John Hannah

My tits are steaming. Exploding in fact. Yet another luvvie who thinks they have a God-given right to pour scorn on the masses and school us in the error of our ways, which actually consists of insulting those of us who voted the Conservatives in and telling us  we are all a bunch of racist scumbags:

This, courtesy of a mediocre (at best) actor who is best known for the now fucking ancient ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’ and nothing of any note since.

He apparently lives in Richmond, SW London which says it all really. The overly privileged residents have ousted Zac Goldsmith (in favour of a Liberal Democrat, whose name I cannot even be arsed to discover, as we all know they are total cunts anyway) Apparently, 71% of these money-buffered idiots voted remain in the 2016 referendum. so they clearly have their noses put out of joint by Brexiteer Goldsmith, so to say that it is no surprise that this venomous, jumped up cockwomble both has a home here and holds the views that he does, comes as no surprise at all. Plus, he is a Jock. But I am sure that has no bearing whatsoever on his political beliefs and any suggestion to the contrary would be a vicious lie.

I am so tired of these tired old accusations being thrown at those of us who dare vote Tory and voted leave. That we are ignorant, bigots, racists and how English patriotism is a dirty term and something that we should not even contemplate, in case we offend others.

I am also tired of people with a lot of money, high profiles (if you can call this cunt, who could not act his way out of a paper bag, ‘high profile) and access to a soap box by virtue of the fact they are in the public eye, patronising the masses like we are all a bunch of idiots who are clearly unable to make informed and intelligent decisions about who we want to see in government, and are solely being driven by our ‘racist’ mentalities. Oh, just fuck of Hannah, you bitter, bile-spewing, salty cunt.

So you didn’t get what you wanted? Tough shit. Deal with it. Bloody drama queen.

Nominated by Nurse Cunty

John Hannah is the totally unforgettable Scottish actor from ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’. The one that played the gay partner of Simon Callow and has been in a few other unforgettable roles. He’s like the boring voiced priest in ‘Father Ted’ – the one no one can follow because they switch off as soon as they hear his boring voice.

He always looked a cunt and he’s confirmed it with the following luvvie tweet following the election –

“This whole Brexit clusterfuck is really about one thing. Immigration! Like it or not, turns out we’re a country of racists and Brexit/EU scepticism is the cover. It’s all about English nationalism. Shameful!”

So Scottish nationalism is ok and all about kilts, tartan and Ballamorie whilst English nationalism is all about racism and immigration. Hannah is a bigot and a fundamentalist Libtard and needs to take a long look at himself.

What a cunt. But, sadly typical of a luvvie.

Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

67 thoughts on “John Hannah

  1. Once again social media gives a voice to someone and it ends up as news.

    At school, the drama class girls and boys were always the lazy, retards. They were shit at proper subjects like maths and science and they were too self important for woodwork or electrical engineering. They would have been dropouts, but low and behold schools created drama class as a way of keeping the schools stats looking good and could give these spastics some qualifications and apparently a vocation.

    This has only achieved making the big headed idiots more self indulgent and more idiotic. Like before, they think they’re better than everyone else; even though in fact they’re the retards who feel working is beneath them.

    Rich arseholes, who do not understand what it’s like to work for a living, live in an area overrun by potential terrorists or have their job become modern day slavery because an Eastern European will do the same work for 50p a day.

    Fuck off John Hannah and your ilk, you’re all cry baby, self obsessed cunts who don’t know what it’s actually like to live in this country.

    • The new LibDem Mp for Richmond is fucking Sarah Olney, she of the pussy whipped husband, a woman of big mouth and small brain who was previously one of the shortest lived constituency MPs. Like Swinson, she believes in being loud, confident and wrong

    • The cunt actually said he describes himself as firstly a LONDONER and secondly a EUROPEAN?
      Somewhat different to how I would describe him
      Firstly a JOCK and secondly a CUNT…….

  2. Even if he was right and it was all about immigration and English Nationalism (which I don’t believe)….so what?

    Perhaps people are sick of hordes of gimmegrants swamping the Country and it’s services and believe that we need an immigration policy which helps those immigrants who will bring something positive while deterring those who bring nothing but crime and dependency.

