Charity Adverts (2)

I would like a regular as clockwork, every ten minutes cunting for begging…sorry, charity ads, where you can’t watch anything on telly without a quarter-hourly attempted guilt trip by some money-making solicitors or charity, trying to guilt you into lining their pockets with images of donkeys, African kids, Indian kids, abused kids, Syrian kids, refugee kids, homeless kids, drug addicts, beggars, kids in wheelchairs, deformed kids, Muslim kids with no Christmas presents, ginger kids, puppies, kittens, whales, plastic, disabled kids dressed like Clark Kent, old people, garden birds; the list goes on and fucking on, every 15 minutes without fail.

I know I’m totally politically incorrect, but it’s got to the stage where I don’t give a flying fuck for any of them, due to the fact I’ve been force fed these fucking ads for years by these cunts. I’m now of the opinion that even if you give money, it doesn’t go where you intended, or is so little by the time it gets to its final intended destination, its not worth bothering with, or it’s mismanaged by the so-called charity. That’s why when they give three quid a month, you ring to donate and you get some con man trying to talk you into a direct debit for TWENTY-THREE quid a month.

You can buy a nice whiskey for that and drink it until you disable your central nervous system and then, and only then, can you ignore these fucking ads.

Nominated by Fuglyucker

You all know the one – put the TV on and they begin – “Enoch is going blind, Juju has to walk ten miles to get water, Ingbing has to marry a man forty years older than her, the poor Yemeni children are starving” etc, etc, etc, and they are never ending.

I am not a mean person and I do not like to see people suffer, but what makes me fucking furious is that firstly WE have people with nowhere to sleep except the street, WE have people who have to go to food banks because they do not get enough money to avoid starvation and WE have people who receive no money for Months at a time and cannot afford the basics of Human dignity – who the hell thought that our citizens would face starvation and dying of cold in the fifth richest Country in the World?

Why are people standing for this? Because every time the plight of white English people is mentioned instead of terrorists, paedophiles, thieves, economic migrants and murdering vermin, the (white) person making the point is immediately and permanently demonised as being racist, fascist, nazi etc, to try and bully, humiliate and silence citizens with every right to free speech and back up their threats with violence – this was done in the 1930’s by a very similar organisation called the N, Na, Naz – nope, can’t recall what they were called but I think they were led by a little Man with a distinctive moustache and some unpleasant tendencies.
I am of the opinion that you do not bale out any other lifeboats before stopping yours sinking, but this opinion seems to be at odds with the traitors who believe they have the right to make false and malicious allegations against anyone who disagrees with their hate speech and newspeak.

Hateful, corporate greed masquerading as kindness, but we are being slowly awakened to this agenda – because charity adverts are a CUNT!

Nominated by Vernon Fox

85 thoughts on “Charity Adverts (2)

  1. I looked at where my tax goes courtesy of the nice breakdown that HMRC sends me , turns out I sent just over £1k overseas in aid last year, so they can fuck right off if they think they are getting any more

    And of course NONE of that factors in the huge benefits bill for the ones who manage to get here because none of them ever seem to roll up and actually pay their way

  2. Maybe Africans are more intelligent than we think. They sit on their arses whilst the rest of the world gives them money, infrastructure and medical care. What’s not to like?

    Or maybe the indigenous people are backward, corrupt cunts. Look at how well South Africa is doing now. Discuss.

    • The indigenous people who are now in charge of these African countries are indeed corrupt cunts of the highest order!
      Decades after independence and with massive amounts of mineral wealth, these countries are still stuck in a dire economic state. Those in charge cream off the profits from any wealth keeping it from the rest of the country and send it to their offshore bank account in a tax haven at the same time as pocketing the ‘aid’ money coming from the west.
      They then produce charity ad’s showing a cow pissing in a pool at one end whilst at the other end some kid is filling up a shit infested bucket with piss water all the while demanding more money. Cunts the lot of them!!

      • This is also true of england, great britain, uk, whatever we call ourselves. Every year tax goes up for everyone except big businesses (who get a tax cut), politicians get a higher wage, councils get more funding… Yet we have homelessness and starvation, high flood risks because they cant be arsed to improve the defences, and potholes, broken street lights and other issues that are still not sorted 20 years later.

  3. Charities are all cunts looking to waste some other poor bastards cash.
    They can fuck off and take Juju and all the other begging cunts with them.

      • And as for Ingbing having to marry a specimen forty years older, why doesn’t she just renounce that crackpot religion of piss…

        Excellent cunting.

        PS I’ll refrain from saying anything about HSBC, their ads, and that teracunt E I Addio, in case you think I’m obsessed…

      • Its not religion. It may be law. If its legal there, what can we do? Its not our place to dictate to other countries, or try to change them. Plus, just a few centuries ago we english were marrying at around 12 years old.

