Earlier this month, King, an Academy member, drew criticism for saying on Twitter that he “would never consider diversity”, when voting for the Oscars.
Now the cunt has backtracked on what was a perfectly reasonable mainstream statement. In essence, quality is blind. He is wriggling and squirming in the face of a woke twatter storm by cunts who matter not one jot.
Steven King, a disappointing mega cunt.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Stephen King has mislaid his balls. If anyone finds them, please return to the owner at the following address: Some big fuck-off house in Bangor, Maine, USA.
I was mightily surprised that after being chastised by snowflake, woke fuckheads on Twatter about his very rational and level-headed comments regarding Oscar voting, that he saw fit to placate the cunts by backtracking and trying to excuse something that really did not need to be excused, as he did absolutely nothing wrong except speak honestly and with a lot of common sense.
King basically said that Oscar nominations should be based on nothing more than quality and that diversity, or intentional diversity, should not even be contemplated. If something is Oscar worthy, it is Oscar worthy, be it black, white or otherwise, or be made by or starring black, white or otherwise individuals. It’s selection should be based on nothing more than how good it is, it’s artistry, etc. I for one see nothing wrong with what he said, yet the woke cunts of this world have of course immediately taken offence, twisted his words into being something unacceptable and cajoled him into explaining and apologising. They fail to understand that he was not saying the subject of diversity was not an issue, but that it should not be a basis on which a nomination is made or an Oscar given.
For fuck’s sake Stephen, get a grip. Why do you care what these fuckheads think? You should have stood by your statement as it was very correct and the vast majority of people would agree with you.
Take a leaf out of your own books, do a ‘Carrie’ or a ‘Pennywise’ on them and fuck shit up without ANY apologies. If the ludicrous woke of this world don’t like that, fuck ’em.
Nominated by Nurse Cunty
Great nom.
I’ll never understand why people like King make a statement (in this case a perfectly reasonable one) and then feel the need to grovel because some woke arsehole or other gets their panties in a twist. When will people learn that snivelling an apology to these cunts only makes them smell blood?
If he had half a bollock, he’d tell them that’s his opinion, he’s entitled to it, and that anyone who’s got a problem can fucking well fuck right off.
If the novel “Sleeping Beauties” is anything to go by, King’s balls have packed their suitcases and left him in disgust…
If I had his money I’d be saying what I wanted to and telling anybody that objected to fuck right off.
Aye agreed Moggie but having balls is a scarcer commodity now more than at any other time.
Too many spineless cunts! !
Hey, my comment disappeared.
Was it the reference to his marching powder habit?
They did it to me twice but then it got posted over an hour later, saying that i did a blinding slagging off on Stormzy last night and it was one hell of a long slagging off . That didn’t see the light of day and got removed , i suppose my reference to the KKK didn’t help matters lol. ahhhh fuck em.
Take care that you don’t become one of the ‘disappeared!’
Only yesterday, it was described in graphic detail in the ‘So’ nom. what happened to a poster who had stirred up the ire of Admin. Their reach is omnipotent.
The ‘disappeared of IsAC cunters’ would make a great Stephen King film adaption, ghostly calls of “Fuck off” and This country is finished” by unseen beings in the murky underworld of admin moderation.
? Evening LL. My mantra when I go on the site is respect Admin. or be prepared to end up as hardcore for the HS2 project!
Yeah with Diane Abbott as the key master lol
All wandering round the Overlook Hotel, “all work and no play is the fault of the EU”.
Or popping up from drains
“Come down here, we all float down here, no dark keys down here”….
Ahhhhh fuck em , lets be honest you build a website named is a cunt what do you except pleasantries and flowers lol. Thanks for the heads up though .
He has no convictions or mettle. He’s loaded, why the fuck does he need to kowtow to these online freaks?
Shame, hes lost his mojo.
Liked ‘IT’ ‘salems lot’ ‘Misery’ and stories like ‘shawshank redemption’
He was a good writer.
A successful, rich, man who doesnt need to bow to pressure, hes old & rich enough that if blacklisted it wouldn’t mean shit.
Thanks for the books Steve,
But wont bother with any new ones.
