Who, I hear you say? Well, he is some bearded, bloated, foreign cunt, full of self- importance, who appeared on Talk Radio to say he “cannot allow” celebrations to take place on January 31st to commemorate Brexit.:-
Just who are these fucking foreign cunts to accept the hospitality and benefits of this country and then seek to dictate to us what we can and cannot do?
My advice to this pompous, self- important arsewipe is the same as it would be to Gina Miller and all the other shitty aliens – if you don’t like this country, or want to pick and choose what you accept, then fuck off to somewhere that is more in keeping with your dictatorial views – I’d suggest North Korea for the pair of them.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
With the over-representation of foreign cunts on the air a person could be forgiven for not realising this is the nothern European island of Great Britain, but instead an east European ex-soviet sewer state full of the dregs of the world.
Not your country shithead. Don’t like it, fuck off back where you came from.
Sounds greek?
Looks like Demis Roussos?
Fuck all to do with you Alex!
Go smash a plate yer sack of shite.
Oh an that cheese? Fetid?
Fuckin rank!
Go home Alex.
Excellent idea FtF – this should be the English default setting from now on!
I think two very different but important events have happened of late. First was Gervais pricking the bloated bubble of self importance at the Golden Globes luvviefest, and second was the general election result.
These two things have taught us that we don’t have to suffer in silence at the hands of self-congratulatory ‘woke’ cunts and Remoaners.
It’s actually ok to be a white Brexiteer in your own country. The worm has turned, and these cunts are starting to be called out for intolerant cunts they are. They’re the very thing they call us. Let’s here it loudly. FUCK. RIGHT. OFF>
Officially it’s not actually OK to be white, but is in fact a hate-crime as it offends people. But I take your point.
I identify as black, and punch any racist cunt who dares to disagree.
It’s only fair to point out that most of these racist cunts are black. Telling me I’m not fucking black, who do they think they are, the black cunts, eeerrr.
I hope to think you’re right Ron, and we also have ‘luvvie’ Laurence Fox not afraid of speaking out. What was refreshing about that QT was the groan from the audience when that stupid bitchcunt (not a plant by the BBC of course) accused him of being a ‘white privileged male’. It’s getting so fucking boring and I think people are genuinely starting to get fed up with it now. I’ve never considered myself a racist and still don’t but if someone accuses me of it just because I believe we have too many immigrants in this country, instead of taking offence I really couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Speaking as “non luvvie” Vernon Fox – if being me is offensive to some wokeflakes I have a solution – GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
Regain Great Britain.
I think that turning ‘woke’ finger wagging back on itself is a very valid tactic Cupid. Fox showed the way when he called out that bitch’s language on QT as racist. The more people do this, the more invalid their tactic will become.
I think the tide really is turning just a bit.
I saw Steptoe a couple of days ago, he actually sounded sensible and placatory, almost as if he realised that a) his time is up and b) people are NOT going to put up with more whingeing. Rear Stormer said similar today, but I still say he looks like Old Mother Goose.
Some remoaner cunt (obv “Southern/Londonistabi Bubble”) twattered that all Northerners are thick… I just do not know how these cunts do it; adhesion to the EU looks more and more like a certain fuckwit medievalist religion, where, if you don’t allow yourself to be brainwashed by VerMOhoftwadt, you are some sort of infidel…
Gormless turd Starmer would retain or reintroduce Freedom of Movement if he becomes Prime Minister. Also wants to extend voting rights for EU citizens resident in UK.
How out of touch can you get?
Andrex cunt, he can fuck right off with Gina.
If he had any modesty or sense of self awareness he wouldn’t say crap like that. But so consumed with his own self importance he feels free to lecture a nation because he doesn’t like something. I don’t think these cunts can actually hear how ludicrous they sound. Does he realise what he’s saying? He cannot allow. Isn’t this dictatorship? Isn’t that how Stalin, Hitler ….all thought?
What was his plan? To send us leavers ,who wanted to celebrate , to a correction centre to be taught how to think properly? Cunts like this really are sinister.
Oily minging cunt.
‘Cannot allow’ ? So just what does this immigrant intend to do in order to prevent whatever it is that offends him? As is often said by the wise men on this site (and Nurse Cunty’ , if you are unable to adjust to the true values of this country _ FUCK OFF!
