Yes, we know it needs more money to pay for more doctors, nurses and even more managers.
But throughout this election campaign they have been maligning the Tories. The latest being a kid on the floor at Leeds A&E. Apart from the fact that this was obviously staged for Boris’s visit, has it not occurred to these cunts that Magic Grandpa and his bullshit will inevitably lead to the collapse of all public services? Venezuela style.
And do doctors actually want to be taxed to fuck to make this happen?
The population of the UK has increased by 4.5 million since that cunt Blair opened the floodgates. We are living longer. The NHS should consider this before they aid and abet the destruction of the UK economy.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Which will be why precisely no other country has it. Like all socialist-ish concepts, nice idea, doesn’t work in practice because people are cunts.
Actually I’m not sure if it’s a nice idea either.
The NHS is an amazing concept run by halfwits. I have worked in the public and private sector and the massive difference is that any money invested in the private sector has to provide a return or benefit, in almost every area of the public sector money is thrown into a bottomless pit with no appreciable improvement.
France has the best healthcare system in the World, says it all really but a good way of approaching all UK public services funding is to make sure it is allocated to the right people (no NI number? No health insurance? No treatment).
And recovering some of the billions we are owed by EU Countries who have not paid us for healthcare taken up in the UK by their nationals would be helpful, and not paying agencies £38 an hour for foreign employees fast tracked into the UK while our trained medical personnel cannot get work despite the alleged “staff shortage”, and looking at who is in charge of procurement in the NHS so we do not get mugged into ant more 50 Year contracts at massively over-inflated prices (£1.22 for a single paracetamol, £2.18 for a dressing that costs 11P, the list goes on)
Anyway it’s Christmas – where the f*ck is Carry On Up The Khyber? Might black up when I watch it, because I’m PC like that!
A whole day of Carry On’s on ITV3 (Freeview channel number 10) don’t know if Khyber is included – if it is it is probably heavily edited!
It was on last night.
Agree with everything you say. You appear to be related to an illegitimate sprog of Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond.
What fucks me off about the NHS is the way every politician has to sentimentally say “OUR” instead of “the NHS”. It’s like a mummy’s boy welling up at every mention of “mum” sickly sentimental tosh. I am sure most NHS staff have the old vote Labour psters up though, just like a majority of trades unionists. Still fighting the general strike in the way NHS staff like t bring up the fact that pre 1948 most Conservative MPs (now all long dead) were against the NHS.
OUR NHS my fucking arsehole. It’s the worlds NHS you cunts.
The NHS is a sacred cow that, whilst it does a good job, tends to waste resources. I tripped over one of my cats a couple of years ago damaging my leg. It had one of those plastic leg supports but I took it off after a day as I felt it was likely to cause me to fall over again ( without the aid of the bloody cat). I phoned the hospital asking them when they would like me to drop it off for re use or recycling. I was to throw it away. Christ knows what it cost, think of a reasonable number and treble it. I believe that :
A) Only those who have contributed to the system (and their dependants) should use the system
B) A charge of £10 to see a GP should be introduced
C) Patients should be made aware of how much their treatment costs.
D) A top notch business person should be appointed to take a look at the NHS and be given the remit of suggesting anything which improves the cost effectiveness of the organisation.
We’ll pay 10 quid to see the GP and then pay another 10 quid a month tax to pay for the cunts on some sort of benefit to visit the gp and they are the ones there all the time.
Guzziguy. You couple either elaborate on point A or add point E. If you need a translator to discuss your medical issue then get the fuck out.
Point A is simple before receiving treatment the patient (or their career) has to demonstrate that they are entitled to treatment which is free at the point of delivery or that they have medical insurance. This may require the introduction of identity cards which ,whilst going against the grain for many of us,would help in other areas such as being able to identify who is entitled to be in the country.
We are already identified by our NHS number (I know most wont remember it), but should still be identifiable by name and date of birth.
Anyone not registered should have to deposit a credit card or similar for treatment, if they entitled for the service they can get a refund.
For Doctor GP appointments, there should be fines for not attending pre arranged appointments. £20, if they don’t pay then they don’t get another appointment until they do.
Kicking a poor, defenceless cat cannot be condoned in any shape nor form!
The cat should clearly be identified as a H&S trip an slip risk and be painted with florescent chevrons.
The bloody thing has been!
It has just occurred to me that tripping over my cat is seen by you as feline abuse when none of us has evidence that Percy survived Christmas Day; methinks we should be told.
Guzzi – I refer you to my post at 11.28 on the Scum Supermarket Shoppers cunting!
Guzzi – I refer you to my post at 11.28 on the Scûm Supermarket Shoppers cunting!
Words, words , words! We need solid evidence that Percy is alive and pecking. There are some on this site who do not trust you.
Anyone pissed outside a pub who falls over or gets in a punch up should pay for their treatment.
