Cunts who accuse Britain of being a racist nation….
These twats infect every area of society. From politicians to the media. From sport to Royal observers. From Muslim Councils to Employment Forums. It seems as though there’s not a day that passes without the big stick of racism being brought out to thrash the Rosbeefs:
Brexit? – Only racists voted for it.
Football? – The grounds are full of racists
Lack of opportunities? – It seems three out of four people in the media of a darker hue, but that’s still not good enough.
A little local difficulty with Me-again Markle? – She’s disliked because she’s of mixed race.
Islamaphobia? – I’m not sure why, but the nasty Brits hate us.
Be prepared for further onslaughts on the basis that the more you are told you are, the more you will believe it. The truth is that this country is probably in the parlous state it is because of the ABSENCE of racism. Many of those sounding off about racism have their roots in shitholes of countries where racism was invented. Fuck off there and see if you’re allowed to freely call them racist.
Those who throw the term ‘racist’ at people are those who have lost the political argument. I’m fuckin’ sick of it and I judge that most British people are of the same opinion. I’ve not written that many noms, but I can honestly say that this one had me checking that I’d taken my blood pressure tablets for today. I had but this didn’t stop clouds of super heated piss rising up from my seat.
Nominated by Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt
Good nom Bertie!?
We’re racist but open the floodgates to out of control immigration?
Pander to them with interpretors and information printed into various lingos?
And even if it was racist?…so fuckin what?
Its bollocks, its a trigger word to stifle argument!
America in 50s/60s it was ‘communist’
16th century europe it was ‘witch’.
Now its ‘racist’ its become boring and starting to lack impact.
Your sincerly
Excellent cunting Bertie ? ? ? ? ?
I could not agree more. This never-ending cry of ‘waycism’ truly grinds my gears.
If I have to see that no brains, frizzy headed fuckwitt ‘Afua Hirsch’ on tv, spouting her cunt drivel, I might just have to put my fist right through my beloved plasma in frustration.
“Britain is the most racist nation there is ; I’ve had to suffer the worst kinds of blatant racism” – Boo Hoo, poor fucking me. FUCK OFF ! I couldn’t give 2 shits about your race, skin colour or fucking gender. If you talk like a cunt & come out with all this hatred for MY COUNTRY, then YOU … yes YOU..ARE A CUNT. BY DEED, BY ACTION – CUNT !
We are the most open (too open), non-racist country on earth.
If you don’t like it here, then FUCK OFF !
Pack your over-paid, over-opinionated, whining, lefty, woke, snowflake, boney ass up & feel free to FUCK RIGHT OFF to the glorious European union (4th Reich) or the good ole’ US of A (they won’t fucking want you) – just go to Missouri & tell me then how racist Britain is.
Is it cos I is white bruv!
Excuse me, that awful grammar is cultural appropriation!
I blame the influx of BAME
I blame the “education” of BAME!
I hate everyone equally. Sure I notice ethnic cunts and their cultural variations more than most white cunts, but I can spot an Eastern European a mile away, oh that’s xenophobia isn’t it?
I keep some of my own family at a good distance so I’m famliyphobic as well.
Maybe I’m just naturally intolerant of people? That being the case how can I be expected to embrace people and cultures that despise us in our own country?
I dunno, call me racist if it makes you happy, I can’t give a fuck to give.
Off Topic. Steve Bray has had his megaphone squashed. I’m starting to think there might be a God.
I can’t find a gram of sympathy for the cunt. It was cuntish behaviour by the lads involved but if anyone has been asking for some blow back for as long and as loudly as mr bray I don’t know who it is.
Every fucking interview outside Parliament for the last few years has been ruined by this cunt and his megaphone.
I was glad to read that. I was just sorry that they gave the old cunt his hat back. Reminded me of Fanny Izzard’s pink beret. Headgear seems important to seedy old exhibitionists.
I would have shat in it and stuck his megaphone up his arse.
I love your use of the pluperfect subjunctive form of the verb “to shit”
What an amusing grammar lesson. Being thick as two planks I am none the wiser yet better informed.