BTW we would like your country to repay the many billions we coughed up to enabled your citizens to continue retiring at 51, evading taxes and generally having a good time at our expense.
I do hope the cunt tries to prevent any “celebrations” from taking place.
Plod can arrive in time to help him pick his teeth up off the ground…
Fuckem . Nige is the most successful European politician since Bismarck. He’s a bit of a twat but fuckin ell no English fucker has done more for freedom since the big man in 1940.
I can’t imagine going to live in another country and preaching to them about how they should run their business. I used to be a bit of a hippy but these thugs have hardened my once soft heart.
p.s. The neathanderal look is not attractive. My advice would be to get rid of the serial killer look, sweetie. You look like a prostitute murderer.
He looks a bit like the hooker that noshed Huge Grunt.
Just a fat nobody full of shite.
Upset? Guess what cunt?
Fuck right off.
Lamp post
Piano wire
That is all…
You want him to play a Chopin prelude at night, in public?
The Nocturnes.
Yes, I thought that then, for some reason, typed prelude.
Or Ravel’s “Le Gibet” from Gaspard de la Nuit…
Pushing poor Gene Kelly away from the lamppost? Chopin now renamed by the Wokeflake Council “Cho-wok”!
Moonlight Sonata remixed by Stormzy!
Gina Miller doin’ da twerkin’ Maaan!
Gina Miller scooting back to Guyana anytime soon? No, I don’t think so either – witchcraft, crime, disease, privation – in short – what a truly f*cking horrible place, PLEASE go back Gina, I am sure that with all your ex Husbands money and your shiny gold jewellery you will be very popular with the gangs of feral savages who run the Country!
And it would be fun to see you necklaced the first time you opened your slack jaw and started spitting the bile you can get away with in a (far too) tolerant Country like ours.
Concise and to the point.
Another day another cunt who thinks that living in London gives them some divine right to tell the British (exclude the cunts who are naturalised) people what they can and can’t do, well Aandrex fuck off back to Greece, it’s supposed to be nice over there.
‘Gina Miller’? I wish the cunt would do a Glenn Miller.
I think we would be “in the mood” for that one DCI! ?
Not keen on Great Britain?
Off you pop, anywhere you like, soon as you like.
Will I miss them? Only if my ‘scope is not properly zeroed in!
Naughty, I am.
We’re celebrating Brexit and keeping the Elgin marbles.
Go and borrow some cash from a German, fucking loser.
What we need now is for that cunt Southgate to get his finger out and win the Euros in the summer. That will really stick it to the bastards. ?
Greece didn’t even qualify so stick to the Eurovision Song Contest ok Stavros?
Errr… Who exactly is this greasy bastard, and what does us leaving the EU snakepit have to do with this smelly fuck?….
He is a bubble!
Know most of you are more Alan Whicker than me, travelled to other shores, exotic places etc
But i have been Greece!
And its rubbish!
Too hot,dry, full of greeks, orrible food,
Ok theyve got loads of history, but so have we!
And ours isnt gay!
No can see why Andrex is here, but its time to go home, Greece is swamped with immigrants now so hell be glad to be home now its been ‘enriched’.
See you Al, miss you.
Our history isn’t gay?
“Kiss me Hardy.” ( Admiral Horatio Nelson to Captain Thomas Hardy)
Case closed. ?
Ruffy, being kissed isn’t gay. To paraphrase Steve Hughes, Australian comedian, “It’s when you’ve got your cock in another man’s arse”. 😀
Evening Spoons.
What if you’ve got another man’s cock up your arse? Would that count as you being gay? ?
Or a strap-on, if you happen to be Dame Cressida Dick?
Evening, Ruffy.
I suppose so. Although, personally, I wouldn’t let Cresida near me, even if she tempted me with a plate of bacon sandwiches. Not even TWO plates. I shan’t falter.
“No, Cresida, I say. You can’t have me. Away with you, you foul demon.”
Seem to recall Dame Strap-on had a frenzied threesome with Appeaser May and Amber Dudd.
*Vomits* Blooooorggghhh
Some people believe he actually said; ‘Kismet Hardy’ as in fate or destiny.
Miles, that reminds me of a quote, “Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise.”
Theres a pub in Macclesfield called the ship, and the pub sign outside has a painting of a ship on it… USS enterprise.?
