Pakistani Rape Gangs

Pakistani rape gangs and the cunt cops who let them slide, because protecting poor white girls from Pakistani immigrant rapists was too much trouble, surely needs a good mention.

Nominated by Yeast Infection

Seconded….Pakistani Rape Gangs.

Not only the police, the Government are keeping a report on this under wraps. Why?

You don’t really need to be a ‘rocket scientist’ to see the trend. Conviction after conviction: Rotherham, Rochdale, Huddersfield, Telford, Oxford; virtually all Asian men with majority of these from mainly Pakistani decent.

The trials are still ongoing, the investigations are still ongoing, now finally historic cases from 2004/5. It’s all starting to come out. The sheer scale of this scandal makes Windrush look insignificant. 100’s, if not 1000’s of victims and perpetrators. It’s a fucking disgrace. Fuck political correctness, it’s the culture of Asian/Muslim men.


Nominated by Sick of it

61 thoughts on “Pakistani Rape Gangs

    • Think what would be better is giving them a good rogering up the ring piece with a pigs trotter.

  1. Poorly under funded police, who are shit scared to do anything; coupled with a growing Muslim community who are allowed more and more exemptions from any kind of punishment because of their colour and religion. Means that this will continue to get worse.

  2. They are brought up to see the English girls as infidel slags who can be used and abused. The police who turned a blind eye need to be sacked and prosecuted. Every country these animals go to the same is happening, they need to be castrated, imprisoned and shot. Then buried in unmarked graves, dug Up, fried in bacon fat and hung…Then shot.

    • What I think of these sub cockroaches and their vile death cult I can’t really say even here.

      I don’t think I’m the only one. There’s a reckoning coming one way or the other.

      • There is nobody brave enough. That’s why they come here, because we are soft as shit an we keep pulling our trousers down and bending over for them.

  3. These guys so have the petrol station market sewn up for some odd reason.

    Why is that?

  4. Mo had sex slaves so in Islam this is all totally acceptable. This is rape used as war. Cunts the lot of them.

  5. We really must stop being oh so waaaysist.
    It’s just another side to our enrichment that we should all learn to celebrate.
    Surely great institutions like the BBC and the Labour party can’t be wrong, can they?

  6. Of course I agree with all the comments. Dirty low down bastards the lot of them. But, one question, the elephant in the room if you like….where were the parents of the silly little bints at the time? Where did they think the latest smartphones and designer trainers came from? Was there not a hint of concern when Kylie got home at 2 AM pissed as a fart and couldn’t get up for school the next day?

    • add to this some of the parents (though dysfunctional) did try and do something and had their collars felt for racially aggravated crimes.

      The whole thing is a fuck up.

  7. “I am outraged, disgusted and appalled!!!!!!

    “How dare you besmirch the Pakistani community!

    This is typical racist hyperbole by an envious colonial white community prepared to make all sorts of false allegations against innocent Asian men. There is no proof, and even if there were the real vicitms are these poor men having been forced under false pretences to indulge in appalling sex by a cunning and equally racist underage white girls who just want to export these poor men back to Pakistan!

    “I will be complaining to the highest Woke authority – Twitter and the BBC – to make sure the men are absolved of any crime, and that they must be compensated to the tune of £500,000 each. And from now on I demand all Pakistani men recieve immunity from any further racist prosecutions!

    Yours in morbid outrage, Lilly The Mong!”

    • Absolutely bang on the button Lily. I think we should get a petition going about the disgusting mistreatment of these poor men at the hands of an institutionally racist criminal justice system. It’s just appalling.

      • I agree. Whatever happened to British justice? These people are getting slandered left right and centre. The same thing happened to Jimmy Saville, convicted without a trial. It’s a disgrace.

  8. The more melanin you have the more you can get away with, what a cunt of a world we’re living in

  9. Every fucking one should be castraited then dumped back in Pakistan,or wherever they swarm from . Don’t care if they’re born here.
    Subhuman , immoral beasts.

  10. There’s another aspect to this which nobody is really touching on.

    The young girls that go missing and are never seen again – how many of them end up in kebabs, like that Charlene Downes kid, a few years ago.

  11. This bag of vermin need putting through an industrial meat grinder at a pork processing facility.
    Then their entire families deported to China.
    I’d like to say what I really think but that would mean prison.
    Fucking filthy cunts.