Yeah because this spineless bastard will make sure all his future books will be diverse and have black leading characters . I mean a few years ago when they all kicked up a fuss about the Oscars because no blacks were in the nominations. You had Will (i’m a cunt ) smith and his bitch of a wife and cunt chops Idris fucking elba and i couldn’t direct my piss into the toilet Spike lee and other’s boycotted the Oscars , childish fucking dummy throwing wankers. What did they all do in return , they had there own diversity awards . They made a film Black fucking panther where all the cast and director was black , they have there own black TV channels they have there fucking MOBO awards . Do we go on about it pissing and moaning etc on radio and TV , thing is nothing is never enough for them they get what they want and they still want more and fucking more always moaning about racism and being hard done by . These type of people are the cunts of the highest order no other cunts can beat them and that’s why i despise the very thing they stand for and the ground they fucking stand and moan on.
Black Panther’s fictional nation of Wakanda was an isolationist ethnostate.
Uncle Adolf would have been so proud…
Ahhhh thank you for opening the Hitler door for me , I’d rather live under Nazi rule then have to constantly day in and day out listen to all this pile of pig shit that these wankers come out with. My answer well its 3 letters and the first letter begins with K
Ach! You are velcome, Englander… ?
His original comments are spot on . It’s about the quality not the sex, colour or gaynessness of the people involved in the making of the films..
Fuck the righteous lefty right on cunts and never give in to their ideals .
Hang em high .
Says mince pie guy
Could be a new BBC or Channel 4 ‘comedy’.
‘Never mind the quality feel the diversity’, featuring Nish Kumar and a multitude of other hilarious lefty woke twats.
And lets not forget to include Diane (whats my name again) Abbott and obviously David ( the whites are to blame for everything , even my fat fucking face and body as i’m a racist cunt ) Lammy .
Wondered where you’d got to Mpg. Did you get sidetracked by some quality cock?
Yes Allan.
A six month stretch at her majesty’s pleasure.
Photo looks like John Major with a syrup.
Bertie knows too much…
I am so far gone in far-right ultranationalist populist racist hate that I genuinely can’t see how anyone at all could object to his original statement. Wasn’t the objective of the wokeists equality? What other way of obtaining that, in terms of recognition, do the cunts propose? Answer, none, of course. Preferential treatment for a subset of the population based on nothing but ethnicity is what the cunts want. Hang on a minute, isn’t that what Hitler wanted too? Must work on my right wing a bit – I didn’t see that immediately!
And agreed, King’s a chickenlivered cunt for reneging.
He’s been on the left for years, he’s supported people who push identity politics and then suddenly he’s woken up when he’s realised identity politics could destroy something he loves. Too late Mr King, it’s no good supporting a principle after you’ve helped to destroy it. You hate Trump and his wall but don’t like it when the weeds are planted in your own garden.
Lack of common sense, not lack of diversity.
Olympic 100 metre sprint, oh ever finalist is black, that can’t be right why aren’t there any white, we need to sort that out Right!
Oscar/BAFTA, all the director nominations are white, that can’t be right, we need diversity, WHY!
King is a cunt, states the obvious and then has to apologise for being right.
What a load of bollocks!
Yes totally right , maybe in the hundred meters we should make them run with chains round there ankles , you know just like the fucking old days.
Tell you what despite what some people think of Russia and Putin he wouldn’t stand for this shit same as the Muslims when he said if you wanna pray to Allah do it in a Muslim country cause you ain’t doing it here , this guy got it fucking right . If you don’t like it then fuck off .
Off piste, but cavern-nostriled race baiter, Dawn Butler has been butt hurting in the media because the woke BBC confused her with the other dark key gob on a stick, Marsha de Cordova.
How could the BBC make such a schoolboy error? The shame of it. According to Butler, of course entrenched waycism is to blame. Clearly the BBC needs to walk the walk now and up its game several fold.
Rather funny, actually. Three parties getting their tits in a knot for the price of one!
Lardbutt has a history of making up stories about being racially abused in the Commons. Or being mistaken for menial sub-primates in the lift. Professional racist. Don’t believe a word she utters.
This moron needs to be put up with the other dark key mental midgets, like Abbott and the cross-eyed one, as the public face of the labour party. Like AOC and the ‘strong women of colour’ in the US it’ll destroy them for a generation and let people know what the future of massive 3rd world immigration holds.
I don’t blame King for loosing his gonads on this. The woke brigade in the USA is damn viscous and make the SS look like Village People. King’s life would be a misery if he didn’t try and make amends. That’s a tragedy.
The man could buy his own country and who needs friends anyway.
I get confused between Lardbutt and crosseyed Marsha,
Like the BBC i can barely tell them apart!
If Marsha didnt have the peepers focused on her nose id be lost.
Except for that they’re fucking identical! Have they ever been seen in the chamber at the same time, or is this just more vote-rigging from Liebour having the same colour-appropriate candidate standing in two London slum constituencies and pulling a retard face to confuse us?