Emperor Hadrian (affectionately known as ’Keef’) openly slept with boys from AD117 to 138,
King James 1 had three male lovers. I have to point out that I have no personal interest in this other than historical accuracy.
Thats slander that is Bertie!
Ought to be careful accusing monarchs of such things.
Maybe they were just boyish girls?
Tomboy types?
Doubt Jamie 1 would do that, most royals are beyond such things!
Next youll be accusing that lovely Prince Andrew of deviancy.
Both Hadrian (hairdressers name?)
And Horatio (ducky name admittedly)
That was just horse play!
Not bandits!!
No, high spirited, sportsman like horseplay!
Same with Lawrence, complete misunderstanding.
Anyway, whos side are you two on?
Not in the pay of Greek tourist board are you?
All of greek history is camp!
Spartans wore leather mini skirts!!!
Case closed. ????
IsAC – bringing education to the masses!
Lord Nelson was a proper bloke and well up the apparently very doable Emma Hamilton…. And didn’t he say ‘Kismet, Hardy’?….
Richard I (aka the Lionheart) was apparently as bent as a boomerang, mind you….
Apparently, Lady Hamilton stated that Horatio serviced her EIGHT times in one night!
Quite so.
Richard I had a torrid affair with Philip II of France.
And Florence Nightingale was a right filthy lezza.
It’s that kind of epic shagging that’s being ruined by junk food and TV.
Well…I think I’m going to get some fudge cake and watch and movie…
Fucking toga lifter.
Will it surprise anyone to learn that this obnoxious, demanding prick is a ‘writer’ (amongst other things, including a big, gay drama queen) who has written several articles for THE GUARDIAN?
What a shocker.
Brexit does not mean that the doors are now closed for EXITING. MY suggestion is that this fucker walk through them, if he has such an issue with the way things are going here. CUNT.
I used to like him when he was Cat Stevens but he went out on a limb when he changed his name to Yusuf Islam.
I thought Dmmis Rousous was dead?
Time for a song for (not so) Magic Alex…
To the tune of that old classic ‘Guantanemera’
Shit Che Guevara!
You’re just a shit Che Guevara!
I love this country, the greatest country ever and I am blessed to be born here and have some English blood flowing through my veins.
Although there are plenty of cunts here native and foreign they will never win and Britain is hopefully getting its bollocks again.
Yes we get ripped off and pay too much tax but I would’nt want to live anywhere else.
Big up Britain…I love ya.
So good to hear B&W, I wish more people realised they have won the lottery in life by being born British. Do you get much grief from people (usually white liberals I would guess) for being more conservative minded and patriotic, in assuming you should be voting a certain way and playing on your ethnicity?
It’s a big con LL. He’s as white as you or I. He just goes to Jamaica each year for his hols!
Is this true B&W,? The IsAC diversity quota will plunge 50% to just Dark Key Cunt.
I can assure you all I am a proper Black and White cunt…Brown skin, Dashing looks, a few quid in the bank, and a big cock if any ladies are interested.
We all know where you get your big cock from B&W, but it would be interesting which good bits you’d ascribe to being white and which ones black?
Its a strange thing to try and define sometimes Bertie, for example I am big and tall but my jamaican family are mostly small. I get my height from the English side but my muscular build from the Black side, I am quite intelligent (as modest as ever) and I cant say where that comes from. I have an ability to be able to talk to all types of people from the ghetto to the posh streets of london and I think growing up in a mixed family brings balance to me and enables me to have confidence in talking to people whoever they are.
I think my guile comes from the white side and my athleticism from the black side. I have said it before on here I wouldn’t change my heritage for anything and I am inspired by the achievements of England and Jamaica.
What I’m trying to say is I am a proud, muscular built, clever, good looking, intelligent British man all rolled up in a 6’3 Black and White cunt.
In your case, diversity is our strength!
I notice LL that when I get into a discussion with people and politics comes up they expect me to vote a certain way and have left leaning ideas.
I spoke to this bloke from Sunderland way and he was surprised I voted Brexit, after I explained my reasons etc he seemed to understand, and probably realised not all non whites are lefty cunts…( a lot of British people of commonwealth descent voted Brexit and dare I say it helped with the majority).
