of security!
Cant beat dogs, or as you and Bertie were saying recently geese.
Here is a recipe for my Pressed-Duck if anyone cares to sample the finer things in life….
First, a duck (preferably young and plump[4]) is asphyxiated to retain the blood. The duck is then partially roasted. Its liver is ground and seasoned, then the legs and breast are removed.
The remaining carcass (including other meat, bones, and skin) is then put in a specially-designed press, similar to a wine press. Pressure is then applied to extract duck blood and other juices from the carcass. The extract is thickened and flavoured with the duck’s liver, butter, and cognac, and then combined with the breast to finish cooking
I,of course, often have it.
Are you having a ‘chippy dinner” today,Miserable?
Certainly! I am afterall a englishman.
Friday should be fish not meat.
Know what im craving trout at the moment? Must need the oils or something?
Body tells you what you need in your diet, and im craving fish.
That duck sounds good but youd have to strangle mine for me,
Only thing ive ever strangled was a prostitute on some wasteground.
As long as no animals were harmed that’s fine Miserable. What’s hard, brown and fucks prostitutes?
Peter Sutcliffe’s hammer…..
Wonder if this will end up on you’ve been framed, that is funny as fuck, bellends of the highest order
Between the three families 1.7 million isn’t going to go to far in this day an age of fancy gadgets and shit. A million wisely invested can set up a small family for life as long as your prudent with the interest made. These fuckwits will have spent the compo within five years and be back to square one with nothing to show but a two year old iPhone11 pro each and car they can’t afford to insure, not that they probably insured it it the first place. Fucking beanies.
Afore we went travelling in 2013, we spent a period of time living in Sarfend-on-Sea livin wiv me bruvva.
Anyway, one day the trains were delayed, then cancelled and it was an utter cunt.
A little later we found out that the cause of this disruption was a potential Darwin Award winning cunt of the first order.
The section of line between Leigh-on-Sea and Benfleet is wide open, with just a few cattle and some lovely views. Or as this idiot surmised `the perfect place to chuck a length of chain over the overhead head cables to pull them down and make off with the wire for scrap’. This being at a time in Essex when if it was made of metal it was fair game for pikey’s.
Needless to say (as expleined in some gory detail by an associate of mine who works in one of the relevant authorities with a direct interest in the incident) the corpse was basically a blackened husk.
Why only a potential Darwin Award winner? Well who knows this silly cunt may well have bred before his demise. If not he’s clearly a winner.
Apparently one of these youths mentioned in the nom is suffering from emotional scarring. He’d be suffering from more than that if my boot connected with his arse. As though hospital staff hadn’t got enough to do looking after people who are ill through no fault of their own.
Well at least we can have the satisfaction they will never have a girlfriend and they will get the piss taken out of them at school , Hey mate whats it like to look like a melting candle ? .Nothing more crueler than kids , well apart from me that is .
When I was 20 I did mainly stupid things. And the younger I got the more stupid things I did, back to about 10 or 11 I suppose. At night we found the easiest way to walk home e.g. at half-past-three in the morning when the trains weren’t running, was along the railway track due to no hills. At no stage did anyone need to tell me not to climb on trains (electric or otherwise) not even if we were all on nitric acid seeing spots and smoking ourselves blue in the face. If family members had suggested not climbing on trains obviously I’d have told them they were mad then not gone home for a week – but they would never have demeaned themselves by thinking they NEEDED to tell me.
I was surprised that these specimens survived.
Perhaps in the new millennium a higher voltage would be beneficial? I’m thinking of the environment. A megavolt system would require thinner wires which means less smelting of ores so less carbon dioxide emitted. More efficient trains and more air for sea mammals. A real win-win.
How the fuck did you manage to post that in the not so breaking news thread?
That was supposed to be in “Trespassing Youths”
Done!, I wasted 15 minuets of my life pulling all those comments from the wrong places and putting them in one place and you go and do that, I am having a fucking OCD melt down here.
Ahhhhhh the smell of burning flesh , well i’d rather have my skin than all that money and wander around looking like Simon Western and Freddie Kruger .I remember when i lived in London for awhile and i was waiting for the tube train and some pissed up Asian decided to lay himself on the track to kill himself . Lucky for him some good fucking samaritan (much to my disappointment ) decided to quickly jump down and drag him off , wouldn’t mind but it ruined my fucking day that did the do gooding cunt.
This just a current phase – they wooo-oooo-ooonnnn-tttttttt do it aga-aaaaaaaaaaaaa-iiiiii-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (shudda let go there, phew)
I was just wondering to myself especially with the amount of money that was shelled out , these kids by any chance were they black?.