Rude Old People

Well, knocking on the door of “The Big 5-0” and being a cripple, I tend to look down on the young. I tend to think they have never had it so good. So today I had a little altercation with one of my elders over a parking space!

So, to cut to the short on this, said chap decided it was ok to park up in a disabled space (one out side my bunker at Beirut Terraces) and I challenged him on his lack of a blue badge (The space next to it was vacant).

He got a bit shitty with me and said his dad was disabled. I mentioned that Mrs B Mk III was and that he had lost his right to complain about people breaking the law when he does it himself.

Mind you if he lets his Dad rot here, he must be a massive cunt.

Nominated by lord benny

25 thoughts on “Rude Old People

  1. Parking in a disabled space when he is neither disabled nor in possession of a blue badge and clearly acting on behalf of someone who is, has nothing to do with his age and everything to do with the fact that he is an arrogant cunt. He should be put against a wall and shot.

  2. My old Grandad, who died in 1972 was generally a happy old boy. He had 2 or Guiness and a Woodbine every night and wandered back to watch a John Wayne film or the football.
    But this was before we were enriched by newcommers and had wokeness shoved down our throat.

  3. I’m all for compulsory euthanasia,
    Fucking sick of the old cunts!
    You try getting on a bus during the day, fuck me it’s a fucking exodus of the living dead.
    Don’t get me wrong I’m not young, past fifty, but fuck me if one more oxygen stealer says to me “oh I’m 90 years old you know” or whatever, what do they want a fucking medal for being alive!
    Open a door or give up a seat on a bus do you get a thank you? Do you fuck.

    • As a rule I’m always polite to old people, call old fellas ‘sir’ offer to help if see them struggling etc
      But yeah some can rude bastards like prince Philip.
      Its their driving pushes my buttons,
      Fuckin painful, wake up you silly old cunt and find your accelerator.

    • I’m fucking old and I fucking hate birdbrain humans who can only think of themselves no matter what age – there’s nowt wrong with being old and rude – fuck off

  4. I’m determined to become a rude old cunt. I’ve spent all my life being polite while people have been rude and unpleasant for no reason whatsoever. And I’ve had enough of the arrogant young who think anyone over a certain age is automatically stupid or deaf or both. From now on they’ll get it right back. I’ve surprised one or two already. And it’s a good feeling.

  5. I have attracted a few dirty looks with my new campaign, I now write CUNT on the back of their cars.
    If ever challenged as to why I am doing this I will ask where they were parked when they acquired said logo.

    • I find the Yale Key of Justice works quite well on disabled bay abusers.

      Harsh. But I once served with a bomb disposal unit. I saw properly disabled blokes there.

  6. I know an old cunt who’s got a few quid, aged 75, who always has a young bit of stuff on his arm.
    I said, “What’s your secret, do you tell them that you’re fifty five..?”
    He said, “No, I tell them I’m ninety five”….

  7. I find that old people have a sense of entitlement, merely because they ARE old and think that everyone should respect them and put up with their grumpy fuckery.

    Well, I won’t.

    There is zero excuse for rudeness. I don’t care how old you are. I agree with cuntflap on this. They moan about how terrible the younger generations are, but I have met some very rude old people in my time. Only the other week I was walking through a shopping centre to browse a few things for Christmas. I was dosed up on local anaesthetic after having just been to the dentist, so a bit distracted by my numb gob anyway. Some old cunt with one of those 4-wheeled shopping trolleys comes out of a shop, within a good few feet of me (so I was nowhere near her) and shouts “CAREFUL!!!!!” at me, like I almost collided with the cunt. To say i was perplexed is an understatement. She then threw dirty looks at me and stormed off.

    I have also been pushed out of the way by these miserable old Wombles at bus stops, not received a ‘Thank you’ when I have held doors open for them, and the list goes on.

