Wales (2)

A cunting for the boil on England’s arse, if you please.

The Welsh are apparently on an offensive to promote Wales overseas with it’s “rich cultural heritage, its strategies for boosting trade with the EU post-Brexit and its bid to make Wales the “go-to nation” for advice on preserving endangered languages”.

I’m sick of hearing from these cunts. Who the fuck would take business advice from a region that’s running a deficit of £4,000 per person, per year more than England? These people are parasites! Their boast of preserving the useless Welsh language is paid for by other people – us! To top it all, their entire culture seems to revolve around trying to prove they’re not English…the very same people who actually work to pay for your fucking multilingual traffic signs!

If you want to do something that’s actually worth a damn Wales, try earning, creating wealth, making a profit. But they don’t care about these trivialities. Just let the English pay for all that while they do nothing but slag the evil water thieves. We should demand austerity upon the regions like the EU does with Greece, and if they want to leave, fucking let them…nay encourage them!

Campaign for Leave!

Nominated by Dr Shagga and His Cunt Munching Machine

93 thoughts on “Wales (2)

  1. I don’t mind Wales and think this is a bit unfair, except for the food, the depression, the weather, the lack of welcome, the language, the women, the parochial attitude, the odd facial hair, the overly-praised literature, the state of the beaches, Welsh farmers, the provincial anti-snobbery, woeful grammar, woeful transport, Tom fucking Jones and the gayest game practised – rugby.

    • You forgot Vaughan Gething, an arrogant, uppity cunt “with bar.”

      I’d still gladly spend hours on Charlotte, my favourite bouncy castle…

      • Come on Cap’n M, Welsh farmers are no worse than other farmers. Absolute cunts.

      • In the absence of one farmer in particular, I must jump to the defence of farmers, particularly Welsh farmers. Many Welsh farmers are tenant farmers.
        Not owning the land, they are not well off.
        My sister and brother in law were tenant farmers.
        They’ve worked fuckin’ hard all their lives and on retirement they’ve very little to show for it. So fuck you when the the day comes and there’s no milk to put in your tea!

      • When that day comes I’ll use something other than milk. Fuck those cunts Time to change jobs.

      • Rugby isn’t a gay sport, its only gay if you try to sodomize the other player and you enjoy it!

        In which the other player happens to take offense and you have to fight to the death in a 1 man enters 1 man leaves mad max thunderdome scenario…

        Why don’t you you like milk ruff tuff? its just watered down cow cum its good for you

        so if one of you docent enjoy it its not gay?

      • Absolutely, if the sodomizer doesn’t enjoy its just sour apples or sour assholes for him lol

        Its the one who was sodomized who has to initiate the duel

  2. Oh shagga, youve done it now!
    Hehee, be tears with this one.
    Wales is fucking beautiful, mountains, waterfalls, woodland, beaches its got the lot.
    Nowt against the welsh, or them being proud to be welsh, its when theyre anti english it pisses me off,
    Seems bit childish, truculant.
    Whats not to like about the English?

  3. Wales, it’s great. I’ve been a few times, great scenery, some interesting riding roads, generous women.

    I’ve got more time for the Welsh and Wales than I have for the place that used to be London. The Welsh have some legitimate gripes. Sure some Welsh are cunts, sure some of them seem to think Wales is a viable country and not as we all know really a part of England but I can live with it.

    I think on reflection I can’t agree with a cunting, not because Wales doesn’t deserve a cunting, it’s just not worth the effort. Wales is very ish.

  4. The Welsh they are a nation of fighters
    That resort to singing when they are losing


  5. Had some great times in south Wales (Bridgend and Cardiff) with some Rugby playing Welsh mates but the welcome in the north was reluctance to serve you in pubs/shops and a general attitude of ‘why don’t you fuck off back to England then’?
    And suddenly speaking in Welsh when they get wind you are English.
    Bit odd.

  6. Wales is rightly celebrated for its music.

    MAN made several good LPs. In particular: ‘Back Into The Future’ and ‘Rhinos, Winos And Lunatics’.

