A “You’re fired” cunting for former Apprentice wannabee, Joanna Jarjue. No, me neither.
Apparently, this Immigrant has had an on air row with Piers Morgan about the anthem ‘Rule Brittania’, which she thinks should be banned because it reminds her of slavery! …… Boo fucking hoo.
This Cunt is 25 years old, came from The Gambia, and is now laying down the law like the entitled, snowflake bitch she is. I suppose she’d prefer it if we all went around singing negro spirituals, or suchlike. If you don’t fucking like it, then fuck off back to where you came from. There is nothing for you here, and as far as I’m concerned, you’re not fucking wanted.
If she must say anything about slavery, then she could mention the fact that the Royal Navy was at the forefront of the drive to stamp out the slave trade, but of course she won’t, because whitey is bad.
‘Hearts of oak are our ships,
Hearts of oak are our men:
We always are ready;
Steady, boys, steady;
We’ll fight and we’ll conquer again and again’
She probably doesn’t like that either, if she’s ever heard it.
Get To Fuck.
Nominated by Jack The Cunter
I’ve no idea who this is either, she’s a cunt anyway. I looked her up, apparently she thinks over 70s shouldn’t be allowed to vote as they are out of touch. Fuck me with a bog brush, the temerity of these fucking imports is staggering to behold. Fuck off back the Africa and change things there love. Shit fucking scared to spout bollocks in her home land I bet. Dozy, ugly bitch. I despise you with every molecule in my body.
Presumably she’s another brain dead cunt who believes that cunts with no experience of real life should be the only ones allowed to vote.
It terrifies me to think of the sort of nonsense I would have voted for as a 16 year old.
Fancy going on a date Miss Jarjue ? I’ve got two tickets to the last night of the proms.
Never heard of her, but my tongue would love to be attached to her arsehole!
over and out
So ms jujus come over from the Gambia for a better life, and now shes telling us where weve gone wrong?
Nothing like gratitude is there?
Dont like it? Pack your tyre swing an bananas an fuck off home!
Gambias that way!?
Yeah, normally I can’t stand egg and spoons, but I’d rim that senseless the cunt.
There should be more exposure of the Atlantic slave trade.
How slavery was endemic in Africa.
How an African chief hit on the idea of selling slaves to the Portuguese in what is now the Congo in the early 1500s
How Africans waged bloody wars to supply slaves. This included what is now the Gambia.
It could also be pointed out that slavery still exists in Islam, possibly in Gambia as this is an Islamic country.
Yeah, but all you’d get from the libtard deniers is a lot of white noise and “blah blah blah, but that’s not the point!” And then they’ll make a determined effort to wipe that piece of glaring piece of “doesn’t fit our agenda” history under the carpet and out of any text books.
MR Thorne please check the sites terms and conditions before you write your next comment
all the best Admin.
And how Sierra Leone was set up as a safe haven for freed slaves. What a shit hole that is now.
And why the Americas had to import Asian labour (Chinese) because freed black slaves wouldn’t work for money.
As far as slavery goes, we were the good guys. We spent most of the 1800s patrolling the seven seas at huge cost stamping it out. We seem to get no thanks for that. Plus, when we freed the slaves we bought them from their owners. This was so costly we took on a huge loan which was not finally paid off until – get this- 2015! Ungrateful bastards.
And now Comrade Compo wants us to make slavery reparations and a academic programme of whitey bashing British Empire guilt tripping.
Hate the U.K.? Don’t like living here? Can’t stand the attitude of the indigenous people? There are nearly 200 other countries that you can go to live.
And most, if not all, of them wouldn’t want this bitch either.
We should have a new slogan at at U.K. entry points- FIT IN OR FUCK OFF!
Remind the slag that the majority, if not all of the Gambian fire services vehicles and uniforms came from Great Britain. That racist country. It would be called Amazing Britain but there’s too many cunts bringing the average down.
Donated, I should have added. Racist cunts, aren’t we, eh?
