No Platforming

“No platforming”….The deliberate, nasty and premeditated practice of not allowing a different opinion or viewpoint to be debated, or discussed by preventing the speaker FROM SPEAKING!

This abhorrent practice is becoming more and more widespread, accepted and promoted and it’s just plain wrong.

The loony, laughable left and their official wokesman, Owen “rusks and milk” Jones, are ceaseless champions of this abomination and are actually allowed to get away with it, claiming they do so in the name of “democracy”. A quick heads up kids – one of the fundamental underpinning principles of democracy is FREE SPEECH and if somebody has a different opinion to you, that does not make them automatically wrong and it is not acceptable to demonise them.

People are waking up to this, and some are now calling it out for what it is – Racism, Fascism, bigotry and Hate speech, because:

“No platforming” IS A CUNT!

Nominated by Vernon Fox

61 thoughts on “No Platforming

  1. Good nom Vernon. The liberals expose their intolerance of any other opinions than their own.

    If it’s not open to debate it’s questionable. Nothing should be beyond debate, it’s starving discourse at birth.


  2. So right VF a most worthy cunting. This may be something to do with the libtard ability to believe that two versions of the truth can be valid at the same time. Ban free speech but promote democracy could be one of these situations. By changing free speech to hate speech the llibtard can validate his belief. I am no philosopher but this no platforming is illogical wankery and Owen is a weapons grade cunt

  3. A well overdue cunting Vernon. It’s so insidious, that the super intellectuals at Cambridge University not only control who speaks, it now seems that you can’t even gain access to these high places of learning if you are dressed wrongly. What do I mean? . . . . . . . . .

    The Cambridge University Students’ Union has come under fire after it claimed that having military personnel in attendance at the freshers’ fair would be “alarming” for those there and could even “detrimentally affect” their mental health. Students at prestigious university had voted to ban any societies from bringing firearms to the fair after welfare and rights officer Stella Swain bizarrely claimed that some people may find them “triggering”.

    This will ban any military organisations from attending with the object of encouraging snowflakes from enrolling in the forces. It is a fact that many students from Cambridge University fought and died in the Armed Forces and for our country.

    • And these wokeflakes would be the first fuckers crying and running! Our military are the best in the World, follow the rules, do the job and are prepared (for f*cking lousy pay – half my Family are ex forces so I know that one) to pay with their lives for their Country.
      We would NOT HAVE A CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY were it not for the bravery of kids no older than these students who fought f*scism and evil, and these piss wet snowflake rats insult the memory of the very best of us with this?
      I do not believe in capital punishment (nobody should have to go to London!) but want to introduce a sentence called “panging” – not hanging but snowflakes being repeatedly whacked around the head by a hefty Yorkshire barmaid with a frying pan until some sense is knocked into them! That will teach the buggers!
      Tough on snowflake crime, tough on the causes of snowflake crime! ?

      • We could make ‘panging’ an annual tradition and what better time to start than on Pancake Day this month?

      • Excellent, I shall engage the services of “Busty Bryony”, a barmaid of my acquaintance – if she waers a low cut top I could charge money to watch this!

    • No-platforming is a cunt, and the cunts who do it are cunts. Doesn’t matter what your opinions are, someone will naturally disagree with them, and that’s what civilised debate is about. But that revelation about excluding the military at Cambridge really boils it for me.

      If I have to get used to hearing Polish in the street, I’m bloody sure you can get used to seeing the military in your ivory tower, you Cambridge cuntflakes.

      There’s a fundamental problem here…

      Oxford and several other universities have one of these. And a bloody good thing they do, even if the ruperts they turn out are even snottier than the norm. At least they won’t be overcome with shock and horror if we need to conscript them for a national crisis.

    • I hope these cunts one day find thenselves in need of rescuing by our armed forces and the government says fuck em. If our service personnel weren’t welcome then we ain’t saving these cunts now .
      Then some goat worriers can have the snowflake bitches .

      Cunts .

  4. If that cunt Jones did that to me ,after I had sat quietly and let him make his point, I’d either walk out or polaxe the cunt.
    I’m sick of this shit. The progressive left my arse. Lefty cunts trying to destroy democracy and free speech.
    Me and my three droogs ….give the cunt some ultra violence ,Alex style.

