
Dogknappers are cunts.

I despise “Humanity and people” hence my membership, some people adopt a child (real, or on paper) some people give to charity ( only the legion for me). But myself and Mrs B go the whole hog and rescue/adopt sight hounds.

These are the rejects from the betting industry. They dont have a happy life, they are kept in boxes for their career and are either liquidated, sold as food or hopefully offered for rescue. The rules are simple for us. Despite the donation given, the hound will live with us until death, but we will never own them. All dogs are chipped and the charity is the third contact number, so a dog found is easy to reunite any way you choose.

Well we have lost a dog. The dog went after a deer close to Wintersfold, outside Cranleigh in Surrey. Its been five days now and trust me, we have scoured the woods (as an organisation) and put up notices, but no sign and no body. The dog has been stolen. Regrettably, it will have been taken by the local traveller population and passed on to be a “Coursing dog”, probably end up stuck on a barbed wire fence in West Yorkshire .

I really fucking hate them. Dealing with a distraught family who have lost their other child and the 3-day rule, in this weather they will die in three days. We cant find a body. It’s been nicked, end of.

Fucking cunts they are.

Nominated by lord benny

71 thoughts on “Dogknappers

  1. I’m heartened that pretty much everyone on here prefers dogs to people. And hates “travellers”.

  2. Bastards… bastards… fucking bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Had two beautiful greyhound bitches (mother and daughter) and a Bedlington lurcher in my time. My god there are few instances when one’s natural restraint is so easily suspended as when someone harms an animal. My solution for these souless cunts would be too abatoirial to pass moderation.
    We lost the lurcher, ‘Musket’ (because his brindling was like a walnut gunstock) to gyppos when I nipped into the chippie after his night walk, leash wrapped and reef knotted round the cast drainpipe right under the chip shop window… came out 3 mins later… gone. Month later the g/f yells at me to come and look at the telly and wandering in the background of some outside broadcast at New St. station was Musket!!!, same brindling, the same odd white ‘socks’. Took a week off work and wandered round New Street and Snow Hill without luck.
    Found one of the greyhounds (the 2yr old daughter) wandering our street and took it in. Reported it to the poliss and thought no more of it. She’d obviously been penned all her life as I had to teach her to climb the four front steps. 3 months later the cops knock the door and say the (fucking flap-tracking cunt gyppo) owner wanted his dog back, they said she’d jumped/climbed an 8ft fence to get out!! No choice, had to return her. Two more months pass and I’m contacted by the police saying the gyppo’s fucked off and left the dogs (??plural??) in the pen, the wife can’t cope and if you want ’em come and get them or he’s threatening to put a bullet in each one. Half an hour later I had them both back home. The mother was safely homed and I had Socks (strawberry blonde with four white socks) for the next 13 years. Held her paw as she was put to sleep in her final days. Long dogs now have a permanent place in my heart and Skye looks a real darlin’ LB. Got everythng crossed that she’s returned safely to where she belongs. Just watch that tail go… 🙂

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