I am very patriotic too and I have an England football shirt an proudly support my country. I also notice more these days that when talking to white people who don’t know me they are very wary of what they say and are maybe trying to be politically correct, but after they have realised I am an easygoing cunt who likes racist jokes and like to laugh at myself and all cultures they hopefully appreciate the fact I’m not a David Lammy type cunt.
We really are blessed to be born and live here, the humour, the beauty of the country and the fact its still very safe and gives you an education, healthcare, etc for free.
Cant stand these wankers who slag this country off, a lot of them don’t deserve to be here.
Yeah, apart from being comedy gold, the likes of Lammy and Flabbott do a disservice for genuine racism that does exist.
That’s why we can have a good laugh with you!
Well said BWC.??????
I have always believed that being an English Man is a state of mind rather than colour or background.
I wish I had your enthusiasm B&W. But I feel the British are tilted too far toward tolerance, and it will be our undoing as we permit poisonous foreign cultures to destroy our country. White people will flee this island in the next 75 years and Europe will just quarantine it as a failed experiment of multiculturalism. The lesson of our demise may at least serve the rest of our European brethren to guard against interlopers who arrive with smiles, but then tear the heart out of your nation.
I hear what your saying Shagga,
Its not all doom and gloom in my opinion, firstly Britain, France and Spain and Portugal to a degree are unique to other European countries in that they had multiple colonies the world over of all types of races and its inevitable that immigration will come from that, Britain especially. The Roman empire had many types of non native (now Italian) cunts in its city and armies.
I also think immigration should have been cut by 90% in the 80’s as in those days most non whites here were from British colonies who had historical links to Britain and also fought with the British Army (as did my Jamaican grand uncle).
However in the 2000’s they literally opened the gates and let in all types of cunts I cant even recognise.
To be honest the world is becoming a smaller place with travel and communication and although Britain will always be a white majority country the world is changing and everyone wants to fuck so dilution is inevitable for all races.
Britain will never be as white as it once was as there are a lot of non whites here and they ain’t going anywhere.
Hopefully Brexit will stem the flow of eastern european trash that come here and they really need to drastically cut the amount of outside EU immigration also (which they could have done but have’nt).
I dont think your prediction
It is what it is, I still think this is a great country.
A great reply Black and White. My family tree is now enriched by Ghanaian blood. I say that because it is not entitled immigrants who have contributed to that.
It is someone who came here in the 70’s, integrated and worked their socks off in the NHS. They made sacrifices as a single parent to put both their children through university and someone I’m proud to know.
It’s less about colour, more about culture. Spanish people aren’t really white, but they’re every inch European. Unless something changes muslims will be the majority by the end of the century, that’s not hyperbole. White Brotons are already a minority in our two largest cities, including the capital. The government have said it’s their plan to make the countryside more ‘diverse’. Look at the demographics in schools in the inner cities, 90% african and muslim – that’s the next generation. Posters here will have grand children that might be born into a majority white country but will die in a majority muslim one if they choose to stay.
Now, moose limbs, that’s a different proposition all together.
I agree the snackbars are breeding too quickly and London and other major cities seem to be overrun with the cunts…and a lot but not all of them dont integrate at all and their culture is alien to british culture.
However the cities dont reflect the nation as the election showed and Britain is 86% white.
So I dont think it’ll be muslim ever and if it did it wouldn’t be for another few hundred years at least.
Britain is a little too tolerant I agree and in trying to make all feel welcome it alienates the natives and causes resentment when certain types get preferential treatment.
The world is changing rapidly and I would say in a hundred years or so Europe unfortunately wont be as relevant as it is at all with the likes of China, India and Brazil rising.
The fact that we sell everything that was British owned off and dint produce fuck all doesn’t help.
Why we give the Indians foreign aid is a joke as well.
Just a thought in my head today slightly linked. I saw a bus for ‘Cortonwood’ and the only thing that came to mind was that there was a pit there.
King Coal it was know round here. And who would have thought that in a relatively short space of time it would have vanished completely.
My point a la B&W things change bewilderingly in the modern world. And maybe so does race. I bet in a hundred years you might not actually have a white English race as we in know it.
