Yes cunters, once again it is them. And I am fucking fuming. Again. Living in the UK is actually becoming increasingly bad for your health. The lefty, virtue-signalling, politically-correct and highly hypocritical climate that we live in is creating stress, high blood pressure, internalised anger and an overwhelming urge to stick your Size 7 through the laptop/TV screen or whatever else and fracture your fucking foot. Such is the case this morning, my fellow cunters. It has been reported by that smug pile of turd that is ‘The Guardian’, that the BBC had backed Geeta Guru-Murthy over her comments about the Brexit celebrations crowd being ‘very white’:
Well shiver me timbers. What a shocker.
So, if this had been a white reporter commenting on a very black crowd, one assumes that the BBC would have no issue with that and stand 100% behind their employee. Yes, of course they would. Was that a squadron of low flying pigs that just flew over my head?
They also stated that it was a relevant comment as it ‘moved on to the discussion’ about immigration being such a much-espoused reason as to why people voted leave. Again, this is clearly slanted reporting. Their lack of insight is staggering. So not only are they supporting an obvious demonstration of inverted racism by making an issue of skin colour, but they then suggest that the main reason people voted leave was immigration and make a very clear and direct insinuation that because the crowd is mostly white, that this means they are inherently racist and don’t like dark faces on their doorstep.
The BBC are so overtly biased it is actually not even joke-worthy anymore. It is disgraceful, shameful and highly insulting. A black reporter comments on a white crowd, suggests that they are racist (albeit in an acceptable and get away with it-able fashion) and then makes fun of their intelligence by interviewing carefully selected punters…..and this is all hunky-dory with Auntie.
I am so angry. Somebody hide my laptop please…..and my boots.
Nominated by Nurse Cunty
Nurse, the only place for the BBC is over a fucking cliff. Hope Johnson supplies the bulldozers.
My response to this statement would be ‘if it’s true, so fucking what?’.
Sick of cunts like this playing the racebait card.
Nice cunting for a Monday.
According to MSN and especially the Bollocks Broadcasting Cabal the UK is a white minority country so such criticism of the evil white crowd is completely valid.
Every advert for anything from a hotel to Hovis has to have a mix race couple in it so it must be true.
Either that or they are all a set of cunts.
Get to fuck.
It is interesting that the Grauniad /BBC /Sky scümbags did not describe the Glastonbury crowd chanting “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” as “very white” (which they overwhelmingly were), or “never seen so many white people in one place”.
Dissembling, racist MSM cunts.
It’s amusing to see that the BBC used this po-faced cow to draw attention to how white brexiteers are. Don’t they realise the public can research well known news journalists personal history?
It took me three minutes to find out that our Geeta is married to white journalist and investment banker Phillip James Collins, a former political adviser to Labour’s Frank Field and chief speech writer to cunt Tony (let them in they’ll vote for me) Blair. It seems she would be a natural choice to highlight this injustice given her choice of spouse. Well done BBC. Another nail in the coffin of impartiality eh?
I say, that temple of broadcasting they call Broadcasting House, once the home of true British ‘Mr Cholmondley -Warner’ accented newsreaders would make a super mosque, what do you think cunters??
Personally I’d prefer that the site became one of those ‘level playing fields’ so favoured by our friends and allies in Brussels.
The UK is white MAJORITY.86% white so fuck off BBC cunts.
Northern England 93% white, Scotland 93%white, Wales 94% white. Only londonistan is minority white you population replacement BBC bastards.
Stick your fingers in a socket bitch and do us all a favour.
Minging ugly mutt.
Any figures for Northern Ireland? I’m increasingly seeing a lot more peacefuls/Um Bongo drinkers around Belfast city centre, but for most of my 45 years, especially in the 80’s and early 90’s,I scarcely seen any. Maybe the bombing and shooting put them off coming here. In that case, we need to start shooting again. We can start with Sinn Fein cunts. They’re basically the IRA, so they love a bit of shooting. Let’s start with that cunt Gerry Adams.
Funny thing those utter cunts at the Brussels biased corporation never commented on was the vast majority at their beloved EU remain wankfest marches were also white!!
I got caught up in an early one and was surprised at how white the crowd were especially as it was in London …….
Well I suppose if the BBC didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all …….
Utter cunts and only 29 nominations is shameful…….
A Remainiac march? Eeuughh, what a stench that must’ve been. Still, a great opportunity for hurling abuse. I can imagine the headlines:
⚡ Lord Q in Far Right terror attack ⚡
I was only there by accident captain
A good friend of mine works up in London and had invited me to a party
Next morning there was a sea of remoaners mincing around waving the ridiculous FLAG of servitude ( CUNTS)
Fake flag
Fake anthem
Mostly white Waitrose types definitely guardian independent reading cunts….. …….
