Well, a “fuck-me-sideways with a Tesco trolley” cunting please, for Philip (sell your car for way below market value, something I would never need to do cos I’m fucking minted) Schofield. Apparently this cunt has come out as gay. No shit?
What’s happened then? Some sordid story about to be released by a tabloid involving a young lad? Holly big tits annoyed this is the only cunt that’s not hit on her? Everyone on the planet must have known, even his wife. Any man hosting a show like he does, that is that interested in wimminz issues, is either gay, or a fucking good actor and if he is a fucking good actor, what the fuck is he doing on daytime TV?
Attention seeking Woke Cunt!!
Nominated by Once a cunt always a cunt
I nominate Phillip Schofield for an absolutely mega cunting, not only for that crappy “Any Dream Will Do” song and all the shite ITV programmes he has presented, but because now the irritating cunt has came out as an arse bandit.
FFS, is nothing sacred anymore without banditry afoot? His poor wife, finding out your husband likes cock, and those bloody “We Buy Any Car” adverts of him standing in yoga positions….is that how the cock gobbler stands when he is taking a length up his rusty sheriff badge? And Holly Willoughby, don’t get me started on her. If I was sat beside her, I would be knobbing her senseless at every opportunity.
Phillip Schofield, you sir, are an epic cunt.
Nominated by Sidthesexistsforeskin
Philip Schofield. I’ve always said this twat was a prize cunt. Whenever the stupid cunt was on the telly doing one of his poxy ads, I’d say to the missus, “He is one A+ grade, prize twat. A monumental wanker”. She’d ask, “Why?” Well, I think my prognosis has been well and truly vindicated.
Schofield, you really are a fucking cunt. Unfortunately, the useless twat will probably now get more fucking air time from the PC media, on the box and in news rags, because he’s come out as a shirt lifter.
Nominated by DLP
In a few short years it’s gone from accepting gay people to having to celebrate gays like they’ve achieved something by putting there cocks up a mans rectum.
Yep. What the fuck does Schofield want, a medal?
All that whimpering on about ‘bravery’ and ‘going to dark places’.
Bravery is the soldier in Helmund, facing death and destruction every day. ‘Going to dark places’ is the staff doing 12 hr. shifts in A & E week after week.
It ain’t for getting a fucking hug on telly from Holly Whatserface for ‘coming out’, the whining big girl’s blouse. What a cunt.
I see the new work is already rolling in for Phil. He’s been signed up to do a new ad for LGBT cars where he demonstrates used models on screen.
LGBT cars. We’ll do you proud.
Reg. WE11 GAY on a personal plate. 2017 VW Rabbit. One loving and careful shirt lifting owner. Slight staining on passenger seat. Not used by children or pets with the exception of the odd gerbil.
Open to offers.
Payment in pink pounds only.
I honestly didn’t know that certain cars are associated with the LGBT community.
Check them out here and get rid if you’ve got one.
Yikes! I drive one of these. Time to get a bus pass before my poor little car gets chased by raving mincers in their high heels and feather boas.
Thecoming out was probably a publicity stunt for his latest record:
I thought ‘target the gay community’ meant running them over.
In my desire to acquire a 3-wheeler Morgan, I hope that this does not ID me as a limp-wrister. But I worry… I always thought a Morgan was the epitome of Mr. Toad.
My sincerest apologies if I have missed any announcements, but do we know if Limpers has moved onto a better place ?
Schofield the switch hitter. He’s gone a bit Freddie. Brighton real estate agents queueing up as he’s now “on the bus to Hebden Bridge”. Cunt.
Fuck off Schofield you’re an attention seeking craven little cunt.
You should have outed yourself 30 years ago when in the cupboard with Gordon. But you didn’t because you weren’t brave enough.
But now you are????
No! You’re a weasel .
If he tried to hug me he’d never play the violin again.
Cunt .
Maybe he can now marry Owen Jones and they have have little babies together.
How lovely ?
Owen Jones the mere mention of his name just winds me up , i noticed he had a cunting awhile ago but i wasn’t on this site yet . Hopefully he will do something soon to get back on , he really doe’s know how to spit a dummy out ….or did i mean cum.
Brown arse babies.
