Tipping Point (ITV Game show Shite)

How this mindless, fucking dross has been promoted to a prime time viewing slot instead of staying where it would be most appreciated, entertaining the unemployed in the afternoon, is a mystery.

The piss easy quiz, based on the ‘2p machine’ arcade game, plays host to some of the dumbest fucks I have ever seen on TV. Why they choose to apply to go on a quiz programme when they clearly have the IQ of a mouse, is as remarkable as how they get past the audition.

I have just witnessed one contestant, answering from multiple choice, that a ‘constable’ is most likely to be found working in the ambulance service. It wasn’t even the most stupid answer in the show. On the off chance that one of the morons makes a correct guess, they then have no fucking idea how to drop the counters into the machine to make them land flat.

It’s probably just as well that they are too stupid to win most of the time, because if they do, they get to experience Ben Shephard rubbing against them, as he excitedly jumps up and down while hugging them.

And I know what you are thinking. Yes I’ve watched it more than once.

Fuck off, stop judging me!

Nominated by The Cunt of Monte Cristo

80 thoughts on “Tipping Point (ITV Game show Shite)

  1. Cant stand quizzes and gameshows.
    Especially with that cunt Ben shephard!
    Never saw the appeal, but remember when younger and only 4 channels watching that one with Roy walker,
    Some right retards on that!
    If your a fuckin dummy, thick as shite,
    Might be best not to prove it on tv.
    Used to like them 2p machines, many a rainy hour in Blackpool on them as a kid!
    Enjoying my boliday.

    • Roy Walker on Catchphrase. When he used to comment ‘Say What you see’ I would always reply, ‘a patronising Irish cunt’.

  2. Never heard of the show, and I really don’t think I want to bother watching it either – unless I’m pissed on a Friday night at 11pm after a good session in the local boozer, and there’s nothing else on!

    Whatever happened to the old quiz shows of yore – where the minimum qualification for a contestant to take part was that you knew the answer to 2+2 and could tie your shoelaces together in one go?

    Mastermind, University Challenge (the old school version with Bamber whatshisface), the Krypton Factor, Scrapheap Challenge, The Great Egg Race et al.

    All truly entertaining shows that challenged the intellectual mind as well as the physical body. Where you had to have a good specialist knowledge on a genuine subject matter (and not “my favourite emojis and ringtones!); or where you had to improvise and resort to physical effort and dexterity to make a motorized wheelbarrow float across water with bits of junk!

    But now we end up with utter wank like this – car-crash tv for dumbfucks!

    To quote Mr Ruff Puff – “This country is finished!”

  3. Is that Shephard in the header pic? If it is, or even if it isn’t, he looks a right cunt with that suit and ill-matched/ill-fitting waistcoat. Looks like he’s got his cock stuck in that machine thing he’s standing by.

    I bet the show itself probably cost about £20 to make – cheap tv for cheap cunts!

    Fuck this for a game of tiddlywinks – time for breakfast and some lezzer porn on the TV. Certainly far more interesting than the shite on the main channels with then agenda-driven “we hate the Tories” news read by bigoted cunts with no sense of fucking irony!

    • Don’t forget Celebrity Squares hosted by that smug cunt, Bob Monkhouse!

      Not forgetting “Sale of the Century” with another up his own arse, Nicholas Parsons. The only memorable thing about that pile of wank were nubile young wenches dressed in bikinis stroking a Teasmade, or suggestively pulling on the end of a garden hosepipe!

      Talking of Bob Monkhouse, didn’t he host the Golden Shot? Another shit quiz show from the turgid 70s, bar the rather adorable Anne Aston – one of my teenage wank fantasies! I certainly shot my load up her (in my dreams of course)

    • ‘321’? Bletchley Park couldn’t have broken some of the codes in the questions in that show.

  4. You’ll find myself and many other ‘Constables’ watching this at the ambulance station on break or waiting to start. Quality entertainment! And a chance to shout ‘You thick cunt’ at the telly.

  5. I watch this along with other quizzes as I like them but you’re right about the questions and the contestants. Some of the questions have the answers in them yet the cunts still get them wrong and others are so fucking easy they may as well ask them just to say, for instance, dog or spoon. I’ve said to my wife before that I don’t understand how some of these fuckers are let out of the house on their own.

  6. At least The Golden Shot had Annie Aston to drool over.
    And Charlie Williams knocking out p@ki jokes…

    • Fuck me, Charlie Williams!!
      He was great wasnt he?
      Black guy with thick yorkshire accent,
      Funny too!
      Bet hes long gone?

      • He was a funny bloke. From Barnsley, salt of the earth. Played for my local team Doncaster Rovers in the 1950s. Died in Barnsley 2006 Sad loss.

  7. Bullseye was and is the pinnacle of game shows.
    These modern ones are complete gash filled to the brim with cunts.
    At least it must be soul destroying for the very talented presenters.
    Get fucked.

