Not a new phenomenon, unless you’re one of those people that think “proper” football started after 1992. But just lately there have been a number of incidents of racist chanting at Premier League football grounds, and that pundits are saying the players should walk off the pitch in protest; and that the alleged fans should be banned from the ground and/or charged and even imprisoned for hate crime.
But what is really annoying is that journalists and TV pundits are saying these racist chants reflect a racist society in which we live in today. In other words they’re taking a pop at the Conservative government and the “right wing” voters that crushed all opposition parties into dust at the last election.
There seems to be an ongoing conspiracy going on from the Left wing libtards such as Lily Mong, Hugh Grant, Stormzy, Steve Coogan; along with the usual suspect politicians and of course the wishy-washy media. They’ve all come to the conclusion that this country is full of racists!
They seem (or prefer) to forget that racism has been around for decades regardless of government. In fact racism at football games was almost the norm back in the 70s and 80s. So how these “experts” can suggest the more recent incidents are down to a right-wing Brexit-loving population I really do not know!
Moreover, it would seem racism only goes in one direction. For the liberal left it is perfectly okay to take a pop at “gammons” and “stupid whiteys” etc; and also seems fine for ethnic minorities to shout racist abuse at perfectly innocent normal white folk. That’s fine, according to the Left, because that’s a different form of racism. It’s a form of “justified” racism, innit?
And finally, those football fans who were caught doing racist chants, it doesn’t necessarily mean they actually support the club! They could quite easily be infiltrators/activists looking to cause trouble, which means they don’t even have to be your typical right-winger, but instead they could be some kind of Marxist agitators with a grudge.
But all of this analysis is quietly brushed under the carpet because it might cause offence. Instead, let’s just go for the usual suspects because they’re easy game!
Nice example of racism at a football match, do they compare?
Nominated by Technocunt
Some people on the Left, especially those who are in the media, television/film and advertising, are trying to slowly erase white people. It used to be subtle, now it’s obvious.
Spot on TMC
Slowly erase ? It’s happening a bit quicker than that.
Nice one Technocunt. As a person growing up in the 60’s I remember an organisation called the RRB Race Relations Board. A place where all races could air their grievance relating to racism etc. All races that is apart fromus whiteys, honkeys or whatever else we were/are referred to as. Quite simply we have been taken to the cleaners by a a bunch of cunts that even now have no idea and will never accept the fact that when said immigrants finally amass they will turn the place into as big a shithole as the fucking dump that they came from. I could go on but I have a rather nice bottle of red and some choice fromage awaiting me here on my holiday isle so fuckemall and long live rimming. Buenos noches.
You have ten parliamentary terms (for all the good they’ll do) in which to correct it, after that it’s game over.
Good to hear Charles Moore laying into the BBC this morning on Radio 4.
And I think the Serbians are pretty much justified. Who deals the drugs in London? Who operate all the car washes to launder the money? who does all the modern day slavery? It’s not the Serbians.
I would question that statement, However the required answer would need to be requested from the Home office and outside our remit.
I was comparing Serbians with Albanians
Not the Hertfordshire rugby club, the country.
As I was saying….
Love the quote from plod
Heard a bloke on a ‘racism in football’ phone-in.
Black bloke, traffic warden, says he gets called a black cunt 30 times a day for £14k and nobody gives a fuck about him.
If players are gonna walk off for being abused he’s gonna do the same.
He clocks on at 09.00am, so should be home by quarter past….
Reminds me of the Parking Pataweyo sketch.
And when Nigeria are playing in the World cup you can park where you like.
The more ethnic and cultural differences are pushed out of sight by the usual suspects, the more they will fester underground. Tell me it’s wrong to be anti – (insert grouping here) -ic and I can always invoke normal human behaviour to confirm that your lot are trying to get the edge on my lot. This pushes me in the direction of my lot, not yours. Wiesenthal Foundation, please copy.
A simple thing in life all need to understand, you can’t be forced to like or welcome something you either don’t like and didn’t ask for, it’s called oppression.
As stated in previous posts I’m not privy to the going’s on of stabby architects or aspiring doctors, I’m sure they are very nice in there own fucking country now fuck off and leave my part of England to the English you fuckin cunts Savie !!!!!!!!
I think it is childish but if you have more or less unlimited immigration you will get more of this I’m afraid. I don’t condone it but controlled immigration might help. Why don’t the footballers just ignore it? By making a song and dance about it and reacting to it every time, your playing into their hands, if you ignore it they’ll soon get bored.
Precisely, Bob. *Tips my invisible hat to you* 🙂
Quite right Bob, unfortunately song and dance is in their blood, it’s one thing they are actually quite good at.
