Politics in TV and Film

Politics in TV shows and movies is a cunt. If you hate Trump, Boris or Brexit. If you love people who think wearing a skirt makes them a woman. If you think the world will end in 12 years because the changing climate will make the Earth uninhabitable, fine. You go ahead and think that. You have every right to believe whatever the fuck you want. I don’t care.

What you do NOT have, is the right to force your beliefs upon other people, via the mediums of film and television. For too long now, we’ve had movies and TV shows that have purported to be one thing, but have turned out to be nothing but woke bullshit. The Watchmen TV show, which was on recently. Batwoman, Terminator Woke Fate, Charlies Angels, Ghostbusters 2016, Birds of Prey. All have been woke as fuck. All have carried the message that woman are superior in every way and men are shite. And all have fucking bombed worse than the weapon that hit Hiroshima. The latest examples of this bullshit are Star Trek Discovery, and Star Trek Picard.

Neither of these two shows bear any resemblance to what fans would recognise as Star Trek. To be fair, it’s partly because the rights are split between CBS and Viacom, which used to be one company, but are now two separate entities. Mainly though, it’s because the assholes who made them are woke, far left dickheads, who are more concerned with lecturing us on their far left politics than they are with doing their actual jobs, which is to entertain us. As a lifelong Trek fan, I was looking forward to seeing Star Trek Picard. Then Patrick ‘Slaphead’ Stewart had to proudly announce that the show would be an allegory for Trump’s presidency and Brexit. So, the actual science fiction can just go fuck itself then? Ok then, I’m out.

Just so I could claim to have an idea what I’m talking about, I’ve watched the first four episodes. It is, as I expected, shite. Picard is a shadow of the man he was in TNG. He’s constantly getting shouted at by women, and basically playing second fiddle in a show that carries his name. Oh yes, and he’s dying. If these smug pricks want to put their politics in a show, then they should make a fucking show about politics. Star Trek is supposed to be science fiction. Escapist entertainment. It’s always carried a political message to a degree, but it was done in a subtle way. STD and STP hit you in the face with an express train with their politics. And they can shove it up their arrogant asses. Smug cunts.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

74 thoughts on “Politics in TV and Film

  1. The Personal History of David Copperfield is a perfect example. An Asian guy as the hero of the story in a Dickens tale? Result – the film costs 15m USD to make. Box Office takings – 7m USD.

    I used to respect Dev Patel as an actor. But he couldn’t even be arsed to read the book. So much for getting into character.

    • Tbh I don’t think most people are arsed to read the book. But still, that is unbelievable that he didn’t read it.

  2. We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of woke…
    Do you feel lucky Trump?
    Well do ya?
    Films are for entertainment.
    Being preached too isnt entertaining.
    Fuck Hollywood, bunch of commie quêërs.

  3. I love Miss Marple with Joan Hickson: no dark keys, mudslimes, trannies or femanazis.

    • The same with Poroit ,or however you spell it. White wall to wall. And Morse but Lewis….hmmmm started to slide.
      If you’re woke don’t watch Colditz or anything from the 70’s you’ll be raging.
      Lefty cunts.

      Good nomination.

  4. Patrick Stewart is a bit of cunt anyway politics-wise.

    And as for his latest TV offering, well I knew it was going to be woke shite even before it was broadcast, and essentially they’re going to do a Dr Who on the character and basically erase him from the entire ST franchise for being a white male!

    No idea what the ratings are like for the show – it certainly won’t appeal to the old school, but of course they’re a bunch of racist, sexist cunts according to the latest woke mantra. Therefore it doesn’t matter if the show appeals to them or not.

    What the studios really want is to get the Millennials and Gen Zs sucked in, so they can be brainwashed with more woke bullshit.

    Personally they can do whatever the fuck they want because I won’t be onboard with any of it.

    Make it so, you cunts!

  5. Picard was always a bit of a pussy, I thought. Too worried about the “prime directive” and rights of androids, photonic lifeforms etc.
    Kirk- now he was a proper Captain. More interested in getting wedged up nurse Chappell, or seducing the latest tasty bit of alien fluff and wearing her as a hat……bit of a punch up….”we come in peace- shoot to kill, men”…..they wouldn’t be allowed to make it these days for fear of offending some degenerate or another.

