I’d like to nominate the self appointed ‘cultural elite’ and their footsoldiers of the blue checkmark brigade.
Thursday proved my pet theory correct: the best way to have your voice heard and change policy is not social media, but observing events and actually voting. How many billions of hours and megabit/seconds have been wasted on the flatulence of millennial activists and hacks, their constant shrill, clueless bitching about privilege, the countless petitions against David Starkey or Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaking about one thing or another, none of it having any real impact on policy or gaining public sympathy, while the older majority of the forgotten working class have been effectively silenced by social and corporate media for being ‘uneducated old bigots’ who are ‘dying off’, Gammons who should be held in utter contempt by the likes of AC Grayling and other so-called intellectuals, whose prophecies on the EU and Brexit (as well as Trump’s America, have repeatedly failed to materialise.
The gammons have returned to what they know: simply watching the SJW zoo/circus continue to burn like an infernal merry-go-round and waited to vote, and vote they did, in a way that dismayed and shocked their (know) betters; the pop stars, the actors, the guardian columnists, the panel show comedians and the rest of a deluded, self-appointed cultural elite.
Of course, the Gammon Uprising, unforeseen on Twitter because Corbyn had better ‘social media engagement’, is now described as the result of racism and misogyny by The Annointed Ones, the trite and false claim always made by the idiot left. Adults who believe in their cultural and intellectual superiority yet are thralls of Thunberg and J.K. Rowling, a mass of middle-class liberals educated far beyond their natural intelligence,believing a BA and teaching secondary education makes them an expert in their field.
Once again, the technocrats, ‘global citizens’ and ‘anywheres’ are on the losing side, mostly because of their pathetic arrogance and hubris, their astonishing lack of self awareness and complete inability to reflect on their actions.
Even if other commentators call this class of dimwits an elite, I can only do so in inverted commas. In my eyes, they are hopelessly gormless and the sooner they are replaced in public life by calm, reasonable and responsible adults, the better.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Nicely put, gammon rules!
It’s very easy to be generously liberal on the things destroying our country when you never have to live in and around it.
I’m glad many of these people have now been told to fuck off from their lofty perches and die.
The day just ONE of these cunts lives by their own message I will change my mind.
Utter cunts.
Hehee theyre fuckin gutted arent they?
Why didnt the peasants listen to me?
Now a creeping self doubt will of entered into their psyche.
Tears will be shed by them when we officially leave the EU
While we will be raising a glass.
Need another big win, BBC would be good!
Cry if the license fee got the hatchet!
Or reintroduction of the death penalty!
Know its unlikely but theyd be hysterical?
The BBC is like the local council, they have money shovelled at them with no effort needed so much of it goes to waste….
I did work at the local council once and as a private contractor I couldn’t comprehend the amount of waste, lack of control over “employees” and just general malaise that comes from being given money instead of having to earn it.
The BBC is the same and if there was a vote tomorrow I would certainly vote for the scrapping of the TV Tax.
I would probably be regarded as middle class. All I can say is thank god for the traditional working class in this country. They are the only segment of our population to show wisdom and common sense. In the meantime, a significant portion of the middle class, particularly the metropolitan middle class, hopelessly infected with woke libtard politics.
Twitter and the ramblings of imbeciles like Hugh Cunt and Steve Coogan were powerless in the face of the common sense of those they despise as “gammon”. The demented ramblings of MP’s like Paula Sherriff who laid into Johnson for using “hate” language like “betrayal” and “humbug” have been rewarded by losing their seats.
The cultural elites despisal of the working class started under Blair. It finally became manifest when Gordon Brown was overheard dismissing labour voter Gillian Duffy as “that bigoted woman” for expressing legitimate concerns over immigration. It’s final gameplay was the attempt to overturn Brexit. Thank god then for the working classes and democracy. It’s the revenge of Gillian Duffy.
Gillian Duffy still voted labour come that election
Not surprised. After all, she’s a bigoted woman. ?
This is such a good cunting Cuntamus, it could be marketed. I’m willing to act as your agent.
Being able to write a good tune or act in a play or film doesn’t mean they have any particular insight into politics or the lives of ordinary folk.
They are entitled to an opinion but putting stuff on Twitter which then becomes main stream news is bollocks, it seem that number of views and shares is somehow a measure of legitimacy for whatever shite they have written.
December 12, 2019 was the day that put twitter in its place, a glorified message board.
Strange how the stupidest end of the population ie. lefties of all types have somehow in the last 25 years been known as the ‘elite’.
They are obviously just shout loudest types that just cannot get their heads around the simple fact of losing.
Glorious to watch for the rest of us though!
The problem for the cultural elite is that they thought, because of the social media skew on things, that they were running with the popular view. Now they realise they weren’t, & were in fact, being led up the garden path by leftie bullshit, they’re drawing their horns in sharpish, fearful of the backlash of unpopularity that might affect their earning potential.