    Nationalism….again,why shouldn’t people be nationalistic? Perhaps the majority of people are sick of the way that this Country is being dragged down and wish to see a return to the days when one was proud to call oneself English.

    Hannah and his ilk should realise that their trendy London dinner-party set are not the authentic voice of this Country.

    Fuck him.

    • Well said sir. So what indeed – everyone is so sick of these “accusations” we no longer care. He’s loaded so he can fuck off to any country of his choosing if he doesn’t like it here. I always thought he was a cunt after watching that pile of wank “Sliding Doors”. Fuck me – what a load of old shite that was.

      • People like Hannah just can’t get over the fact that we live in a democracy where EVERYONE’S vote counts equally. I find some people’s views distasteful but that doesn’t mean that I believe them to be “wrong”……people vote for what they believe is the best course of action for them,their family and their Country.
        Insulting and belittling people is unlikely to change their view to your view…particularly if you live in an Ivory Tower.


      • Oh that reminds me, anyone remember ‘seamonkeys’?
        Advertised in comics?
        This them?

      • Too right mate!! My brother-in-law used to deliver rolls of printing paper when I was little, often came back with stacks of free US comics, loved ’em! (Never became a full-on geek type though, fanny soon replaced them as a hobby). Ads in the back were ace, Sea Monkeys – South Park did a good episode on them where Cartman ordered some on the basis of the pictures of them frolicing in the sea, went mental when they turned out to be little brine shrimp! All those X-ray specs and stuff as well

      • Yeah loved those ads!!
        7ft Frankenstein monster?
        Dad!! I know what i want for Christmas!?
        Got few early 70s comics with those ads from when i was a kid, planet of the apes,Ghost Rider, Dracula lives, werewolf by night, probably worth few quid now?
        (Werewolfs name was Jack Russell!?)

      • “Praise-Emmanuel”?? Fuck me, better change that to Praise-Jesus quick as that’s what they’ll be doing right about now

  3. Never heard of this fuckwit but he can fuck off anyway. I am amazed at how all these rich cunts are suddenly so worried about us poor cunts………I genuinely don’t know why they suddenly give a flying fuck.
    I note this haggis bashing wanker is crying about “English Nationalism.” I would ask what his opinion is of Scottish nationalism but I think I already know.

  4. If like to trap the cunts cock and balls in my car door. And drive to Scotchland to drop the cunt off.

    • Up on your tippy toes, come on ducky darlings, youll never play CATS in the west end at this rate!
      Johns a bad loser isnt he?
      Seems a lot of these fuckers are,
      Spoilt you see!
      Sat wearing sunglasses with yer cashmere jumper round your sboulders drinking £30 coffees in some posh london cafe seems to give them a deep understanding of socio-political affairs,
      Why the fuck would we care what he thinks?
      Go work on a fishing trawler in North sea John they voted racist, 2 week at sea, your hands cracked and bleeding might change your mind?
      A cherub haired, never the leading man, out of touch, quick to call ‘racist’
      EU loving board treader…suck my plums you fuckin commie traitor.

  5. Good morning

    It seems this cunt thinks there are 2 types of nationalism English Nationalism = Racist Twats
    Scottish Nationalism = Gooyold Braveheart types
    I am in Teddington just down the road from Richmond for Christmas. You don’t realise how poor you are until you have looked in the window of the local estate agent. The place is full of BMW’sand Audis . The disconnect between those living here and us country bumpkins as my niece refers to anyone outside the M25 is incredible.
    I am already boycotting BBC drama so I suggest we boycott this cunt’s films as well.

    • The wealth of South West London always amazes me on the few occasions I have to venture to the shit-hole. It’s bad enough where I am in Essex/London border, but that part of London is another matter. Where the fuck does the money come from, and why can’t I get a job in the same thing? Having relatives in Newcastle, I’ve always said that the UK is two countries – London, then everywhere else. Mind you, I don’t recognise London now as the place of my youth.

      You fucked it up Blair you cunt.

