A real “Sunset Boulevard” cunting please, in full Norma Desmond mode, for ageing ex-Speaker Bercow, who is still whinging that he hasn’t been elevated to the Lords:
Yes, he is ready for his close-up, Mr DeMille, but so far, there have been no lights or action. He is being bullied, he says. It is that and anti-Semitism. One man who has accused him of bullying (as if!) is regarded by Bercow as clearly beneath him – a minor irritant to his day to day life many years ago.
The fact that this egregious old cunt is still given time to vent his distress on the BBC in chummy interviews is disgusting. Bercow, I have no doubt, is a bully and a bore, as well as a thoroughly unpleasant arsehole.
The fact that greasy old cunt Dawn Butler, famous for her expenses swindling, is so supportive of his ennoblement tells you it is a terrible idea.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
He is a top cunt, he has some DNA that is from some super race of cunts. If given a choice of being a cunt or not being a cunt he is genetically programmed to choose cunt every time.
The puzzle is, did the ingrained cuntishness of Bercow originate on Earth or was it brought here by meteors ?
By astro-haemorrhoids…
His soon to be Lordship really is a arrogant and pompous cunt nobody would think he is in fact the son of an Essex taxi driver
Good nom this mr Boggs!?
John Bercow is a truly repugnant horrible conceited piece of shite.
Hes exactly the sort of entitled self serving politician that the british public have had enough of, the reason for brexit and Labours spanking at the general election.
Now he’s crying because his peerage is in jeopardy?
Well fuck you John you grotesque little gargoyle,
Your legacy is trying to twart democracy.
This shit weasel has been reduced to whoring himself about on Italian TV shouting “Ordine” like some fucking circus act as well as signing up for the after-dinner speaking circuit at up to 25K a go. Eric Pickles should have ‘accidently’ sat on him when he had the chance.
I was at Luton Airport Monday evening, off on a work trip for a couple of days with no reading material and this bloody book was there. Fellow cunters, I am ashamed to say, for two reasons I bought it. Firstly that he couldn’t possibly be as an unpleasant self-serving cunt that I have always thought him to be. I have only read the first 50 pages and yes he most certainly is. I assumed he must have at least some redeeming features and I was proved wrong. Secondly I always feel you should engage with the enemy and learn what they are thinking. The only thing that this cunt thinks off is John Bercow and what a great and clever fellow he is and how much money he can make. He is extremely patronising about everyone he meets. I haven’t got as far as what he thinks about Corbyn or indeed what he has to say about his marriage but frankly the book is so bloody boring I don’t think I can be arsed to read it to the end.
The one interesting thing I noted was that as a young man he had an encounter with Harvey Proctor who he said had been a big influence on him. I think he might have caught the gay from him.It would explain the narcissistic attitude and that he doesn’t appear to mind his wife whoring herself around London.
I was going to cunt myself for being such a stupid cunt to buy the bloody thing, I feel deeply ashamed.
Terrible decision sock. By next week they’ll be piling copies of this shite head high in every remainder book shop in the country, hoping to get 50p a copy.
i shalll go into Waterstone’s and scrawl “Cunt” on as many copies as poss…
He is a jackass in every sense of the word.
There are few people more white and privileged than this cunt so I wonder why old Lardbutt is licking his stumpy arse? No doubt he had a hand in approving some of her more dubious expenses claims.
Race doesn’t come into it when there’s dosh to be had.
They all eat from the same trough Freddie, who knows?
Utter vermin.
How has this fucking waste of organs only got 12 ISAC nominations? The mind boggles…..
I think it’s a typo. It’s 10 to the power of 12.
Anyone remember the occasion in 2013 when Bercow while parking, hit a woman’s car as he tried to squeeze his Volvo between hers and another car in Chelsea. Apparently he scratched it in the process and when she challenged him after seeing him do it from a restaraunt she was in, he refused to accept responsibility saying “It wasn’t me”. Claimed she only had a go at him because he is a politician.
Arrogant little shit. Unfortunately his type always seem to get ahead in life. Weakest to the wall eh!
Great story. “He spoke to me like I was nothing.” Sums up the snide little bastard perfectly.
Massive cunt.
John Bercow, ‘this is your life’.You utter cunt.
A triple distilled cunt of the highest purity.
