Guy Verhofstadt is a massive cunt for insisting that we will go back to to the EU.
Maybe we will in time. Maybe we won’t in time. The point remains that this wanker (never trust a cunt with a centre-parting) insists it will be so, forgetting that such bleating will make it less so. The cunt.
Nominated by Dark key cunt
Art team alert – that’s another one for the Wall of Cunts!
Hes stunningly bad looking isnt he?
Someone on here compared him to spidermans old nemesis Dr Octopus?
As well as looking like a supervillian/pee do hybrid hes also a bit of a rude fucker.
He cant fathom that the UK has freed itself from Europe’s shackles and doesnt want to put the cuffs back on.
What makes him a authority on the british populace and their views?
Mind your own business!
Stick to drill glory holes and installing mirrors in public toilets you little bellend.
Oh an next time Europe is in danger and your all busy surrendering?
Dont phone us, we’re busy.
Sorry, but I think he’s correct. The new generation of woolly-thinking, me-me-me, l know everything, Facebook/Twitter immersed arse-holes whose only connection to the EU is ensuring they get free roaming on their phones will demand to be let back in. Only when voting for their left-wing political god of the time results in a Labour PM, who has no power because all laws are made in Berlin, will they (perhaps) realise their mistake. Having said that, I’m not sure Islam, which will effectively be ruling us by then, is compatible with being told what to do.
He looks like the bastard love child of David Mellor minus a chromosome.
Thank you!!! I’ve spent a couple of hours trying to think who the bastard reminded me of.
Well spotted.
Wasn’t this cunt cunted a few weeks ago for much the same sort of cuntishness?
Doesn’t matter. This cunt can’t be cunted enough.
I don’t know. I, for one, am sick of the sight of the ugly cunt.
Can’t agree more – he’s a capital CUNT
At least the weird cunt is on the board now. Let’s hope Admin use this photo as he looks properly Scooby-Doo villain in it.
Fred Farage: Well Daphne, let’s see who the culprit is who was trying to thwart Brexit all along.
(pulls off the mask)
Jess “Thelma” Philips: Guy VerFuckHofstad!
Guy VerFuckHofstad: Und ve vould’ve got avay viz eet eef it vasn’t for you pesky democracy-lovers.
Scooby Doo: What a cunt.
Sarah Michelle Gellar or Jess, what a diabolical choice to make. Alright Jess, get your tits out.
Moggs, I bet even Scrappy Doo gives a better bj than Jess Phillips.
@Captsain Magnanimous
Well, a dog’s a dog.
He is the hunchbacked older brother of Jurgen Klopp, locked in the attic and fed fish heads and tripe until dropped off at the Belgian border as a teenager.
Do you know Liberal, he does bear a passing resemblance to Kloppy!
However, I do think the whole of the family dental bill was spent on his younger brother!
Do you know Liberal, he does bear a striking resemblance to Kloppy. However, I think the majority of the family dental bill has been spent on the younger brother!
So good, I said it twice! Site seems to be running slow tonight!
If you think I’m having trouble, just look at Dr Shagga on the other channel!
He looks like a convicted knicker snatcher. Probably steals Adolf Merkel’s bloomers off her washing line so he can jerk off into them. Seems weirdly interested in the voting intentions of the “British young”. The sort of man you would see hanging round the school gates in the afternoon with a packet of Haribo in his raincoat pocket.
Surely the knickers would be from the dirty washing basket? Point of order.
Centre parting sends a message …
Aye… as mentioned by a previous cunter “he’s got the Euro-peedoh look nailed”.
He probably disguises his penis as a lolly pop and sticks it through the school gates
Ah this old chestnut. If I met him in the street I’d get my 8 year old grand daughter to kick the cunt to fuck. Easy.
This foul-faced cunt is totally delusional and ought to concentrate on getting his own (the EU’s) house in order instead of worrying about us waycists and biggots in the UK. We’re off – end of!
As for a return to EU slavery in the future that’s not likely. Once a few other countries dump the EU in the forms of Frexit, Quitaly, Madriddance, Outstria etc. then it will cease to exist as will any notion of their precious EU Army. Without this, the Peaceful invasion of Europe will continue totally unhindered and at an ever increasing pace, at which point, cunt faced Guy V. will have bigger concerns than the UK – like avoiding gang rape or getting beheaded! Wanker!
“…will cease to exist as will any notion of their precious EU Army. Without this, the Peaceful invasion of Europe will continue totally unhindered”
It’s a certainty that any hypothetical EU armed force would not be sent to the gates of Vienna anyway. They’d be deployed across Europe on priority missions under a cross-border, access all areas warrant to hoof cunters’ doors in and root out the remnants of right wing thought criminality.
What a prick. If I was him I’d be more concerned about others leaving you heap of shit
This cunt is cunted every second…
Which is less than he deserves.
His personal butt-plug is Richard Ayoade.