    • While i enjoy the the 3rd world poverty ones i hate the animal cruelty ones an turn over till theyve gone.
      Hate animal cruelty, but can happily watch mtembe carry water for hours, ‘ youll have to go back mtembe theres a fly in the water’.
      Good cunting Vernon!?

      • Good morning MNC, I’m with you on this. I give a little each month (2 or 3 pounds each is all I can afford) to 3 or 4 animal charities but watching M’tembe walking 20 miles to get some water full of piss, sand, mud, flies, beetles and shit stirs absolutely fuck all in me.

      • I agree with Mnc, Moggie and Guardian Hater. Lord Chattterley and I will leave our cottage and all our antique furniture to be sold and split between various animals charities. That’s a fair bit of cash that I hope will do them some good when we’re worms meat.

        What annoys me is that Andrex (I think) advert about giving cash to fund proper lavatories in In-di-a when they have their own space programme. Why can’t their rocket-science cash-splashing government give them proper bogs?

      • Little mtembe carrying water, admittedly hes working hard but when hes 16 he can retire!
        Sit on his arse with all the other men of the village.
        Same for little ghupta forced to marry a man 30yrs her senior, selfish in my opinion!
        Her mummy an daddy spent ages arranging that marriage and the spiteful little bitch is moaning?

      • But… ‘800 kids die every day due to this water’. Um, bullshit, much? Surely all the kids would be dead in a year, and if that water is all they have and its so dangerous, how are there older kids and adults? Surely all the adults would have died before they were 10!

  4. ? In aid of better boats?

    “Please give generously to help fund the condition of boats in the English channel. We are the ? Refugee African People In Safe Travels and are looking to purchase new sailing vessels in which to safely travel to the U.K.

    Some of these men have travelled far and through many countries, paying extortionate rates to unscrupulous smugglers. Let’s make their final journey in comfort. Give ? Refugee African People In Safe Travels and change your neighbourhood forever!

    (n.b. ? R.A.P.I.S.T.Boats is not an official charity and consequently not all the money will reach its goal)

    • I think I’d have more respect if the ad simply stated that 85% of all donations would go towards director salaries and little Umbongo can go fuck himself.

  5. “This is Keir. For five long years he has had to crawl along a slippery slope, pretending being friends with a group of raddled old communists, queer peers, drunken publicity men and butch dykes. Now he faces the ultimte degredation of having to pretend to be friend with single mothers,poofters, Eddie Izzard, Sadiq Khan and the working classes. He has to feign pleasure in whippets, council flats, pot smokers, union leaders and their members.

    All Keir really wants is a home befitting an ex DPP, a comfortable seat in Chuka Umunna’s exclusive gentlemans club,and a guarantee of an easy life where he can hobnob with royalty, world leaders, EU officials and celebrities from the rich world of Ant & Dec, and an assurance of a big fat autobiography at the end of his five years of power, till he makes way for the next cretin.

    You can make his dreams come true. A gift of £5 will guarantee him a soapy tit wank from Yvette Cooper. £10 will buy him a blowjob from Rebecca Long-Bailey. £25 will ensure a warm face-sitting from Emily Thornberry.

    Please send whatever you can afford to Gina Miller Enterprises, The Dwellings, Mincing Lane London. Thank you”

  6. Charidee?

    They’re hedge fund management companies who are a business for themselves and pay a tiny percentage solely to keep tax exemption status.
    See also the RNLI giving millions to buy “burkinis” for West Africa and ‘swimming’ lessons for Bangladeshi girls.
    They’re a complete con, oh look, here’s a little doe eyed kid snivelling on behalf of GOSH, give generously, my drinks cabinet needs restocking.
    Arse biscuits.

    • There always seems to be a desire, fuelled by peer pressure, for struggling organisations like RNLI to give money to the third world.

      If I give money to a uk charity I expect that money to be spent in the UK.

      • You could say the same about tax, I didn’t pay it so government cunts can give £14bn a year away in fucking foreign aid.

  7. You could go a long way to cutting down on animal and child cruelty by starting your own charity called…….
    You’d get a big donation from me for a kick off.

    • FtF has a legendary idea! “Tinker aid” – we could have Pukesley the bear on a roof shouting “We’ll need whole a new roof dere Madam – shall I drive you to the bank”?
      Back to Rathkeale with the lot of them, thieving gypsy b*stards!

  8. Suck Dick Khunt is part of the legal challenge to the 3rd runway at Heathrow.

    What an absolute shit cunt he is.

    Good morning.

    • Is my memory playing tricks on me or did Boris Johnson say that he would lie down in front of the bulldozers a la Arthur Dent.