  5. It doesn’t help matters when slebs make statements and get in shit, then furiously backpedal, like a toddler on a tricycle heading downhill towards Jimmy Savile’s open garage when they get the inevitable backlash. Case in point Stephen King, who made the perfectly valid point recently that skin colour should not even be a consideration when judging artistic endeavour; rather talent and the end product. But of course since the wokees started he’s apologised to anyone that’ll stick a microphone in his face. Grow a pair!!

    • Stephen King has left arsebook due to the abuse he received for telling the truth, now touring the cyber World kissing every snowy arse! Cowardly, back tracking on what you say, need to call out these freaks not legitimise them!
      And a final thought – Boris – you may look like an extra from the original “Time Machine” but every fisherman and all the supporting industries expect you to do the right thing and get our National fishing grounds back!
      Or I will be in the Channel in the Black Pig on patrol with my four pounder!

      • I used to love King’s work, but his material has gone downhill in quality alarmingly over about the last 10 years as his outlook has become more “liberal” culminating in the dreadful “Sleeping Beauties”
        In “Under the Dome” (since made into a godawful TV series) there is a line about a working class man in his old car “representing everything wrong with the town”.
        Bet Fatty Thornbury loved that bit…

        (Salem’s Lot is still brilliant though…)

      • That scratching, tapping noise gave me nightmares when I was about 7!! Book is very different though…

      • It’s a good modern take on Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Very funny in places too. I honestly hope that King might wake up and start turning out decent material again, instead of just moaning on social media about the Orange Man…

      • Salem’s lot contained the scariest scene I have ever watched – when the Master appeared in the prison cell, I watched that as a small kid and it f*cking terrified me!
        Only things that scare me now are dying without clean pants on and the thought of the good lady catching me with a motorcycle engine in the bath! (Which of course never happened, nobody can prove s*it!)

      • Oh Salem’s Lot. Brilliant. Not seen it for years.
        “You’ll enjoy meeting Mr Barlow and he’ll enjoy you”
        James Mason … sinister cunt. But good.

  6. No platforming just shows the poverty of the libtard mind and it’s inability to engage in constructive debate. They can’t tolerate debate because they have no ideas worth defending, just name calling.

    Infantile cunts.

  7. I found this particular peace of footage very annoying and drawn out.
    To save you watching it a professor has been invited to speak on campus and protesters decided to shout him down, Criteria had been set as to what he may speak about.
    After about 10 mins he abandons the hall and forms a group outside where he starts his lecture, he also goes off topic, but is halted by a sleeper (dormant protester in the group) she point out that he was not allowed to cover certain topics in his lecture.
    He points out that his lecture is no longer in the Hall but on the grounds so this no longer applies.

  8. War is not caused by nations it’s caused by a lack of democracy.
    We can all see where this is going and the progressives won’t like it cause they’ll lose.

    Cowardly cunts .

    • While we’re on the subject, what about Downing Street trying to bar reporters from certain publications from a briefing? That’s something you’d expect in a dictatorship, not a democracy. I’m glad the rest walked out.

      • Well, some of them were the BBC! Joking apart, this is a worrying development – let us hope Don junior is as truculent in the dealings with the EU (Extinction Underway!) trade negotiators!
        And keep off our f*cking fish you sneaky Spaniards!

  9. Another excellent nomination.
    This really annoys me.

    I imagine an old fashioned school mistress coming in to sort this madness out.

    “Right! Hands on heads.”

    “Everyone is allowed to speak. Be respectful of others. Put your hand up when you want a turn to speak. When someone is speaking, everyone else must be respectful and listen carefully and quietly.”

    • ……..and any cunt who doesn’t will get their fucking teeth knocked out with this blackboard duster.’

      Reminds me of Junior School.

      • We used to have a Physics teacher who, in the days of free milk, used to fling 1/3 pint bottles of milk around the room.

      • We had a chemistry teacher at grammar school who was an absolute marksman with chalk and not afraid to use it either.

      • Bertie, your physics teacher, throwing the milk bottles, in my opinion, was demonstrating the laws of physics. Haha 😀

      • You’re right Spoons. He wasn’t liked by the other teachers. One day he was carrying out an experiment with a tube taking gas outside through a window. The English teacher was walking past outside and yanked the tube. Result . . . . . .
        Experiment spread all over the fuckin’ classroom.