Do you think theyd mind wearing name tags?
“Im Dawn”
“Im crosseyed Marsha”
To avoid confusion, or is that racist?
Maybe Dawn could wear a t-shirt wi “im with crosseyed” to help?
Why is it when i mention they look like twins and mention those cross eyes me reply gets taken off . Surely i wasn’t that harsh ………or was i ??
Evening Telly!
You might be using words that trigger moderation mate?
Any word containing ‘cüm’ being one,
RTC is the best person for letting you know trigger words, but you suss them as you go.
Still get moderated like.
Yeah iv’e had a few moderated to be fair but i am new to this site so i guess it’s learn as you go , thanks for the advice mate. Hopefully i last till the end of the week lol.
I wonder if being some sort of permanantly offended lefty woke diversity obsessed twat helps to get you a shag these days?
If so, that would explain alot to me.
When you need to take an injection to get a hard on like Harvey Weinstein because of all the soy suppressing your man hormones, it wouldn’t be worth it anyway.
Well seeing as he’s a democrat it’s hardly surprising.
Who’s got Kirk Douglas in the Deadpool?
Bob Frapples.
See the Deadpool page CG?
Evening MNC
Evening Admin
You well?
Me an the dog enjoying a nice frosty walk! ?
Evening Miserable. I think it’s only a matter of time before you’re offered an Admin post! You brown noser!
Nothing wrong wi being polite Bertie,
Im never sure which admin it is whos on, the one whos nice to me or the one who threatens me!?
So polite to all!
You should try it!??
Being 6’8 and with your Thor hammer would keep any reprobates in line Miserable, Percy would still give you lip though probably.
Hows tricks LL?
Im in a very mellow mood an good spirits tonight, got the lower part of the house to myself, even the dogs wandered off, thinking film and a beer!
I’m well Mis, just watching Dredd myself, a vast improvement on the Stallone 90’s effort.
Yeah seen that, definitely better than Slys effort!
Im gonna have a kirk Douglas tribute just sticking ‘the vikings’ on!!???
A good choice Miserable, fill my drinking horn wench!
Yeah evening Admin you miserable bunch of cunts .
Cheers i’m a bit behind the times cunt
Just seen it on the news that he’s pegged it
This woke stuff pisses me off, I sort of lost my rag at work today.
We have a problem, a group of shop lifters has chosen to target us, ok plain speaking we are being hit by a pikey gang, they managed to use distraction to nick one item.
They legged it and have come back in numerous vehicles, but it is the same 3 players, one on distraction one on driving and one nicking.
Well I lost it today with the boss and the staff, whilst I was doing something out of the shop area shit bag came in and they sat like gofers behind the counter and did fuck all, when I heard about it we had a very frank team talk.
” If they find you to be an easy target they will bring their friends in, next thing you know they will come as a larger group and threaten you with violence, take what they want and come back”
The manager mentioned something about harassment and another one mentioned not wanting to be hurt.
“It is not harassment to offer a customer a one on one, customer experience, it is called customer service! stay with them offer advice on products and ask what there needs are, They will not hurt you if you are on the floor in force”.
About two hours later our little Leprechaun was back and received the best customer service ever, In fact I might suggest he was kettled into a corner where his needs were explored by sympathetic staff.
He left without making a purchase.
Staff happy on a big win, Manager happy on a PC solution and I doubt he will be back (though he probably will)
Bit of topic but evening LB
simper simper and you admin XXX
Fuck off
Excellent Lord Benny. My advice to you is to break away and start up your own security firm!
I got the impression the pikey cunt always left without making a purchase?
Was he a bogtrotter, by any chance?…
What a fucking spineless lily-livered cunt. Seems like he’s OK when he’s dishing out shit like he does to Tango Man but as soon as he gets some shit back he goes crying like a fucking pussy. Grow a pair, you fucking limp wristed spastic, there was absolutely nothing wrong with your original comments. Incidentally, if I were for example a Western Oriental Gentleman, I would be fucking livid if I was given an award just because I was non-white and not because of my ability. That is true racism.
Being scared is for pussies and children. Shoulders back. Carpe Diem.
The logical woke conclusion for education is exams only to be marked on ethnicity/gayness whatever.
As for films, well the Godfather loses out to Black Panther, obviously, so a retrospective Oscar should be awarded.
It’s a shame sub-Saharan Africans couldn’t write (or count, build or fathom out the wheel come that) or we could sweep away all this white, western crap and replace it with works of great African wisdom.
And Orwell with his Ministry of Truth – pale white propaganda.