Some classical Greek poet once wrote the line “A gnat’s trumpet is its arse”…
Greta Thunberg next with any luck. A bullet in the head will shut that truant little bitch up. Can someone explain how a child can turn up at the places she does, and rub shoulders with the people she does and not just get told to shut the fuck up or fuck off. Surely a bag, a dark coloured van and a shovel can’t be far away.
Shame it wasn’t his fucking head.
While that is brilliant to see, it’s a shame the idiots doing it are clearly prize bellends; more ammunition (not that they need it) for cunts like Lilly Mong and Linekunt to shout about nasty old racist gammons
Exactly what I thought. I can’t stand the cunt, but I don’t like thuggery, and those cunts who did that, like the cunts that give Owen Jones a bitch slap, just bolster their non existent argument because it’s amplified by social media and the left wing press. Ultimately, after three years of winding people up, it is inevitable that something was going to happen. And, I did laugh.
I loved the sly Fiddler-like trip on him especially!
I thought the lunatic had left the asylum and fucked off back to Wales.
Did he start yelling “STOPPP HITTING MEEEEE”??
Did Bercow find Bray’s stash of bovril sarnies, hidden under the hat of twat for a long stay?
Did he shout “hoarder, hoarder”!
Does Johnny think a certain young “lady” of his acquaintance is a bus because he hears Men all the time in the House of Commons talking about climbing on and off her?
When dogs go dogging do they call it “peopling”?
Is baby oil really made of babies, and how many to the average bottle?
When a bus driver sees a gap and a dithering twat does he shout “for f*cks sake, you could get a car through there”?
Would a footballer be disciplined for only giving 109%?
Should I lay off my Night Nurse and Meths cocktails? – I believe we all have the answer to that one!
Real racism is pernicious evil, and is practised by efnic minoriteees against white Men generally speaking.
My Family many Years ago were “advised to leave” the sunny climes of Ireland by the UK Government after a bit of a do with some people who believed in democracy by intimidation (sound familiar?), I think they may have been foreign because they were called the “Black and Tans”, and it was quite a bloodbath which my ancient lot won hands down by all accounts, it was a weird experience to see old black and white photos of elderly decrepit Men carrying a s*otgun bigger than they are – and there was a pretty m*rderous look in those eyes!
“That’s your Great Grandad Eamonn, ended three of them he did and threw them in the pig shed so he did, Garda didn’t find a thing”
For obvious reasons I keep on good terms with the Irish side of the Family!
Excellent cunting by the way BBTC!
Black kid: I like being black.
White kid: That’s great.
White kid: I like being white.
Black kid: Racist.
It is racist coz the poles hate the pikeys errm Romanians, who hate the Turks who hate the Lithuanians who hate everybody. Blacks hate asians and vice versa. Leaves the white Brits to get on with our allotments
My considered opinion is that these types can fuck right off.
Offended? Lovely.
Soppy cunts.
so just thinking out loud, the recent refugee crisis/problem has seen people cross continents and seas through hostile and friendly places, places with much better weather than ours and want to live with a bunch of racists (who fund house and feed them).
I don’t have that much of a problem, except that their intention seems to be to duplicate said shit hole here, which makes no sense, African shitholes are nicer than UK ones and have better weather.
So if we are so nasty why fucking come, or is there some merit in the expression “dying to complain”.
Has Idris Elba fucked off to Sierra Leone yet ?
He’s halfway to Vietnam with a lorry load of Jocks hoping for a better life.
Using the word racist to shout people down is a tangental incarnation of Godwin’s Law … I think.
Happy to be corrected.
Nope I’d say you’re bang on the button GG. Yelling ‘racist!’ (or ‘fascist’ or ‘bigot’ etc) at any opinion which doesn’t agree with the bawler’s own doctrinal view is just a way of trying to intimidate an opponent and close out their voice. To me it’s a huge signal that the user has lost, or fears losing the argument.
The stabbings in london the other day Hindus and Sikhs fighting wasn’t racist. Can you believe the hypocrisy ffs
It is perfectly OK to dislike people for any reason at all.That is a matter of personal opinion. It is even OK to dislike a group of people en masse because you dislike its culture (or lack of it). Or because the representatives of the group that you have had dealings with are mostly cunts.That too is a personal opinion. It is OK to tell people your opinion, and it is OK for them to tell you yours.