That’s not even including Foreign Aid, I think five or six of the top ten recipients are from Africa. There is also the annual Comic Relief begging bowl circus and appeals for their various famines/droughts/disease outbreaks and civil wars.
In London last weekend, I walk past the Tanzanian embassy where a BMW 7 series was parked outside. Remember when Blue Peter begged us to help those poor sods?
I wonder if Jarjue wouldn’t mind lezzing up Gina Miller with a bit of 69 tuppence flicking?
And since when have dark keys had straight hair? Is this a case of cultural misappropriation?
And how come she’s wearing the white woman’s dress? Should be in a grass skirt.
Would definitely give her one though, no holes barred.
The horn, RTC?
Afternoon Cuntstable. I’m currently getting the horn watching a Tory making a cunt of himself on Politics Live.
It was good fun today, they were all looking like cunts, Jonathan Ashworth didn’t just shoot himself in the foot he used a fucking machine gun.
Too right Sick. Ashworth caught briefing against Corbyn was hilarious!
If you paint the hand brown in the nom photo, it looks as though she’s about to caress Piers’ cheek.
We’ll said. So sick of this slavery argument.
Slavery is nothing new, but to hear it told its just black africans who suffered it,
Their just the cunts still crying about it.
Its always been around!
The Romans took slaves from all over the world!
The Egyptians used slave labour ti build the pyramids.
The vikings took us english as slaves, to god knows where.
Its not a ‘black’ thing.
Jews have been slaves, chinky have,
White europeans etc
Fuck me, stop crying you mard bastards its over, go wash your face an finish your little weep.
Dont answer back to ‘master’ or youll feel the whip!?
Why is it that Snowflakes are profoundly ignorant of history? Rule Britannia has nothing to do with slavery and the UK and Royal Navy we’re profoundly instrumental in stamping it out. We need to teach history in schools again – proper history and not Libtard revisionist history.
In the meantime ethnic cunts like this either need to respect and appreciate their country or fuck off back to the jungle.
Uppity tart.
Far too many young people today(not just Dark Keys) are “offended” by trivialities and the trouble is that they are able to express their “outrage” through social media. Now,I enjoy a good moan and I find a huge amount of things offensive to my sensibilities(just about every aspect of modern life,if I’m honest) but my upset doesn’t count..indeed if I were to go on telly and start listing my grievances I’d be dragged out and arrested before I’d even got warmed up.
Let Miss Juju moan…hopefully she’ll stray onto this site’s back-catalogue of thoughts on uppity Dark-keys,pack her bags and Fuck Off to somewhere she feels more comfortable…is that old bag Diane Fossey still snooping on gorillas in Rwanda? That might be ideal..she can even take her tyre swing with her.
Fuck Off.
I do believe my dear mr Fiddler that ms fossey was hacked to death by machete on the 26th of december 1985 in the volcano national parks, rwanda, daft cunt that she was.
Serves her right….peeping on Serena Williams’ extended family all the time. I’d have hacked the old bag too if she’d followed me around for months filming every time I had a shit or a bunk-up.
Just another uppity n*gger.
Piers Morgan is a cunt of the first water but you do have to admire his restraint. I should imagine the thought crossed his mind multiple times.
Have to say though, for a jungle .bunny not bad looking at all. Obvious that the old slave massa was in there somewhere along the line.
Maybe Piers should have asked her if she had her roots done.
I actually think Piers Morgan could make a useful contribution to this site. Unless he’s already here hiding under a nom de plume.
“Stand Fast” fuck these cunts.
Boris Johnson is an absolute cunt and your going to vote for him as Prime Minsiter, I know the alternative is pretty awful but that’s your fucking problem, I know this site is full of racist fascist cunts but it doesn’t mean you have to vote for an imbred toff who doesn’t know how many kids he has………makes Price Andrew look like a fucking choir boy…………so I guess what im trying to say is most of you are the real c unts in here
And after that tirade I think I will just put you out to pasture, Nice website you have Coner Thorne.
Hi Coner!
Hope your well, im having a kkk party this weekend if you fancy it?