    • Suck Dick was in favour of the third runway when he was at Westminster. Silly cunt doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. Perhaps Jess Phillips has scared him with a threat of a Chinese burn?

  9. And if you have to walk 10 miles for water, move the fuck closer.
    Oh, and stop pissing and shitting in it.

    • Tesco does their own Tonic Water for 50p (two for 90p). Apparently tonic water is good for cramp so that would help the little Ooga-doogas after they’veenjoyed a G&T. I know, I know, I’m such a magnanimous cunt.

      • It’s amusing to hear Africans complain about how hard their new colonial masters, the Chinese work them all day, barking at them whereas the English were smashed on gin fizzes by midday (stops the malaria doncha know) and let them slack off for the afternoon as long as they made a profit.

      • With any luck, after a load of bat soup flu, all the Africans will be pushing up the daisies, or whatever they have there…

  10. Never see them for food banks in the UK do we? According to the media the majority of us would not eat if not for food banks.

  11. Africa doesn’t need charity. What it does need is a massive de – knackering and fallopian tube severing programme.
    Everything else will fall into place.
    They’re worse than fucking rabbits.
    Good morning.

    • Nail on head there. Plenty of energy to do the insemination deed and gestate. Perhaps they have targets they have to meet for UK infiltration by boat ingrained in their DNA. That cuddly bear sized Chicaboo in the picture doesnt exactly look under nourished either does he.

    • Exactly right, Mrs umbongo can’t afford to feed her six children, what they really mean Mrs umbongo can’t afford to feed even one child but she likes to fuck.

  12. Perhaps in the future instead of doing charitable work, “Call me Harry” (Hewitt) will just make adverts.

  13. Actually, looking again at the pic of the kid, hes got that look of ‘im gonna grow up to be a right cunt’ plastered all over his calculating looking mug. Probably looking at the bird and thinking at what age he can savage her lady bits before continent hopping to here.

    • He looks like a right shifty looking cunt.
      A lifetime of stabfest’s and Internet scams stretches before him.
      The little cunt.

  14. The adverts are dreadful, my, sadly departed mother in law as duped into several DD payments to these total cunts. I despise the fucking Chuggers, when I worked in the town centre you couldn’t walk around the busier parts with some cunt with long hair (or shaved) several piercings and what looked like tombstones for teeth leaping out at you waving a fucking clip board. I saw one once approach a lady out with what looked like her young daughter, this utter cunt was right in her face and walking backwards whilst she was trying to avoid the cunt. If he’d had done that to me my natural reaction would have been to twat him. Cunts they are, all of them.

  15. ‘Little Umboko lost a leg, a hand and one eye while playing Hop-Scotch in a minefield. He lives in a village with no water. Each morning poor Umboko has to cycle 5 miles on a bicycle with buckled wheels, one pedal and no brakes to collect water for his family. Send us just £5 and we will send you a DVD of his journey! It’s fucking hilarious ???

    • You are not gonna believe this SB but I read your comment out to my wife. The Dozy cunt asked ” Did he send the £5?”.

  16. Bill Nighy’s ‘Syria’ appeal was the first charity advert to really boil my piss.

    I am convinced these celebricunts put more people off from giving. Good! Big business scamming cunts can fuck right off.

    It’s snowing here today. Not a lot of people in Africa know that…

  17. Charity is big big business, hoards of people doing really well out of poor little Njambo and his 10 mile walk for a bucket of bull piss. How come these so called saviours are still banging on about the same shit that was occurring 50 years ago? You would think that having received enough money to build and equip another planet poor little Njambo would have a fucking water park to fuck about in. No he still plods 10 miles for a fetid bucket of fermenting bull piss filled with nasty bugs whilst the cunts running the fiddle get huge salaries and pensions and have access to billions in the bank accounts that their fat arses are sitting on. Making an advert and begging for money is not charity. Sorting out the charity business so you don’t have twenty charities doing the same thing, not using brand new land cruisers. Actually doing something for the poor bastards would be a start. Not sitting on huge amounts of donated and government money would be another, stop acting like cunts.

    • They could boil the shit-filled water they pick up. Of course, the cunts need to discover fire first.

  18. In spite of receiving 3 TRILLION, the shitholes remain shitholes. What is needed is one fucking good flush!

  19. some knob dressed as superman tried to hassle me for cash in a local shopping centre.
    I had just navigated 3 beggars and this twat jumped out on me dressed as superman, “Spare a few quid for disabled kids smiler!”.
    The only reason he caught us is we are both disabled so not as quick on our feet as we once were, so I just pointed at the Mrs and said I have a disabled wife and we left it at that.
    I do collect myself for Greyhound rescue, I do not hassle anyone (apart from the big issue seller) I just stand there with my pot and dog.
    What fucks me off is the dogs wear little coats with adopt a greyhound on them ( that is the idea), But the public get these strange ideas.
    1, That they will receive a fluffy toy and letters from a literate Greyhound
    2, That they can fuck off home with my dog then and there (arseholes)

    • ??? Fuck me, that made me laugh. The thick cunts thinking they could give you a fiver and walk off with your dog.?
      You wouldn’t want dimmos like that anywhere near an animal in the first place.