I’m sick of hearing about this cunt already.
I read some crap on MSN UK this morning – a headline stating something along the lines of, “Schofield’s admission a huge moment for the gay community”….
So let’s get this straight. The gay community are bigging up and lauding a high profile man who hid his true self from his family, has been married to a female for almost three decades and spawned two children, when all of the time he was gay as fuck.
Yes, let’s celebrate that disingenuous and underhand, selfish behaviour, shall we? Fooling a woman into thinking he is straight, sexually attracted to her and emotionally in it for the long haul when in actual fact she and their children have all along been his 27 year-old BEARD.
The hypocrisy here is staggering. Gay pride celebrates the fact that nobody should be ashamed of who or what they are and be ‘out and proud’…..yet here they are, praising and crawling up the hole of a man who could have done a lot to push that sentiment and live up to it over the years that he has been in the public eye, but instead chose to lie to himself and unsuspecting others. Where is the thought for his wife and children, not to mention his elderly MOTHER, who apparently was totally in the dark here? Is anyone standing up for them and what a monumental shock and betrayal this is?
I remember a few years ago when i was in London walking up Whitehall to Trafalgar it seemed pretty quite to start off with but i thought something was dodgy when i saw this open top bus parked up with a great rainbow on the side. Before i knew it i was stuck in this massive gay parade and i couldn’t move it was sickening to the core watching all these gays flaunting in the street and proper rubbing it in peoples faces. The only thing that was worse about that incident was the fact i never had a flame thrower at hand.
I bet you had your cock (or fanny) out. rubbing and twiddling other peoples private parts?
Course i did Barney i wasn’t gonna miss that opportunity what with that many people around i was never gonna be accused of sexual assault . Although i was slightly upset i didn’t get to go on the top deck of the rainbow bus driving around stark naked while covorting with some half naked feather clad gay boy.
hahahaha i can imagine
Let’s hope other tv presenters like graham norton Alan Carr & Julian clarey don’t come out. Cos I’m sure there gay !!!
I remember when Schofield played Joseph and sung the song Any dream will do , wonder if he has swapped his technicoloured dream coat for a dress and prances around singing ? Any cock will do?.
I just wish Holly had said “So what Phil, I like a cock up my shit shoot too”
Why one particular group of people can be celebrated for their chosen deviance I can’t fathom.
Indeed, sixdog. Holly’s a good-looking woman and completely feminine. Bet she smells like peaches or strawberries. I’d eat her out for hours , and then stick it up her balloon knot for good measure.
“Chosen deviance”? What are we to infer from that, sixdog? Do you consider homosexuality as a deviance or immoral? What about heterosexual anal sex between two consenting adults? Just curious what your — or anyone else’s on the site — opinion is on this.
I don’t care what consenting adults do inside their own homes. As to whether I consider homosexuality as deviant? Obviously it’s deviant, it deviates from the norm and it serves no purpose for reproduction. We could delve into the unreported underbelly of gay culture but the MSM never present that side of the coin and I don’t see the point of doing so here.
I don’t have anything against gay folk but I don’t see why we should celebrate any particular sexual preference because a minority of people need to feel their particular kink is ok.
I agree. I would bust her a new hole.
It all does seem a bit peculiar, suspect and questionable. Up my way recently a GP had ‘come out’ after being married for 20 plus years and had a couple of kids. After hearing about it — and I have heard a few instances of this happening, so it’s not an isolated case — I thought to myself, hmm, how does this work? I mean, given the fact that he’s produced a few kids must surely mean that he’s at least somewhat attracted to the opposite sex, which makes him bisexual, strictly speaking. Perhaps, although being attracted enough to women to be able to make a few kids, he’s always known that he was more attracted to men but didn’t want to come out in the past lest he got collectively frowned upon by society in general; in the past, let’s face it, woofers’ lives were made miserable, but in the present day it has finally been accepted by society at large and is no longer deemed alien, but normal (apart from amongst the older remaining generations who grew up in the 60s and 70s, who will never really accept it as ‘normal’, like some here at ISAC ? ). Or perhaps funboy Phil (hehe, see what I did there?) is just a greedy bastard, and is now maybe fed up with rogering the same hole for 27 years and now wants some fresh meat in the shape of a man; as I said, maybe his bisexuality dictates that he is more attracted to men than women.
