Tracy Brabin MP

Tracy Brabin is some MP who thinks it’s appropriate to turn up to work looking like she’s just been roughly fucked over a wheelie bin.

Seriously love, you’re a lawmaker, not hosting a swingers party. Naturally, she’s now crying sexism and how women are judged more harshly than men. I’ve never seen a man dressed like that for work. If Ian Blackford turned up to PMQ’s in a fucking toga, we’d treat him the same way. It’s because you’re a woman you get as much slack as you do. If you were a man, you’d rightly be told to put some fucking clothes on, or be ejected from the chamber, you wrinkly whore bag.

Nominated by Agent Double-O Shagga

68 thoughts on “Tracy Brabin MP

  1. The guy behind her is thinking intently, ‘Don’t look at her side-boob, don’t look at her side-boob, don’t look at her side-boob, just keep looking at her face…’

      • Richard Burgon is the cunt, if you’ve bothered to pain yourself watching Question Time over the past couple of years, … when he gets a bit of a round of applause for an answer from an obvious left wing in house audience …. he picks up on it and chooses to answer all, and I mean ALL fucking questions with the same answer so as to look as if he’s got everything nailed down.
        He’s one good reason as why not to vote labour …. Cunt.

        Oh … and the ‘off the shoulder’ mutton dressed as lamb slapper … I couldn’t decide if she was on her way out to a swingers party, or on her way back. There’s a time and place for looking ‘cheap’.

    • I thought he was averting his nose from the mix of Eau de Primark and alcoholic sweat wafting from the exposed armpit. Still, she’s MP for Batley so he should be glad the blend doesn’t include curry.

      • She just looks like she has come from a night out on the piss without having any sleep and gone straight to the house of commons . Looking at her she should be in the house of commoners.

    • We should reserve judgment until Mrs Boggs makes her feelings known, she’s the expert in these things.

    • Actress? That’s stretching things. From what little I’ve seen they are assorted northerners with no acting ability evident.

  2. She borrowed that top off Flabbott an now everyones taking the piss,
    Saying nasty things like “bummed off the binmen” an “old slag”
    Feel dead sorry for Trace!
    Earning good money play acting for ITV then earning good money play acting for Labour, its hard to find time to go clothes shopping.
    Nothing wrong with looking like a whore in parliament!

    Ps dont really feel sorry for you Trace!

    • Sort of on Topic,
      Anyone seen Michael fabricants new wig?
      Its a crowd pleaser!
      Phil spectors jealous.

      • Completely off topic, Northern Ireland had its first gay wedding today since legalization and the pair of lovely lezzas getting hitched weren’t blue haired, pierced minging land whales.

        Miserable, Flabbott should be confined to hazmat suit or a burka.

      • Sorry LL i disagree,
        Im all for ‘if youve got it flaunt it’
        The enchanting Ms Abbott should be in a mini skirt or short shorts,
        A midriff bearing skimpy top.
        If Tracy can dress like a slag why cant Di?
        Thats discrimination!!☺

      • Fuck me MNC Diane Abbott dressed like that ?,could you imagine her naked ? she would look like a badly sunburned seal .

      • Yeah Telly, like a government warning over eating to much fried chicken.
        Meaty,beaty, big n bouncy, Di.
        Tottering past in six inch heels, shakin her cellulite….?

      • So they can now say girl in Ireland, are they worth watching or the usual Grenham common types

      • Not sure why but their are a lot of Lezzers from Ireland and they all look like Oileen Foster. You know the type , they look like 1950’s car mechanics.

    • She looks like Monster from the Deep…

      Give me Penny Mordaunt in her swimsuit any day (or night)…

      • She actually looked attractive if i’m honest and didn’t look bad at all in that swimsuit.

  3. I think it is what is known as a GILF, or rather, a granny i wouldn’t much like to fuck.

    She is the replacement for Jo Cox. I visited Batley in the summer of 2019, it is almost entirely populated by chicken shop diversity friendlies – taxi drivers, Pakistanis, Muslimists etc.

    In Batley I stopped in stationary traffic outside a school at lunch time, 200 smiling faces of the pupils, 200 black and brown faces, there MIGHT have been ONE unsmiling white face amongst them.

    Watch House of Commons Live and cast your eyes to the Left side. All the Labourites are so fucking god damned scruffy. If they’re not letting their tits fall out like this loose northern granny. Or wearing t-shirts, wrinkled clothings, clothing totally inappropriate for conducting allegedly professional work.

    On the Right side, the ladies and gents of the Conservative party are all nicely, respectfully, tastefully dressed. On the Left side the Labourites dress like the people that they represent – Scruffy Fuckers.

  4. I’v;e just looked at her profile on wiki and she has done loads of stuff in acting and even writing episodes for some well known programme’s, she is obviously fairly talented in that field so why the fuck doesn’t she stick to what she knows instead of delving into things she knows fuck all about. What next ? , Gok won running for Mayor of London .

    • Gok sucker may as well be mayor of London, he can’t be worse than fresh Pesh from Bangladesh ♋

    • Probably because of a guaranteed £75,000 a year plus expenses and a second home and a self inflated ego she can force onto MSM once a fortnight.