Hello. Planet Earth? We appear to have lost contact…
Only the Grauniad and the BBC stressed this priceless contribution from Boris, buttering up the assembled corrupt heads of corrupt African states, and promising them more riches from our corporate and government coffers…
…in an opening speech to the UK-Africa investment summit in London on Monday…Johnson said people from African countries could benefit from the still-to-be detailed changes to the immigration system after Brexit, which will end the free movement of people to and from EU nations.
“You’ll be pleased to hear that one thing is changing – our immigration system,” Johnson said. “Change is coming, and our system is becoming fairer and more equal between all our global friends and partners, treating people the same wherever they come from.
“By putting people before passports we will able to attract the best talent from around the world, wherever they may be,” he said. (Grauniad)
I think we can all see the subtext. Even less control on the cunts arriving here. Johnson now sounds very much like Blair, as we all feared, but hoped we were wrong. Here’s our pitch to the Dark Continent’s autocrats in detail:
…tell you theirs. Slip of the cunt.
Boris has always was a keen advocate of immigration and multiculturalism. After all, with the exception of Brexit, he’s long been allied to the liberal wing of the Tory Party, only backing Brexit because he saw it as the surest route to becoming leader and subsequently Prime Minister.
Great more money thrown at a dead continent of thick cunts
I guess the attraction is cheap labour, oil and rare metals Never mind that the labour is dumber than a sack of hammers…traditionally, the infrastructure is Toytown and every so often there’s a war.
And the Chinese are already on top of any opportunities.
Ex-prince Henry was at this shindig, incidentally, as were Egypt’s military dictator and Chana’s hypercunt Akufo Addo. A metaphor from a Ghanaian journalist summarises this one:
” I’m just beginning to realise that even the soap I got (reforms promised by Addo – K) instead of the smart phone I paid for is fake. Yes, fake soap.”
We’ll be saying the same about Boris before long, I guess.
On Wireless 4 early morning news today there was some old cunt from BongoBongo Land who had lived here since the 60s, returned to Jamaica (though she went of her own accord) and was refused readmission here when she tried to return for a year. She got back in and has been given indefinite right to stay, but she is not satisfied or a happy woman “No money – not one million, not one billion could buy back my life” she said……… that said, she is suing for compensation, and the greedy, hypocritical old cunt will doubtless get it.
Great Nom Bertie?
I think Britain is racist but it’s only those who constantly throw around this increasingly meaningless accusation that are the real bigots and racists.
A few weeks ago some bint was cunted on ISAC, can’t remember her name, she was fit though and would definitely get it.
I recall she was some kind of TV presenter and I think had done a paper review on Sly and made the ridiculous statement that Britain is Racist.
I commented at the time what was it about her upbringing, lifestyle and work experience that qualified her to make such a damning statement.
I subsequently had a look at her Wiki page and fuck me there it was in black and white.
Lived in one of the wealthiest parts of the U.K. (Cheshire) Went to a fee paying all girls grammar school and then studied Classics at OxBridge….
I was born and bred in East Lancashire (Blackistan) growing up in the 70’s and 80’s.
At primary school, even though it was obvious some folks in my class were brown I never really saw that as an issue, to me they were just my friends, Abdul, Mo, Shanny and Kal.
By and large we all got on well, we mixed well at school and even though we didn’t all live in the same area Abdul, Shanny, Mo and Kal would all be invited to my birthday parties and vice versa.
I take as I find, I see what’s going on around me and form an opinion based on my life experiences.
My views of people from other cultures are based on real life, sharing space, having a laugh, falling out (probably) growing up, chasing girls, getting into scraps, experimenting and so it goes……
If Britain is racist than the bint that accused Britain of being racist is by definition, racist too.
If Britain is racist than so is the Queen and every institution that defines us.
If Britain is racist then that must mean I am too.
If Britain is racist then so are the liberal teachers teaching your kids.
If Britain is racist then so is the Eastern European shelf stacker that settled into the U.K.
If Britain is racist then so is the Campaign against Racial Discrimination.
My point is this, only a publicly educated fucktard with no experience of life would make such a cunt comment.
If Britain is racist then we all are, you can’t discriminate, after all, that would be racist.
Yes, C Mac, I remember her. Mary-Ann Ochota. They’re certainly well heeled where she went to school. Played down all her privileges there then.
