The BBC (13)

Yes cunters, once again it is them. And I am fucking fuming. Again. Living in the UK is actually becoming increasingly bad for your health. The lefty, virtue-signalling, politically-correct and highly hypocritical climate that we live in is creating stress, high blood pressure, internalised anger and an overwhelming urge to stick your Size 7 through the laptop/TV screen or whatever else and fracture your fucking foot. Such is the case this morning, my fellow cunters. It has been reported by that smug pile of turd that is ‘The Guardian’, that the BBC had backed Geeta Guru-Murthy over her comments about the Brexit celebrations crowd being ‘very white’:

Well shiver me timbers. What a shocker.

So, if this had been a white reporter commenting on a very black crowd, one assumes that the BBC would have no issue with that and stand 100% behind their employee. Yes, of course they would. Was that a squadron of low flying pigs that just flew over my head?

They also stated that it was a relevant comment as it ‘moved on to the discussion’ about immigration being such a much-espoused reason as to why people voted leave. Again, this is clearly slanted reporting. Their lack of insight is staggering. So not only are they supporting an obvious demonstration of inverted racism by making an issue of skin colour, but they then suggest that the main reason people voted leave was immigration and make a very clear and direct insinuation that because the crowd is mostly white, that this means they are inherently racist and don’t like dark faces on their doorstep.

The BBC are so overtly biased it is actually not even joke-worthy anymore. It is disgraceful, shameful and highly insulting. A black reporter comments on a white crowd, suggests that they are racist (albeit in an acceptable and get away with it-able fashion) and then makes fun of their intelligence by interviewing carefully selected punters…..and this is all hunky-dory with Auntie.

I am so angry. Somebody hide my laptop please…..and my boots.

Nominated by Nurse Cunty

75 thoughts on “The BBC (13)

  1. Its laughable the BBC seem to think we won’t notice their impartiality.
    Utter woke twats.
    I, for one barely watch/listen to their utter skewed drivel anymore and feel 100% better for it.

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