    If you are going to live your life being a miserable old cunt and making everyone else’s life a misery too, you may as well do the world a fucking favour and get six-foot under quick smart.

    • Fucking right, nurse. Some of the old biddies I pick up are rude cunts.

      ‘Lift my feet onto the stretcher’

      ‘Do you think she meant to say ‘please’ at the end of that’?

      I ask my crewmate, just to shame the ignorant fuckers. Works every time, along with the ‘ED or Dignitas’ jibe.


  8. I think people of any age can be rude. I’m rude sometimes if I get past being tired but then feel over tired and cranky.
    I love my sleep and my bed.
    I might have a nap, then I feel a lot better afterwards.

  9. I quite like the old cunts I don’t think they’re the worst cunts . I find its the young cunts who are the bigger cunts . Having said that I’m in between old and young and I’m a cunt too hmm confusing . Fuck all of us ! the cunts.

  10. Went to the funeral of an old carpenter recently who had made his own coffin. At the church somebody placed a spirit level on the coffin.
    Sad but true….

  11. Rude old cunt here. That is, if some cunt is rude to me, whatever their age. It pays dividends if the cunt is too wet behind the ears to do rude effectively. I think the central concern here is healthy cunts who park in disabled bays, and they should be cunted at every possible opportunity, for sure. It’s not just old cunts who do this – anyone whose crippled granny (who has stopped driving) qualifies for the privilege tries it on.

    I have to deal with rude young cunts at work – not many, but from time to time – and no doubt they think of me as a rude old cunt. But they don’t try it on twice. Equivocal about this one…

  12. Is that Dick Fiddler in the photo ?

    ” And Hell followed him ……..”

    Good afternoon.

  13. The reference to selfish lazy bastards who park in disabled bays reminds me of the Larry David scene when he confronted a guy who had done this. The guy claimed to have a stutter and said this gave him every right to park there.

  14. Good for the old cunt!

    In my local sainsburys there are enough “disabled” spaces to park a fucking armoured division and more brand new cars in them than a volkswagen buy back storage facility!

    Silly old cunt should have “identified” as disabled (which seems to cover every fucking thing these days anyway).

    Blue badge? I must have left it in the whorehouse, or was that the crack den?

    • I’ve just received my bullet in the post. Hopefully next week I’ll receive the gun.

  15. I had a very rude old Goat one time when I parked a cherry-picker on his drive so that I could get at some branches on a tree that stood on his neighbours was the neighbour that we were doing the job for.

    I thought the old Cunt was out so didn’t bother knocking,just parked up,put the stands down and started work…unfortunately the old bastard was in and whatever ravages time may have wrought,it hadn’t affected his hearing or mobility…I’d hardly started the saw before the groundsman was signalling at me to stop…and I could see (and hear) why…this ancient old fossil was screaming the foulest of abuse and waving a garden-cane at the groundsman. I shouted down at him to fucking calm down before he had a gripper but it was no good,,,the old fool was apoplectic,demanding to know what I was fucking doing…when I shouted down that” I was from fucking NASA and was trying to recover a space-rocket…what the fuck did it look like I was doing” it didn’t calm him at all…if anything it seemed to further enrage him,as did the groundsman laughing. After listening to his foul invective for a while I got slightly irritated and started shouting back. We continued to trade insults for a while with me safely 20 foot in the air but the old bastard almost hopping-mad enough to get at me…I had no idea that bright red octogenarians could both swear like a docker and jump 3 foot in the air while waving a stick at the same time.

    Our slight contretemps only came to an end when the Police turned up..some passerby had called them. As I climbed out of the cherrypicker the Constable asked who was the “foul-mouthed Gentleman” screaming abuse….didn’t help when I took the chance while the old bastard filled his lungs to reply..”that mental old Cunt,Officer..fucking Wanker”

    I never did get to finish the job from the fossils side…had to do it all from the client’s property,took twice as long,and all because of some rude pensioner.

    Fuck Off.

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