    • “Congrats, you’ve won a power boat. Now fuck off back to your terraced hovel in Milton Keynes”

      • I seem to recall one cunt won a spa pool and garden furniture. He lived in a 4th (or whatever) floor flat. There must have be a cash alternative, nowadays there’s always eBay.

      • Watched a documentary the other week about a serial killer called John Cooper, offed several people and only got caught cos the thick cunt went on Bullseye! Looks like a cross between Kevin Keegan and Harry Enfield’s scousers

    • Loved Bullseye….

      “You can’t beat a bit of bully”
      “Stay out of the black and in the red, you get nuthin’ in this game for two in a bed”

      The best was “Let’s have a look at what you could’ve won”……

      As if losing after all of that fucking slog to get to there wasn’t bad enough, Jim rubbed the prize in their faces.

      Mind you, it was usually a pile of shite, apart from the car.

      • The funniest thing about Jim Nurse was he was always saying ‘relax’ ‘relax now’ to the contestants.- moving them about, putting them in the right spot, the constant talking to them, asking questions… He was the opposite of relaxed, nervous as fuck.
        Then it would come to the ‘new’ and ‘up and coming dart player” and ‘this is his first time on TV ladies and gentlemen’ and a profound silence would descend as he moved him over…but there was the fella next to the dartboard putting them off and oh the pressure to perform, for Charity and all. And alas it was not to be and Jim commiserating that they would still go onto to succeed even though they had failed miserably for the new intensive care unit at the local hospital.
        A lot of them I never saw again. Poor Jim did for them.

  8. Game shows like Tipping Point eh?

    Well, there is no point feeding pigs cherries if they are happy with shit.

  9. Good Morning everyone and compliments of the season.

    The remark that Ben Shephard rubs himself off against the bodies of contestants (frottage I believe it is called) reminds me of Chris Tarrant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. He was a bit of a groper as can be seen on re-runs on Challenge TV. It must be a quiz show tradition. Mind you if Ann Robinson had done tat when I was on Weakest Link I wouldn’t have minded.

  10. Here’s a few genuine questions from Tipping Point….1. Question: Manuel Valls is Prime Minster of which European country?
    Answer: Africa

    2. Question: St Patrick banished snakes from which European country?
    Answer: Spain

    3. Question: In science, which electrical unit is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta
    Answer: Amp

    4. Question: The Churchill Factor is a novel about which former Prime Minister?
    Answer: Margaret Thatcher

    5. Question: Which tool is used for knocking in nails?
    Answer: A chisel

    6. Question: Who wrote the novel Far From The Madding Crowd?
    Answer: Jilly Cooper

    7. Question: In 1841, who introduced the first package holiday?
    Answer: British Airways

    8. Question: The name of the Queen single is Bohemian…?
    Answer: Devil

    9. Question: In the Bible, Calvary was the site of the crucifixion of which Biblical character?
    Answer: Joan of Arc

    10. Question: Which book by Markus Zusak tells the story of a 10-year-old girl living in Nazi Germany in 1938?
    Answer: The Diary of Anne Frank

    11. Question: In 1955 which British Prime Minister resigned and was replaced by Anthony Eden.
    Answer: John Major.

    12. Question: What was the name of Roy Disney’s famous younger brother?
    Answer: Wally

    13. Question: On a graph, the vertical axis is named after which letter?
    Answer: N

    14. Question: Which Saint is commemorated on the English flag?
    Answer: St David

    15. Question: What day is Christmas day traditionally celebrated in the UK?
    Answer: Wednesday

    Although,tbf. I can see how,if you were rushed, it would be easy enough to say Anne Frank to question 10.

    • Thinking some more about it,rushed or not,I still don’t know the answer to question 10.

      • I must admit to being a bit ignorant on at least 4 of those questions, and I’m not under any pressure.

        I suppose in fairness to some of the contestants it must be difficult to think of the right answers with the pressure of time, the studio audience and perhaps 3 or 4 million people watching you sweat and ultimately blab out any old bollocks!

      • or question 1

        Fuck Me……think I’d better give Tipping Point a miss,it’s too egg-heady for me.

        I like Porn.

      • Don’t just book it, Thomas Crook it.

        It’s debatable whether St. Patrick managed to banish snakes from Oireland; Wankseach Verruca has an odd-shaped head for a human…

        10. had me stumped. I thought of “When Hitler Stole Little Pink Rabbit”, but am sure I’m wrong.

        I took away a conveyor belt and a pair of sliding doors. The worst thing is, that I can’t tell the difference between a 1970s quiz-show set and a crem…

      • You know nothing of my work here!snd all your names are going in my book(diary)i refute the notion that i might be a natzi spy

    • Hehe, yes suppose you have to figure in nerves, everyone watching you,
      Tv crews etc, but still!!
      Survey says-errhurr! Thick twat.
      Thanks for playing, now go get your bus home.