Mother is Indian and father Polish, not that that’s of any relevance but it might just help in explaining why they are as they are.
I’d love to know why it’s always the “nearly pale” ones – Clive Lewis is another one – that kick off the most.
As a child, her father must have been an embarrassment to her.
You’d think that at least one of these people would put all their energy in to promoting mixed race marriages but basically, I think the answer is that they hate themselves for the product they’ve become.
Exactly what you said. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (the cunt that basically invented the EU) was of mixed-race, and professed to see racism everywhere. He also made it his business to breed the white race out of existence.
“She was fit, and would definitely get it”
Laydee Hale, obviously. Fit for burial, and would get Alzheimer’s (tho I suspect she may already have it). Possibly substitute “dribbling faecal incontinence.
Sir Fiddler has a portrait of Lady Hale strategically located in front of the drinks cabinet – scares the servants away from the brandy a f*cking treat it does!
It looks as if Bulldyke Phillips will be the first contestant to throw in th towel:
She will receive a consolation prize of a complete sex toy kit in a leatherette carrying case, this will include a dildo, a strap on and a set of jiggle balls, plus axle grease to use them. She will also no doubt get an invitation to join Qu eer Charmers shadow cabinet, doubtless as wimmins minister.
She must be fucking crap if she can’t even get support from the Labour Party especially when you consider the candidates who are left in the race.
I thought Fatarse Thornberry would be the first to fall. I would have prefered it if she and Bulldyke had made a bitchfight of it to decide who went through.
It is pretty clear that despite demanding a woman they will get Qu eer Charmer, so I suppose they will in a way.
Thornberry…fall ??!
Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.
I am reliably informed that Swinson’s wobble, but am currently much occupied with kissing the gunner’s daughter for RNVR Penny Mordaunt…
Now that i’m nice and truly pissed , gonna go watch something stupid and go watch ghostbusters answer to call on netflix later cunters
Original not shitty wimminz remake I hope TS
No it was the shitty womens remake with all they’re bad jokes included, I had to see how bad it was and my suspicions were confirmed true ah well least I was pissed to dull the sting of how terrible it was
At least it sets the bar for horrible sequels I can’t see the new teen ghostbusters film coming out in a few months being any worse but its definitely possible we’ll see. The best thing of the ghostbusters franchise was the original film and the 80’s cartoon. I was pissed when that got removed from netflix last year had two more seasons to watch. Ghostbusters 2 was shit too btw to much Bill Murray and Weaver in it
Summat about sigourney weaver though, not exactly pretty…. or especially nice body… and a bit manly looking…. what was I saying??? Oh yes, I still would… can’t quite put my finger on why though
It must stem from seeing Alien when I was about 10 and seeing her flash her bush in them little white knickers
I could hardly stand Murrays irony humor in ghostbusters 2 and his romance scenes with Weaver in it almost seemed like a early rough draft of groundhogs day
Yeah Weavers curly dyke fro, but she had a decent body. I don’t even remember a crotch shot in Alien, been fucking almost 13 years since I saw it will have to rewatch it again
British institutions are definitely racist, sexist and classist.
i dont care what any fucker says if your a white brit you are racist, even if you deny it or pretend your not your a closet racist, you still think it, you dont say it but you think the fuck out of it, if i said what i thought i would be doing life by now, i know lots of people from lots of different races, colours, back grounds and most are great, but as in life you always have cunts, now in my case its fat, balding, ugly cunt, if you hail from warner places its gonna be bla– cunt or pa-i cunt you get the gist, we ever racist amongst ourselves eg- Welsh or Irish cunts right down to Sottish or ginger cunt[usually a Scot or hails from] and there is nothing wrong in my mind with any of this except now you can only think it most of the time, due to do-gooders [usually gay, inbred,English cunts] or our over sensitive cousins from warmer places….fuck it say what you think and see what happens to your curry or how long it takes you to get banged up by some cunt judge from fucking Trinidad…..i rest my case
The BBC have just released some key facts about immigration to the UK. One of which says . . . . . . . . .
“Immigration is shaping the nation in many ways. For example, more then 90% of people immigrating to the UK are under 45, and this in turn is slowing the rate at which the UK population is ageing”.