Brexit leaves the EU in financial shit, despite the ridiculous sum we are obliged to bung them. Their budget never balances and it’s unlikely a bloated bureaucracy can change it’s profligate ways. This cunt is worried for the future of that bureaucracy, with good reason.
Surely the EU must see him and a few others as failures, the EU leadership could of prevented the referendum by negotiating with Cameron, instead they humiliated him and hence the referendum and the surprise to them Brexit vote.
Fucked themselves proper.
Jess Phillips has dropped out of the Labour leadership race, I suspect she realised she would be destroyed in the next round due to the fact she’s just a gobby cunt that no one likes.
Just like all the other contestants.
Would this CUNTUS GIGANTICUS be so fucking 14 year old girl about Brexit if it were instead of the UK that, say, Greece wanted to leave the EU or one of those far flung, Donkey-infested, Eastern European fleapits such as Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania?
Probably not, because being the 2nd greatest financial contributor, the EU cocksucking cooperative will be wanked out in the not-too distant future as soon as our wedge is pulled and our slice needs to be made up by others (which won’t happen).
Fugly skidmark.
The rantings of the obnoxious and mentally deranged Eurocrat otherwise known as Verhofstadt towards Nigel Farage and the total disrespect for Britain and our democracy was the very first reason I felt we should get out of the EU.
Since then have realised that all the top self appointed snouts in the trough cunts running the EU shitfest are all the same which has only reinforced my decision that to get out is the only way this great country can flourish going forward.
He hasn’t learned anything from the general election, too busy looking at Twatter, instatwat and cuntbook. For all the effort Labour put into social media in the end it meant fuck all, ‘the young’ or should I say woke cunts talk to themselves and the rest of us don’t even notice.
If labour couldn’t win offering free everything after 9 years of Tory austerity why would we ever want to go back to the EU fuck up!
Achtung !
Swap his glasses for contact lenses, dye his hair black ,give him a haircut and a funny little tash and bingo ! You know who is back in town !
If this Cunt didn’t slither out of one of Dr. Mengele’s deep frozen test tubes, then I’m a fucking Dutchman.
He’s got ‘ Dictator ‘ written all over him.
The fucking Cunt.
When the grandkids are playing up, I always tell them that if they don’t behave, Mr Pumpkin Head will come for them. Works a treat every time!
This cunt does bear a frightening resemblance to “mein Fuhrer”! Even has the same mannerisms when doing a speech. It’s almost disturbing!
Just a pity that the laboratory staff at Clone-a-Freak GmbH fucked up his teeth somehow!
Also the ReichsMinister for Propaganda, Dr. Goebbels, who I believe had a club foot.
The fourth Reichs Minister has club teeth…
He certainly is a Dick – Tater
He is a Dick with a potato for a brain
He visited the lib dums where that stupid Swinson woman assured him that we had changed our minds, silly cow.
This cunt is so ugly that he could join our labour party as a woman where he would fit in a treat being nearly as fugly as most of those fucking horrors.
One of those Labour women looks like one of the fat slags from Viz.
Another ugly twat who can’t accept we’re leaving, or realises that we are the first step of the collapse of his fucking dictatorial, undemocratic, power crazy shitfest EU. He’s a monumental cunt.
let’s face it I am poor.
even I have better teeth than that.
working abroad a colegue once said to me that he gauged civilisation by dentistry.
mind you he also had a phobia about beards and referred to them as talking cunts
This cunt was one of the unelected, unaccountable, overpaid shit weasels who, for years before we voted to leave the EU, was one of the loudest in expressing his outright hatred of the EU. He’s never missed an opportunity to condescend, patronise or outright insult the UK and the British people. He’s hardly done anything to make us feel like a valued member. He even took the stage at the last Limp Dumb party conference, holding up a ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ T-Shirt. And he’s not the only one. Juncker and Tusk were also vocal in their disdain for the UK.
It came at as a complete and utter surprise to them when we voted to their club. And instead of acting graciously, or trying to understand why we voted to leave and then making changes, they upped the ante with the insults, condescension and patronisation. And they STILL don’t get. They could easily work out at a least a basic deal within Boris’ timeframe, but no. They have demonstrated, dozens of times, they intend to use the upcoming negotiations to punish the UK for daring to leave their undemocratic, corrupt little club. That alone shows that the EU is a malign organisation. As does Verhofstadt’s boast a couple of months back about wanting an EU Empire. One of the sticks that remainers tried to beat us leavers with, was that “the British Empire no longer exists”. Not a single one of those who threw that at us said a damn thing about Verhofstadt’s open admission. So, it’s a case of British Empire bad, EU Empire good.
Swivel eyed loon cunt.
What a bellend.
Ps Whose Dark Key cunt who nominated? O thought I was the only non whitey on here… Bloody Dark key’s taking over the place.
Go fuck yourselves.
