A nomination for selfies. Been cunted before, but just lately I’m seeing more and more celebrities taking them and then they end up on news sites.
Much as I think it’s a narcissistic thing for young girls and lads to indulge in, you can multiply that by ten when celebrities start doing it. Reality stars are of course made from it, but recently I’ve seen soap stars at it, the next rung up true. This week I’ve seen Liz Hurley at it, pouting like a teen slapper from Stoke, Michelle Keegan, not only taking selfies but also looking like an average slapper. What’s she’s done to herself?
Celebrities that moan they can’t even pop to the shop without people taking photos of them go home, take a photo of themselves and post it on social media to whine about cunts taking photos of them.
Talk about climbing up your own arse!
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
Selfies are for cunts.
End conversation.
I like it when the cunts fall off cliffs taking them. Cheers me up.
Wasn’t there a Korean girl who did this? Please take picture while I jump in air? Beachy Head tourist. The depths some people go.
That’s fantastic!
A pilsner for me whilst I find out so much more..
You beat me to it. Thinking exactly the same thing. But if someone could retrieve the camera, there should be one very interesting picture in it.
I saw a whole youtube vid about dozens of cunts falling off cliffs taking selfies, hilarious…a couple who both fell off together on honeymoon, even funnier than cunts who go to look in active volcanoes, best vid i saw was a woman putting petrol in a can then crossing the garage forecourt to pour it in her car, back and forth she went to fill her car up WTF she was soaked in petrol..lol
Cele brat ies love it anything that gets thier face on the telly, and when its not happening for them its selfie time to get back on the telly, however if Michelle Keegan can do a nude selfie for my wank bank that would be nice, failing that fuck off you narcasitic cunts….
Just to prove how moronic these cunts are somebody once stopped me & asked me if I’d take a selfie of them…
Call me old fashioned… But you mean a photo I think…
I don’t take selfies I wouldn’t want to send any poor bugger a photo of my cunt mug.
These vacuous celebs posts pics of themselves just to prove they’re still relevant, albeit rather desperate.
They only do it to garner “likes” in order to measure their appeal against rival celebs. They probably have some IT geek analysing website hit-rates & historical trends, and if there’s a dip in a particular month the desperate celeb will try to do something outrageous in order to stay popular.
Fuck them!
In my younger days I occasionally had the Police do selfies for me (fast bikes and speed cameras do not mix well!), but they did not allow photoshopping so I looked somewhat villainous in my snaps!
Huge Grunt’s mugshot after his waycial enrichment with Divine Brown was a good’un.
The more people pose and pout and snap and post, the unhappier I perceive them to be.
Self obsession was frowned upon in my youth.
Now its not only accepted but something to positively aspire to.
Empty headed twats.
The fact that it is now acceptable for mostly women to stand in front of a mirror pouting and posing whilst taking a picture of themselves shows how far the west has gone up its own arse. No wonder this country is so fucked, I hope Boris passes a law that gives any sane citizen the right to beat any cunt taking a selfie to death with their own phone.
Fuck off you cunts.
The most hilarious ones are the Hollywood celebrislags who do these things and then cry that they’ve been intruded on and (drum roll) ‘violated’… Trollops like Lawrence, Johansscunt and the like do selfies of themselves with their norks out (or worse) and they go all outraged when these pics are ‘hacked’… Hacked my arse… No publicity is bad publicity for these film industry bikes and they do it all on purpose… Hard to imagine greats like Doborah Kerr and Audrey Hepburn doing shit like that, eh? I’ve seen classier birds in Hulme and Moss Side than the current load of slags that rule Hollyweird…
Off topic. That vegan cunt who thinks it’s a religion has won his case. God help us normal people. In a very short while we are going to be the misfits. I’m really pissed off about this.
Jordi Casterbollocks, fuck off back to Spain you shit stirring cunt, there will now be a flood of bollocks heading to industrial tribunals.
You cause a shitstorm at work and get away with it because you are a fucking Vegan, what the fuck goes through the minds of these Judges.
Leather furniture in an office just became a hate crime. Leather shoes to work? You’re fired for creating a hostile work environment for vegan minorities. Why is there no milk in the coffee machine? Fucking Jemima complained again, why else!?
This chap is an ‘Ethical Vegan’ . What the fuck is that? Could someone please enlighten me? Second thoughts , don’t bother.
It roughly translates as Cunt!
It was no bother ?
It means he doesn’t eat animals but he doesn’t fuck them either, unlike regular vegans who love a roll in the hay.
I’d like very much to scrutinise every last inch of this fuckers life to find his ill-informed and entirely inadvertent hypocrisy. He is the new Messiah of SJW’s. But I’d bet if you looked hard enough, this fucker has slipped up. It may not be an animal-related fuck up, but it will be some other environmental faux pas that means millions of children will have been eating raw sewage, or a textile company that’s poisoning a river or some such.
This I imagine this is a one-trick pony position, myopic and blinkered to all the ills created to facilitate his, anti-evolution first world choice, denied to millions in protein poverty.
Utter fucking cunts are vegans in ones opinion.
People who use selfie sticks……
Need to have a good, long look at themselves
Connery wants to take one of himself now he looks well fucked I’m pinching him onto my Dead Pool ASAP
Mr Scottish Independence but doesn’t live there another hypocrite
I don’t “Do selfies” or poses in fact I don’t even do photos, However it ceases to amaze me the people who do take them and send them without checking them.
One that stuck in my mind was the girl who took a selfie in the toilet and had left a large turd in the bowl, she is amongst this little medley of failed narcissists.
I don’t lower myself to use the S word. Its use sends a shiver down my spine. These are the cunts of the highest order. Who is that self obsessed that they stand around taking pictures of them selves? Unfortunately it seems fucking everybody is at it. It’s a sad time for humanity.
The sight of a pouty, clown eyebrowed fugly doing a selfie is a sad sight.
Go read a book you vain idiots.
Last photo taken of me was about 20 years ago at someones wedding, I dont even have a camera phone and wouldnt dream of taking a snap of myself. Narcissistic behaviour was frowned upon when i was growing up and I only have a small mirror in my bathroom, enough to check I look tidy.
One reason I like Boris Johnson is his lack of narcissism. You can see he dives in the shower in the morning, towel dries his hair and then he’s off and running without a comb, hair like Worzel for the rest of the day.
Huge Grunt’s mugshot after his waycial enrichment with Divine Brown was a good’un.