Emergency cunting for Lord Steel.
For enabling repulsive heap of blubber Sir Cyril Smith MP to get away with abusing Dog knows how many vulnerable boys ‘in care’.
No excuses – straight to jail please.
Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
David Steel. What a lump of steaming horse shit this man is, for knowing well and good that the disgusting fat article that was Cyril Smith was abusing young boys back in the day (after a fucking ADMISSION from the cunt himself!!) but did nothing whatsoever with that knowledge as it was ‘nothing to do with him’ and happened ‘before his time’.
So that clears that up then. Not my problem, so I will ignore it and get on with my political career. What an irresponsible, careless cunt of epic proportions. Politicians have both a moral and social duty to be reporting stuff like this and seeing that someone is held responsible, particularly for something so heinously deviant as this. Minimally, he should have been making sure the sicko was nowhere near the political arena.
Nominated by Nurse Cunty
The Establishment protects its own. So many of these cases. Why?
Here’s my latest (rather long) post…
Essay question: Our rulers only care about money. Discuss.
Good piece CMC. The ruling class and their media lackeys are obsessed with differences and inequalities except the one that matters…….economic inequalities. The slebs will cry over the poofs, trannies and immos but don’t expect them to question the system that pats them on the head and tells them what lucky bastards they are in the first place.
They don’t believe they’re lucky, but entitled and deserving of fame and fortune.
While GDP is king, not one cunt in power gives two stony shites about open borders, demographics, and the moral degradation of society.
Year on year – especially the last 10 – we’re told GDP is growing.
Is your life better for these GDP increases, or worse?
Does the wider society feel better for these GDP increases, or worse?
Well we all know the answer to that don’t we because the cost of chasing GDP is irretrievably damaging our lives and the wider society.
That’s why the push back on the Tories has to come from the right. The left offers no challenge to them and so they feel they can do what they like, ignore the mandate they were elected on and keep fucking the country over for a pursuit of something that benefits no one apart from them, and their puppet master elites!
This is spot on. Basically the government tells us we need to sacrifice everything for what,a few extra takeaways a year which we would have had anyway through technological changes and meanwhile our cultural environment decays and the crime rate and congestion soars due to the immigration of mostly ugly third world scumbags. Walk around central London on an evening and you see the complete degeneration of what was once a beautiful city now filled with borderline vermin.
I think politicians focus too much on money, and people too. As long as I’ve got my big TV and foreign holidays who gives a shit if our representatives are destroying this country’s future with immigration and short-termism.
We should focus on identity and group wellbeing. But whereas modern lefties are utterly obsessed with every minority going, and scorn the majority as inherently evil, whether it’s European culture here, or Indian hindu culture in India, it’s really up to us to reclaim our white identity and history as something to be valued and protected. I’m willing to be a bit poorer and live in a country with solidarity rather than the American one of individual pursuits of greed.
Agreed TCRS
Not sure whether I can afford to be much poorer than I am already but totally endorse your sentiments.
The indigenous population of this once great country are fed up to the back teeth with having to live alongside poorly behaved criminal scum imported from overseas and forced to suffer the consequences of their actions.
Suspect the vast majority of average thinking people in this country care far more about the quality of their everyday lives rather than GDP, which after all probably only benefits the already very wealthy.
There is far more to life than money.
Although vaguely connected, this has hijacked a very current and much needed cunting by RTC and NC. The second comment in is not appropriate.
Don’t be surprised by this – it’s always been this way.
Politicians, the Rich, Eaton educated entitled cunts : they all regard themselves as above the law & always will.
Politician molests vulnerable kids in a state run ‘care’ home – ‘nothing to see here Sir – carry on’
Bloke in a factory calls a Dark-key a ‘spade’ – go straight to jail, you racist bastard – that’s a ‘hate crime’
Alas, for my poor country…. 🙁
Imagine being a 14 year old slim lad like I was at that age, and having that great sweaty mass Smith on top of you – it’s a wonder any of those lads lived to tell the tale.
I can’t stand the cut of Steele’s jib, never could, but I suspect quite a few leaders turned a blind eye to the peccadilloes of their MPs – if he was an honest man (some hope!), I bet Anthony Blair has some sordid details of some of his mincers and benders and I have little doubt he and Alcoholic Ali used such info to blackmail them into submission.
I remember this cunt visiting our school in the seventies, he arrived by helicopter .
Bunked school that day so I can’t tell you anything else about the cunt.
I bet it was a Chinook, I cant think of anything else that would lift the cunt.
You should have fired at the cunt with your trusty catapult then chucked a water balloon at him, all the time shouting “fat sweaty bastard”.
He’s in hell now with a poker where it hurts.
Manky cunt ….and Steele.
A fucking helicopter? Was the pilot on danger money? I’ll bet he didn’t risk a full gas tank.