  11. I met Anne Aston once. OK, I was 5 years old at the time and she was opening the new Woolworths in our town.

    I think the rot set in with Mr and Mrs. A good idea but with some seriously lame questions. They could have made it a bit more spicy, but dear old Derek Batey would have passed out from shock.

      • Apparently, there was an Australian radio show who did this “Mr and Mrs” lark live back in the 80s. They had the wife and husband on the telephone separately. The question for the big prize was “where is the most unusual place you and your fella have ever had sex”.

        She goes all coy and doesn’t want to say (I assume they were looking for an answer like “the kitchen table” or something). She continues to refuse to say and after loads of badgering by the DJ she says:

        “up the arse”

        Line goes dead and end of show!

    • I have a feeling RTC will be dashing upstairs for his usual early morning wank – this time over the adorable Ms Aston!

  12. Fuck that noise. I’m currently watching an old Two Ronnies I found by accident; like bollocks would this get made today, only been watching 10 minutes and there’s already been tranny jokes, poovery jokes, lots of attractive bints in stockings dancing about and – quite surprisingly – Lynda Baron showing off a remarkably solid great pair of knockers. Fuck off Ben Shephard

    • I’m sure Lynda starred as Nurse Gladys Emmanuel in the seminal BBC sitcom of the late 70s/early 80s, “Open All Hours” with Ronnie Barker and David Jason.

      A great show, but I always fancied that milk-woman young Granville was constantly yearning over

      • She did TC, gone past the point of milf fuckery at that point though in my opinion. Vicki Michelle in Allo Allo was my go-to wank, could splash the light bulb on the ceiling when she was on

  13. The generation game with Larry Grayson was a family favourite in the 70s, Isla st Clair as the assistant+eye candy.
    Nowadays Isla would be some letterbox / darth vader type or a butch tuppencesucker.
    Questions all about diversity
    One joke an its either about Trump or Boris .

    • Could you imagine ‘Family Fortunes’ today? Head of the family Abdul with his new fifteen year old bride and his second and third wives who are also his cousins? To any Muslims that have appeared on a game/quiz show for money, isn’t gambling illegal under Islamic law?

      • I think the majority of the mudslimes are fairly liberal with which of mighty Allah’s words they choose to adhere to and which they ignore.

      • I remember seeing a black family on Family Fortunes, you should have seen their faces light up when Les Dennis said “you might get a chance to steal”.

  14. I think we all should all put forward a quiz show of our own, provisionally called “You’re a Cunt!”

    Select 4 irritating cunts from ISAC Wall, and have them undergo all sorts of embarrassing and dangerous shit – a cross between Bush-Tucker Challenge from I’m a cunt get me out of here, and some really physically exerting challenges you’d see on the Krypton Factor or even It’s a knockout.

    Oh the joy to see Flabbott answer mind-challenging questions like “What’s the capital of England?” or “If I buy 6 eggs and eat 3 eggs, how many eggs do I have left?”

    Or seeing Jo Swinson crossing a piranha-infested river by using her hands on a long piece of rope, topless!

    Or Corbyn dumped in a vat of acid after failing a round of True or False questions.

  15. Most of the contestants on these quiz shows would be quite comfortably out smarted by my fucking sandwiches. Thick cunts.

  16. Id ties the cunt legs to a length of rope and dangle him from a hot air ballon and bash his dumb drains out on passing objects. Cunts

  17. At best, Ben Shephard is a kids TV presenter, same for the irritating cunt Richard Hammond…

  18. Half Man Half Biscuit have a track called ‘Knobheads on Quiz Shows’ Very apt.

    It puzzles me why fuckers who are as thick as pigshit feel the need to demonstrate it on national TV. Still, it makes it amusing.

    • It always amazes me how thick and pig-ignorant some of the contestants are on the celebrity versions.

      • I use the term ‘celebrity’ in its loosest sense since most of the time I’ve never fucking heard of them.

  19. “Eggheads” was the one the Cunty household always used to watch.

    We stopped watching because of the cocky, insufferable know-all cunts that WERE “the Eggheads” and the fact that nine times out of ten, the cunts won as in the final round, the questions became uncannily harder for the opposing team.

    Funny that.

    Anyway, they should have called the fucking programme “BIGHEADS”. Far more appropriate.

      • Ask the Family was great…

        “Mr Accuntant from Pinner, and his wife, Mrs. Accuntant from Pinner, and their two children, Miss Accuntant and Master Accuntant…” And they all looked like total bloody clones.

        Dog knows how Robert Robinson kept a straight face…

      • Listen to Tony is a childs show where Tony Blair tells them they are all winners and that having 2 daddies is good.

    • He only knew MI5 because Flabbott wants to shut it down, and “Penthouse” was a real long-shot for him (though I bet he’s got a collection of Penthouse under the bed, to jizz over all those colonial whitey wimminz. Perhaps he sniffs Thornpiggery.)

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