I’m not saying don’t treat them, but their problem is self-inflicted. If they can afford to buy 10 pints & get rat arsed, they can bloody well pay for taking an Ambulance out of the queue for those really in need.
A bill for £500 sent out the week after will focus the little shits minds (if they have any).
It really grinds my gears when some poor sods have a heart attack or a burst appendix, waiting for am Ambulance, while some 20something piss head has chucked his ring up, fell in the gutter & grazed his face & calls a fucking Ambo 🙁
And wankers who call an Ambulance out to a pub expecting a lift home should be put in a cell overnight, where hopefully they’ll choke to death on their own vomit – the fucking CUNTS !
Choking on your own vomit whilst in custody will ensure a nice little earner for your money grasping relatives. The care of the nonce Max Clifford who died in prison aged 70+ was criticised; they failed to ensure he took his medication.
I think we are all agreed on the type of medicine he should have been given.
My daughter is doing her nursing degree, part of that is working in a hospital on placement sans payment. Fair enough, that’s the way it works.
What isn’t fair is she has to pay parking for the privilege. The NHS is a cunt, it’s a cash gobbling badly run machine. We care about nurses and doctors more than the NHS does.
I agree, it’s scandalous charging staff to park, it almost as bad charging people for visiting or going into hospital for treatment.
Got this cunt at our hospital who works in IT. Keeps spouting on about how labour gave so much more money than conservatives for the nhs and how great grandpa is.
This is a grown man in his 40’s!!!
Used to say it was labours fault conservatives can’t spend money since Blair. Fucking deluded cunt couldn’t grasp it. I told him I remember the 70’s. Power cuts, strikes every other week, 3 day week etc etc.
Haven’t seen him since Election Day. Hope the cunts topped himself with a short rope and a long drop.
That could be the cunt I banned.
fucker called me a brexiteer turd!
Bad manners is bad form!
I really wish people would stop whingeing about how much the NHS costs and how it is crippling the UK economy. What utter bollocks. If we can afford to give £13 BILLION away every year to other countries in foreign aid, we can bloody well afford to fund the NHS.
I suspect the major problem is that we can’t really afford either of them, but Foreign Aid is a vanity project. If they really wanted to help Africa they’d give them fuck all and teach the fuckers to stand on their own 2 feet, not the millions of ours.
Most foreign aid is bribery to some shit regime or other, government sees it as a business transaction not charity, it’s sold to us as doing our bit.
People blindly defending the NHS need to do their research. If you understand where and how the money is spent it’s not what it seems to be. There are extremists on both sides of the argument. Personally I’d like to see a review of how money is managed and what is provided free and what is charged for.
I think a NHS is required but it must be cut to fit and it’s foolish to maintain the belief that anything can be funded by blank cheque.
Foreign aid is usually tied to a lucrative arms deal
A large portion of foreign aid goes to charities ( some OK a lot not) dubious aid organisations and consultants whose sole purpose is to syphon of monies as fee income or transfer payments that become unaccounted for.
Arms deals are sweetened via training, maintenance packages, production licencing as for backhanders the French are the worst offenders
The problem with Foreign Aid is the corrupt bastards running these 3rd world tin pot dictatorships pocket all the money, and the poor condomless natives have bugger all & keep shagging and turning out kids.
1. Stop sending Catholic missionaries with their ‘Condoms bad’ – ‘lots of kids good’ message.
2. Send in the SAS to garrotte the leaders in their sleep. The next leaders might think twice about staying honest & spending the money where needed.
3. Stop sending lots of cash. send contractors to build sanitation, hospitals & schools once. When they’re built, leave them to it.
4. Send plant/seeds & teach them irrigation / crop management so they can feed themselves.
5. Castrate ALL men with 2 kids or more. Put bromine in the water for 10 years. Stabilise rampant population expansion.
6. pour all the money saved in housing, schools & NHS here.
7. pay ALL NHS managers minimum wage & bonuses based upon how much they improve care & how much money they save.
8. Stop prescribing basic meds like Asprin (that cost NHS £4/per12, & public can buy in town for 50p/per12.
Here endeth the lesson…
Appalled at that Sixdog but not surprised.
As the great Sir Rod (Liddle, not Stewart) recently said “don’t shovel a single penny more into the gaping maw of the NHS”. He was referring to the insane levels of waste and bureaucracy we all see for ourselves.
Just this week : An elderly 80+ relative , effectively bedbound for the last two years and receiving regular care from sundry nurses / mobility chummies etc gets not one but two identical letters, a day apart, from the Ministry inviting her to make an appointment with her GP for an annual check up!
As for chucking away perfectly good mobility aids – SNAP – that really ducking grates on my nerves!!
Rod Liddle is a massive CUNT of the highest order.