  6. Nationalism is treated with misty eyed respect by the beeb all over the world but especially in Ireland Scotland and Wales. If we’re so bad how come its so easy to mouth off about us like this cunt Hannah. Would we get away with it in say, Glasgow.
    Just another posing lefty proving his credentials to other luvvies.
    Hope the steaming tits improve, Nurse.

  7. Can honestly say I’m rather blessed, live not to far away from the Fiddler shire up in remote Northumberland, don’t see many dark keys of letter boxes in this part of the world. Even some cunt from another village is looked at with suspicion so a gimigrant wouldn’t last 5 minutes the cunts can stay in the fucking Midlands were they have been made to feel welcome by the dopey fuckin indigenous folk.

    • I’m from the midlands but live in a village so we get away with most of the enrichment but go six miles either way into our local city or town they’ve become absolutely swamped.
      However i can confirm we’re dopey cunts.

    • Went to a wedding recently in Handsworth (they married there for family reasons). What a shit-hole of dark keys and paksters. However, the indigenous folk at the wedding were lovely. The reception was in Sutton Coldfield, which was more pleasant than Handsworth. Beer was cheap and folk were so friendly.

      • Some poll a few years ago claimed brummies were the friendliest people in the UK.
        Can beleive it, whenever ive worked there they seem level headed, down to earth types.

      • I have lived in and around Brum for a few decades, and can say that they’re a decent bunch of folk despite having to put up with quite possibly the worst accent in the country.

        But by and large the indigenous people there are very down to earth and just get on with their lives without telling others how to live theirs! (ie. Londoninstab)

  8. I’ve recently had to endure that fucking Spartacus TV series (the one that actually managed to make extreme violence and nudity tiresome) and this prick was front and centre of the whole shitshow before being thankfully killed off (sadly not for real).
    He was a cunt in the Brendan Fraser Mummy films too.
    Fuck off to Hollywood and stay there. Cunt…

    • I quite enjoyed Spartacus: Blood & Sand, not least because it starred the late Andy Whitfield in the lead role, but who died of cancer shortly after completing the show. It was his first major TV break, and he could have gone onto bigger things, but alas cancer took him.

      The show also starred John Hannah, who couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag; but also starred Lucy Lawless, a definite MILF I would love to rape and pillage.

  9. Hannah throws his toys (most of them anal) out of the pram in a fit of tantrums and dedums at yet another failure for democracy to work the way he wants!

    He hasn’t got a fucking clue about why the majority of voters went for the Tories/Brexit. As in most facets of life there will always be a small minority of genuine racist/Far Right twats. But Hannah and his other luvvies prefer to tar everyone with the same brush while making sweeping generalisations that we’re all fucking racists!

    Nationalism seems to be okay in Scotland and Wales; but OMG it certainly isn’t allowed in England according to the Islington Mob.

    And in anycase if he wants Scottish nationalism why doesn’t he fuck off back to Scotland and look for some acting jobs up there, rather than touting his limited wares down here in England.

    When the shoes fits, eh John?

  10. A mediocre actor, at best, but a useless, has-been, Scottish luvvie cunt as far as I am concerned.

    This ‘gifted’ prick was a weak supporting actor in FWAAF, an irritating arsehole in the Mummy and that’s about all this skidmark was barely notable for as far as I am concerned.

    If England is such a nasty place then you are welcome to piss off back to your beloved Jockland, where you have publicly voiced your support for independence, along with that other irtitating, talentless streak of Highland Piss, David Tenant.

    But you won’t, will you? The opportunities for you up there are few and far between, so continue to ensconce yourself here and bad mouth the very country that has made your fame and fortune possible.

    This onion-headed, bastard love-child of Ronnie Corbett and a chipmunk can continue to piss his pants about Brexit and one can only hope that he will eventually fuck off back to Jockland and further into obscurity than he is already.

    Piss off.

