The Uninsured

It pisses me off to think ordinary law-abiding car drivers and bikers have to take out extra insurance to cover themselves against the utter cunts that are uninsured drivers.

Why the fuck should I have to cover myself against the idiocy and purely selfish uninsured, while they seemingly get away with a) paying insurance in the first place; and b) when the shit does hit the fan they can just walk away and not have to worry (unless there’s a serious RTA and the Old Bill are involved)

And even when they’re arrested for not having insurance, they will end up with a piss poor fine (probably less than what they would have paid for having insurance in the first place), points and a possible ban. But will that stop some cunts from carrying on driving? Of course not, so they’ll play the risk game and carry on: while at the same time your insurance premiums go up and up and up!

Next on my shit list of the uninsured, are cyclists. Ride around like fucking maniacs on the road or pavement, having no idea what the Highway Code means, and expecting people to give way to these cunts. But if one hits you there’s fuck you can do because they’re not insured. Whereas you hit them and your life is fucking over!

Next…. cunts who don’t insure their homes. Yes, it might be expensive, but I don’t see why anyone should give a shit if that person’s home goes up in smoke and they lose everything; and then expect some “Go Fund Me” bollocks to be set up so complete strangers can bail them out!

Other cunts include those that don’t take out travel insurance, or car breakdown insurance or phone insurance etc. And again, when the unexpected happens they go into a flap, bleat, cry and then go on to blame everyone but themselves about why they didn’t take out insurance. And then expect to be bailed out by fucking strangers yet again!

Well they can all fuck off! I am sick and tired of bailing out feckless cunts while being stung up the arse with higher premiums the following year!

Nominated by Technocunt

78 thoughts on “The Uninsured

  1. Good nom this Techno?
    On a roll today arent you?
    Yes the uninsured are first class cunts.
    You can be taxed, MOTd, insured and some little hoodie deadleg in a piece of shit car that exhaust makes firing sounds can plow into you and just walk off!
    Law needs overhauling no insurance?
    Automatically your fault!
    Jail time guaranteed
    Your assets seized, property, vehicles, jewelry etc
    Luckily never had a accident on the road, do some serious mileage and plenty of thick cunts on the road especially near Christmas, gotta watch out for them!!?

    • If the worst happens and there is a disappearing Corsa and a load of damage contact the MIB – we ALL pay into this fund with our premiums so put the claim in, 70% of uninsured third party losses covered.
      Yes, they do keep that one quiet

  2. I was once told that car insurance is compulsory because you’re in a moving vehicle. I’d be curious what some cunt on a push bike is classed as, a kerbstone?

  3. Plenty of hazards about, hope you took care of Spoonington (real name Jay Walker) DCI in back of your ambulance?
    Cyclists have been nomd before, im no fan, hard to see as ive no rear view and they make up their own rules,
    Had one who was swerving so motorists couldnt pass, as i came up he tried to speed up to stop me passing, i floored it and swung back in and suddenly slowed giving him a close up view of my tail lift!
    He went apeshit!?

    • Didn’t have the pleasure of him in my Blueber, MNC. Rest assured, he’d have had Bupa-levels of treatment if he’d have identified hisself!

    • As a teenager l was once slipstreaming a passenger bus. Silly cunt, forgot they stop for passengers. THUD!

    • I prefer off road on a bike (wet, cold, shitty and not a f*cking rambler in sight!), or legally and correctly on a road – what c*nt decided red lights (in fact, lights in general) are advisory when you ride a mobile organ donor machine?
      Cyclists, like motorcyclists, are a cracking source of fresh organs according to my massively gay South African surgeon chum!

  4. A further thought is cyclists who are injured when passing a vehicle on the near side when it is turning left. We had a lorry driver jailed when a cyclist was killed doing exactly that. Whilst I do not know all the ins and outs of that case it does seem to me to be a bit odd. I have held a motorcycle licence since 1968 and both of the incidents involving me were held to be the car drivers’ fault but then I am very careful and realise how vulnerable I am on my faithful Moto Guzzi.

    • It’s a ‘common’ cause, lorry at a junction turning left and cyclist draws up the inside of the lorry, driver can’t see the cyclist and the inevitable happens.
      I saw a report some time ago it is or was an issue for female cyclists, maybe because they weren’t drivers and had a lack of road sense.
      I think any cyclist should have to pass a basic awareness test, it’s crazy they can be allowed on the road without any training whatsoever. There used to the cycling proficiency scheme, not sure if it still exists.

    • My nephew is a HGV driver, too many cyclists are c*nts – nearly fifty tons of unstoppable death V wankbag bad attitude lump of blood and bits held together by lycra?
      Lucky he is responsible and on the ball or he would be wiping pieces of Specialized and pricks off the mudguards every day!