Ah yes, I remember the “two Davids”…… important cunts back then who wanted us to listen to them. Now this cunt Steel just wants to be left alone and forgotten about the fucking kiddy fiddler enabler.
To be fair to the shit weasel his crimes pale into insignificance compared to the , fuck knows how many, cunts who covered up for Sir James Savile for donkeys years. We will never know about that in our lifetimes. Too many rich and important people keeping their dirty secrets to themselves.
I had the spitting image dog toy, in fact to be fair I had the set.
Coming home you never knew who would be in favour, Kinock, the two Davids, or Maggie.
But a fat bouncy Labrador would greet you with Politician of the day in its dribbely jaws
David Steel admitted to a crime, covering up for a child sex offender isnt just legally but morally wrong, this little toad should serve time.
Has the police investigated Steel involvement in this?
Was he only turning a blind eye?
Holding Cyril huge undercrackers an watching? The filthy little cunt covers up for something like this hes capable of so much more.
Good Morning MNC
I made that comment on the GF website when the story broke earlier this week. No doubt the bastard will claim senility or some other mental illness. There should be some sort of announcement from the Police or DPP about a prosecution.
I understand that he actually procured a knighthood for Cyril Smith knowing what he had done. He wouldn’t have been the only one who knew, a very typical establishment cover up.
Morning Wanksock, totally disgusting, how our political piggies look out for each other, no matter what, wonder where David would draw the line?
*Holding Cyril huge undercrackers an watching? *
Those outsize bloomers now adorn the flabby folds of flesh on Diane Abbott’s buttocks. They had to reopen three cotton mills to make them, MNC.
the current government instituted an investigation into child abuse lead by a woman called baroness (of course) Jay – she has just found that despite there being evidence of child abuse at westminster there is no child abuse ‘ring’ at westminster – IICSA – as far as whitewashes goes this is a top one!!
and y the way steel is a cunt
A bunch of thoroughly contemptible old scrotes.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I honestly thought this nonentity was long dead.
SDP Liberal LibDems or whatever they are calling themselves this week.
Utter cunts one and all…
Should we really be surprised? The Establishment have it all stitched up: whether its the Royals, politicians, the Church, rich tv celebs, peers of the realm etc. They’re all at it:looking after their own, covering up when they can, and when the shit does hit the fan they will try their damndest to try and brush it under the carpet.
Go back to your constituency, David Steel, and prepare for a good stabbing, you immoral cunt!
This servile little cunt was accurately portrayed by his Spitting Image character. A fawning, minute figure that lived in the shirt pocket of David Owen.
A real life little shit, no mistake.
I wonder how many D notices are in place.
I imagine he feared losing his place at the table if he caused a commotion.
No more expenses and being important on TV.
What a fucking rat.
Cyril Smith looked like just the sort of hot fat sweaty leering pervy cunt your parents warned you about not taking sweeties from when you were a kid.
I’ll bet Steele wasn’t the only one keepi g it quiet.
I’d wager all the enabling honourable gentlemen did.
I wonder how that conversation went.
” I fuck little boys”
Think ponder, assess.
” Don’t worry Cyril, It is just a matter of time until legislation is put in place, keep it under your hat for now”
To be continued.
All these establishment types have one thing in common, they don’t give two fucks about ordinary people. It doesn’t matter what their political affiliations are, the attitude is the same.
Steel protected Smith, Thatcher protected her private secretary ( Morrison ? ), and insisted Saville got a gong, even after being warned against i, on more than one occasion, and I’ve no doubt that many others have done similar, up to and including the present shower.
For people in power, anybody and anything is a commodity.
Trust me, I’m a politician ?
Get To Fuck.
Agreed Jack, the SNP minister the other week was only caught because the lad told his parents and you only have to look and see how the Home Office is burying a repot into the peaceful grooming gangs because it is ‘not in the public interest’. What hope have any victims got of justice when the Establishment are at it themselves and/or enabling perpetrators?
There’s very little chance of justice LL. And if you do get it, it’s usually only after a lifetime fighting for it.
Sometimes, revenge is the shortest route to a satisfactory resolution, although with consequences.
The Establishment is indeed a Cunt.
Bernard Manning talking about the Thorpe trial at the time.
Norman Scott -‘ I cried and bit the pillow’ (while Jeremy was giving him one)
Good thing it wasn’t Cyril Smith or he would have eaten the fucking mattress.
Also – Charlie Williams is to comedy what Cyril Smith is to hang gliding.
Unfairly I think but Bernard was always a cunt in public to other comics.
Steel is indeed a snivelling cunt.
Steel is typical of the Political Class’s lack of integrity.
He effectively condoned, aided and abetted a series of sexual assaults upon young and vulnerable children, all of whom were forced to be burdened for life by the crimes of Cyril Smith ( Rt Hon ) MP.
Steel has always been a slimy piece of shit, and this tawdry episode reafirms my belief that WE in THIS country , have a SWAMP that needs fucking DRAINED DRY ! Cunt !
