The Rich

The Rich…

Always pisses me off when I see rich and powerful celebs (usually film and music cunts) influencing/patronising protest groups.

You have cunts like Emma Watson banging on about feminism and sexism in Hollywood (but only after the #metoo bandwagon of a couple of years ago) or Emma Thompson’s hypocrisy regarding saving the planet, even though she flies from the States to the UK at the drop of a fucking hat.

Then you have Bono, Lily Allen and Gary Lineker saying Britain is a racist, homophobic country, and that we should encourage more refugees etc. (even though these same cunts probably object to having them live anywhere near their palatial-like abodes)

It is just a shame there isn’t a vocal protest group for all of these two-faced rich and influential cunts (and not just those listed above, but many others)

How rewarding it would be to see thousands of people march in the streets of London slagging off the rich celebs that most of us seem to fawn over as being great leaders of our particular cause!

Just because they’re rich doesn’t mean they’re right and as we all know, the rich don’t give a shit about protest groups as a singularity…they just get involved because it makes them look good on Twatter or Wankbook.

Imagine if millions of Twitter followers turned on the likes of Lineker, Thompson, Bono and Watson – calling them rich arrogant hypocrites, and not sharing the wealth to those that need it most.

Eat the rich!

Nominated by Technocunt

53 thoughts on “The Rich

  1. But surely being an actor or a footballer means that you are intellectually superior to the rest of us many of whom hold advanced degrees in our chosen professions.

    • I recall Geldof raging against Ethiopian farmers growing coffee instead of wheat until it was pointed out to the thick cunt that an acre of coffee is far more profitable than the same area under wheat. Grow wheat, fed yourself; grow coffee and buy the food you need, educate your kids and have money left over for health care.

      • Ex-fucking-actly. Same with twats shooting their mouth off about politics saying the better educated voted Remain. Even if that’s true, just because you have a degree in biology doesn’t make you an expert in politics. This applies double for wankers with a ‘degree’ in Theatre Studies from an old FE college.

        Here’s a website where the writer likes slagging the rich…

        It’s fucking freezing here.

      • Still remember old bigmouth’s “give us yer fookin money”. Rather not thanks Bob.

      • Anyway why shouldn’t Ethiopians have a nice cup of coffee?
        After a hard day of dieting,shagging, begging, an covered in flies, a cup of coffee perks you up!

        “No sugar for me, watching my weight”….

      • Yes, I have been to Manchester Airport departure lounge myself!
        “Mubu Bubu has to walk ten miles to get water – move closer you daft cunt!
        “The water is riddled with diseases and parasites” – boil and strain it you daft cunt!
        “Please give us money to line a Third World dictators pockets, and if we chip him enough he will sign that massively lucrative arms contract with the UK”
        “Help us Saint Bob” – “of course I will, just as I don’t have to spend a penny of my multi million offshore trust fund non taxed fortune”
        “Hey, Bono – help the poor, hand over some of your £150 Million Pound fortune and stop avoiding paying your taxes”!
        Although I have to admit a potential conflict of interest here as Saint Hewson is my Cousin (distant, thankfully!)

    • Nope!there are far more intellectual s who are not celebs/college kids/etc how do i know this i am one but i dont feel the need to become a lawyer etc to prove myself.If i could be anything id like to be itd be Armed police /sniper etc id like to give back to this country unlike the rich@

      • Hiya Anne! You a intellectual?
        Few on here!
        You hid that well!
        Im thicker than mud, but happy enough?

      • Well mate i would unfortunately we tend to go unappreciateted in life (unless we can be of service in the legal sense)thats why my ideal career would be armed response giving something bsck to society by killing all the scumbags in it.

      • Mines hangman.
        I could drop those cunts all day long, never a day off ill, dont mind unpaid overtime,
        Even when i got repetitive strain from pulling the lever,.. No im still fit to work, pull it with my teeth!

  2. “they just get involved because it makes them look good on Twatter or Wankbook.!

    No, sir, they think it does. In reality it makes them look exactly like the dumb cunts they are.

  3. Even though the French are Eternal Cunts, rather than just moan, they get off their arses and get on the streets. Millions of the būggers are going on strike over pension reform.
    We could certainly take a leaf out of their book, sadly, those on the right don’t seem inclined that way. We tend to lodge our protests online. What Cunts we are.
    Good morning.

    • Good nom Techno!?
      Eat the rich indeed! Ill have mine wi gravy!
      Yesterday I worked in cheshire for a premiership footballer, they think your there to wipe their arses, that used to people pampering them, nothing prepared like most people do, and never think that after hours of carrying heavy shit you might fancy a brew or 5min rest, live in a bubble!
      Get em in the pot!
      With yer brother!?

  4. The world is full of cunts who know best, usually it’s Rich Celeb types who seem to know more than any other fucker.

    The climate change frenzy has dragged these cunts out and are now experts, because they have read the science.
    I would love someone to ask them about mechanisms involved in role of CO2 in the atmosphere and then see how smart they are.