All us thick, racist cunts that see the EU for the undemocratic dictatorship that it is, could be sneered at & safely abused because we were the minority, then WE turn out to be the majority …& the penny is finally starting to drop for these up-their-own-arse cunts.
No way are these cunts the cultural elite!
Cultural dregs of society more like.
The definition of elite is: “A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.”
Anyone who thinks the cunts under discussion here are superior in terms of ability or quality to the rest of society must be suffering from a serious case of false consciousness.
Exactly! I used to think you were one of IsAC’s elite at one time.
Afternoon Ruff one.
Afternoon Bertie. It’s the dementia wot done for me.
Have you got elite boy?
I enjoyed that! It was a golden age when you used to get your letters at 8am instead of 3 in the afternoon.
We are blessed to have a wonderful postman. Very friendly and conscientious, usually delivers around 9am. He’s a whitey from Kenya. Donated a kidney to his blick wife who then proceeded to divorce him and take every penny he had, grasping cunt.
Hence why i refer to these Dunning-Kruger sufferers in inverted commas, RTC.
They are thick cunts.
Accepted CP. My comment was not aimed at you or your excellent nom, though I can see how it could be perceived that way.
No. I disagree. They are all elite CUNTS of galactic proportions.
Great cunting. This shallow cunts are so myopic, they will never accept that they might have been wrong, out of touch, condescending, self flattering twats. You only have to look at the petulant American celebrities to see that behaviour in action. How many of those cunts carried out their threats to leave the US if Trump won? The same number as the U.K. cunts who said they would leave if Brexit won, or the tories won the last election. It’s also the same number of cunts who pledged to house migrants in their multiple homes, and still haven’t, fucking none.
There is McCarthyism at play here. Mainstream opinioned comics (there are a couple) actors, celebs etc find it hard to get employment. So keep quiet. Critics look for woke bullshit to applaud. Everything is London biased. University appearances are ruled by totalitarian liberals.
And sadly, comics no longer need craft and wit. Just Pavlovian catch phrases to get the cunts whooping. Orange man! Boris! Brexit! And so it goes.
Never has it been more important to have a face that fits . Regardless of your talent in the ‘arts’ your political views are of vital importance if you want to get on tv. Dear old Dr David Bellamy questioned global warming and disappeared from our screens whilst a Swedish schoolgirl with learning difficulties and no academic qualifications whatsoever is feted as a prophet. Fuck me with chromium crowbar, when is the world going to get back on track?
There have been quite a few cuntings for these shits of late, and boy, are they deserved. It’s fantastic to watch the cunts stewing in their own bile, as they come face to face with the fact that outside of the Twatterati metrobubble, most people see them as boring, hypocritical arsewipes.
What is their reaction? To be a little humble, reflect on the validity of their own views? Of course not; they resort to the usual loony left gobshite tactic of lashing out, hurling insults about and making accusations about people being rascists, fascists etc etc. Ineffectual, whining luvvy hypocrites, but best of all losers, and very sore losers at that.
or *racist* even
No, you were right first time Ron. Here’s the definition of a
Rascist . . . . . . . .
Always fascinates me how these so-called “cultural elite” decide to live either in fashionable areas of London, the South East, or the States while wagging their shit stained finger at the ignorant Hoi Polloi and telling them how wrong they are to vote for the other ticket.
Perhaps if they lived in the slum areas of London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester etc for a year or two their myopic views might just change.
Manchester and Liverpool both voted to Remain in the EU.
Nearly all of the big metro cities did. And its not difficult to deduce why,
but these celebs only know the good cultural life, and not the real life, and I am pretty sure their blinkered view would change if they did live in the rougher areas of these cities while also appreciating the demoralised view of the minority indigenous residents.
If the fuckwits who produce and commission BBC stuff now are bad – and they ARE – just wait till today’s students get there, when they have swallowed all the woke shit and feminist crap. It doesn’t bare thinking about. Just thought I’d cheer you all up.
Couldn’t give a fuck about the BBC because I am determined not to renew my TV licence come next June, and am just trying to figure out from the web how to make sure I do it without the BBC inspectors coming round to prove it.
Just declare to the cunts that you don’t need a license here.
If by some small chance they do decide to turn up, then just refuse them entry. Unless they have a court issued warrant, which is very highly unlikely, then they have no legal right to enter the property.
Better still, openly film them in plain sight and they will most likely just turn around and walk away, I’m pretty sure they are given some sort of order to not have their actions be filmed.
If you find out TC let me know, been looking into that for ages! BTW is your avatar from Blade Runner 2049?
Not just the BBC – the entire media!
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine Sky and Channel 4 stamping on a human face – forever.”
(George Orwell)
I need cheering up. I think I’ll have a wank about taking Priti Patel up the arsehole
Good afternoon
Cüm on her face for me Techno. ?