I once read an article he had written in which he stated that ADHD is a made up illness. I have a 13 year old son who was diagnosed with ADHD at 6 years of age. Without the medication he is on he would be a fucking nightmare to live with, with it he is relatively normal (we know this for a fact as we often go for a few days on holidays or weekends without giving him the medication).
I now can’t take anything that comes out of that cunt liddle’s mouth seriously.
With regards to what liddle said about not giving more to the NHS, i sincerely hope that he has a massive health problem but finds it really difficult to get the treatment he needs because the NHS doesn’t have the funding it needs.
If this country can afford a new aircraft carrier, we can afford to treat our citizens when they are ill.
I just hope I don’t have to be treated by that cunt of a prospective doctor who called for Boris to die painfully. The NHS is crap. The alternative isn’t American healthcare. It’s Dutch or singapore. All socialist constructs run out of money and have cues. It is nowhere near a world beater.
I blame management entirely.
They were put in place to cost save, they did but the savings became their salaries.
if you are familiar with asset depreciation you would also realise that opperatiion theatres not used round the clock waste resources.
the convalesent homes they closed would have cleared the bed blockers at a fraction of the cost.
it’s all bollocks
What continually pissed me off during the election was a succession of politicians and commentators, mostly lefties, banging on about keeping the NHS free to use, when it fucking isn’t. Unless you’re a jobless cunt who’s never worked a day in your life, working people pay tax and national insurance regardless of whether they use it or not. The waste is phenomenal, as some of the things you can be prescribed shouldn’t be allowed. From paracetamol to Aveevo shampoo, a posh brand advertised by Jenifer Anniston, this costs fucking millions, which is a drop in the ocean compared to the total cost, but it could be more wisely spent on frontline services. But, any sort of reform to make it work more efficiently or affordable will be easily sold to the slow witted electorate as killing/selling it off by the opposition.
She’s STILL here! If my mother-in-law doesn’t soon fuck off, she’s gonna need the NHS! We’re fast approaching a “it’s me or her!” situation!
Throw your wife out, perhaps MIL will follow?
The brown horde will sink the NHS and everything else as well.
Nowt to be done short of gas.
Fuck them into the English Channel.
The NHS is a great concept and member’s of my family including myself have benefited from it as I am sure most on here have.
The problem is though is that like the benefits system it’s out of date and was from a time when things were more simple, less expensive and the demand was less.
It cannot carry on the way it is and it will have to be privatised, it’s simple.
You have old cunts living longer and using up young cunts like myselfs resource’s, hordes of begging Gypsy/Africunt/Polish/Romainiac/Bud bud ding ding/Somalians taking a bite of the cake and I almost forgot of course the Ex ‘cow’ Pat cunts who of course happen to be passing through the UK when they have to get a new hip or some shite.
What a load of shite and were all cunts.
As you can tell I’m in the festive spirit.
Go fuck yourselves.
Someone once suggested we should stop paying our doctors whenever we become unhealthy.
The NHS has its faults but I’m not going to criticize it. With the operations I’ve had, I’ve probably had more out of it than what I’ve paid in.
I agree Allan the NHS is a great thing and I can only guess what an operation costs these days. The NHS should firstly only be for British citizens (or people who have paid in) whose previous generations have paid in etc but Implementing that in this day and age is not possible.
As thing are going we have a massive growing older population, half a million new cunts turning up every year from in and outside the EU and that doesn’t include the cunts getting here in dinghy’s.
I liken the NHS to a leaking ship, you can only plug the holes for so long.
What kind of cunt wants to go aaaaht shopping on Boxing Day? A sad cunt that’s who, it’s bad enough seeing those Shite DFS and PC World adverts on Christmas day let alone reading abaaaaaht some sad cunts shopping.
Thing is they aren’t usually saving anything anyways.
Modern western society can go fuck itself, it’s doing a good enough job of it so far anyways.
Its pissing down here anyway B&W, without navigating hordes of pushchairs, scooters, kids, old cunts and cunts on phones in the shops. Any husband should put his foot down and tell the wife if she wants that three piece so badly she can fuck off down to DFS by herself.
Too right LL, make her carry it back on her own too. ?
Stand by for tonight’s news lead item (as every year)……overwhelming hordes of japseye/ chinks bursting down the doors of Harrods to bag a half price 72in flat screen TV.
And then spend the savings having it shipped home.
Our border ‘control’ have picked up 15 more refugees in the channel today. This is unfairly dangerous on our guests. Surely a far better idea is to go and pick them up from French ports.
A bit like a modern day Dunkirk.
Start charging cunts for ambulances if they’re not dying. You won’t be seen quicker, in fact, you’ll wait longer after I’ve informed the staff of your cuntitude. Yesterday, crew went to a 26 yr old female, sore throat. Came from the uber cunts at 111. Start charging cunts like that and maybe you’ll get an ambulance when your mum goes into cardiac arrest…
Do you mean 111 advised them to call an ambulance?