  5. That Minister of Transport doesn’t look Scottish to me, impossible to get a bronzy job like his, living in jockland.

      • So some cunt, who doesn’t have whiplash, wants to claim from the other cunt, who doesn’t have insurance? Even no-win no-fee solicitors must try to avoid this shit.

    • I have a potential answer – skidding and crashing because of moose limbs in the road, cant sue the antlered beasts so why bother.
      Got hit by a peaceful and tolerant driver in Bradford once, Benz SLK, no licence, insurance – informed him he would pay for the damage in cash as not insured, cheeky boy disagreed.
      Forty minutes and two phone calls later a ninja appeared (who fucking STANK, seriously girl – it’s called deodorant!) and handed me four grand in cash.
      Show no weakness

  6. Won’t it be a wonderful day when East Euros without insurance rock up at the hospital and the staff say, “Could I have your insurance card” only to met with a Niet.
    Show them the fucking alleyway.

  7. I do a lot of walking, and in the course of that I’m always ashtonished at the number of clamped cars I spot, with one of those ‘untaxed vehicle; do not move’ notices plastered on the windscreen. They’re almost always rubbish-filled rustbuckets. Mmm… I wonder what kind of solid citizen drives these things about? Suggestions?

  8. I’ve been told by someone in the know, about how peaceful shopkeepers, who have family all over the U.K., get similar vehicles, say plain white transit vans, then insure and tax one, and change the other’s number plates to match the legal van, therefore making the illegal vans invisible to ANPR cameras, and unless they are examined thoroughly, no one is any the wiser. Cunts.

  9. Insurance,,,home,vehicle,business and even public liability have been a good thing for me over the years. I wouldn’t be without them.

  10. I’m not insured.. I’ve never been stopped.. their again I only travel by bus.. wanker.

  11. Good old insurance, gotta have it.
    There are a law unto themselves though and they pass any whiplash costs to the customer so aren’t out of pocket.
    I remember when I was a young bit skint cunt and used to get up to some naughty things…I was abaaaaaht 19 at the time and decided to make a false claim on the home contents insurance policy I took out to insure my recording studio which was in my Flat.
    I smashed the window to the flat and ran off, only to come back and call the old bill, they turned up and gave me the crime reference number which I then used to make a massive claim of multiple thousands of paaahnds.
    Those were the day’s.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  12. Off topic…..
    Just watching the news.

    Steve Bray, super cunt, is still outside Parliament…… On his own ?

    • Bray by name bray by nature. With his whole reason for being over, this cunt, like other cunts who were on the losing side of an argument, has nothing to do except carry on like a fucking zombie. Fuck off, you never-was.

    • He cant let it go, 15mins is up but he liked the attention!
      Cant believe its over, or his side lost.
      Well mr Bray you fuckin little traitor,
      Some of us had to work, raise families while you were pissing about shouting like a twat, face it your a double dipped loser.
      Go back to your little cramped flat, sit and eat your ready meal Christmas dinner for one, and watch your life pass, Christmas the ISACs will be celebrating with a feast, ale, loved ones, smiling faces, whisky, laughing children!
      We won and we are out of your beloved EU.
      Merry Christmas and kiss my true blue English northern arse!??

      • Good to see you’re being so magnominiouse in victory Miserable! Fair warms the cockles of my ‘eart.

      • Cant ever say im not sympathetic to remain mongs Rtc, gracious and humble I am!?

    • He’s only 50, looks 80. Clearly badly weathered because nobody wants the cunt indoors with them. There’s surely a peaceful, with no license and a cloned van, in the area to take care of him?

    • I thought that cunt said he was giving up the ghost and fucking off home now?

      Fuck’s sake, he really needs to piss off and get a life, or rather, A JOB, instead of getting the working public to fund his cuntery.

    • This cunt Bray and his megaphone, don’t suppose he is responsible for spreading all the nasty cough and sore throats that half the country seems to have

    • “Stop breakfast” – “Stop breakfast”
      Someone give that poor fat daft fucker some toast – it’s democratic!

  13. Insurance can get fucked.

    Apart from 3 years during the early 1970s for my Lambretta, and more recently Denplan (dental healthcare) cover, I have never taken out ANY sort of insurance whatsoever.

    As a result I have saved tens of thousands of £££s over the past 46 years.

    I’ll get my coat… ?

    • Yer a braver man than me,RTC.

      I’d have been tens of thousands down if I hadn’t bothered with insurance.Suppose it’s the luck of the draw.

