Humberside Police

A cunting for Humberside Police, who recorded a bit of piss taking as hate speech. The hatred in question was:

“I was assigned mammal at birth, but my orientation is fish. Don’t mis-species me.”

Oh, the trannies were screeching and squealing, but the piss taker, an ex-cop, took the plod to court and an outbreak of common sense prevailed. “Fuck off”, said the Judge, only in legalese with perhaps a bit of Latin, Humberside plod exceeded their brief and are a bunch of useless, woke cunts. Again in strictly legal language. Probably.

The trannies are devastated. Their spokesman, a Bernard Bresslaw lookalike called ‘Helen’ stated that the ruling was worrying and would open trannies to hatred and abuse. Perhaps, ‘Helen’, it might open a bunch of weirdos up to a bit of actual reasoning and discussion, rather than common sense being howled down. Perhaps the cunts in Humberside Police have actually done us a favour.

The cunts.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Humberside Police deserve a nomination. A former police officer by the name of Harry Miller, who is part of a group called ‘Fair Cop’ was visited by police a couple of years ago, after some silly trans tit took offence at some tweets that Miller had posted. Humberside Police later logged the incident as a non-crime hate incident, meaning it could be seen by a potential employer. Miller took Humberside police to the high court and surprisingly, the Judge, Mr Justice Knowles, agreed that Millers rights had been infringed. He even went as far as to use the word ‘Gestapo’ when referring to Humberside police and the way the went about investigating something that was not in any way a crime.

All Miller did was express the opinion that simply calling yourself a woman, does not actually make you a woman. That there are only two genders, and other things along those lines. At no point, as far as I’m aware, did Miller threaten or incite violence against any trans person. Humberside police infringed Miller’s right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. To my knowledge, there is no law that says you cannot disagree with the current narrative being pushed by the rabid hardcore minority in the trans lobby and the far left.

It is not a hate crime to state the simple biological fact that there are only two genders, and that only people who have two X chromosomes are women. It is not a hate crime to refuse to address someone by their ‘preferred pronoun’. There is no law that says I have to refer to Sam Smith as ‘They’. In fact, there is no law that says I cannot do or say anything that other people may find offensive. The far left offend me on a daily basis, but I don’t call the police about it. First of all, it’s got nothing to do with the police, and secondly, the left are just a bunch of arrogant, entitled, overly sensitive fuckwits.

I doubt very much that this case will prove to be the end of the police sticking their noses where they don’t belong, but it is at least a small victory against a bunch of intolerant busy bodies. Shame on Humberside police, the North-Eastern Gestapo.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

100 thoughts on “Humberside Police

  1. I was born free to hate anyone and anything I please, and long may it continue. Mainly I hate liars, and will keep calling them out until the good lord sees fit to snuff me out (while hopefully in the business ejaculating into the bottom of Susanna Reid, thankyou oh lord).

      • I read over the nom and couldn’t believe it was 2 years old.
        Some things don’t change. It’s as if it was yesterday.

      • Would have definitely thought it within the last 12 months tops.

        Time certainly zooms past when you get old.

      • Common sense prevails for once.
        Can’t we gather up all these lefty precious snomflake fuckwits, put them on the Isle of Sky & get on with normality ?

    • Well said. If these cunts had their way it would be a legal obligation to be a liar ie. Call a man a woman when they’re not.
      Hate is an emotion and you cannot criminalise emotion.
      The last time that happened was in Nazi Germany when love between Jews and non Jews was criminalised. It was called behind a race defiller I believe.
      Hate is as valid an emotion as love. I hate many things but ain’t got time here to list them.
      If some trans cunt tries to stop you from saying something because they don’t like it then they’re behaving like a fascist or a Nazi or a Stalinist . They are all the same. It’s based on the state prescribing what you can say. Dictatorship.

      Fight like fuck against these cunts.
      Freedom of speech.

      Utter cunts .

  2. Absolutely spot on cunting! And then they complain that their funds have been cut while wasting what money they do get on absolute nonsense such as this!

      • He/she looks a fucking disgrace , when they walk around looking like that they deserve to slagged off and verbally abused .

      • Check your thinking there toomany.

        The only tranny in the village. Yes she/he nips out at night so not to be seen to walk the dog. Wig on, heels he cannot walk in properly. I have great desire to go up to him-‘can I ask you a personal question-have you had it chopped off’?’ See if he has that would make him a ‘real’ trans woman. According to Mrs P. This all goes out the window of course when it comes to Women’s personal space being invaded. She’s not consistent.
        The guy who wrote Father Ted (who’s got into trouble before on this) said something really interesting. Something like we’re experimenting on the mentally ill like Dr Mengele did in the War.