    So did John Cale: ‘White Light/White Heat’ (with The Velvet Underground), ‘Vintage Violence’, ‘Church Of Anthrax’, and ‘Paris 1919’, his masterpiece.

    I’ll get my Welsh wool tweed coat.

    • Fuckin ell, thats a bit of a stretch Rtc,
      Like saying Stockports celebrated for its Lions and african wildlife.
      One passed through in 1915.

      • Was being slightly tongue in cheek Miserable. I should have added that everyone else is rubbish. ?

    • Agreed RTC, John Cale was ace. Deserves a medal for putting up with legendary (but genius) cunt Lou Reed alone

      • Just finished watching Dead Man’s Shoes. Brilliant. Thanks for the heads-up Cuntan.

      • Good innit! I even love the intro sequence, those old bits of home video footage over song called “vessel in vain” by Smog

      • Cuntan, the soundtrack is available on CD, which I bought a while ago. Some cracking tunes on there, worth a listen.

      • Budgie was fucking ace, if like techno Hybrid was pretty good group too just started listening to them recently

      • Saw super furry animals at manchester Apollo circa 96-97,
        Id got there early and was sat outside the Apsley Cottage (pub next door)
        That Rhys Iffan the actor got off the tour bus in massive sunglasses,
        Acted like he was Elvis or summat.
        Right cock.

      • He is mate, makes a point of throwing hissy fits and walking out of interviews if the walls aren’t the right shade of magnolia, 0.5 degrees too cold in studio etc. etc.

      • Ooooooohh yeah what a cunt. Used to like lost prophets too, was in a tattoo parlour in US last year and “last train home” came on the radio, I was amazed; staff were a bit perturbed to put it mildly when I explained why he wasnt on top of the pops any more…..

  7. Just what are you implying with the head image admin? Sheep limping away like its been viciously fucked by a Welshman or something? I dunno if its intentional xenophobia against the welsh or not maybe i’m seeing things…

    It’s a parody of the dragon on the Welsh flag – foot raised and tongue out. Fucking hell, get your mind out of the cess pit, TitSlapper

  8. How many feel here that welsh depicted as sheep shaggers is a inaccurate hateful stereotype wonder where it originated from?

    ISAC probably gets a fair amount of daily welsh visitors and readers How many welsh cunters here have fucked a sheep be honest now…

      • Hee Hee ,your in for it now Miserable. He’ll be muck spraying the front of your house at two o’clock tomorrow morning.

      • He does seem ‘absent’ from us for great swathes of the day Miserable. I often wonder what he’s up to. A lot of things to do on a farm I know…but the Hilux comes to mind. A lot of room in the back of one of them. Very spacious if you felt the need to relax of an afternoon with a ‘companion’…if you get my meaning.

      • As you say Miles, hes out rustling other farmers livestock, dry bumming it,
        Then leaves it crying at side of the road without so much as a ‘thanks for the wooly fumble!’
        While i like him his antics are despicable, he ought to settle down find the right sheep an be faithful.
        If hes not careful hell end up down the clinic with ticks again.

      • I’ve often pondered: what was it about the Hilux and its generously sized exhaust pipe that first attracted Fiddler?

      • “Looking at you Fiddler.”…..indeed…..and I’m looking at you too,MNC…I’m currently lurking in the bushes at the end of your garden (clean up the dogshite you scruff,,I’e got it all over my riding-boots)and you’ll be able to look even closer at me when I creep in tonight and awaken you at 3 o’clock in the morning by wiping my dick clean on your beard after giving you a good dick-slapping while I read the latest issue of “Farmer’s Weekly”’s got an article about Blackie ewes in this month…I’m already throbbing with anticipation….see you later.

  9. I can’t go along with this cunting.
    My beautiful Welsh wife gave me two beautiful children who in turn gave me two beautiful grandchildren.

    Urgh! Pass the sick bucket!
    It’s beginning to sound like the Harry and Me-again show.
    Come to think of it, it was Mrs B who also told me to say that!