    • Kirk and Sisko are my favourite captains. The Defiant being renamed USS Muthafuckin’ Pimp Hand was the highlight of DS9.

  6. Don’t worry, the bottom line is money. The Hollywood money men won’t go on bunging good money after bad when no cunt turns up to watch this snowflake shite. What the public really wants is Dirty Harry blowing sc*mbags away while the libtards cry and weep in the background.

    • Yes, good old Clint “Dirty Harry” Eastwood and his .44 Magnum

      “Do you feel lucky, punk?”

      Of course these days it would be Orlando “Slightly Edgy” Bloom and his Smartphone

      “Umm, hello. Can i interest you in a nice Hipster outfit with fetching non-binary undergarments, sir?”

      • “felching non-binary undergarments”…

        Given some of the noms I’ve seen recently (split-cocks, LimpDump dodgy dockers, fake solicitors et al.) I think I’ll invest in some cast-iron Y-fronts before I leave the house.

        It might not frighten the horses but, by Dog, it scares me witless.

  7. Good Morning,

    The worst Fucking offenders are, of course the BBCunts their drama is impossible to watch without being lectured. Killing Eve, which could have been a good story, all about women ‘empowering ‘ themselves, the chaps all being killed off, and a middle aged coronavirus carrier being a sex goddess.
    Interesting comments from Julian Fellowes (the world’s poshest playwright) that he offered Downton Abbey to the BBCunts and they wouldn’t have it without woke rewrites.

  8. Gene Roddenberry must be rotating in his grave at warp speed if the little I’ve seen of Discovery and Picard are anything to go by.
    Bye bye optimistic dreams of the future, hello dystopian misery because “Boohoo Donald Trump, Brexit, plebs voting wrong etc”
    And yes, bring back Dirty Harry.
    If only any cunt in Hollywood had the bollocks to so it…

    • They can’t there’s no actor who could play him like Clint.
      They’re all wishy washy sops today.

    • Rick Berman, who took over from Gene after he died, recently posted a tweet on twitter that read; “How is everyone enjoying the new Star Trek”? If we he was unsure before, he was left in doubt afterwards. So many people asked him to come back to Star Trek it’s untrue.

  9. Reluctant credit to Private Eye for this idea (cartoon, last week) : the agency for controlling offensive content in the media is under your control. It is ‘Offswitch’ (geddit?)

    I see the concern, and it’s not a simple issue. Entertainment is one thing, but social manipulation – in the BBC’s case apparently intentional – is quite another, and saying where the one ends and the other starts depends somewhat on your POV. That said, I think the pendulum is already beginning to swing back*, and Freddy’s right: follow the money.

    * from providing the yoof audience with an echo chamber

  10. Endeavour is also now losing its way with this shit…. Still good in parts with great acting, but they just had to have this sub-plot about men being referred to as ‘Barbarians’ and being kept out of a ‘Women only’ college… When a student is murdered, an investigating Morse gets a rant off a foam mouthed ‘feisty’ misandrist tutor: ‘Your fathers and brothers did this!’ Man hating propaganda of the highest order… Then a gang of feral colloge wimmin ‘having to defend themselves’ by stabbing a convenient to the plot made to order ‘horrible man’ en masse… Like Carry On Girts with knives… Add to this a typically oafish ‘sexist dinosaur’ who grabs young ladies tits and makes lecherous remarks…. All of which the story didn’t need and could have done without… This once excellent show is now bending to the PC mob and it’s a crying shame… Stick your Me Too up your arse…

    • My little lady likes that, However I can’t see the enjoyment of sitting on the sofa with your hands over your face saying “Tell me when it’s over”, during the best bits, occasionally I lie and say it is just to harden her up.

      • “My Little Lady!” you don’t call her that do you?

        OMG I am so fucking offended by that; I think I need to alert social media and Twatter in particular. This is simply not on. How very dare you, with your appalling possessive, sizist misogynistic stereotyping.

        Hate crime, that’s what this is, Hate Crime!

        Expect a knock on your door very soon from our Thoughtcrime specialist. You will be collected and taken to our special underground chambers for some important brain cleansing & mindset correction!