Didn’t abuse the sad fucks but we asked some to name EU presidents ? Asked who their MEPS were ?
Barely any of them knew even a single name ……
Absolutely sheeple……..
It just proves that there is only one form of racism and that is white racism towards people of colour. The BBC purposely chose Gita Guru Murthy to emphasise the contrast between her and the people in the back ground presumably. They also tend to use coloured reporters when reporting from areas where there are high levels of diversity so that it doesn’t look like the ‘whitey’ media is assuming dominance even if the population figures there put ‘whitey’ in the majority.
I can’t see there ever being a level playing field when it comes to the racism issue as the people of colour are always going to be considered by the lefties and themselves as the oppressed. One thing is for sure, when eventually the white person is in the minority group due to large scale immigration and breeding from the diverse population, it’ll be no good screaming for equality because they will be deaf and blind to the problem.
In other words my friends…
We’ve HAD it! What a heap of CUNT.
I feel the same. The race debate is ever shifting quicksand where ‘people of colour’ continually move the goal posts to fix a match white people cannot win. They say ‘only black people can decide what racism is’ and then follow this with ‘X is racist’. X can be anything a black person says it is: A group of predominantly white people can be X, white people earning money can be X, white people owning land can be X…
And so white people are constantly having to defend themselves from accusations of racism just for existing. Even if you’re utterly destitute living on the streets with only the shirt on your back, you will still be described by black people as more ‘privileged’ than Her Royal Highness Meghan Markle – because she’s a ‘person of colour’. It’s a fix and I’m not playing anymore – I’m OUT.
Positive Discrimination produces witches like this racist, old brown trout. She’s lucky that she lives in a civilised country and not somewhere where, in another time and place, she wouldn’t even be using toilet paper and sanitary towels.
What makes you think she uses them now, our Jenny?
Probably uses stolen napkins for her period and old BBC memos for wiping.
Enjoy your lunch, Captain.
Oh how I’ll laugh when BoJo decriminalises not paying to be told on a daily basis that your hated in your own country, that you have no history, and everything from without is great!
I do home Cummings is doing the groundwork on repealing the charter.
Now will all the AL-BEEB virtue-signallers remain with the BBC through a moral sense of duty towards it, or will they be off like rats from the Titanic to CH4/CH5? I wonder… ?
Apparently Boris wants to sell off C4. Hurrah for that. I hope Fox News buys it.
I hop our DF buys it.
The BBC is an organisation that is managed by que er loving liberals hell bent on persuing a programme of “re-education”. Quite frankly, the issue of the BBC’s survival needs to be made an election issue, and its abolition immediate under ” Defence of the Realm”
I don’t pay the licence fee, and never will. In fact, I rarely watch the BBC preferring instead to read my personalised copy of “Mein Kampf” which I find more factual and balanced than the daily shite thrown out by the BBC
As for the Dimbledums. Fuck the lot of them! And shove that creeping cunt called Attenborough right up the shite shute of a Rhino….that’ll give him a real experience of global warming
The BBC is front and centre of the con job that the UK is a multiracial nation, they would have us believe it has always been so.
On the whole the UK is still a white country, we do have enclaves of immigrants but we remain a majority white country.
Take from this what you like, call me what you like, done caring.
If the BBC want to see black people celebrating something try Africa.
Go north of Birmingham and it’s white heaven. We are massively white. Even the USA is 56%white. Add Latinos and it’s 70% white.
In the UK 3% is black,4% muzzie 7% others so 86% white overall so fuck right off BBC bigots.
If it wasn’t for the fuckin’ textile industry, the North would be 100% white. Fuck you James Hargreaves, fuck you Samuel Crompton and fuck you Richard Arkwright. If you don’t know who they are, fuckin’ look them up.
I just can’t helping myself thinking how Oliver Cromwell must have felt, the slight to his sensitivities, the enduring legacy his policies created, chopping off heads, aggrandising himself as lord protector and removing sovereignty forever. Yay!
….he didn’t?
….not even for …for ..are you saying we’re not republics? Like North Korea? France? Russia – they’re still a republic aren’t they? Syria? Iraq? Argentina? So much goodness in the world, yet only fools can’t see it.
Is there anything left to say about the bbc – honestly??
Cunts from top to bottom
Get rid of, now
And, who the fuck reads the guardian????????????????
Only one thing left to say “shut it down”, we all need to keep saying it loudly.
The BBC is unfettered propaganda against the identity and people of this nation.
There are a surprising amount of young spastics in London who have been led to believe a balanced diet of current affairs is the BBC and the Guardian
Indeed so.
Fuck those cunts to hell.
“who the fuck reads the guardian?”- not many, it would seem. It’s the lowest-selling nationwide-available daily newspaper.