Morning Asim. He covered up for Jeremy Thorpe too.
Good morning RTC. Now that, I didn’t know ! He has previous then, and by many years eh? How many more I wonder?
Good target for cunting BTW, Ive never liked liberal cunts !
Thorpe perv all the way was caught leaving the uk at customs with a false bottom in his suitcase
‘Go back to your constituencies and children’s homes and prepare to be bummed’.
Steel may not have bunmed boys, but he is guilty of knowing of what happened and of turning a blind eye.
No doubt his resignation will be enough for some to sweep it under the carpet and forget about what had happened….nothing to see here, move along please.
Some cunt on twatter or fuckbook refers to another person by a gender they are not happy with and the Police will knock your door down.
What a strange world we live in.
*Bummed not bunmed, check your spelling you cunt.
Steel always was a prime cunt and it’s very satisfying to see history catch up with him. Should have had his collar felt decades ago, and he still won’t one suspects. Made his name as an abortionist never forget.
But what a fucking shower they’ve had as leader
Jeremy Thorpe!
I agree with Nick (thanks to Zuckerberg for keeping this particular cunt – and his pushy missus-5,000 away)
Jo ‘next PM’ Swinson (fastest career meltdown in history)
Charlie ‘mine’s a treble’ (in fairness, this bloke was relatively normal for liking a sherbet like the rest of us)
Uncle Vince – duplicitous cunt. So called Financial Crisis visionary who simply jumped on the bandwagon.
In fairness Ashdown was ok (and quite a rarity as a self proclaimed ‘red blooded action man’ in that Party) but Ming Vase was a complete nonentity that I cant even be bothered to cunt.
I think that covers the last 50 yrs or so.
Peter Cook’s “Bisased Judge’s summing-up of the Thorpe Trial” is a comedy masterpiece.
More laughs in ten minutes than in al-Beeb’s recent ten-year output.
Overheard in the Lumsden household . . . . . .
Yes, Mother?
Have you been annoying those nice boys from IsAC again?
I’m just on the website Mother.
I think it’s my best chance of meeting a nice girl.
Remember when he said that the Dutch secret service would be after us? Tena man strikes again….
Hahaha indeed brilliant stuff Bert.
Have the liberals ever made a positive contribution to society? This bellend was irrelevant at the height of his political career, and it appears his only success was to help Cyril Smith evade justice, and I hope that is all he will be remembered for. His cuckolded midget spitting image puppet had more personality than he could ever muster.
“Go back to your constituency and prepare an orifice, fat Cyril”.
“Don’t mind if I do Deviant Dave – do you know the best thing about twenty nine Year olds”?
“No fat Cyril”.
“There’s twenty of ’em”. Oink, oink!
“That’s great fat Cyril – and if you do get caught just tell them you’re a muslim”.
Molesting children is vile, Politicians covering for f*cking sickos is just as bad, and I think Steel should face criminal charges for deliberately withholding this information.
The rich and privileged have always regarded the poor and defenceless as their property and playthings.
Until such time that enough people have had enough, then it falls down.
Vermin, too many of the rich are.
And welcome back DF – we have missed your insightful input Sir! ?
Why has Diddycunt not been prosecuted? I seem to recall only a few months back, a woman police officer being prosecuted when she received a photo on her phone from her sister. It involved child abuse and she was hauled over the coals for not passing this on to the relevant authorities.
I was just reading through the above article and ho! – the irony!
The prosecution lawyer, Richard Wright, in summing up said, ‘as you would rightly expect the law applies to all of us in exactly the same way, regardless of who we are, what job we do, or how out of character our lapses of judgement might be.’
Really Mr Wright? Really?
The Steel cunt has prima face evidence against him to justify a prosecution for Misconduct in public office and perversion of justice.
I wouldn’t mind betting Alistair-be-a-duckie-Darling was a secret knicker snatcher – that’s why Blair fiddled his expenses – he had to buy Cherie new knickers three times a week. That’s why he wore that long trench coat- to smuggle Cherie’s skid-marked drawers out of no 10 into no 11.
A great double-barrelled shotgun of a cunting from Ruffers and Nurse.
Bloody hell, any kid being abused is bad enough. Can’t imagine what it must have been like to be at the mercy of that greasy tub of lard Smith.
‘Stainless’ Steel indeed! Has the fucker’s collar not been felt yet?
”Gladstone, Palmerston, Bonar Law….. . . All Scottish?
You’d better check your history books Timothy. You’re not the smartarse you think you are.
In retrospect I am now glad my written request to the tv programme Jim’ll fix it to be shown around Parliament by a prominent politician was rejected.
David Steel’s legacy. Ennobling a known child rapist and putting in place the framework for the ‘final solution’ to kill millions of vulnerable human beings. How do you like those apples you utter cunt.