  5. Ian Blackford. Now the mere sight of that pig ugly cunt makes me want to heave, and that’s before he even opens his repulsive fat gob.

    • That smarmy superiority complex he has complements his sweaty demeanour. A colossal wanker.

      • I wish that Scottish hill of shit would trip over, fall into Tracy Brabin ‘s smelly Wizard sleeve, and magically disappear.

  6. Ian Blackford in a toga. ?

    Not as ridiculous as watching him having to heave around his portly frame in a tweed 3-piece.

    • Surely the piggy-eyed fat cunt in a suit is “cultural misappropriation” ?
      Shouldn’t he be covered in dung and straw ?

  7. She was shite in Corrie.. Truth be told, she was a bit of a comedown for known Street ladies man, Terry Duckworth… Even Curly deserved better than that…

    Des Barnes (remember that cunt?) had a wife who I easily could have banged the doors off back in the day…

  8. I would slip her a length and claim I mistook her for Phillip Schofield, wait a minute…. would I fuck? What I meant Jeanette krankie. . Jesus.. I meant Nicola sturgeon…

  9. Me and the missus had arranged to meet in the pub at lunchtime. When I arrived she was already there, so I got a beer and went over and sat with her. She had a strange look on her face and totally out of the blue proceeded to tell me about the three men she’d had sex with before we met.
    I said, “Fuck me, I was only twenty minutes late”….

    • Yeah that’s what Schofields wife said to him , he said fuck me love i thought i could taste your pussy there cocks .

  10. Tracy has auctioned her dress on eBay……..for charidee naturally. The bids are up to 17 grand at the moment. Now who would pay 17 grand for this rag. Obviously some rich, remoaner libtard cunt.
    Step forward Gina fucking whorebag Miller!

  11. Missus is watching the Brits at 40 , i’m just sat here typing and glancing over the TV and i’m like yeah he;s a cunt , he;s a gay cunt , he;s a black cunt , he;s hates whites so he;s a cunt , she;s a cunt , he;s a shit cunt , he;s a fat cunt . Only decent thing it’s showed is when Jarvis Cocker stormed the stage on Michael ( i’ll pay you to be quiet) Jackson;s performance of the earth song . Jarvis you are a fucking legend. Tracy Brabin your a cunt .

  12. Not being sexist but this old trout is mutton dressed as lamb, obviously past her sell by date and to late to be flashing some skin in the hope people won’t realise she is a talentless old slapper, the Scarry thing is this fucktard gets to influence important decisions and she obviously didn’t have the nouse to look in a fucking mirror before she goes to work, it would be ok if she was swinging her handbag on some street corner……and she wonders why she,s getting a hard time….daft cunt….

  13. I am thinking “Friends Romans! Countrymen!” bit of a toga thing going on,
    either I am to young or to old to give a fuck,

  14. The pernicious metamorphosis of Parliament from a place of professionals (+++ years ago) to one now comprising grandstanders, motormouths, race-baiters, wannabee entertainers, nutjobs, misandrists, bead jigglers, cock-sucking weasels, English-haters, whitey-haters, shitstabbers, and cunt whores like Brabin who would likely suck cock in exchange for ciggies.

    Fuck off.

    • In the 70s & 80s the labour benches featured intellectual heavyweights who though misguided had deep knowledge and intelligence. These days it’s fucking amateur hour with bona fide retards like cross-eyed Marsha. And as another poster said they are as sloppy in appearance as they are deficient in intellect.

  15. Dresses like a streetwalker in the Commons. Mmm, perhaps a bikini will do when meeting foreign dignitaries?

    Common as muck.

  16. Don’t forget. We keep being told we need more women in parliament to reflect…blah blah blah.
    Why. Almost every Lib dump or Labour woman is a complete damp squib and thicker than Flabbotts midrif.

  17. They were talking about this scruffy cunt on bbc breakfast. All the women on the panel saw fit to moan how hard it was to decide what was work appropriate so as not to attract criticism. What cobblers, women have far more licence to wear what they choose to at work.

  18. You’re a professional, dearie … or is it a pro? Decide which it is to be and dress accordingly.

    Fucking ‘ell. I am sick of these disgraces. You give women a bad name.

    Sometimes I despair of my sex.

  19. She looks like the tarts you see in Cardiff on a Saturday night, you know the ones, tray of chips on the floor, knickers around the ankles taking a piss in a shop doorway.
    Classy women in Cardiff the most culturely inriched city in Wales after Newport ,Swansea and Myrthre Tydtvill I think I spelt that wrong, but the locals couldn’t do better or it’s off for a career in parliament…..come on it may as well be now that we’re trawling the shallow end of the gene pool .

  20. If this fucking thick slapper can’t see that what she was wearing was inappropriate, then she should be barred from the House of Commons. I’m no prude but fuck me how standards have fallen in this country. When I first started work in the late seventies at the tender age of 16 at a head office of one of the major banks, the men had to wear a suit and tie even though we didn’t have any dealings with the public. The women were expected not to show too much flesh and were sent home to change if they were, the spoilsport cunts.

  21. She looks like one of those women that has gone to an 80.s revival weekend, got too excited, too intoxicated and end up getting fucked against the rubbish bin behind the pub whilst Luther vandross warbles away in the background………?

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