    • Looks like something from the fucking League Of Gentlemen.
      “This is a local police force for local trannies.. “

      • One of the news reports on it (maybe Sky) was terrible as well. Trawling through his posts to find something, anything, that would condemn him. They found something mildly more ‘offensive’ the reporter-‘and he ticked this as well’.

  3. Jesus fucking Christ!! If Helen thinks he can pass for a woman, even down some alley on a dark night, he is having a fucking laugh. So the libtards want us locked up for taking the piss out of wankers like this? They should ask the peacefuls, who they love so much, what they think of Helen.

  4. The old bill are a joke. When Peel invented them he was opposed because it was thought the people would be emasculated and infantilized. They do not “police by consent” they Police by Common purpose bollox. The other day I saw a 5th 2 twat with a female plonker on ” the beat” There is no way either of them could have arrested anyone who didnt want to be arrested.

  5. Aw! Humberside police ain’t gonna like that. I wonder how long it is before someone suggests taking Miller’s pension away to shut him up for bringing the Police into disrepute!
    Humberside police have made a very good job of that themselves!

  6. Why is ‘Helen’ worried that this ruling would open trannies to hatred and abuse?
    I hated the stupid twats a long time before this nonsense.

    • Apart from posts like this one, I never give them a moment’s thought. Or gays, sjw twats, left wing tossers etc. I class watching paint dry as time better spent.

    • Please do not mis-label these cunts as twats, you’ll hurt their feelings and should they report you, you may be in for a stern look and a finger wagging from Plod!

    • The only thing this ruling opens up for me is a hatred for the waste of space thing who brought the complaint and the police who took the cunt seriously.

  7. Harry needs to ‘adjust his thinking’ if Humberside police say 2+2=5 then it is fact and cannot be challenged.
    ‘Say’ a man can become a woman is fact, the misrepresentation of sex is just as daft as 2+2=5 but if it isn’t challenged then it becomes the truth, the inability to make that challenge is akin to totalitarianism.

    A trans woman is not a woman and never will be, exception to the rule, Dr F, Igor and a lightening storm.

    Fuck off Humberside Police, I bet you cunts wouldn’t have gone steaming in if Harry Miller was a BAME!

  8. While the police are pandering to these fucking dėviants, terrorists, gobshites, diddler’s and other assorted ne’er do well’s, are having a fucking field day and running amok. So much so, that the clear up rate for proper crime is pitifully low.
    If the cunts were on productivity pay they’d be out of pocket.
    On a brighter note, Darwinism has triumphed again, in the good old US of A, where the flat earth nutcase who intended to prove his belief by going up in a home made rocket, has gone out with a bang.
    Branson next.
    Get To Fuck.

  9. I wonder how long it will be before someone puts up signs which say ‘ it’s. OK to be normal ‘ only to be immediately vilified by the likes of Helen and co.

    • Typical ‘normie privilege’. You’re only saying that because you’re a ‘normie’

  10. I was in the MET for 16 years,the City of London before that and the Royal Parks Constabulary before going back to prison nursing.

    This utter fascist obsession of rights for minorities is what has destroyed policing in the UK.

    It must stop.

    • Im free to love or hate whoever or whatever i feel like.
      Doesnt matter what the law says, if i hate something or someone you can fine me, warn me, whatever but it wont change how i feel or what i think.
      Ivdint hate trannies,
      Dobt give a fuck about them to be honest,
      But if i did hate them to fuckin bad!
      Some woke camp copper isnt gonna change my mind.

      • I get what your saying MNC, the important thing about this ruling is the judiciary have backed freedom of speech in this case. If this case had gone the wrong way freedom of speech would of been in big trouble and a legal precedent would have been established.

        Yes we can say fuck the law but once they manage to outlaw a basic right of a free society we soon become outlaws and our governments become full on tyrannies. I

        The law must be our servant not our master.

      • Hi Sixdog, yeah happy for once common sense has prevailed, and agree the point the law is our servant and should be for all, im saying (not very well) that enforced viewpoints while enshrined in law, wouldnt change my mind.
        If they said any dissent is hatecrime id still commit hatecrime, not to break the law but because I’d stay true to what i beleived thought.
        To be honest im law abiding mostly and respect the police but if they tell me to do/say/ beleive something i considered morally wrong?
        Id tell them to get fucked.?

      • There are more people like yourself Miserable.
        Law abiding people who have never had any brush with the law but find their respect rapidly diminishing. I include myself here and could easily find myself breaking the law to stand up for something I passionately believed in. I still respect the rank and file police but fuck the PC greasy pole careerists who have sacrificed their souls on the altar of political correctness.

      • Bertie
        You put it much clearer than i could, thats exactly what i was trying to say!
        Im all for law and order but when its been emasculated and turned into a tool for oppressing free speech im not going along with anything that i feel is wrong.
        This ‘hatecrime’ bollocks is a catch all that can be pointed at anyone saying No.