  11. This is out of my depth so my post probably sways a bit off topic, but I certainly relate to the sentiment. Anybody who has an honest go, without recourse to an undignified outstretched palm coupled with an attitude of *you owe me*, is increasingly seen as the problem over here. I returned home from a two day getaway late Thursday night [actually early Friday morn]. The cunt plane was delayed which made arrival an hour-and-a-half late. And three trains home meant crossing the threshold of El Rancho Cuntdee occurred well after midnight. A couple of hours kip then up at 04:00hrs to start work. Two days that I spent with my old mum, which went far too fast, and which I had to work extra hard prior to just to arrange. Plus pay a few cunts extra to ensure my little circus keeps rolling. Christ know when I’ll get another break – from my seven-day-working-week. Not grizzling mind … quietly pleased that at 62yo I am capable of it. But I see these straight-off-the-boat [or plane] bludgers all the time. They look healthy, young, strong, and also capable of contributing. Do they? The fuck they do! Yet, in order to make themselves look like really good people, wealthy parasites, who for some unfathomable reason [or excuse] had the riches of avarice thrown at them, seem to think it is their civic duty to remind us riff-raff how guilty we ought to feel about funding bone lazy ne’er-do-wells. Straight-off-the-boat [or plane], and straight into a housing situation paid for by the Commonwealth. The same goes for their fortnightly monetary disbursements. Most of the uncivilised bastards can’t even take a shit in a decent way.

  12. Everybody hates the English because they p*nce off us, ride on our coat tails and they feel humiliated because of it. So they slag us off, call us all the cunts under the sun but don’t expect them to fuck off back where they came from. Oh no, that won’t happen as long as we are feeding these freeloading whinging arseholes. Any cunt who thinks I am going to apologise for being English can suck my cock, kiss my arse and fuck off while they’re doing it.

    • Well said Fred!
      Yes bite the hand that feeds,
      “Help me in hungry”
      “Here you go”
      “That rich patronising bastard only gave me £3”
      Thats the attitude they have.
      Id never dream of apologizing for being English, our empire, colonialism,
      Or shooting them to fuck in yesteryear.
      Proud of it!!

  13. I’m not sure there’s any need to get so upset by comments from the likes of this caber-tossing cunt any more.

    Despite all their increasingly desperate whinging, Remainers lost – enjoy their tears !

    • Absolutely!

      As that bog trotting arse bandit Oscar Wilde once said. You should always forgive your enemies became nothing annoys them more.

      What these nomarks want is anger and abuse (on twatter) so they can be all hurt and have their cuntish prejudices confirmed.

      Just ignore them. Cunts like this are not even worthy of a raised eyebrow from any decent and civilised Englishman.

      Haven’t heard from that other whining, porridge wog gobshite for a while.

      Apologies cunters, need to narrow it down a bit – that tennis baboon.

  14. It’s a pity London can’t go independent from the rest of the country!

    Clearly it it living on a totally different planet, and is a clear example of the tail wagging the dog.

    Build a wall round the M25 and let the capital become firmly attached to the EU, if that’s what it wants. But all of those Islington types can stay the fuck out of the rest of the country.

  15. What an epic Cunt.

    Remoaning asshole needs to fuck off to Malmö or Osterbeek or many other ‘Enriched’ European cities to see how the EU policies are really working out for the respective indigenous people.

    Hopefully when’s he’s there an over zealous ‘peaceful’ shows him what the wrong end of a scimitar looks like.

    Utter cunt.

  16. John Hannah, the new face of Stannah.

    “For stairlifts, call Stannah, and if you ask for John Hannah, you get a discount and a free spanner”.

  17. Cunt whose voice is used in “EU.s European Co-operative Advertising Campaign” funded of course as an EU initiative by the clever cunts of Brussels in a pan European Campaign costing millions from the purse of member Nations….A nice little earner. As an actor…… …? As a cunt ? Definitely !
    Twats like this who think that they are so superior make me puke. Fucking well deserved cunting Nursey !

  18. I’ve never knowingly watched this cunt in anything yet seem to know him. Apparently he was fucking shit as Rebus, hardly a surprise as the books scream for a Ken Stott type actor.
    Lots of bad losers around.