Fuck off! If that’s the case, why do I still feel so fuckin’ old? Immigration has not benefited me.
I’m over the hill, in my mid 50’s, because companies would rather pay a novice eastern European minimum wage instead. That does actually make me old.
That really sums it up Moggie.
For what it’s worth, I’m available as a reference!
Your blacklisted Blunty after providing Miserable with a character witness following his flashing incident….broken belt buckle my arse.
Lasted three days that trial!
At least he got off the charge of being a pubic nuisance!
Every single person on earth is racist. It’s the simple way early man conquered the world. It’s sad that sub Saharan Africans didn’t copulate with Neanderthals. It’s just the way things happen. This country ended slavery which is just about the greatest non racist thing any society has ever done.
Only the stupid British would put up with multiculturalism at the expense of our own identity and culture.When are we going to wake up and fight for are own indigenous ways .
I did a job other year moving this old guy out of a cobbled street in Rochdale, he was the last white on the road, broke my fuckin heart.
The whole street was ramjams, walking round in pyjamas and Darth Vader costumes, stunk like fuck of curry.
Never been so depressed on a job!
Poor old bloke had been there years.?
Miserable, behind that hard exterior, you’re a sensitive soul!
We’ve had Piers Morgan and Loz Fox calling these wankers out in the last week and suddenly their power is draining away.
The fucking stupid triggered cunts.
Yep we need more people with some balls, who’ll stand up, tell them to stop slinging their gratuitous insults about, and fuck off. Surprised that Katie Hopkins among others hasn’t been heard from yet given recent developments.
I believe Ms Hopkins has been threatened with a “Twatwah”!
Those with easily-boiled piss should look away now. She was sued for libel by Grauniad protege/e trans cunt now masquerading as cock ‘food’ ‘writer’* Jack Monroe. Who got half a a million out of Katie, who had to sell her home, and , with the associated Grauniad shitestorm, no wonder she’s not getting many bookings.
Monroe is cunted in insufficient detail here:
… but Krav hit on a salient point, which is that she/it/ he/whatever is in favour of property ownership. And Hopkins is now renting as a result of its sense of entitlement. What a fucked-up cunt. Must cunt it properly.
*Vegan advocate, obviously, but does not practise as it preaches
Did Bercow find Bray’s stash of bovril sarnies, hidden under the hat of twat for a long stay?
Did he shout “hoarder, hoarder”!
Does Johnny think a certain young “lady” of his acquaintance is a bus because he hears Men all the time in the House of Commons talking about climbing on and off her?
When dogs go dogging do they call it “peopling”?
Is baby oil really made of babies, and how many to the average bottle?
When a bus driver sees a gap and a dithering twat does he shout “for f*cks sake, you could get a car through there”?
Would a footballer be disciplined for only giving 109%?
Should I lay off my Night Nurse and Meths cocktails? – I believe we all have the answer to that one!
Real racism is pernicious evil, and is practised by efnic minoriteees against white Men generally speaking.
My Family many Years ago were “advised to leave” the sunny climes of Ireland by the UK Government after a bit of a do with some people who believed in democracy by intimidation (sound familiar?), I think they may have been foreign because they were called the “Black and Tans”, and it was quite a bloodbath which my ancient lot won hands down by all accounts, it was a weird experience to see old black and white photos of elderly decrepit Men carrying a s*otgun bigger than they are – and there was a pretty m*rderous look in those eyes!
“That’s your Great Grandad Eamonn, ended three of them he did and threw them in the pig shed so he did, Garda didn’t find a thing”
For obvious reasons I keep on good terms with the Irish side of the Family!
Excellent cunting by the way BBTC!
Britain is racist. Racist against the indigenous white population who constantly get shit upon by the media, luvvy cunts and non whites with a massive chip on their shoulder, whose only argument is to cry “racist” when people disagree with their agenda.
Yes. Of course Britain is racist. You are such a racist country that you ‘allowed’ my parents and siblings to come here in the 60s for work and education. You are so fucking racist! You are so racist that you allowed my siblings to go to school and university here. How racist can you get? You are so racist that you allowed me to be born here, get an education and have a meaningful career. You are all fucking racists!
I fucking hate SJW cunts.