He is going nowhere and it’s no wonder he is upset abaaaaaht not getting his place in the House of Cunts… he’s obviously become used to his tax payer funded lifestyle and probably believes the tax paying public are lucky to have him and learn from his wise words.
What a cunt.
No idea why Bercow was not given a seat in the Lords. Get them all into the same closed space then introduce the corona virus.
Can there ever have been such a self-absorbed puffed up pompadour as Speaker? Says it all that this dwarf was only selected a decade ago by Labour in an act of pure revenge on the Tories. Then his departure was greeted with an almost complete emptying of the Govt benches, except for that deluded old cunt Ken Clarke.
PS Hats off to that judge who gave the Plod a kicking for their over-zealous pursuit of some non-existent hate crime. A clear nomination alongside Laurence Fox for ISAC Hero of the Year.
He can get a job in entertainment…. midget wrestling!
Easier still – dwarf throwing as the throwee.
Moderation for the D word.
The little twat has an autobiography out, the reviews on Amazon are amusing.
worth reading.
I was at Luton Airport Monday evening, off on a work trip for a couple of days with no reading material and this bloody book was there. Fellow cunters, I am ashamed to say, for two reasons I bought it. Firstly that he couldn’t possibly be as an unpleasant self-serving cunt that I have always thought him to be. I have only read the first 50 pages and yes he most certainly is. I assumed he must have at least some redeeming features and I was proved wrong. Secondly I always feel you should engage with the enemy and learn what they are thinking. The only thing that this cunt thinks off is John Bercow and what a great and clever fellow he is and how much money he can make. He is extremely patronising about everyone he meets. I haven’t got as far as what he thinks about Corbyn or indeed what he has to say about his marriage but frankly the book is so bloody boring I don’t think I can be arsed to read it to the end.
Apologies for the double post. I am a complete cunt.
Don’t beat yourself up. Not a complete cunt, just a double serve!
Isn’t old Boris going to abolish this barn full of cash grabbing beasts?
This cunt Bercow has got no right to be given a title other than king cunt.
He’s one of the foulest creatures ever to hatch out of an egg and crawl into British politics. How many times did he break from tradition and favour the left/remain side? The speaker has always been neutral.
If Boris let’s this arse wipe into the lords he’ll get real fucking stick.
This cunt’s wife is also an abomination.
Fuck him with a wire brush.
Utter cunt.
That new chancellor Rishi Sunak,
He always been in politics?
Sure he was the delivery bloke for Tandoori palace in stockport?
Drives a old volvo?
Sure its him.
Was his father-in-law a billionaire?
No but owns a balti house!?
Yes and a humble yacht driver.
MNC he’s Asian that’s all that needs to be said really whether he knows about politics or how to make a good lamb bhuna there not bothered as along as they have enough ethnics to build up there quoter’s they couldn’t give a toss. It is rather funny when one Asian resigns they put in another whom no one has never really heard off.
Morning Telly.
Yes they tend to curry favour.
This taxis taking its time??
I’ve heard of him. He was never off the telly (no pun intended Telly) during the election campaign.
Off topic, been sat in A+E for abaaaaaht two hours avoiding any Chinese looking people and some 5’6 bloke with and amputated leg (with fake leg) has been being an awkward cunt with the Police.
After listening to the cunt for what seems like all morning he finally pushed the old bill too far and they tried to arrest him.
These coppers were as soft and shite and made a right mess of it.
The two blokes couldn’t handle the little man and before I knew it there were abaaaht 9 coppers and hospital security.
A good bit of entertainment non the less.
The toes broken then Bwc?
I broke mine couple years back hurts eh?
Wont get much sympathy from these pisstakers on here mate!
I had to work for few weeks wearing a steeltoe boot on one foot and a sheepskin slipper on the other.
Customers gave me some funny looks but suppose most just assumed it was my natural eccentricity.
Heal up soon Bwc
Had an X-ray MNC, waiting to find aaaaht. It’s surprising what an injured toe can do to proper sized men like us eh MNC.
You’ll just have toe the line and let NHS bureaucracy run its course B&W. Meanwhile, I have a nice side line in face masks for when coronavirus really takes off, there is bound to be a shortage due to panicky cunts, you want in?
Sounds like a good earner LL, may I suggest some ‘I am vegan’, ‘I am LGBTQ’, and ‘Corona lives matter’ themed face masks…we don’t want to leave anyone out now,
Slogan could be “I’ll only allow myself to be mortally infected by vegan/LBW corona viruses”
At last the millions will start rolling in
Yeah i did this sort of weird hop for few weeks while mine was healing, and even when i could put my weight on it kept hopping?!