King is still a cunt.
That Black Panther film is a load of woke racist shite. Have you tried watching the heap of woke, racist bollocks?
Well i’m off now but one thing iv’e established today is channel 4 are cunts , Nicola Sturgeon along with some Scots are cunts and Stephen King is a cunt . So cunt night fellow cunts.
Stephen King is a monumental sinkhole of a pussy…. Another servile snivelling scraping cunt, who crawls to the faceless social media mob and the Woke Nazi Party,….
Excellent Cunting, Sirs.
I am thoroughly SICK of hearing about Diversity, for diversity has played a large part in the ruination of the UK.
Stephen King is old enough, successful enough, rich enough and ugly enough to put out an even more strongly worded press released, if he had any balls or guts.
What a fucking simpering poofy retractable clown.
That’s twice my post has disappeared when I mentioned his marching powder habit…
Total pisshead in his earlier days too.
Testing testing 1, 2, 3
The woke way is the only way, you do not need talent you just have to be anything other than White middle aged male.
Labour MP (cough!) Tracy Brabin, who faced criticism for wearing an off-the-shoulder dress in the Commons, is now auctioning it online for charity…
What a fucking surprise, eh?… A ‘gesture’ straight out of the Phoebe Waller Cunt book of ‘Doing my bit for charity, but actually promoting myself’… What a self pubIicising look at me cunt… And who in their right mind is falling for the ‘it fell down off my shoulder because of a broken ankle’ bit?… Brabin did go to stage school and knows all the tricks…. She’s probably after a comeback spot on Corrie, or some other low rent TV gig….
Silly old Tom. She is 58, not 18 for fuck’s sake.
Mutton dressed as mutton.
I almost bauked up my dinner.
Bowked not bauked. Silly cunt I am.
She wasn’t even sexy in her Corrie days either, Paul…
Mutton dressed as Spam….
The thing with cunts like Brabin, Phoebe Waller Fucking Cunt and numerous other celebrtwats is they just have to blab about any ‘charity’ activity… They can’t just do it anonymously like any other fucker… They do it for their own self promotion and to get publicity… Also, Brabin (like Waller Cunt) is actually giving fuck all…. Auctioning something means some other daft cunt is doing the paying… Cunts of the highest fucking order…
If there was an all time Corrie Totty list, Brabin wouldn’t get near the Top 40….
If there was Corrie Best Actress list, Brabin wouldn’t even get near the Top 100…
Tracy Brabin the failed actress – clearly the most diverse CV for a Politician!
Diversity – whitey out
Inclusivity – whitey out
Quotas – whitey out
Positive discrimination – whitey out
Political correctness – whitey out
Our present – whitey out
But when whitey is extinct, who will invent, develop, maintain, improve and repair everything?
Fucking Question Time. Talking about rehabilitation for culturally enriched terrorism whilst ensuring ‘white supremacy’ is also mentioned just to be politically correct (while the camera pans in on every brown face in the audience). Why are they concentrating so much on ‘rehabilitation’. Fuck it then. Just let the Yorkshire Ripper out by this logic. He killed less people than these cunts do in one go. And what’s going on with the guy on the panel who looks like my nan?
I don’t know what goes on in peoples minds.
Maybe after he said his opinion, and recieved negative feedback, he probably thought, ‘Sh*t! I hope I haven’t forked up my future book sales.
All the nay sayers will boycott. How do I fix this…?’
Shut up you Queen and get yourself a decent pair of specs instead of those jam-jar bottoms held together with chicken wire.
Emergency cunting for NANCY PELOSI, tearing up Trump’s State Of The Union address after he delivered it, in front of the entire media and the world. The satanic, demented witch in one epochal moment just threw off her cloak and admitted, yes, the DemoNRats are the party that wants to impose their iron cloak on America. The variously child-like and yet adult-psychotic behaviour, facial expressions and body language as she did this is so purely indicative of ‘ner ner ner ner ner’ politics. Her and her brand of ‘politics’ has been exposed for the pure Communist, Marxist, death-to-democracy sham that it is.
And that’s before Killary Clit-off is going to ‘surprisingly’ throw herself into the ring as DemonRat nominee. We all know what you are Killary, a child-trafficking funding, satanic witch who is on record about wanting to ‘sacrifice a chicken to Moloch’ in your back yard. You can ‘run’ but you can’t hide you PIECE OF P-PHILIC S-TANIC GARBAGE.
Quality over quantity always!
The cream will rise to the top naturally irrespective of some cosmetic or biological trait.
Stop forcing shit to float! No one wins that way.