I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not as young as I used to be, RTC
…….and her tits for me Techno
They can Scweam and scweam and scweam about waycism and misogyny all they like. I dont watch any BBC crap these days, unless it’s being mocked via the ‘alt right’ on youtube.
Some say that they’re all into the Occult. So if being a leftie luvvie tosser isn’t enough they’re Satanists!
Brexit and “Trump’s” America are not equivalent no matter how much assholes try to characterize them as such. Brexit was a straight referendum and however it turns out, it was what you cunts wanted, so bravo! Trump’s election was, in fact, the exact thing you’re cunting, just from corporate reactionaries rather than cultural elites. If 2016’s election were a real referendum and not the chickenshit sideshow know as US presidential elections (re: electoral college), he would’ve lost to the tune of at least 2.8 million.
TL;DR: False equivalencies are cunts. Fuck you.
I will look forward to the 2020 presidential election, and I will laugh my bollocks off if Trump gets a second term despite all the hate from those West Coast cuntsticks jibbing on and on via Twatter.
I’ll laugh my tits off if Trump wins both the Electoral College and the popular vote by a landslide and gets super majorities in both parts of congress……. so many lefty tears.
It’llbe fucking entertaining, that’s for sure!
“when” not “if”
I think you’ll find it was the cultural elite of the US who reacted with just as much dismay over Trump winning as their UK counterparts over Brexit.
If Aaron Sorkin and fellow luvvies didnt write open letters of despair and Peter Fonda didnt want Trump’s son thrown in a cage with paedophiles, and Hilary didnt have rapperrs, George Clooney and the New York Times denouncing Trump and his voters as awful, then tell me who did?
‘Fuck you?’
Petulant moron
They can all fuck off if they don’t like it here. I don’t think there will be any tears.
100% Gammon.
Now Get To Fuck.
I’d like to see Facebook, Twitter etc etc be banned.
Can’t agree to that Spoons. Many of the cunts would find their way on to here.
Evening Blunty, its my refusal to tow the ‘accepted’ social media line and IsAC’s liberal policy on free speech that drew me here.
Plus the fact that we come under the auspices of the Kazakhstan wibbly wobbly web so they can’t touch you for it.
Evening LL
I have often thought that a sense of entitlement is one of the most corrosive attributes some one can have, and at it’s worst it manifests itself in the opinion that yours is the only meaningful and justifiable one there is.
That is exactly what these cunts suffer from, my opinion has to be heard as it is right and furthermore not up for debate as only a fool could think otherwise.
Subjecting these cunts to a proper argument or scrutiny of what they allege would show them up as the deluded fools, I doubt if they will ever reflect sensibly on their thoughts, being so up their own arse, it is comforting to know their input has had no effect so let them just carry on making cunts of themselves I say.
Absolutely Evening. In fact I say more power to the elbows and gobs of cunts like Hannah, Thompson, Dame Elton, Coogan, Stewart and the rest. The more they spout off their views about how thick, racist, xenophobic and ill-informed the unwashed, non-Metropolitan masses are, the more they’ll alienate people.
The irony is, it’s they who are uninformed, because they haven’t been able to comprehend what’s going on under their own noses. They can’t grasp what cunts they’ve made themselves look.
By the way nicely written nomination
I want them to all die a horrible agonising death in a big jumbo jet crash.
They are CUNTS.
After much time spent in the company of beer I have concluded my research project for this Yuletide. Due to the massive increase in wank behaviour observed in persons of a “famous” nature and the elevation of fucking eejits to sainthood I thought that I would attempt to explain the reason/reasons for this worrying phenomenon. Applying reason and logic to a problem bereft of both my conclusion is brown nosing, yes that age old method of improving one’s chances. Having witnessed the truth of the adage “head down nose brown” propelling numerous useless bastards further up the greasy pole. My research supports the notion that the more hangers on a sleb, twat has the more likely they are to make stupid pointless comments about something they know fuck all about. To exist in an environment surrounded by brown noses is counter productive to obtaining a reasoned world view. Some of the arse slebs appear to believe that they are so enlightened they are achieving godhead. I can assure you you are not.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all persons involved in the running of this site and all who contribute to this site a very happy new year.
These leftie celebrities don’t speak for this Country they only think they do
The great unwashed spoke on 12th December in a landslide for us to get Brexit done These so called elite who think they know better than us got a shock a great big one get used to it What you say and think does not matter get back to your ivory towers or the USA where most of you live .
Tax dodging ex footballers ,has been so called ex pop stars ,so called comedians who work exclusively for the BBC Actors and I use the word very loosely you all just don’t matter anymore working class folk are just sick of it Corbyns ideology and Communist Labour just does not work in England 2019.
Sit back and enjoy the show as Communist Labour implodes from within everyone blaming everyone else for their massive election disaster Yes the Red Cities all voted for Labour but the rest of us didn’t digest that over your New Year Lunch all you Leftie Lovies Happy New Year?