James Corden and Cats (Shite Film)

Everyone knows he’s a talentless, fat cunt who thankfully moved abroad.

Now the useless fuck got paid for a shit musical adaptation of ‘Cats’ and claims it’s shit. No kidding. why didn’t you say so at the time not after the reviews? Not to get me started on Judi Dench claiming her character is transgender for no reason other than to try to be “relevant”.

Nominated by lazybiscuits

68 thoughts on “James Corden and Cats (Shite Film)

  1. Hollywood is becoming an irrelevance. Same old woke story lines; same old actors supported by CGI. People are voting with their money.

  2. Perhaps he should do a sequel called “Cunts!”

    I could certainly add a few celeb luvvies who could appear in that!

    • Great suggestion Techno. Why not send a text message to the fat talentless cunt with that very suggestion?
      Think of all the luvvies who’d jump at the chance; Streep, Cumbercunt, Stewart, Coogacunt, Fry, Thompshit, Grant… Score by Dame Elton herself. Altogether now; ‘can you see the cunts tonight (tonight)…’

  3. I’m no fan of Ricky Gervais but he did get some good digs in at the Golden Globes: “The world got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in the movie Cats, but no one saw that.” and “Dame Judi Dench defended the film, she said it was the role she was born to play. Because she loves nothing better than getting down on the carpet, lifting up her leg and licking her own minge.”

    • Good Morning, Monday 6th January when the people of the UK go back to work, if they have not already done so, whilst much of Europe has an extra day for 12th night. I think 31st January should be a national bank holiday.

      Yesterday’s Sunday Times had an article that, after much controversy in previous years, Ricky Gervais was not going to make personal jokes this time. Dame Judi is our greatest national treasure so how could he possible say that about her?
      Bloody funny though!

  4. The big fat Cunt should have been bullied more at school. He wouldn’t have been so keen of showing his moon- face if he’d had a few head-down-the-shitter moments or a good beasting on the rugby-pitch…given sufficient “encouragement” the Cunt would have shunned the limelight and possibly developed a stammer thus saving us from his future career as a professional “funny-man”

    PS..It’s a myth that Fat People are jolly…I was aware of a couple of obese classmates when I was at school who were far from jolly…..indeed,they actually seemed to spend most of their time crying.

    • Some cunt wrote on there that Ricky Gervais is a bully disguised as a comedian. Pipe down, you cunt, I can hear your hands wringing from here.

      • Same old shite DCI. We can only hope that common sense prevails….. good lord we’re fucked.

    • That was comedy fucking gold. I’m not one for sharing shit on the internet but the very few friends that don’t think I’m a cunt is getting that link.

      • Old Bobby de Niro and Tom Hanks looked like they’d shat themselves!! I like the way smug cunt DiCaprio grins at mention of him fucking a teenager, bet we wasn’t when RG was slagging off the private jet set

  5. ‘Transgender’? Why?? I’m genuinely baffled. As if that adds anything to the story.

    • I wonder if it’s anything to do with cats being spayed, neutered or whatever. “I was born a female but now I identify as a tom” etc etc etc

  6. Some words that spring to mind when I see his face:
    Fat, Odious, talentless, annoying, thick, useless barrel of monkey spunk CUNT!
    I wouldn’t piss on Corden even if he was on fire.

  7. The Jewish Bacon theatre company has listened to your requests and is dipping it’s toes in the 21st century and is proud to present The James Corden VR simulator!
    Yes you see through his porcine eyes as you present award ceremonys and see the audience eyes bleeding as they go into a coma from your unfunny jokes.
    You’re there as you empty a entire fridge for a midmorning snack,
    You’re there as you try to mount you’re wife with your microscopic dick,
    And-ons include the Lilly Allen abortion clinc,
    Dale Winton toilet capers.
    Please note –
    We at The Jewish Bacon theatre company in no way endorse James Corden as a human being!
    THE JEWISH BACON THEATRE COMPANY a sign of quality entertainment.

  8. Cats is one of the biggest turds in the history of cinema… It features cunts like Idiris Bellend and Titless Swift and it will be seen in later years as a turkey on a par with the Bee Gees and Frampton Sgt Pepper film… Utter fucking crap….

    I notice the usual luvvie Britcunts were at the Golden Globes… Olivia Horseface and Phoebe Waller Cunt and the like…

  9. Catnip for cunts.
    Luvvie fest they assumed would rake it in.
    Judie Dench? Cant stand that old cunt,
    Looks like a elderly chinaman,
    James Corden=arselicker to the coke ravaged tinsel town hollyweird types.
    Fuck Cats and fuck musicals.
    Fuck celebrities, and fuck hollyweird.
    Grumpy? Maybe.
    But theyre going in the book!
    As a fine actor at the BBC said “EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE…

    • …Judi Dench…..

      “Looks like an elderly chinaman”

      What a brilliant observation … LMAO !

  10. The whole idea of fucking Cats is and always has been as gay as fuck. Make a film loaded with a profusion of worthy, woke luvvies and rake it in from the pink pound. Unless of course it is too shit even for them.
    Twats, the Musical.

  11. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Iran took revenge on the US by flying a few planes into Hollywoke!

    If ever there was a place in this fucked-up world that needed a major reality check it would be there. Cunt actors and actresses living in a day-dream world where money and materialism is everything, along with millions of followers on their social media pages – that’s how they measure their own relevance, and more fool the stupid cunts that follow them.