    • To quote The Inbetweeners, “The last time I saw something that soppy, I was pulling my cock out of it”.

      • Morning LL. I thought for a moment that was going to be one of those Welsh jokes that suggest sex with a certain animal.
        My father in law used to hate those. We lost him quite recently but at least he died peacefully in his sheep!

      • I worked on a farm for a while in Herefordshire ( nearly Wales ) I learned that the tale of putting the sheep’s back legs In your wellies was untrue. You always put them on their backs as it’s easier to kiss them.

    • Bertie@
      Sounds like your family’s all beautiful?!
      Must be hard being the only ugly one??

      • I used to be a handsome youth, Miserable but the ravages of time have taken their toll.
        I can’t understand it because I’ve never smoked or taken drugs. Is drinking bad for you?

      • If it is no ones ever mentioned it to me!
        Only found out yesterday your not meant to drive or use heavy machinery when drunk!
        H&S gone mad!

  10. The only thing wrong with Wales is the desperation to hang on to a language which no fucker speaks, speak English you know it makes sense.


    In the news today Harry’s farewell video and the usual Diversity is Strength multiple stabbing in Londonistan, hardly worth mentioning anymore it’s becoming the normal state of affairs.

    • There’s a minute province in Argentina where Welsh is spoken.

      This allows cunts like Adam Price and Leanne Wood to extol it as an “international” language.

      Language students must really toil over whether to do French, Spanish or Welsh as being the most useful internationally…

  11. Cannot agree with this, I’m afraid.

    My Grandad was Welsh and I have some rellies up there. Every time I have visited, the people are so welcoming and not the utter cunts who live in Londonistan. They actually converse with you when out in public, as opposed to giving you evils whilst also staring at their phone on the Tube.

    Just to digress for a moment, I have nearly spewed out my peanut butter on toast whilst reading about Tony Hall’s (BBC Director General) resignation. He said this:

    “In an era of fake news, we remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth.”

    Is he having a laugh? Is this the same BBC we all are looking at these days, or one in an alternate universe?

    What a blinkered, delusional cunt.

    • Presumably the cunt meant “Fools’ Gold”…

      I hope Lord Hall-Hall will be hanged.

      Pompous little tit.

  12. Charlotte Church is Welsh and a cunt so in some cases its very true,other famous Welsh cunts Rob Rydon,Ryan Giggs,Catherine Zeta Jones, and that unfuny stressfull comedian whos name escapes me, talks about candles alot.and i bet none of them speak the silly arkain language that sounds even worse than fucking German.

  13. This is a cunting too far.
    I am a proud miserablewelshcunt. My family have offended against sheep for generations. If it wasn’t for English cunts stealing all our water, Birmingham and Liverpool would be shitholes. Sorry, bigger shitholes.
    And how do you cunts expect a Cardiff Uber driver (Dai Jihad) to know where to park if it didn’t say ‘Tacsi’ as well as Taxi outside the station.
    I live in England now. Missionary work to the wastelands of the north. It’s my calling.

    So, Shagga. Poppittyping off you unspeakable cunt.

  14. The Welsh are a big portion the original Britons who were pushed out that way by the Angles, Saxon’s and Jutes…but mostly the Saxon’s when they took over after the Roman’s.
    Wales is a beautiful country and they have nice food produce as well.
    The mountains are truly lovely and the women are nice as well, I quite like a soft Welsh accent on a bird…fix me up some rare bit darling.

  15. I can’t go for this cunting, Im sorry any country that gives us Katherine Jenkins and Catherine zeta Jones is alright in my world, just wish they would get together and lez it up like in color climax, can anyone smell fish?

  16. When I think of Wales, that big gelatinous bird from Gavin & Stacey always comes to mind… and the phrase ‘Where to now ?’

  17. The Welsh seem OK in the south, northern Welsh are cunts. Also fuck off wasting money on dual language anything. I doubt anyone in Wales ONLY speaks Welsh.