No, 111 dispatch us and their shite overrules the gran-down for 7 hrs we were going to. The cunts.
111 are a pile of fucking shit.
I called them myself some years ago just for some kind of advice as to what I should do with what was occurring, as I was out in the sticks at a hotel for a family do and was having severe upper abdo pain (which turned out to be gastritis) The cunt i spoke to asked me a million and one questions, culminating in her saying “You are scaring me now. It sounds like you could have an aortic aneurysm”
And then, get this: I WILL GET A DOCTOR TO CALL YOU!!!!
I’m scaring HER?? She is telling me I may have an aortic aneurysm (the equivalent of an unexploded bomb inside me) but I am scaring her and I should wait for some cunt GP to call me.
They never called, quelle surprise, but I doubted her bollocks advice anyway. I put a heat pad on my stomach, saw another doctor when I got back home and was diagnosed…….CORRECTLY.
111 are a total waste of resources and time. Nine times out of ten they just say ‘see your doctor’ or ‘go to A&E’ anyway.
Fucking shite.
9 times out of 10 they send a fucking ambulance. I was dispatched to a cardiac arrest by the pricks! Who calls 111 for that??? Obviously not as given. Did I mention that they’re cunts?
Rather than bothering 999 can you pop over later. I’m having a cardiac arrest .
Be delighted.
I had to dial 111 recently. Held on for 20 mins, no reply. Tried again 30 mins later , same result.
Then I reluctantly dialled 999, apologised for having to resort to doing so, the polite operative said “you’re wasting your time with 111”.
You try to help as best you can, you really do, but in the end it’s the sheer inefficiency that is so fucking exasperating.
As I’ve said countless times on here……giving the INHS more cash will not of itself solve the endemic inefficiencies that are always evident in such large, sprawling, largely unaccountable entities. Even the Indian Railways are better run.
The money the NHS wastes boils my piss. Illegal immos, health tourists, drug addicts, alcoholics, fat cunts. I had to go private to have two warts removed above my eye which was also in my sight line. Done in the NHS? No fucking chance. £1000 going private. The NHS (not the nurses but the beurocrats) can suck in my balls and fuck right off, the cunts.
I have a new idea for the NHS. It involves the none treatment of the following so they wither and die and then money is saved in other areas. Here are the chosen .
People with criminal records
Eastern Europeans
Guardian readers
Gang members
Aids people
People with a pederast as their prophet
Ladies from the orient who refuse to show their faces in public
People who think they used to be a different sex before their operation.
Left wing politicians
That will do for now it should save around 50 billion a year.
Peace on earth and goodwill to men apart from the above they can fuck themselves and die.
someway related and a thing that has haunted me.
They promised us 30 min casualty evacuation.
A college was crushed between two armoured fighting vehicle’s, we called it in but due to the expected influx of casualties they wouldn’t come.
Had to leave him by a track in the hope.transport going back would pick him up.
They did and he survived.
Impossible to have a proper conversation about the NHS, especially with anybody who works for it. It’s the untouchable subject.
You are so right, unfortunately that means reform as opposed to yet more money is not going to happen. until we have a more equal mix of public, private and insurance (voluntary or compulsory) based health care, the never ending call on the public purse will persist.
There is no one around who could withstand the public/political opprobrium let alone the health unions and medical establishment backlash that would ensue if alternative means were opined.
We are left with the most unholy of sacred cows.
Communist Labour
It’s Our NHS
No it’s not it belongs to the Country not Labour the same Country that voted overwhelmingly in a landslide General Election that you couldn’t be trusted to run the Country let alone the NHS.
All that bollocks spewed by Labour about the NHS and how the wicked Tories have destroyed it, and are intent on obliterating it all together, really steamed my tits to the point of combustion.
They have short memories, or rather don’t tell the general public certain things like the fact that Labour first tinkered with the idea of privatising the NHS and that they SOLD OFF NHS buildings during their time in power, which means that billions are spent yearly since then by the NHS having to rent these properties just to carry on providing services in them.
As said before here on ISAC, they are also responsible for wheeling in all of the fucking cunt managers that cost the NHS a fucking fortune for doing SWEET FUCK ALL.
It is amazing to me how they had the nerve to spew the shit they did when THEY are the ones who have crippled the NHS to the point of collapse, way before any Tory got their hands on it.
How can an organization gifted £129 billion for 2018/19 be on the point of collapse ! without being disfunctional.
Over 90% of prescription charges are free and with the pre payment certificate limiting the total yearly prescription cost to the individual at £104 for the year, I suggest that people should be expected to pay more for their medication as I am sure most of those who complain spend far more on their phone contracts valuing them more than their health which they expect to be free.
Until there exists a tangible link via the cost to the individual rather than a right of universal free access to health services NHS problems/inadequacies are here to stay