        I need to sit down and recover

    • Despite some of the clumsy retrospective PC shoehorning, Endeavour is one of the few TV dramas I still enjoy.

    • Bloody Endeavour script writers. Got through first episode, just about I might add, lecturing us bad sexist white men. Started second episode got ten minutes in and turned the TV off before my fish and chips hit it and warp speed.
      Then got a recommendation on Netflix for October Faction. Don’t just don’t do it.
      It’s a good job I have an extensive back catalogue in decent dvds to fall back on.
      Why do they need to do it?

    • The “sexist dinosaur” sounds a tad Savilesque…

      Feisty is a good adjective for many of da wimminz; it originated as flatulent…

      Endeavour indeed is still worth watching, with the caveats…Oddly, Anton Lesser’s acting when informed of Mrs. Bright’s death was superb. It left me moved in a way which I was not by the demise of a recent soshul meejah nonentity.
      Odd, that.

      Did Morse (the original) ever call Lewis a cunt ?? (Sorry, not quite the right thread, I know)…

      • The soshul meejah nonentity being Saint Caroline The Blessed Flac Of Arc? Another canonised by social media mongs celebrity…

        Anton Lesser is a brilliant actor, I agree… And what happened to WPC Truelove in Endeavour… A real cracker with great tits…

  11. Like all institutions (Film/Church/Press) survival depends upon collaboration with the mind set of the state.
    The BBC recently fucked up by betting on the wrong pony and will more than likely suffer for it, but regardless.
    Film has always been used as a “Nudge” to the consciousness of the nation, whether it be to hate the Germans or to rehabilitate/ revamp a cause.
    so there is nothing new here, the only difference and reason for the nomination is that the membership of this site is older and wiser, most of us have seen it all before and are tired of it, personally I would rather watch a historical documentary or an engineering program than “Batwoman” or any other shit like that, Not because I am an old cunt but because I am not a fucking child.

      • Just done it myself on the previous cunting. Beats me how every bad word I can think of gets through but the trap closes on “cüm”

      • As I have explained before, the cüm word was added to the WordPress list of trigger words to prevent people posting links of leaked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence’s pretty face dripping with jizz.

        At that time all those links had the cüm word in them.

        But that was yonks ago. WordPress should have removed cüm from the list but they haven’t.

      • Funny how “certain actress”, “face”, and “jizz” doesn’t trigger…
        Thank Dog.

        Anyone for “Helen Belcher’s face dripping with jizz” ?
        Thought not.

      • where as “sucking a butt plug found on the floor of the gents at waterloo” will not.
        fucking odd/

      • Fascinating nom this as I hardly watch tv or films anymore and I think Quickdraw has made me realise why. Just seeing the word ‘trigger’ used in Lord B’s post reminded me of my complete DVD set of Only Fools & Horses bought just a few years ago. I thought I was buying an exact replacement for my old video cassette tapes that I binned but instead found that the all the episodes had been edited with chunks removed presumably to comply with modern political correctness by the BBC. I was fucking furious.

        An example I can give to fans of the sitcom is in the episode called ‘A Royal Flush’ where numerous parts have been removed and unless you’re new to it you will be disappointed when anticipated scenes fail to appear. I decided to investigate the edits on the net and was led to believe that David Jason and the late script writers family wanted the cuts because it made Del look nasty. Utter bullshit I say, why were the scenes included in the first place?

        Another example of the cunt BBC and their woke brigade of editors spoiling what was for me a hilarious comedy. Fucking killjoys.

    • Batwoman; another TV program without any idea who it was made for. Mrs Who is going the same way.

  12. The quicker Boris fucks over the BBC with its TV licence the better (assuming he doesn’t bottle it).

  13. As we all know, Doctor Who is now the biggest pile of woke SJW PC fuckflake turd on the telly… Once a great bit of science fiction escapism with a boys own hero and great villains, it is now a load of ‘progressive’ crap featuring that stupid bloody woman, numerous right on black characters, that daft cow who mentions ‘Parking Stanley heritage’ ever other minute, and the stupid white middle aged bloke who is a comedy relief… Instead of Daleks and Ice Warriors, we now get lectures on Rosa Parks, climate change, poofery, Brexit, and how all all straight white men are either/or thickos or bastards…. Even the Master is now a joke… Changing him into a woman (fucking ‘Missy’) was bad enough… Now they’ve changed the character into yet another ‘enriching’ type… Another packing stan lee… Frankly it’s an insult to intelligence and fucking offensive…

  14. As Lord Benny says there have always been messages in films, some obvious, some less so. For example, if you watch The Birth of a Nation you just may spot a theme, if you look hard enough.
    If it’s done subtly and intelligently fair enough, but what’s especially tiresome about the current crop is the one-note predictability of the strident lecturing.