So, to recap: he’s bisexual but has always secretly preferred men to women, in spite of being attracted to women enough to be able to produce 2 kids, but did not want to ‘come out’ in the past as it was still shunned by society at large (even in the 80s, 90s and noughties) , and now feels comfortable in the present times where it is deemed completely acceptable and normal. Or maybe, he’s selfish, sociopathic, confused, conflicted, or just downright barmy! Either way, I completely indifferent. Makes no difference to me what he does in his private life, just as long as he isn’t fucking animals or young kids.
Fuck me, I need to go for a lie down in a darkened room now! Phew!
I hate posting long-winded messages from an iPhone with 32 GB (I don’t own a laptop or pc). Fucking hard slog, so it is! ?
No wonder he never boffed Holly Willoughboobies.
Breaking news: Phillip Schofield arrested after shocking Gordon the Gopher abuse claims.
Schofield’s revelations are going to make Jimmy Saville look like Andy Peters.
The “stunning bravery” says MSM; fuck off is it.
What a cunt he is to his wife and two daughters.
Not surprised Phil enjoys a drive up “Bourneville Avenue” always suspected it, I was more surprised he is married with 2 sprogs!
You can turn gay mid stroke through life, ms scofield stopped giving phil access to her hole so he got frustrated and decided to go gay or he was always secretly bi and his inner gayness got the better of him
‘Coming out’ these days is as normal as breathing. It isn’t taboo like it was all those years ago there were all sorts of negativity, death threats, abuse, violence, graffiti, murder etc etc.
You’re gay. So…what? Philip should fork off.
Nothing shocks me these days. Apart from if bacon became banned.
This is the true story of Schofield’s ‘bravery’ and ‘heroism’… Had he done this to an 18 year old girl, he’d have been labeled as a creep and the Me Too mob would be out with their torches and pitchforks… Yet, because it was a lad, and Schofield has admitted he takes it up the chuff, the media and all the liberal vermin see it not only as acceptable, but they are also celebrating it… As the video says, ‘Dirty old man to hero;… Couldn’t have put it better myself…
whats that say ? . i’m not on twitter. i was wondering whether or not Schofield had been indulging or not..pity his poor wife if he has been, well unless he’d stopped ‘indulging’ with her of course.
Dancing on ice live has just come on and the missus loves it , it’s bad enough me feeling like shit and under the weather without seeing Phillips beaming fucking face like he is some sort of war hero. Please Give this cunt a Victoria Cross for his bravery , to make matters worse that tall black cunt from diversity is giving him all the praise and making out he is some kind of hero for coming out is bollocks. Diversity ?? fuck me most of the guys in that dance group were fucking black or mixed race so that’s bollocks for a start. And finally to rub salt in the wounds the first skater was that irritating cunt Joe fucking Swash , tell you if it wasn’t for the fact i had a drink problem i’d be on the johnny walker in a fucking heart beat.
Fuck me H watkins and his gay male partner has come on now !!!!!!!!!
TAXI………where to mate
ME……….take me to the fucking off licence and sharpish.
What! H Watkins is infected with the Gayness too?
Gay! he’s the gayest one on there , i mean on that show you have a gay presenter a gay judge and two gay skaters . They also have a blind skater on there as well!!! fuck knows what next year is gonna bring , tranny’s non binery, loads of ice skating wheel chairs etc .
Wasn’t Barrymore supposed to be on it before he got injured? Imagine that, should have been ‘Dancing Queens on Ice’.
Yes i think your right he was .
Always thought Schofield was up his arse , didn’t realise he was up other blokes as well
Well well! Another ‘fading star’ jumps on the Gay Bus just as his popularity?? is in its twilight years! Don’t try sitting there, dabbing at your crocodile tears and looking all forlorn! Well sonny, you’re not fooling me! No sir! Trying to claim to be a raving Chutney Ferret in the hope you will boost your sell by date! Just fuck off out of it, you cunting little charlatan, before I set the hounds on you!
Schofield the ring wrecker or is he the one with the blood orange arse. This cunt makes me violently vomit with his arse felching ways.