There goes the neighbourhood B&W, there will be peaceful slum landlords and two dozen dooshkas in bunkbeds next door before you know it.
It’s a disgrace LL. ?
I love you and I hate you B&C. I am actually a brownie but went for Dark Key partly because one of my friends call me that (a camel lover) but also because of your posts. I thought you might want a wing man.
By the way, fuck off, you cunt.
I am peaceful but I’m not one.
I’m a brownie as well Dark key, hence my incredibly well thought aaaaht name which reflects my white and black ancestors.
Anyways fuck all that, welcome…and go fuck yourself. ?
On this website you are a star. And a cunt ;-). I’m from the sub-continent but am an atheist. Grew up in a properly diverse part of the smoke (mostly white, bit of salt and pepper) before the peaceful brigade moved in and the woke MFs who love them followed them and sucked from their ‘divergent’ teat.
I am as brown as a cup of tea.
I am English as egg and chips.
And I am a true cockney (born within the sounding of the Bow Bells).
Fuck off to all those who say otherwise. Cunts!
I dunno, what’s going on here, ain’t we racist enough here? Amazing how when people integrate the fit in. The enemy ain’t a colour it’s the cunts within the skin we aim at here.
Anyone with a finely tune cunt radar is welcome in my book. There’s so many cunts and so few of us.
“The enemy ain’t a colour it’s the cunts within the skin we aim at here”
Worthy of being added to the ‘is a cunt’ motto from years back…
Cuntishness is a passing phase… Cuntitude remains deep within the bone’s.
Well said SV old chap.
I hope Merkel pisses in his onion soup.
What a parcel of rotten cunts.
Fuck off.
I see there are the usual comparisons to Herr Schicklgruber.
Herr Schicklgruber was invited by the establishment to his position in the Chancellery.
Herr Schicklgruber would build up to a crescendo when speaking.
Herr Schicklgruber had delusions of a European empire centrally administered and governed.
Herr Schicklgruber has a strikingly strange look about him.
Herr Schicklgruber, once he was in control, did away with the democratic will of the people.
Herr Schicklgruber was a dangerous murdering cunt.
Fortunately, this cunt does not have the ability to murder more than the average Belgian cellar dweller.
Thank you to ISAC for posting my first cunting. Been here for a couple of years observing your collective thoughts on the bollocks that is infiltrating our lives.
Dark key cunt, are you a genuine non whitey? I am also, not that it matters though.
Thought I’d say hello or wah gwan?
Namaste bredren. We’re out there trying to fuck the nonsense around us.
Marvellous. Thank you all for your responses. I hope I will produce more excellunt (sic) cuntings in the future.
Finally, this goblin-looking cunt is up against the esteemed wall.
Alright Empire, he is a Gollum looking turd. Has your nephew recovered from Magic Grandpa’s crushing defeat yet? I hope you were magnanimous in your gloating.
Evening LL,
‘The Fam’ spent a few days muttering post election but, now is a fraction of the cunt he was. Still an infuriating cunt and no mistake, I suspect brother-in-law dearest had a monster showdown about refusing to bankroll college & further ed with the previous level of arse-mockery.
I also think the cunt benefitted from a decent work experience placement last year.
Hope you are keeping well, chap.
Congratulations to Guy for making it to the wall.
All in all he’s just another cunt in the wall.
This is one Guy who definitely needs to go on the bonfire, along with his poxy European empire. His parents and grandparents probably remember their country being overrun and shat on by Krauts but that means nothing to this cunt. As long as he’s got our money in his pockets he doesn’t give a fuck.
Total cunt.
Jess Phillips has apparently dropped out of the opposition leadership race to, instead, soil her filthy drawers with the largest, creamiest, smelliest dollop of hot, working-class diarrhoea that has ever tumbled out of her 150mm diameter log nipped.
‘Err, yam loike all the ovver candeedaytes are shat, but erm yam loike, Oim even wuurse?’
Fucking Brummie Creek Hag.
Paul, Jess Phillips reminds me literally of what it would truly look like to apply lipstick to a grunting porcine beast.
She looks like she reeks of rotten scampi.
A pro-EU misandrist with a shitty, aggressive attitude. What’s not to like as the next Labour leader? Pity she had to drop out.
Log nipper. Fucking autocorrect.
There’s simply not enough days in a week or weeks in a year to cunt this pathetic wanker from non country Belgium!! He encapsulates everything I fucking detest about the EU , a fucking political Pygmy who has been turned into a colossus, where would this utterly useless sack of European shite be without his beloved EU? Absolutely nowhere…….
The biggest shock is how on Earth is this fuck witted gobshite only on a measly 10 cuntings? Surly that’s his weekly tally…..
Verhofstadt looks like one of those Garbage Pile Kids off those daft cards they sold at paper shops in the 80s… Ugly fucking fucker, he is…
At first glance at that photo, I thought “fucking hell, Elton’s been hitting the crystal meth hard lately”.