  15. Do you know whats more contagious then the corona virus? K pop, god what a shit genre of music it is and its just a bunch of chinks doing synchronized dancing routines like the backstreet boys and n’sync.

    The Kpop band BTS will be on James Corden carpool karaoke tonight maybe the fat fuck will finally do something worth while and he can eat them in front of the audience, the unfunny fat chinrolled cunt. I just don’t understand how Kpop has become so popular in the western world cause you have understand Korean to understand what these chinks are singing about for starters and the backing music is just shit too

  16. It’s social engineering, is what it is. The BBC have become experts at it. It started off in quite a subtle fashion but now it is so fucking blatant they don’t even attempt to hide it. From their disgraceful one-sided reporting on Brexit, to their Trump bashing, to their empowerment of women agenda, to their white male defamation in every fucking programme be it comedy, drama, documentary, etc. A small example is on their ‘news’ website today where they felt to the need to state this regarding Fuhrer Merkel’s successor: “Now three candidates, all men, have joined the race to lead her party.”

  17. Don’t watch nearly all modern films. Or BBC drama.
    And just watch all the lefties be swept away up their own woke arseholes.

  18. And won’t be seeing the imminent James Bond film.

    The cunts have ruined things.

    I’ve seen every single film to now. Shame really but I’m not being mugged off by those cunts

      • That smacked arse soyboy cunt Daniel Craig has far too much say in how Bond is done… He brought in the loathsome Femstapo Stormtrooper Phoebe Waller Cunt to write it… He also apparently chooses the theme tune artists… So we’ve got the fairy fuck to thank for Jack Shite, Adele Arbuckle, Sam ‘Non Binary Cunt’ Smith and now that utter plug ugly tuneless cunt Billie Eilish… Nice one Danny Boy, you fucking cunt…

    • Yeah id rather rewatch Sean Connery fighting Robert Shaw again. Wouldnt want to to get in a scrap with either of them.

  19. Picard is a shit show filled with thinly-veiled politics and Sir Patrick is an out-of-touch, Hollywood Remoaner cunt but at least the show can offer some comedy value (albeit unintentionally).

    The show tries to court the young millennial and zoomer demographic by trying to be dark, edgey and hip but fails so epically on all counts. It feels like a show written by a 50 year old Dad, trying to impress his teenage kids.

    Best line in the entire show so far has to be from the Irish Romulan chick “Cheeky Feckers!”

  20. I watched the first 2 episodes of Star Trek Discovery and it has fuck all story line and seems to have dumped as much woke shite as it could into the show. Total bollocks.

  21. Afternoon Cunters.

    I am a daily visitor here thanks to the quality cuntings dished out.
    This post has finally triggered me into asking something that’s been on my mind for a bit:

    Does anyone have a list or a link to ‘woke companies to avoid’?

    I want deny these cunts ANY of my hard earned.

    Gillette? Get bent.
    Hoseasons: Sorry I’m not a dark-key with a white wife so obviously your holidays are not meant for me.
    I’m not a lezzer so I’m not getting a Citroen.
    My son …yes…he’s a waster but he has not got reassuringly curly hair and doesn’t dance upside down on the cabin roof of a passenger aircraft so we can’t fly Virgin.
    I have found lists of woke companies online but all put together by Americunts and use confusing terms ‘dish soap’ and ‘alooominum’.

    Where can a UK cunt get this info?

  22. Famous for Star Trek The Next Generation and I, Claudius, not a lot of people know that Patrick Stewart is a part-time tailor.
    On his day off from filming Star Trek, his machine broke. He took it to be mended, “Make it sew!”

  23. Most television now is just propaganda and consumerist bollocks.

    I wonder if Picard will stop saying “Make it so number 1!” in case he offends the non-binaries.

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