  12. Vile inbred scum. Parking Stanley’s are the scum of the earth and the fucking cunts who let this happen should be put inside for life whilst the heaps of shit responsible need a turn in old sparky

  13. You can bet that the establishment has got its cover story worked out, should the full facts come out.
    The ultimate conclusion will be that it all stemmed from white waycism. Expect fuck all from this or any subsequent government, with regard to getting a grip and sorting the fucking scūm out.
    As another Cunter has alluded, this one will be settled on t he streets, one way other t ‘ other.
    Good morning.

    • Not sure it will. The new generation is soft as fuck, fat arsed wankers loaded with soy that haven’t got the gumption.

  14. I’m very glad that everyone (just short of the AL-BEEB, Sly News, et. al.) is finally calling this exactly what it is in the North: Pakistani rape gangs!

    It’s not *Asian* it is well over 90% Pakistani and 99% Muslim. The odd “white face” or Sikh turban amongst the 100’s (if not 1000’s) of mugshots of these cunts does not absolve it from being a majority Pakistani (and we’ll include both East and West Pakistan in there so that the Bangladeshi contingent don’t feel left out), and almost a totally Muslim problem.

    The veil has slipped and – with a renewed sense of Britishness and doing right by our own – these cases are now coming to the fore and are finally attracting the negative attention and (hopefully) lengthy terms at Her
    Majesty’s pleasure that they so richly deserve.

    News recently broke in Scotland that their generous nature in homing/housing Syrian refugees had been rewarded by them setting up their own Syrian Muslim rape gangs (targeting young Scottish girls in deprived areas) to mirror their Northern England Pakistani Muslim rape gang compatriots.

    Jock Plod tried to cover this up for fear of giving them all a bad reputation. Boo – fucking – hoo!

    Somali Muslim rape gangs proliferate in the South. Again trying to be covered up by pro LGBTQAI(P) plod in “progressive” places like Brighton.

    Hopefully the Syrian and Somali Muslim rape gang members will enjoy the same stay at Her Majesty’s pleasure as per their Pakistani contemporaries.


    Now let’s address the next issue with all of this: the cover ups.

    I’ve seen no mention (certainly not on lamestream media) of retribution being meted out to ALL of the cunts who tried to cover up/gloss over these most heinous of atrocities for the last 40yrs?

    Local councils, local police forces, regional interest groups, the Judiciary, the Met, all the way up to Cuntminster MPs, cabinets and even Prime Ministers. If anyone, at any point in this chain, knew what was going on and choose to say/do nothing, or worse, actively try to suppress and/or downplay what was going on, then you ARE culpable, and you WILL be punished.

    You enabled this to happen. You did nothing. Your shame is far worse because you failed to protect your own against a hostile invasion of evil Muslim bastards!

    If one of the rapey bastards gets 10yrs, then these “facilitators” should get 15 or 20yrs. I don’t give a flying fuck if the cunts didn’t perform the act themselves! So that this type of cover-up NEVER happens again, we need to make the penalties of doing so, so penal, that no cunt would DARE repeat this treachery against their own EVER again.

    And remember, diversity is our strength!


    • Problem is the only punishment the “official “ members of this sordid traitorous debacle will get is early access to their civil service/local government pensions bastards

  15. It’s a genuine tragedy that coppers these days are not allowed to do their jobs; in between combing Twatter for waycists, turning a blind eye to these cunts for fear of being labelled same, and filling out paperwork what can they actually do to prevent crime? I don’t blame the coppers themselves, lions led by donkeys and all that. Except traffic coppers, they CAN get fucked; no ossifer, I don’t beileve the law does apply to me as I ride a motorcycle you see

  16. GMP have betrayed and sold out their own people, their own city and innocent girls have died because they either turned a blind eye or simply could not be arsed…Operation Augusta is proof of that… Fucking cunts…

    • ‘Lessons must be learned…’
      They won’t of course. If they were, some fucking firing squads would be set up.

  17. The disgusting third world savages can’t help themselves. You can take the savage out of his third world backward shit hole but you can’t take the savage out of the savage.

    Cunts that deserve to be hung drawn and quartered along with the liberal establishment figures that let them get away with it.

    It’s time we looked at deportation and repatriation for some of these animals.

  18. Typically, the Woke rent-a-mob, are strangely ambivlent to these horrific stories. Perhaps they refuse to believe them, or that even if they did it they would roll up the lame excuse that this sort of thing involved only a very small minority compared to whte men.