The rate of change will accelerate in my opinion, not slow. Muslims have on average four children per couple, non-muslims two. So in our country of free healthcare, and lower mortality than where muslims usually live, the mohammeds double about every 13 years I think. And when indigenous Brits clearly see the direction of travel, white people with the money will begin leaving to live in countries with a brighter future, further accelerating that shift. Other white countries have ageing populations of their own and demographic shifts to worry about, and will be only too happy with white Britons, particularly those with children, wanting to settle there.
Very true MP, things change quickly and the amount of change Iv’e seen in my life is massive.
Regarding race I think in abaaaaht 500 years most countries racial identity will be gone with exceptions to some African and South American and Asian countries as they have lots of natives. Its inevitable that humans are sometimes attracted to differences and therefore races purity in this age of travel and communication is limited.
Just thought Black and White there used to be many black and white cunts in Barnsley after their shifts in the pit.
Used to be.Yes I think seeing the bus for ‘Cortonwood’ reminded me of seeing all the different buses leaving of a morning going to the different pits. There was nothing else here but Coal.
It has gone.
But you could say there was nothing else here but white English working class culture.
And that might go as well.
Europe is full of cunts… If it wasn’t for the UK in 1939 they would all be Krauts now…
But guess what? Even after Hitler and the War the thick crawling bastards still want to be Krauts!
Count us out, you fuckfuhrers… European super army, my Union Jack arse!
Ha ha, Well said Norman.
On hearing of the fall of France in 1940 King George VI wrote in his diary ‘ Thank God we are alone’. His daughter and certainly her husband would echo that sentiment. The rest of the Royal family?
Oh, he’s a luvvie and a Guardianista. What a fucking surprise. Need we bother asking his opinion on climate change, Trump and the peaceful religion?
Get back to your own country and lecture your own people you swarthy fucking tosser.
And take that filthy salty cheese with you, a source of sustenance will be needed when the EU Bankrupt Greece in 2 Years! ?
I hear what your saying Shagga,
Its not all doom and gloom in my opinion, firstly Britain, France and Spain and Portugal to a degree are unique to other European countries in that they had multiple colonies the world over of all types of races and its inevitable that immigration will come from that, Britain especially. The Roman empire had many types of non native (now Italian) cunts in its city and armies.
I also think immigration should have been cut by 90% in the 80’s as in those days most non whites here were from British colonies who had historical links to Britain and also fought with the British Army (as did my Jamaican grand uncle).
However in the 2000’s they literally opened the gates and let in all types of cunts I cant even recognise.
To be honest the world is becoming a smaller place with travel and communication and although Britain will always be a white majority country the world is changing and everyone wants to fuck so dilution is inevitable for all races.
Britain will never be as white as it once was as there are a lot of non whites here and they ain’t going anywhere.
Hopefully Brexit will stem the flow of eastern european trash that come here and they really need to drastically cut the amount of outside EU immigration also (which they could have done but have’nt).
I dont think your prediction
It is what it is, I still think this is a great country.
There are indeed signs that the tide is turning. But how far it has to turn is unfortunately more destructively epic than the 2004 and 2011 tsunamis combined. What will need to happen NOW is doing what will guarantee that the generation being produced – so scarily prolifically – by a certain quarter in our midst, is not brainwashed to vote for The Left in 18 years’ time. That is literally our ONE AND ONLY HOPE – de-eye-sliming them.
All this talk of black and white reminded me of an Aussie radio story I heard ages ago. Have a listen.
An even bigger cunt (also from talkRADIO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpFl9P8rC3o
They’re conveniently British. Child Benefit Day- British. Housing Benefit Day- British. Job Seekers Allowance Day- British. Possible World War 3 National Conscription- me not British, me (Delete as applicable). They just don’t get the irony of the soft touch country that has given them so called sanctuary then bitch and moan about that said country. Their arrogance offends me. Like many millions of British people I lost distant relatives in World War II but also had closer relatives who did National Service and who served in the Royal Navy who lost friends and colleagues in The Falklands War. These people fought for free speech. These fucking cunts abuse that privilege and take the piss. Don’t like it here? Feel free to fuck off. I’m fucking sick of it.
…. but we’ve not left the eu have we, nothing to celebrate here …. nothing has changed, we still ‘belong’ during the so called transition period and still have to pay the eu criminals for everything …. with WTO already being ruled out ….. oh dear by the eu , whatamess ……..