      • Not so much “brave”, more “couldn’t give a fuck.” And very careful.

        That said… if I happened to be you Dick I would probably have insurance coming out of my arse too… assuming half the wonderful anecdotes you’ve shared with us over the years are even half true.

        My only surprise is that any reputable insurance company would still take you on!

    • If Creampuff Manor were to go up in flames, you’d soon change your tune! Worse still Lady Creampuff’s diamond tiara would be irreplaceable.

      • I would be out of a job too Blunty. Luckily Lord Creampuff has already given me and the family our Christmas present and yearly bonus, a sack of coal and an orange.

      • Rest assured Bertie, not much chance of Creampuff Manor going up in smoke.

        I have my good man Liberal Liquidator on 24 hour round the clock watch, surrounded by the stolen fire extinguishers we’ve amassed over the years.

        Gôd bless you and your struggling family LL!

      • if the worst comes to the worst you could always trying “Go Fund Me” Although you may have to perform some sexual favours for those tenners and twenties.

      • Gawd bless him LL! Warms the cockles of your ‘art at this time of the year. Let’s drink to his health.
        ps don’t burn his sack of coal as it will contribute to global warming.

      • Actually it turns out it was a sack of pebbles painted black Blunty but it was the thought that counts .With my gammy leg and Tiny Tim’s Trench foot they are just burdens we are happy to bear, a roaring fire with a cosy glow are overrated.

      • You seem to be warming an awful lot of cockles tonight Blunty. Are you sure you’re alright?

    • Got your priorities sorted Rtc?
      Scooter an teeth?
      Your not some kind of ‘ace face’ are you?
      Shuffling in your new suit to green onions?
      “Oh shirley, hes got lovely teeth!!”

      • Not me Miserable. I was a Krautrocker during the early ’70s. Still am, if truth be told.

        PS: side vents don’t half give me the fucking horn.

      • Oh. Slightly dissapointing.
        Though you might be the guy who set the paces, riding infront of a hundred faces, but i dont suppose that youd remember me, but i used to follow you back in 63….
        My mates just cashed 2 of his pensions in an bought a Lambretta and had loads of custom work done on it.
        Had to pick him an it up in van while back when he broke down playing Quadraphenia. The berk.

  14. I don’t know many Pàkis that are insured, stinky bastards. Never buy a car off one of them, impossible to get rid of the stench of curry and teenage white girls. Their dad, brother or cousin might be insured and you can guarantee he has the same name. Even the women have beards in the driving licence photo so that they can give everyone the run-around. It must be a delight to steer something that isn’t pulled by an ox. Is that McLaren from Porridge in the photo ?

  15. Remember watching an advert claiming ‘insured drivers were paying for uninsured drivers.’
    If that’s the case, what’s the point getting it if someone’s paying for me…

  16. Great nom. These cunts wind me the hell up.

    What makes them think that the law applies to everybody else except them? Do they think they are getting one up on others by driving uninsured, while the rest of us mugs cough up? Their irresponsibility and sense of entitlement makes me really angry.

    I also have no patience with the Scrooge cunts who won’t pay for travel insurance. You can get basic cover for less than bloody twenty quid. There is just no excuse, yet these people throw caution to the wind, dive into the shallow end of their hotel pool, break their necks and then expect the public to “Go Fund them” in order to cover the medical and repatriation costs, all because they are a tight, irresponsible idiot.

    Fuck ’em is what I say.

  17. As insurance on cars isn’t compulsory here, you’d be a braver cunt than I am to not have it. Fully comprehensive all the way for me, with any and all added extras, thanks very much.
    Getting my car totaled by some booze addled twat in his modified shit heap would be way more expensive and hassle than the $65/month premium. Uninsured drivers are a fucking scourge.

  18. Oh sorry misunderstood!
    Was thinking of beard insurance!
    No not got vehicle insurance!
    Fuckin ell dont even have a driving license!
    Careful wi my money, who’d you think i am Viv Nicholson?

    • You and your beard out for a Christmas tipple tomorrow Miserable? The locals don’t need Viking insurance if you do a bit of late night pillaging?

      • Indeed LL!
        Be raising a horn of mead tomorrow to the Christmas gods, be getting my merriment and then some.
        Already apologized to missus for crashing through the door singing and waking her up, saves doing it sunday.

      • The careful wi money you mean?
        Know scotsmen an jews talk about you with awe, have you on a pedestal as some icon of penny pinching!
        But im a carefree soul enjoying the yuletide vibe and im going to fritter my money shamelessly tomorrow!
        Kids can go barefoot till January.?

      • Me too Mnc… will be spending a full £2.99 on a family size box of Maltesers next week!

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