    They spout their woke bullshit from their safe ivory towers, while never fully realising what life is really like back on planet Earth.

    Well perhaps a few peacefuls wearing suicide jackets while travelling around Hollywoke in unmarked trucks, might give these cunts the kick in the cunt the cunts so desperately need!


    • A few peacefuls in Prius estates, hiding out at the Harvey Weinstein Boarding School for Aspiring Actresses ready to strike – “detonate the sun blushed tomato and tofu vest”!

    • Why only twelve ticky points for this? Come on cunters I wanna see 50 up for Techno’s long overdue scenario/

      • Speak to the Lord of The Rings, they’ve got absolute power of the tickies.

  12. Wonder why this fat wanker always looks so pleased with himself?
    These luvvies who are absolutely desperate to stay ‘relevant’ are only staying relevant to other luvvies as most normal people just regard them as pretentious cunts.

    • Constantly checking his bank balance, that’s why the cunt looks so pleased with himself. I’d be grinning like a wanking Jap if I had HALF of his cash.

  13. James Corden
    Fat talentless lump of lard unfunny piece of shit stay in the USA
    Cats a total waste of money who pays to watch this pile of crap ?

    • Unrealistic anyway.
      If theyd portrayed it properly itd be about torturing small birds, spraying up fences, and spewing up because youd ate to much dreamies.
      Yet again Dench youve ruined another production!
      Answering back?
      Fuck you?
      Last time i looked queen Victoria didnt look vaguely chinese.
      Get a English face you old bitch.

      • Can’t help but notice our pal Moggie is noticeably absent MNC…. bet he’s a big Cats lover! Full on dressing up on the aisles like the Rocky Horror nutters! ?

      • Morning mate! Moggie?
        Yeah dancing in the aisles, full fur onesie and feline makeup on!?

      • Nowt wrong with the Rocky Horror Moggie Show, first in line to watch it. I’ve been on this morning about a nom but my post has vanished, as has the post in question.

      • Judi Dench used to live down the road from me – she drove a lot more safely than the Leeds United footballer type neighbour!

        Then she got really rich, er, I mean famous and moved out

  14. If only the actors from this were put in a hessian sack with a large lump of concrete and then dropped from a bridge…

  15. Corden’s omnipresence confuses me. Maybe the BBC feel that occasionally hiring the fat fucker fulfils their quota of straight white men.

    • Doesn’t make any sense. But he gets top jobs in the US. I feel like I’m taking those crazy pills again.

  16. Why is it the same wankers that are in the British films? Utter shite.
    I for one won’t be going to watch.

  17. Why aren’t we allowed to comment on the Middle East nom?

    because it was a nomination and you aren’t supposed to comment on them any way

    • It’s the current one, The Middle East (2). I don’t have anything to say since the Middle East and Ireland both baffle me, I just wondered why there appears to be no way to comment.

      Yes it’s broken, Talk about Trump instead, pretty much the same thing.

  18. James Corden is indeed a can of can’t.
    I must say I probably would not have found this excellent and therapeutic website if he didn’t exist.
    Why is he popular to some people?
    Can America keep him?

    • To be fair Spoons they appear to want to; trouble is old fatty is under the decidedly mistaken impression that people here want to see him as well and so keeps coming back like a type 2 diabetes-addled boomerang

      • I’ll put him on my snuff it list. I’ve forgotten the proper name for it, but it’s on this here fine website somewhere.

      • Deadpool spoons.
        Its called Deadpool.
        An its haunted by the unhappy souls off dead cunts.
        Headless Bethan an scouse medium Derek are there!
        Wear a crucifix! Woooooo..

      • Fuck me they’ll make a right pair! “Alrite dare Bettan luv, wot’s all dat about wid yer edd under yer shoulder like”

  19. Cost $100 million to make… took $6.5 million at the box office… ?

    Can’t imagine why it bombed so badly. After all, it boasts an all-star cast:

    James Corden
    Judi Dench
    Idris Elba
    Ian McKellen
    Taylor Swift
    Rebel Wilson…

    • Rebel Wilson probably the worst of the lot; fat, gobby, ugly, woke as fuck and Australian – Jesus

      • I fucking despise Corden. I despise Titless Swift. Don’t much like Dench, McKellen or Idris Elba. But the worst of the lot is that fat ugly grotesque smelly bastard Rebel Wilson. Absolutely hate the obese stinking sweaty whale. Useless. I’m guessing she only gets work because of the “awwww, she’s fat, poor girl” factor. Lazy greedy fat bastard.

    • More likely stole 6 million, crock of shit, fucking dench what a twat transgender cat fuck off.

  20. The comments on here about Judi Dench looking like a chinaman…fork me, you c*nts made me laugh! 😀

    • Personally I was outraged at the blatant sexism on display here Spoon; clearly that should have said ‘like a Chinawoman’. Disgusting.

  21. Cheers cunters, you’ve said it all for me. In summing up can I just say Corden is a massive CUNT. No one has seemed to call him that.

  22. One of the worst ‘shock/disgusting’ whatever vids I’ve watched on t’interweb was some industrial ‘animal shredder’ working at bay, where the poor wretched creatures literally jerk, shudder and explode apart as their bodies are riven by the mechanically ineluctable cycle of jagged blades.

    I thought it was a traumatic sight until I imagined Corden in place of one of them…

  23. Fat beta cuck who will suck any organ to further his forgettable career, even worse the millennial snowflakes who claim this guy as a comedic god.

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