Happy New year!

So let us be the first to wish you all a Happy new year, What can only be described as the Decade of the deluded is now behind us, But lets face it what magnificent stories they made for us!

But as always it’s you the contributors who make this site what it is, so a heart felt thank you to you all (Yes even the Trolls who add the spice to the admin life) and wishing you all the best in the coming year.

All the best the Admin team

84 thoughts on “Happy New year!

    • Agreed LB
      I fucking hate new year it’s like Halloween but for CUNTS !! And a few fireworks doesn’t change a thing
      … ?

      • Thanks for all your hard work admin
        Happy new year to yourselves and all you cunters out there……

      • A few fireworks?! Fucking things never stopped for half an hour! Had I been single I would have opened a window and responded with marbles from my Black Widow catapult. I may have done this previously to a nearby neighbour who continously revved the engine of an old jalopy. This may also be an untruth ?

  1. Cunts in my house
    Linking arms and doing auld Lang syne. Fuck me, is this decade going to be angrier for me than the last? I didn’t know I could be so angry….

  2. My New Year resolution is to try to be a bit more of a Cunt.

    Have a Happy New Year and Fuck Off.

  3. Soon be Christmas.

    Fuck off and I hope Duane Abbott knocks on your door and sits on your face

    Cheers cunts

    • Are you watching the fireworks,Freddie? Sadiq Khan said that he is laying on the best display that London has ever seen…you could send him a thank-you note,I’m sure he’d appreciate it.

      • Well if Freddie is in the vicinity poor Mayor Khan is probably about to discover what having an industrial-strength whizz-bang exploding in one’s lower intestine feels like.

      • Ain’t watching them Lord Fiddler but I can hear my money going up in smoke. I will be sending Suckdick some stools in a box as soon as my system gets back to normal.
        I wouldn’t want that cunt to think I don’t appreciate his efforts to fuck up my home town and turn into a third world shithole.

      • Yes all that pollution from those millions of fireworks. I bet Greta is going to go mental in the morning

      • Best pyrotechnic display I ever saw was the 2003 shock and awe over Baghdad. Fucking awesome display of sand cunt vaporising power. There was however an unfortunate consequence of the US bombardment ,the western democracies lost thousands of potential doctors and architects as collateral damage. So sad.

      • Just watched the London fireworks on CuntTube. Pitiful.
        But then Khan is full of shit so what did you expect?
        Euro 2020 – more overpaid cunts kicking a ball about.
        And what’s with all the fucking ethnic music???

        This country is fucked. Happy New Year? Humbug!

      • And to quote the little sand cunt “….we will leave the EU , but we are still European…..” Well that’s got to be a first. An Asian European ? How the fuck does that work .. ?

        All the best Dio.

    • Happy new year all, if your playing with Fireworks hope your down the burns unit you selfish cunt.

    • Fuck you admin, I think we’ve had enough of cunts telling us what to do for one year.
      Who do you think you are?……..the fucking BBC?

    • I’m staging a sit-in until my deleted posting history is re-instated!

  4. Happy new year to all of you.

    Apologies to anybody I have pissed off with my holier than thou attitude. I can’t help myself – I’m a cunt.

  5. Happy New 2020. One month till Brexit, although chances are news headlines will be mainly dominated by a load of old shitty twaddle including Brexit for the next 366 days.

    As a younger man this used to be another night for copping off with birds, either a drunken snog or a drunken fuck, with some tart whose name you didn’t know.

    Shamefully I am not even pissed as a rat or a newt this year. This site is great as it still allows frees speech unlike Fuckbong, Twatter, Ewetube, Instamong, etc.

    I might write some resolutions during the first week, lose weight, get fit, develop relationship(s), but who the fuck ever sticks to resolutions. In middle age it’s a fun sport just being a Cunt.

    • I’m going to join an S&M club, but with the main emphasis on the M – I don’t want any cunt to think I’m soft.

  6. Happy new year, admin and cunters, here’s to a cunting new year and please can Blair and his Mrs kark it so I can have a double deadpool to go with my collection of chins?
    If Catweazle and Flabbott find a severe lack of life, that would be nice as well.

  7. Welcome to the roaring Twenties. Let’s hope we continue to see the libtards crying into their hankies as the world tells them to to grow the fuck up. For me, 2019 can go fuck itself.

  8. Jan 1st is the same as any other day and I haven’t joined in with any so-called festivities. Not one drop of alcohol, I’ve been on apple and blackcurrant squash. Usually go for a drive on Wednesdays and I don’t see any reason to alter my routine.
    Anyway, best wishes to you Admin men.

  9. Drunken cunts woke me up at midnight with a fucking noise that went on for eight mintes unbroken, then the wankers started wooshing and cheering afterwards. When I did fall into the arms of Morpheus I was rudely awakened again at 3.30 by a pair of shrieking tarts yelling to each other. Been awake since.

    I hope life is calmer at Fiddler Towers and wherever all the rest of my fellow cunters are.

    Who won Cunt Of The Year?. It’s got to be Gina Miller if it can’t be grasping chancer Anthony Blair – the man who is to honesty what Arthur Mullard was to ballet.

  10. Still awake at 5 o’fucking clock……fucks sake….good job I am not working today…..I believe I am ranting to myself…..cunt.

  11. Bollocks.

    Just woken up on the settee with a sore neck from sleeping awkwardly. Just gone to join my sleeping missus in bed and found my 5 year old son in my bed space, cuddled up to her. Great.

    Looks like the same old shit awaits me in this ‘exciting’ new decade.

    Happy New Year, cunters and my thanks to the Admin team for their unwavering efforts.

  12. No, seriously Happy New Year to my fellow cunters and a big thank you to admin for keeping this site going.

  13. Does anyone know what Sadiq Khan”s father did for a job?

    No one has ever said….

    • I might have got ths totally wrong, since Saddick is such a shy retiring man, he gives little away, but I think he might have been a bus driver.

  14. Thank you. I am grateful….

    Wow, things I didn’t know.

    Does anyone know why Corbyn lost the election?

  15. Happy new wednesday. Only 7 days until the next one. 🙂

    Happy new year as well.

    A new year of excellent nominations.

    Dog bless you all. 🙂

  16. Fuck off Edinburgh, Fuck off London, stick your waste of dough fireworks up your cunt, cunts.

  17. The human race is a waste of space and the fact they’ve made it another year without being wiped clean by a nuclear attack makes me sad.

    I look forward to the ants and the birds taking over….all hail our new insect overlords.

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