The BBC buys up hundreds of copies every day (no doubt so all the woke LGBTQKFC degenerates can wank themselves into a frenzy over Owen Jones’ latest infantile article in the toilets).
So this libtard propaganda shitrag is actually funded by a tax on the general population.
Hopefully, a by-product of the beeb having funds withdrawn will be the final demise of this utter garbage.
I wouldn’t use it to pick up the dog’s shit from in the garden.
Don’t pay. Tell everyone you know not to pay. All the time.
I’m white, on the Right, on yer fucking bike.
BBC are on a losing streak. They lost the Brexit battle, the identity-politics nonsense is slipping through their slimy fingers, Extinction Rebellion and all the over-played climate dross is boring normal folks senseless. Every programme comes with an ‘important’ to them socially manipulative right on message and makes their programmes mostly unwatchable. There’s women’s football in front of empty stands, the unstoppable rise of pay to view, weak unfunny comedy, dancing on thin ice, and endless repeats. Even the local radio station has dumbed down enough to insult the average teenager.
And still they dig themselves an ever deeper hole.
Clock goes tick tock….
If we forget, they’ll wait three generations then start their nonsense again.
Globalists play the long game.
The BBC is institutionally racist unlike the old bill. Wanker cunts
Oh Geeta your such a racist in such a cowardly way, why not, just a idea,
Pack your saris, get a hot samosa for the journey grab the rest of the family( all 30 of them in a 2bed house)
And go back to the wonderful place your family came from?
You could be carrying water on your head this time tomorrow, riding elephants, filtering buffalo shit out off the Brewing up water.
Go home heard it aint alf hor though.
You cunt.
No comments allowed on the guardian article. No surprise there.
BBC employees and the EU keep that arse paper funded, otherwise it would have failed by now.
The sooner this fuckfest of an organisation is flushed down the toilet with the rest of the turds the better.
Concerns over immigration were exaggerated by the uncontrolled influx from Eastern Europe (mainly white).
Brexit was mainly white, the celebrations were mainly white, the country is mainly white although not white enough!!
BBC are cunts,
PS, I haven’t seen anything from Komodo or DF for a while, has ISAC been hacked and the Stasi taking cunters out!
Dear Stasi, I am not racist, not homophobic, not transphobic (honest)
Poor old Komodo and Dick. Probably being waterboarded at this very moment.
Or force fed “progressive” entertainment, with their eyes chocked open Clockwork Orange style…
…to Beethoven’s Ode To Joy, naturally
Are we allowed to talk about the Saint Caroline affair yet or is it still too soon?
Caroline Flack is off limits and remains off limits for the duration, at least as far as I am concerned. Whatever she was, or was not in life, the woman committed suicide. The lowest of the low would be to have a pop at her on here. I would have thought that was logical common decency, but obviously not.
We may be cunters here, but we don’t have to BE cunts and banter about a person who took their own life. What other admins may think about this, I don’t know, but that is my opinion.
I think Dick was rather aggrieved at not being able to comment on the Caroline Flack affair. I’ve just mentioned it but I think I might just have got away with it! The whole of social media seems to be treading on eggshells with this, so don’t go there!
Afternoon Bertie.
I notice my wholly innocuous post re Flack was removed. Would be surprised if similar treatment of Dick would stop him posting.
Afternoon Cuntflap.
Nothing has happened. They simply haven’t posted for a few days. Unusual maybe, but not unheard of, especially in the case of K.
Afternoon Ruff one. I’d have to disagree with you over Dick!!
People don’t realise that beneath that brash exterior, there’s a very sensitive soul trying to get out!
Sensitive soul trying to get out…
Yeah some rambler locked in the barn.
After the Harry Miller affair I thought Dick may have been asked to ‘adjust his thinking’ ?
He could be high on the Northumbrian hit list!
Sorry to cause despair amongst my many, many fans, but I haven’t gone. There was a slew of nominated cunts I had never heard of/ gave less than a fuck about, so have not been participating for a few days, also had a cunt of a cold so had to go and bask on a rock under my vivarium lamp. Normal service to be resumed.
Assumed you were ‘self isolating’ K…
Is there anyone here not renewing their television licence?
I’m not.
I don’t know what’s got into you Spoons since you joined this site!
IsAC has created a rebellious monster!
I know, Bertie. This site…
Has made me see the light,
Let’s give the BBC a fright,
As we take much delight,
Not paying the TV licence,
Starting from tonight
Miles would have been proud of that one Spoons!
Cheers, Bertie. 🙂
When you came on here you were a lovely old private Godfrey type.
Now you wear a leather jacket with the collar turned up, comb your hair with a flickknife and chew gum!
Admin “what are you rebelling against?
Spoons “whatve you got?”