Footballers are cunts; and that’s a fact.
Football is ruining racism for me.
I have sent Paul Pogba some “We’re not racist, but you will always be a cunt” wristbands – wonder if he will be wearing one as he struts his arrogant bone idle arse round the Bernabeau next season?
No to racism ! Ok but first how about no to uncontrolled immigration of some of the world’s scumbags ,no to rape, no to murder,no to theft,no to drug crimes,no to terrorism . Then I’ll think about it.
How ironic that Albanian gangs control much of the drug and people trafficking in this country while pretending to come from Kosovo. These cunts including my piss taking neighbour who owns property and has not one but two council houses should be first on the list for immediate expulsion.
Said it before, and I’ll say it again.
Pay me £200 000 per week for 90 minutes ‘work’ and you can call me whatever you want.
Some people never know how lucky they are. I wish I could have my cake and eat it.
It makes me laugh when the FA or the Premier League get their shit-stained knickers in a twist over some random racist chanting, and yet don’t give a fuck (yet!) when other forms of abuse are shouted either at the referee, the managers or the team as a whole!
So calling the referee a bastard, or chanting “your shit, ahhhhh!” or “Shit on the city”, or “You’re gonna win fuck all!” or “Sterling is a wanker!” etc .. that’s all fine. But as soon as they start chanting something racist or homophobic everyone is offended and the end of the world is nigh!
I suspect the FA and the EPL are more interested in protecting their own product in front of existing and potential markets – especially in untapped markets of India and parts of North Africa!
But as we all know these august bodies are just as hypocritical as some of the fans in that there are not many black faces at or near the top ranks of the FA or EPL.
Moreover these cunts don’t give a fuck about human rights either, especially in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries; neither is it concerned about the rapid spread of sponsorship in the game from gambling organisations.
Just so long as the money keeps rolling in they really don’t give a fuck about anything until something like this rocks their dainty little boat.
One of the most irritating cunts is big untalented crybaby Mario (Why Always Me?) Ballotelli who is always ready to blame “racism” for his lack of skills and childish behavior. He recently threw a tantrum and kicked the ball into the crowd because he said Verona fans were taunting him with “racist” chants.
I would have more sympathy if the same Ballotelli had not threatened to “kill” fans in the Euro 2012 championship held in Ukraine. “If someone throws a banana at me in the street, I will go to jail because I will kill them,” he said.
Can you imagine the uproar if a white player had said anything as inflammatory as this?
It’s cruel to compare Ballotelli with a Monkey, cruel to the monkey that is.!
Racism exists, live with it!
This is yet another libtard elitist delusion, try telling people not to be racist when every day there is something happening to reinforce the general public’s opinion of BAME in our society that they are a fucking menace.
Start locking up the stabby cunts, the 23000 (estimate) of potential terrorists, kick out all the foreign illegals and dump all the drug dealing mafia in the North Sea, then we might see a decline in racism!
What annoys me is the assertion by the Liberal left that all of society’s “ills” can be solved by “education.” Racism? They need education. Terrorism? They need deradicalising. Lack of awareness of immigrants amongst us? They need diversity courses.
This is a blatant misuse of education. Education should never be a political tool used to impose your views on other people.
Fuck off!
…the assertion by the Liberal left that all of society’s “ills” can be solved by “education.”
…when in fact our education system and academia in the widest sense have all along been THE critical directing factor in the ongoing project to de-racinate the UK.
You only have to look at the likes of David Lammy, Flabbott and Daureen Lawrence to realise they too are just as racist as anyone else. But when they spurt out allegations their supporters say it’s a form of justifiable racism.
Is it fuck! You can’t have it both ways. You can’t expect to educate the thickos to clean up their acti while you yourself continue to shovel the shit on the tenuous excuse that is morally justified!
Since forever humans don’t like other humans for any reason at all,very especially humans from a foreign land.
It will never change,dress it up or demonise it,all these cunts should realise we don’t want to live like an advert on TV where everyone is married to a dark key.
If you don’t like people from other countries so fucking what?
What a pile of soft shite.
Football fans !!! we are talking about people with a one dimensional (in the main) take on life, it’s only a bleedin game, well not so much these days more a monstrous incarnation of societys values, driven by avarice minded agents encouraging transfers and churn of players on obscene salaries.
In olden days, when caveman was at home in his cave, when strange and unknown beasts arrived at his cave entrance, he followed his instincts, he didn’t invite them in for a mug of twig tea, he slaughtered them right where they stood, and in this way, he sought to protect himself and his friends and family.
We are predisposed to view with suspicion that which we do not know or recognised.