  19. Problem stems from perception I think. No doubt to Mr Hannah “Och ah”ll gee back tay Shcottland yee see if ah don’t” sees immigrants as the stunning (male) Swedish au pair he would love to fuck, or the barista that puts a nice heart shape on top of his £8 soy latte; where’s the problem?
    I’ll wager that Mr Hannah has never seen the joy of a fresh, steaming human jobbie surrounded by empty Tilskie cans in the kid’s sandpit in the park; or a permanent slick of TB-riddled phlegm carpeting the ground, as though a monstrous atomic mutant East Euro super-snail has slithered up the path to the dole office; or seen the murder rate in their small town go from about 3 in the last century to high double figures in the last 5 years?

  20. If it was up to effete shite like this the UK would completely collapse under the strain of the world’s dregs migrating here.
    Of course this cunt would simply fuck off to another country if he was confronted will brown realities.
    A traitor,break him on the wheel.
    Get fucked.

  21. A few years ago my brother turned 40 and the bastard thought what a good idea if we went to the Edinburgh festival for a piss up with a few of the lads to watch some leftie twat comedians. Needless to say I didn’t require a needle and thread all weekend . We did however spot omniscient cunt John Hannah’s “boyfriend” Simon Callow walking down the street and as I had been slicing the main brace for several hours I felt compelled to shout muck dick !

  22. I get bored with all these cunts talking about English Nationalism, we have the Welsh and Scottish nationalists, England is a nation so why can’t we be nationalists, why is it racist to be nationalist.
    I am racist but it isn’t because of nationalism, it’s because of what we see day after day and is highlighted on this site on a regular basis.
    So fuck of John Hannah and don’t assume you know what people actually think.


  23. With his blatant attack on the English, he is the one coming across as racist. It’s also bollocks. Here in Wales we voted 54% leave, and nationalism is virtually nonexistent. Plaid are a protest/joke vote, largely ignored in Wales, and even avoided by the SNP as they know they have no support, and interest in Welsh independence is so low, nobody can even be bothered to carry out a survey. The fucking beeb find a few thickos and amplify their opinions, but it has no bearing on reality.
    There was this Scottish R&D guy who used to visit my old plant, to work on new products, and he had no time for the staff, he was far too important. Then, one day we were working with another chap, a quiet gentle English bloke who I had a lot of time for. Suddenly, this jock cunt thought we were best mates, us celts against the dreaded English. I told him to go buy a map, to see how far away from Scotland he was living(Basingstoke), and use said map to fuck off ‘home’. It’s a feature of these nationalist cunts, be it the Scottish or the Irish, they hate the English, but choose to live amongst them. It seems Hannah is one of them. A cunt.

  24. John Hannah is a third-rate factor & a first class fucking turd.

    Let the SNP have their way, rebuild Harridan’s Wall, then pipe the peacefuls, the ‘keys, & all the other non-contributing dross over the fucking border. See how their multicultural stance copes with that, especially without Westminster cash to run the whisky swilling shit-hole.

    BTW, the results are just in from Culloden:
    Scotland – nil
    Duke of Cumberland – millions of the drunken cunts

  25. If cunts like Hannah, Allen, Coogan (the list is long) want to call me a racist, that is fine by me.
    I know though that when I wake up in the mornings I am not a lefty, liberal motherfucking snowflake.

  26. That’s all we need, another bitter and twisted fucking Scot with chips on both shoulders moaning about the English. Listen, you hypocritical fucking racist cunt, if you hate England so much why don’t you fuck off back to your shithole homeland? As others have said, why is Scottish nationalism OK but English nationalism isn’t? This braindead fucker should ensure his only braincell is in full working order before he trots out offensive bollocks like this in future. I know we live in a touchy-feely world where some people get upset if someone dares to even look in their direction but I actually do find remarks like his offensive and they make we very, very angry. I have no idea why cunts like him don’t get done for hate speech because that is precisely what it is. It seems that any cunt and his dog can say what they like about England with impunity and I am utterly fucking sick to death of it.

  27. Just another moaning, hypocritical luvvy prick who’s spat his dummy out.
    What was that John? (yawn).
    A superb and much warranted double kicking, Nurse and MM.

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