      • You still put it very eloquently Miserable! I wish you’d been my big brother and saved me from all those pastings I took in the playground!

      • PS Have you been out in the Peaks today?
        How the fuck Yorks. folk can talk about ‘Gods own country’ when the Peaks and Lake District exist is beyond me!

      • Not today Bertie, visited a mate who im moving to Wales, his missus is Very welsh, and sometimes i struggle to understand the odd word, hes from Nevis in the Caribbean and i understand every word!

      • Soviet Russia was a Totalitarian tyranny but what would you call a tranny tyranny? A tyranny of trannies? A Trannanniny!

  11. I wrote a nom on ‘Helen’ Belcher following this verdict so disgusted by ‘her’ comments was I.

    The thing is straight out of Little Britain and Monty Python.

    Regardless, who on earth has the right not to be offended?

    As Jordan Peterson so succinctly put it to that right on lefty Cathy Newman, ‘to be human is to be offended.

    We’re in dangerous territory here.

    At the very least the perceived rights of ultra minority groups are taking precedence over the majority or at the very worst the
    making and passing of laws under the guise of being nice so as not to offend are a Trojan horse to stifle the rights of free speech.

    I know where I stand on this.

    I can only encourage all cunters to join Toby Young’s Free Speech Union and stand up to this fascism.

    Remember, if you tolerate this, then your children will be next…..

    • It’s reported that the patient became very anxious when a nurse colleague shouted across . .. “ Buster, will you come and do this one? “

    • Why did the hospital apologise? Clearly their attitude is as follows:

      “You arksed for a female nurse. The nurse identifies as a woman so that’s what you get. Ignore the evidence of your eyes and blot out your prejudice. Shut up and get in the stirrups.”

    • The nurse in question should be arrested in my opinion.

      In any sane society, a man with facial hair and tattoos IS NOT a fucking woman! For him to even try suggesting otherwise is the ultimate perversion of laws that were originally intended (I’m guessing) to be applied in good faith and moderation.

      The rest of the article Ruff Tuff linked says a female only bathing pond has been invaded by men in ladies bathing attire, claiming they are women. How utterly predictable this has become, all in the name of equality.

      The one shining light though is that the wimminz are getting some serious comeuppance after their years of shrieking for their own set of rules.

      Pfft…..aggressive minorities with an agenda to push really grip my shit.

  12. Bring back the good old days when you could beat up the weirdos.
    Black, white, pahki’s, The Gay, tranny’s, I don’t discriminate.
    They can all go fuck themselves.

    • Still can just make sure you wear a hood , lets be honest they deserve it now more than ever ..

  13. The bogeys go out of their way for trannies… Time and money… Bend over fucking backwards…

    But innocent young girls kidnapped, raped and murdered by paeking stan lees?
    Nah! Not enough time… No money… Let’s just ignore it, eh?

    No wonder they’re known as the filth….

  14. Trannies have no fannies.
    There is only one thing they should have chopped off and that’s there head .

  15. ‘Helen’. You’ve got to laugh. Wouldn’t you know it’s a Liberal Democunt?
    Well played Mr Miller, and Mr Justice Knowles.

    • I think your a bit to free and easy with the word ‘prettier’ Spoons.
      I googled Conchita out of curiosity.
      Have to sleep with a light on tonight.

      • That’s who that black cunt tried to be like who was cunted the other day ,Conchita , another cunt that needs skinning alive with hot knives before dipping her in a bath of salt , then FUCKING BURN HIM!????

      • Q: What’s the difference between light and hard?

        A: you can fall asleep with the light on…!

  16. This case was the very reason I joined this:

    Harry Miller is a former cop, runs his own business and is what we all should be a bit more of: pig headed and who won’t back down to bullshit.

    Now if they’ll do this to Miller, then ordinary Joe has no fucking chance. The devious mechanisms of he new “thought police”, e.g., “Accept the non-crime incident on your permanent record, that future employers can also get access to, or it may be bad for you/expensive if you contest it! Bigot!!”

    They are coming up with this because THEY know the push back is gaining momentum and so making speech and thoughts a crime means the globo-homo machinations can nip it in the bud.

    Well they can’t! Fuck ’em!

    The momentum is with us!


  17. A bit like Cambridgeshire Police….fucking useless, managed by the useless, deployed by the useless . Unshaven, dirty in appearrance, don’t wear caps, look more like Bob the builder, and as “Right on ” as could be imagined.
    BTW, since when did we stary appointing circus midgets ?

    • interstingly,the judge did not say the police guide lines were wrong,they are extant….the humberside police applied them wrongly in this case. more will follow once they adjust their thinking.

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