    Other news (or not) not mentioned on the mainstream was the arrest of Abbott’s son for assaulting police officers.
    I think Fatbott has gone into hiding ….. CUNT!

    • According to the Metro, her son has been charged after spitting and biting the police.

      I hope the poor copper got himself a rabies vaccine…

  5. Actor laddie, whoremonger and contender for Cunt of the Year, Hugh Grant has been busy this week – campaigning for the Lib Dems, till h had a row with them (an actorly hissy fit no doubt), then he went off to campaign for Granny Grieve, two sitcunts for the price of one, now apparently he is toying with the Labour party.

    Attention seeking motherfucker,

    • Hes got no chance, ive told Jeremy i saw Hugh in cheetham Hill synagogue,
      His cards well an truly marked!

      • The Limp Dumbs then Labour? Is it The Green Party tomorrow? Obviously anyone but a Tory majority, this up his own arse , floppy haired shit weasel does more flip-flopping over political allegiances than Spearchukka Umunna.

    • I feel sorry for poor Hugh. He was hoodwinked. He only campaigned for the Lib/Dems because he was under the impression that Chuka Umunna was actually Divine Brown ..a transexual,dark-key, raddled old whore who had previously noshed his knob and he fancied another gobble.
      Hugh has gone off to campaign for Labour now…Mandelson has already had his panto dame costume cleaned of stains and a couple of gerbils shoved up his shite-trumpet in anticipation.

      • The Dame of Remain, Keir Starmer and Keith Vazaline want a bit of that too.

        Morning Fiddler, pissing off hunt protesters this weekend?

      • Morning LL….Busy day on Saturday…quick ride out with The Hunt then off to My Rugby Club to get pissed before an afternoon’s pheasant shooting.

        I have suggested that we combine the three activities to save travel time…me on my Charger,12 bore in one hand and bottle of Bushmills in the other chasing Sabs across the fells…might take a cold roast pigeon for my snack,I’ll store it under my Topper.

  6. Some are born rich, some achieve richness, some have richness thrust upon them.
    (Comforting thought-)
    They all die, though.

    • Left speechless (except for a few stammering words of agreement) at your brilliance, Komodo! Using Bill to bash the lovies!

      • I met your mother(?) (grandmother?), Lady Margaret, once, Hereward. Very charming lady, accomplished fisherwoman, and a model of the tact and decorum so conspicuously lacking in today’s crop of jumped-up, uneducated nouveaux riches. It was sometimes said that the old-school aristos had more in common with the working class than either had in common with the middle. In her case that was true.

  7. Solid winter cunting.
    What a set of useless twats.
    The novel idea they are famous therefore know everything is perpetuated by the MSM.
    Idiotic bullshit.

  8. Top notch bit of cunting this.
    Sick to death of these condescending, hypocritical cunts preaching to the rest of us. They’re every fucking where; Thomson, Cumbercunt, Stewart, Bono, Dame Elton of Bogg… Go and fuck yerselves the lot of yer. Cunts.

      • “Biggest rich cunt of them all is Donald Trump. Thought he could buy Greenland. Daft prick.”

        I know, the silly old fucker really didn’t think it through did he because it would have melted by the time he’d got it home, Honestly, some people…

  9. Of course if any fellow ISAC cunters should win the Lottery this weekend, thus making them very rich, will they still retain their moral principles, or will it be a case of telling the plebs and great unwashed “Fuck off and let them eat cake!”

    • I won the lottery once, I won £700! I was so shocked I told my girlfriend, within 4 hours she had spent it.
      Learn by my mistakes.

  10. The problem isn’t “The Rich”, it’s cunts with more money than brain cells, cunts who while acting “ever so ‘umble” have enough dough to not worry about day to day shit, such as heating the house or making do and mending, yet have the fucking nerve to thinks they are somehow superior and that every word from their whitened-teeth mouths is a pearl of wisdom that we proles should take as if it was from the mouth of God.
    Well it isn’t and you’re all CUNTS of the first order, where should the world go tits up, would be unable to survive, unlike us proles who a.) Have an inbuilt survival instinct b.)Are able to use the tools to survive c.) Will let you cunts SINK thereby simultaneously ridding ourselves of a whole layer of useless, self-entitled parasitic CUNTS who think the world worships them d.) GO FUCK YOURSELVES

  11. Exactafuckingmundo the cunts. Big sleep out a good example. dozens of millionaires asking people on `average (for want of a better word)’ incomes to cough cash to support homeless people.

    What about this rich cunts with enough money for fifty fucking lifetimes … tap up George Clark, Kevin Mccloud, Kirsty and Phil put your heads and your wallets together and build some affordable housing, name some streets after yourselves, then have a huge `me me me me I’m wonderful’ party afterwards to let everyone know exactly how virtuous you are.

    Maybe when hell freezes over. Cunts

  12. Don’t disagree with much of the above posts but demonising ‘the rich’ rather than ‘rich celebs who influence x y and z’ seems bonkers to me. The stupid cunts that follow the ‘rich celebs who influence x y and z’ are just as big cunts and many of them might not have two pounds to rub together between their arse .

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