Had to force myself to not hop!?
They hurt when its snowy and cold nowadays .
Least youll have a excuse for wandering round in slippers during the day mate, and be good at hopscotch!??
This man really likes the sound of his own voice , when i used to watch him in the commons and when he used to start shouting his order bollocks you would see him with a smirk on his face looking at the camera in the chamber . Proper self important cunt.
Bercow is typical small man with power syndrome. Twat and cunt.
Off topic but it seems Thornberry can now spend more time with Kermit.
Bearing in mind the ghastly personalities and morals of most of those who inhabit the House of Lords it speaks volumes of Bercow that he fails to achieve the very low standards required for entry.
I think it’s great that the cunt isn’t being given a seat in the Lords, mainly because it is pissing him off massively. Especially when long time opponents of the lords, like Kinnock, Prescott and Hain are living the high life as fully paid up members of the vermin in ermine. Get rid of the lot of the troughing cunts.
Fish heads
Just saw this on YouTube. Possible addition to cunt music?
Ordure… ORDURE!
From Middle English ordūr, ordūre (“dirt, filth, rubbish; dung, excrement, piece of excrement; moral filth, sin, an instance or kind of moral filth”) borrowed from Anglo-Norman ordure, ordeur(e), ordor(e), ordour, and Middle French ordure, from Old French ordure (“dirt, filth, refuse; dung, excrement; moral filth”).
Sums up Bercunt to a tee.
It’s the entitlement that fucks me off, the old cunt had a ‘job’ where he sat in a room full of other cunts and occasionally belittled them to make himself seem important. And for that the prick wants the title of a Lord. Fuck off you annoying, spiteful, midget. There are soldiers, nurses, carers who deserve much more acknowledgement of their selfless acts throughout their careers, than you. The man is a fucking cunt of the highest regard.
Gorbals Mick set a very low bar as Speaker after such greats as the highly respected Betty Boothroyd and I can confidently state that Bercow has actually managed to walk beneath that bar without even having to stoop. A peerage, even as massively devalued by Tony Bliar, is not a reward for a wretch like the dwarf. However, I am a believer that Bercow does deserve a much higher position…
I recommend a Scaffold.
I’d love to through the troll cunt at a Velcro dartboard like Jordan Belfort did with that dwarf at the beginning of Wolf of Wall Street.
Throw not through, cunt.
This is one cunt who needs to meet with a sticky end…….and I doubt it will be from his wife’s snatch!
When this nasty little narcissistic prick was running the house he was under the grand delusion that he was popular,
that people cared what he had to say ,
Now all his power has been removed he is no longer of use , let’s all pray this political popinjay doesn’t get what he craves the most a well paid job which gives him the platform to be the self indulgent little shit we have all previously witnessed……..
Funny thing this utter cunt actually thinks he’s some kind of hero?
It’s a long way down when you’re a cunt. Fully expect him to pitch up on ‘I’m A Cunt, Get Me Out Of Here’ at some point. I’m looking forward to being able to take the piss.
Thinks he deserves to be a lord as it is tradition. Well you pissed all over tradition over the last 3 years you little runt.
Anyway, what a golden chance to spend all those long blissfull hours with your gorgeous classy wife now.
This odious little toad should be donated to medical science not put in the House of Lords
Bercow is-an absolute cunt & traitor a disgrace to this fine Country
Wimbledon wouldn’t let him into the Members List and neither should the House of Lords The penalty for treason should be death?
Treacherous fucking midget. Self important, self absorbed little cunt. Suspect he has a tiny knob as well and probably the reason his whore of a wife went and got cock elsewhere.
There is not enough abuse in the world for this turd.
I thoroughly detest the odious little shit. A complete twat and disgrace to politics, which is very difficult to achieve. I fervently hope he dies soon and horribly, the cuckold cunt.
Bercowitz was on R4 a few days ago for a bit of self-promotion. Oleaginous as fuck, everyone at fault but him, contempt for subordinates, brown tongue for his superiors. Questions obviously agreed in advance. Going on radio is a huge mistake for a semicriminal conman with narcissism problems: fake sincerity is immediately obvious in the voice. And it was.