  18. My mother was Welsh. Her idea of discipline was to beatbthe shit out of me with a horse whip. I shit you not.

    The Welsh are all cunts,. No exceptions. Never met one who wasn’t. And as for their dead language and sponging off the English, I couldn’t agree more.

    They’ve been attacking me for this post since 2010, proving beyond all doubt that you never get the last word when dealing with a Welsh cunt…

    • My good lady is half Welsh. She is a mean vicious little bitch (and that is on a good day!), and if I could find a legal way of getting my evil claws on her money and houses I would be penning a “Dear John” letter in a handwriting style very similar to hers and laying my good self a new patio with an undue degree of haste! ? – but I do not think nationality has anything to do with her “shouty telling off sessions” – she keeps alleging I am a caveman and a cunt who constantly embarrasses her, and I presume I have my bad points too!

      But a firm hand on her impertinent little arse tends to keep her in line, although I get the baffling impression she winds me up deliberately and does not appear in any way penitent as punishment is being administered!

      Girls eh!

      • Blackadder:
        Have you ever been to Wales, Baldrick?

        No, but I’ve often thought I’d like to.

        Well don’t. It’s a ghastly place. Huge gangs of tough, sinewy men roam the Valleys, terrorizing people with their close-harmony singing. You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the place names. Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick. You’ll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight.

  19. Oooh! Youve done it now Dio!
    Be a contract out on you,
    They don’t mess about, the ‘Taffia’.

  20. Can’t 100% agree with this nom.

    I have a liking for some females with a Welsh accent.

    There’s one called Lexi Lowe who I find very appealing.
    [Don’t google her if you’re at work.]
    Sure that naughty boy B&WC will appreciate her.

    What’s happening at 8 o’clock by the way? It sounds a bit sinister to me, although I am of a paranoid persuasion.

  21. Shit you beat me to it. I was going to cunt that glorified speech impediment known as the welsh language. Oh well.

    • I hate to break it to you Gutstick, but Leave won the referendum by 1,269,501 votes.

      Welsh Leave votes accounted for only 854,572, so even without the Welsh vote Leave would have won comfortably and we’d still be leaving the EU.

      Your support much appreciated all the same though. ?

      • Every little helps. Could you imagine the even bigger fuss the remainiacs would have made with the margin being only four hundred thousand!

      • On the bright side, when it all goes tits up, you can truthfully say “nuffink to do with me guv.”

      • I would like it to have been by just one to piss the cunts off even more. Plus every Leaver could claim it as a very personal victory.

  22. Ah ! Wales. ( sigh ) There is a most wonderful view southwards over the Bristol Channel from the upper decks of HMP Parc. On a clear day you can view North Devon and Somerset in the distance. Bridgend, the cultural capital of south wales ( as well as suicide capital ) lies beneath Parc, at the foot of the hill, and one can watch endless hours of fun, as the locals chase sheep around the hillside. ( I wonder whatever for ) Wales is one of those places where one goes for solitude and cultural exposure, and the merits of both Parc and HMP Cardiff are food for the caged soul to enjoy. Berwyn and Swansea boast two wonderful entertainment centres in both HMP’s. One can learn welsh, study for exams in ….welsh . and read books….in welsh as well as sodomizing passing sheep on the prison farm. The seductive dulcit tones of welsh can be heard amidst the vinegar strokes ( ooyerr )( welsh for Im coming ) are indeed a treat. And finally HMP Usk, a beautiful place of international renown. Dare I mention its speciallity cuisine ? yes folks! It’s Lamb, both with or without the pork injection. ( remaining in situ )
    Now, to the point of my diatribe.

    Each and everywhere I went, the place was full of cunts. Everwhere I went was a prison. (cunt ) and every where I went, they hated the fucking English.

    I reckon that makes them fair game for the title of….CUNT!

    • Christ I was just having a go at their Assembly, but you really put the boot in!

  23. Lovely artwork used by admin for this nom.
    I’m sure it will be appreciated by Welsh ‘friends’ of mine.

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