    • Spoons – You’ve missed your vocation in life. You should have been a teacher!

      • Bertie, I’m sure I still could.
        I doubt I’d be allowed to ‘educate’ the badly behave with the cane. I could at least make them stand in the corner with their arms outstretched balancing a book in each hand for the whole lesson.

      • I considered becoming a teacher some years after my degree but realised almost immediately that I would have murdered some cunt before lunch on the first day, although I’m not sure whether a pupil or another teacher.

      • You had a great escape there Moggie. Given my time again, I would never have gone in for teaching. Still, I’ve achieved some success in making sure my kids never went into teaching!

  10. I can’t see why you’d want to “No Platform” someone with whom you disagree. Better to let them spout their stuff and then you can dismantle and invalidate their argument(or just call them deluded Cunts,if all else fails).
    The only people who would want to “ban” another point of view are those who lack a valid response.

  11. Bollox to those puffters.
    Mind you what to do all day if my Twatter and Facemuck pull my platform?
    Take a lot of selfies?
    Can I get a soy latte?
    Just fuck off.

  12. Is it no-platforming or de-platforming – cos I is in the train station and I don’t know where de-platform is???

    • De platform next to the fried chiggun maaan! But don’t jump the queue – a large coloured Woman has just wobbled out of the Thirst Class carriage smelling strongly of mojitos and is stood at the counter aggressively demanding “tree large buckets of chiggun whitey”!

  13. Great nom VF. For me, the best part about the ‘no platforming’ police is their utter inability to comprehend the irony of the position they put themselves in. They demonstrate to all and sundry their complete intolerance and hypocrisy, and the overwhelming majority of people with common sense see them as utter cunts. They don’t even realise that they’re their own worst enemy.

  14. *Walks up to the nightclub, the bouncer stops me then looks me up and down, staring particularly at my footwear. He points at the sign:* ‘No platforms’.
    Oh. 🙁

  15. This is reminiscent of the Hitler Youth.No platforming is purely fascistic.

  16. This is what happens when the terminally offended, SJW mob attempt to argue guesswork and assumption against knowledge and fact, and lose miserably at every juncture.

    To prevent “losing” on an ever increasing scale they simply turn up and literally scream fuck all so that no one (left, right or common sense) can voice any opinion whatsoever.

    They delude themselves into thinking that this is a victory on their part, and – with the police, media and politicians doing nothing about it for the last 6yrs – it probably seems that way to them; for now.

    However, especially since the election and BoJo’s huge majority, the worm is turning.

    The AL-BEEB – that did it’s utmost to denigrate Brexit, the Brexiteers and the politicos that supported them – faces a much deserved kicking from Boris’ Govt (carefully masterminded by Dominic Cummings, I do hope).

    In light of this, their support for SJW deplatformers will also diminish as the cull of the leftist cunts in there takes place. Similar appetites will fail from other outlets too, with only the 100 readers of the Groaniad holding the tattered flag.

    Then as the media falls, so will the establishment, with the likes of Cressida Strapon’s pointless tampons drying up quicker than a streak of piss in Death Valley! That cunt’s tenure is on the line – no matter how many boxes she ticks – due to an abject failure in her duties. Hopefully that cunt will be replaced with a much more hardline cunt who’ll have nowt to do with the “screechers” and their hindrance of free discourse. Enjoy the fucking night stick and tazers you cunts!

    We will slowly get our voice back and when the masses hear – above the SJW soy-flakes – that our message is just common sense, our impetus will grow, so hopefully everyone has a good laugh at poor wickle Owen Jones, David Mammy, et. al., while demanding of Boris – majority or no – that he does start to listen to the people. He does fuck off pointless immigration from wherever (GDP is NOT a measure of everyone’s success or – more importantly – happiness, as I’d happily take a hit in my arse pocket if that meant London, Birmingham, Leeds and Luton weren’t miniaturised versions of Pakistan), and he does start promoting “Britain is Great” after 20+ years (following the Blair election) of us being told that we’re not even the dog shit on an immo’s Nike’s, to shut up and to keep paying the taxes!

    Well fuck that!

    It’s our time!


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