    They would turn the entire narrative on its head and suggest that in truth we should focus on the majority of child rape being conducted by indigenous white men, and that plod should do more to bring these people to book etc etc.

    Therefore more or less exonerating any blame on Pakistanis and Syrians et al.

  19. Anyone, can you hear Lilly or jugears speaking out about the filthy shitbags? No? Me neither, cunts

    • Woke cunts such as them won’t say anything remotely critical or detrimental against “the oppressed” for fear of upsetting their respective social media fan bases. And neither do they want to be caught in a long standing argument they have no hope of digging themselves out of should they actually say anything truthful or honest.

      Instead they live in La La Land – the only common factor is that these cunts are rich and have some influence. Added to which they probably live in respectable neightbourhoods and/or country retreats. As a consequence I doubt you will find many of these focal woke cunts living “Oop North!”

      I wonder why?

  20. No doubt the BBC will be polishing the halo on their Saint Jo Cox statue over this outrage.

    I think someone has mentioned this before, but it only takes a small group of people to think, “I’m fucking sick of this shit and I’ve had enough” to cause mass Stakipani lynchings in the streets. I’ll get my fucking popcorn out when that happens and enjoy the show.

  21. Now you know why they had to partition India and create the state of Pakistan in the first place. Wherever the peacefuls and their primitive ideology go fucking trouble goes with them.
    A bit like pikeys now I come to think of it. Unfit to mix with civilised people.

  22. I’ll say it again, this does not affect the PC, Liberal, Snowflake elite who have let in millions unchecked into our country. They live in their Ivory Towers safe in middle and upper class neighbourhoods whilst us normal hard working working class bear the brunt. I hear this a lot “We should treat them as British”. Fair enough, but this means being accountable to ‘BRITISH LAW’ not acting and thinking your still living in a mud hut somewhere thinking you can do what you want with no consequences. By the way instead of the usual shit “lessons must learnt” isn’t about time that the people who knew and know about this but covered it up are prosecuted? Not holding my breath on that one.

    • I was thinking when the Raj collapsed those Englishmen who ran it didn’t come back wobbling their heads, wearing pyjamas, saying ‘goodness gracious me’. They didn’t turn into Indians. Whereas in our hubris (the ruling elite) we thought we could turn Indians into Englishmen. Fatally we thought we could turn Mohammaden Pakistanis into Englishmen. As though eventually they would all be in suits saying- ‘Oh I say dear boy’. Even a Chinamen can never truly turn into an Englishmen. You simply cannot do it. You can with Europeans (in a generation) but not with the Aisans. Its a totally different atmosphere, way of thinking. Chesterton said something like Aisa is not just a different continent it’s a different universe.

  23. It’s “cultural”, if you’re Muslim., pedophilia if you’re white.

    I couldn’t give a shit what colour they are child abusers want hanging and id gladly do the honours.

  24. They get away with it as, to all our shame, we do nothing. Go back 30 years and these cunts would be given a good kicking not only by the locals, but also by the coppers. That was when we lived in a largely homogenous society of white Brits. We now have the scum of the world living here and our culture is so diluted, that they get away with it.

    Yet, Tommy Robinson says as much and is banged up on trumped-up charges.

    Welcome to 21st century Britain. It will never change unless we all get out and do something about it.

    • The thing is they ghettoise. See an outsider in their muslim area you stick out like a sore thumb and will probably immediately get followed, I saw this on a Tommy Robinson video.

      Gather together like-minded paki-bashers in groups and you become little better than they are. We need a peaceful democratic solution to the problem, and let the government rectify the problem they created.

  25. That’s right, the vast majority won’t do anything and when those evil people who will step forward, we’ll all look the other way.

    This has happened many times throughout history. It’s called choosing tyranny over chaos.

    Please don’t think that muslims are “hard”. Vicious yes, but that’s not the same thing.

    Currently the whole scummy machine of state coddles and protects them. Or more accurately does it’s best to keep the lid on everybody else.

    These stinking gaza strips they think they are building are not self sustaining. Look at Baltimore in the US (Z mans blog if you’ve not been there). Compare that with New Orleans during Katrina. That’s what Baltimore would be like without whitney’s bungs.

    What would you do if the state protected you the way is does these cockroaches?

    It wouldn’t take much at all for them to be in hell (one of their own making)

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