MNC, that reminds me, I need to watch The Wild One sometime. 🙂
P.s watch Red Dwårf episode, ‘Kryten’. 🙂
Knocked it on the head about four years ago and not looked back since.
The BBC is little more than a Lord Haw-Haw tribute act…
Racism was used from day 1 by remoaners. Which EU workers are black? We have many EU workers where I live. Not only are they white, they don’t have much time for our tinted brethren.
I know I keep saying it when the Beeb gets cunted, but go on here and moan like fuck about its ‘woke’ agenda, pro-EU bias etc, all funded by Joe Public.
Only takes a couple of mins to post. Every little bit’s got to help I say.
Message left just now on their site:
‘When the hell are you going to deal with the racist, left-wing, anti-British BBC? It’s about the licence tax was scrapped and the bastards made to earn their money by other means, perhaps from all the bloody foreigners they think should run this country.’
It would probably been better if I hadn’t missed any words out, cunt.
I watched a thing on BBC last night about Russia – very interesting, apart from the continual going-on about fucking climate change. And Simon Reeve complaining about being followed by the Russian rozzers – does he not think that the same thing would happen here in the UK if a Russia Today film crew was wandering around the UK?
It appears another vehicle of peace has just plowed into a bunch of people, including kids, during their carnival celebrations in Germany. Probably the even some of the same people that were just out marching in their 1000’s against the “Far Right”. Sure the irony will be lost them, as will the complete hypocrisy in the soon following headlines.
Apparantly though, according to the Independent, “It comes less than a week after a gunman shot down 11 people, including himself, in one of the worst racist attacks in Germany since World War Two.”
What about the other 1000’s of Islamic attacks and targeted rape of specifially white infidels then? I guess that had nothing to do with neither race nor Islam.
I can only comment on BBC Radio, as I have long dispensed with the box (and never, ever, had a TV license), but this cunting applies in spades…did I say something wrong, there?…to the radio output. All the women lisp, and are giggly. More than half of them are subcontinental or Afro-Carib and have yet to lose their distinctive speech markers. Anyone to the right of Blair is regarded as an uninteresting eccentric, and the supposedly neutral interviewer/panel show host will spend more time arguing with him/her than the poor cunt gets to put his views across. The vast majority of the programming is not just arts, but artsy, chatter among people who hate the English language and who will applaud an installation consisting of a pile of faeces. Nothing is discussed which is without a feminist or black aspect. Science and technology get less time than economics and that’s 4/5 X bugger-all. News programmes taper off from syndicated international items into extended in-house dismemberment of Ishoos (but never grooming gangs etc) and the comedy output (as often previously noted) is unsubtle, 100% biased, woke and leans heavily on ethnic unfunnymen – and increasingly wimmin.
Radio 4 now serves no useful purpose at all, and only one useless one, which is to provide an echo chamber for SJW’s and flakes. One low-yield tactical nuclear weapon would solve the problem… ok, one for Salford: two.
Damn right Komodo.
All this Liberal nonsense over the years about importing as many cunts as possible from fuck knows istan and other shit holes in the belief they will integrate and somehow become good citizens with the same values as we hold dear has failed miserably, but the BBC still believes that it’s a success story.
Christ on a bike… All multiculturalism has done is create a nation of tribes that are hostile to each other.
Boris needs to stamp out this Left wing Cunt of an organistion while he has a Majority.
No one in their right mind wants to make compulsory payments to a Club that only serves itself and the Marxists cunts at the Guardian , the printed version of the BBC.
If it becomes Pay Per View I wonder how many people will subscribe to it ?
As far as I am concerned it can fucking sink with Radio 4, BBC Fake News ,Question time with its overwhelmingly Left wing bias panels , not to mention Dear old tired and boring David Attenborough…. I don’t care if it’s replaced with 24 hour strictly cunts prancing, it has to go… Go on Boris strike while the iron’s hot.
I don’t think the BBC could survive as a pay per view model.
I see them being heavily subsidised by government so the end result is that we’re still fuckin’ paying for them, albeit in a much changed format.
Once they close down the bbc we should all get our money back and we should never have to buy a bbc dvd/radio show ever again – they should be free to download – fuck iplayer – cos WE ALREADY PAID via the tv tax – fuck the bbc – close it down NOW
….and shoot all the fuckers that currently work there.
Don’t give the cunts your money. I threw my telly out in November 2018 because I was a tad peeved about the lack of people who ‘look like me’ ( I fucking hate that expression) appearing on any programme pumped out by our esteemed national broadcaster.
Just in case you thought the BBC couldn’t be any more woke you might want to google the following: Afua Hirsch Do you identify as white?
Don’t get me started on George Soros!
I don’t watch broadcast television, but I keep the telly to watch DVDs and play videogames.
Yeah I’m always on Xhamster too…
Xhamster, Shagga?
Is that the new XBox?