  20. Personally, I wouldn’t give the steam off my fucking piss to these inbred cunts! I’ve seen firsthand what these fucking jigaboo’s do if the white mans generosity! A new pump for drinking water? Fuckoff! Building materials for a new school? Bollocks! A medical centre, perhaps? Not a cunting chance!! No, I’ll tell you what they do with your money! A shitload of AK47 and the ammunition to go with it. These ingrate cunts don’t give a fuck about a full belly and clean water! All they want is to get tooled up and waste some poor fucker! Absolute fucking vermin!

  21. Great cunting Vernon.

    Don’t donate to any charities due to massive overheads and resultant minuscule amount going to cause itself.

    And with the animal charities, what’s it with the cuddly toy FFS?

  22. Years ago, many years, people in England had to drink beer because water was so dirty.

    People in Africa should drink beer instead.

    • Your right Spoons they did!
      ‘Small beer’ it was called,
      Low in alcohol so could drink it all day without getting drunk.
      Bit like carling.

      • Carling? Sh*t! Spanked a case of that some Years ago after a dispute with the shortly to be ex Lady Fox – it did nowt!
        But I finally got rid, just half a million quid down..
        Hitman would have been cheaper.

  23. If you go to Africa, you’ll never see as many black people in one place.
    Unless you go to Londonistabbistan.
    Get To Fuck.

  24. As others have said, if you have to walk miles for water, MOVE CLOSER.

    Build a settlement next to a river, build a toilet and a sewage treatment facility, and STOP SHITTING IN THE RIVER YOU DAMN DIRTY APES (based on behaviour, not muh skin colour)

  25. A few years ago I saw a TV advert by Save The Children, they were collecting for a flood in Bangladesh…… I sent them a bucket of water.

    • Sudan – decades of civil war.
      Sudan splits into South Sudan and North Sudan.
      Immediate civil war in South Sudan.
      It never f*cking ends.
      Got in last night and said to the good lady “get your coat on my lovely”
      “Ooh, she said – are we going out”?
      “No, I said – I’m going out and I’m turning the f*cking heating off”!

      • Apparently her self has no sense of humour – and I am more than happy to take her out this evening, it subsequently transpires..
        Glad I keep that girl in line. ☹

  26. Excellent cunting – these turds, who’s CEOs earn in excess of £200k a year and do fuck all for it should all be closed down – charidee is not a business and should have no political exceptionalism whatsoever

  27. I hate kids and don’t give a fuck about thousands of the cunts dying from anything and everything. Drinking shit laced water in some dog forsaken hell hole in Africa or a decent sized school shooting in downtown Chicago. It’s all the same to me.

    Sometimes I’m asked if I’d like to donate to some child money laundering scheme – sorry charity – when I’m checking out at the supermarket. Always say the same thing. No thanks – I only support animal charities. I sometimes get a look, but I don’t care.

    There are loads of human charities and relatively few animal charities by comparison. Plus humans can ask for help. Animals can’t. I’d pay to save a litter of kittens any day over saving some starving dark key with flies on its face.

    • Q. Excuse me sir, can you spare the price of a cup of tea?

      A. Yes of course, it’s about £1.50 in that cafe across the road. Good day.

      Let them rot the cunts.

  28. I feel bad for the animals before they play no part in their suffering, that is carried out by humans for their own sick ends or because of neglect.

    As for the humans, the beggars, the spice addicts, the desert children, the muslim women with 7 kids – they can all go fuck themselves.

  29. Fuck em , that’s what i say , bunch of lazy free loading hand out bastards.
    My parents went to Gambia once and got friendly with a police sergeant , the cunt had 9 kids and wasn’t very well off .
    My parents started to go to Gambia every other year and meet up with him , they paid for a few of his kids to go school , they would send over clothes and stuff and they even paid for him to have a well put in so he had his own running water.
    They gave him some seeds to grow his own vegetables among other stuff. My parents received a letter from him saying all his plants and veg had died and asked for some more , my parents said it was because the lazy cunts wasn’t watering them and then he would get his kids to write letters to my parents asking for money. .
    Top and bottom of the story is simple , give them fuck all , they don’t respect it and they will always have the hand out for more and more , fuck the cunts .

    • Oh and my parents fucked them off and ignored the letters once they were asking for money .

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