Ethnic Nationalism is on the rise because our “leaders” have forced literally millions of foreign immigrants on us, which ultimately begin to undermine normal society and everything we loved and fought for.
Don’t give a fuck about football or what happens there. Watched two mins of the video, don’t think I saw any coloured people. Not all Albanians are criminals, but plenty of them are. Albanians have no mandate to be in the UK they are not EU citizens.
I did originally write a much longer post.
Nobody ever asks the question exactly WHY people are racist? Nobody ever addresses where it derives from.
I am inclined to think it is less to do with an actual issue with the colour of someone’s skin and more a case of huge resentment that the needs of ethnics are outrageously pandered to (certainly in the UK it is rampant) whilst white people are feeling more and more surplus to requirements, sidelined and frankly, ignored. After all, how can we possibly be downtrodden or put upon because we are WHITE? I mean, that doesn’t happen to whitey, does it?
It is natural and IMO, totally feasible that this builds huge resentment and an ‘anti’ sentiment. We are not all one big happy melting pot of creeds and colours, no matter what the Left like to think and preach. There are huge divisions and we live in a growing and proliferating ‘them’ and us’ society.
I don’t know or care about football. That shit bores the tits off of me. What i do know is that it is a microcosm of what goes on in the wider world, so of course race is going to rear it’s head there too.
It is nothing new, just stirred up as being something new by the increasingly lunatic and aggressive Left in this country.
They can all fuck off as far as I am concerned.
I’m surprised the trans lobby hasn’t tried to have football banned, because if you identify as a man then you’re figuratively having your balls kicked.
Fuck this shithole country, and may Trump take claim of the ashes.
The cuntitude isn’t just limited to the TV stations I occasionally used to listen to talksport but no more , that utter cunt Jim white is absolutely obsessed with racism, the morning show goes something like this
Jim white “ ah it was a brilliant game last night but before we talk about the football we need to address the matter of racist chanting at last nights game “. 2 hours later after dozens of calls from some intellectually challenged fans you find out that it was a couple of wankers and the rest of the 40,000 crowd were relatively well behaved , I’m not saying that makes it acceptable only that it’s a fucking MINORITY you cunts !! And they should make that clear instead of going on like it’s a massive deep seated problem in our game ……
Same goes for real racists like stormzy and lammy , make absolutely no mistake they don’t like white people which is why they try and paint a picture that the U.K. s white population is inherently racist!!
It’s not and they fucking know it ……
Well said. Morning Q.
Morning RTCP ?♀️??
It won’t be long before white players are the minority in football, let’s see how quickly our complaints fall on deaf ears.!
A sport played by morons for the entertainment of morons who take it all too seriously and get all tribal, it’s basically another form of religion.
Couldn’t give two fucks about footy personally (however would not bemoan or interfere in other cunts enjoying their chosen/favourite sport)
It’s not a question of rascism in footy or anywhere else for that matter. It’s a form of survival instinct. Let me explain:
People/animals are naturally weary of others of the same species as potential adversaries or rivals in terms of food or resources. This ain’t rascism.
Look at the animal kingdom. Two tarantula spiders from the same species won’t be caught sharing the same burrow. Even mating is done on neutral ground. This is due to the spiders instinct to survive by making sure competitors from the same species are attacked/killed or scared away from his territory in order for him to get the best food and hopefully fuck the strongest female spider in order to reproduce his bloodline therefore survive. Mr Tarantula ain’t no rascist.
Same for humans. I am lucky to be born in a rich and stable country with free health care, free education a strong military who will defend my freedoms, free economy where I can buy and sell, make money through employment and enjoy luxuries in life like clean running water, central heating, internet, fast food and electricity. I can travel where I want in my own transportation when I choose. I can vote, marry, drink alcohol, gamble, eat pork and express my views all in freedom if I choose too………
Why on fucking earth would I let a bunch of backward, un-educated, barbaric, third world mainly peaceful worshipping parasite sub-humans get a foot hold in my country and take away my above freedoms and all the advantages that I have for my survival and my children’s future?
It’s not rascism, it’s ensuring that me and my family get to keep all the luxuries and freedoms my grandparents had to go without and defend so I could have them.
I’m not giving them away to some backward peaceful bastard who wants to steal my countries hard earned wealth and subvert my kids just cos some hypocritical Labour tosser like the Magic Grandpa tells me I’m a bad human being for not making sure equality of outcome for all at my expense.
No fucking chance. Ain’t rascism. Call me a selfish cunt. I don’t care.
Its survival instinct that tells me that I’m better off than cunts in Africa and the middle East and the fact they are there and stay there ensures me and my kind survive. Simples
The advantages I was given in life, I will defend. Just like the spider.
Epic post / comment, my thoughts exactly.