Dress code- either yer mums sheets
Or blacked up!
Itll be amazeballs!
Bring a friend!
I can confirm that most cunters on here are most tolerant…I’m the resident mixed race cunt and they all love me…so much so that they all offered me some money to stay in Jamaica when I was there the other day.
I was truly happy with my friends on ISAC’s generosity, I would have stayed but I had to get back to sign on.
Afternoon B WC, Coner the picture framer called us racists!
None more tolerant than us!
Ok the gays get teased.
Ok black people get stick.
Even heavily bearded northerners!
But no matter what id rather be black, gay or a tranny,
Than a fuckin irish picture framer!!!
Are you saying you’re a gay, black tranny? With a beard?
Not quite moggie.
But rather that than a irish pictureframer.
Hey Coner, frame this ?
Maybe there is a special place on the wall in his bog for that half-breed shit stabber, Leo Varadkar. Salutes him every morning when pinching off a brown loaf.
B&w c i have much respect to ya /dont have no doubt bob talking to ya seen good!
Nice one, admin!
Most of us here are indeed bitter and twisted old cunts, but at least we’re not total brain-dead cunts like Con McCunty cunt.
Thanks for your input, such as it was. Go vote for either the jew hater or the anti-democratic democrat tart.
Merry Christmas
The cunt is Irish so no vote and hopefully fucked after Brexit.
Oi heerr your a raaaaaaaccist noo farder!
I would imagine there’ll be some tariffs coming the way of this Irish site post brexit!
I would think Conor, if you construct your frames with the same care you do with the sentences on your site, then the demand for refunds must be high.
We don’t need annie Irish racist comments here.
Is nowhere safe? I don’t believe you are welcome here you little prick. Fuck off back to your Jeremy Corbyn wank mag whilst shoving the koran up your Gary you trot pinko cunt.
Earl! Enough!
You cant talk to Bertie Blunt like that!
I thought the comment was quite affectionate Miserable!
You’ve called me worse.
I nearly apologised but then I’d be no better than than bog trotter Coner, and Bertie’s got broad shoulders?
Tell you what Earl C, cant understand why Coner though this was the site for him?
Hes obviously easily triggered, an slightly unstable,
This sites for MEN coner not loons!
So don’t have a paddy!?
There seems to be the odd one or two now and then Mis, sometimes just shit stirring or will post a provoking nom and admin lets it through. Never hang about though, the IsAC cunters rise as one!
I love it when they kick off LL!
When one slips through and spits the dummy!
Nothing amuses me more!
Indignation and outrage is funny.
Fucking hell, someone’s got a bit of a hissy fit going.
But nice to know we are having an effect on a wider audience.
Loved your company.
Don’t think I’ll buy it, though.
Now, I’m no economist, but only Magic Grandad would construe those figures as a successful company.
Mr Thorne,
Thank you for your opinion of this site and my country.
I am wondering if you have ever read animal farm? I am affraid that your grand 100 years of Independence follows the same script, (I suggest you read it).
To me your country is an exporter of trouble and animal cruelty, I say this with some authority as I am involved in animal rescue from your beloved isle and have two (Rescued) hounds with Irish passports Further to this I also have issues with your brethren who choose to come here as “Travelers” and steel.
I look forward to Brexit and sincearly hope to repatriate your country men to you each time they break the law, (on this point I should guess that you are quite poor and have nothing worth nicking hence the influx of your criminals).
Now I think you called us racist? and Fascist? I am thinking this is because we are fed up with digging in to our pockets to shell out for a bunch of lazy arse drunks like yourself and your sold down the river piece of rock.
You did well as a nation to throw off the yolk of oppression and then put a new one on and bankrupt yourselves (well done that takes some doing).
So I wish you all the best with your business and the future when the cash cow leaves the EU.
Lots of love
Con remove your tongue from Corbyns arse you buffoon.
God fuck Ireland !!
Get To Fuck.
Conor do you have tofu dildos for Corbyn’s arsehole you snowflake cunt?
Who the fuck is this bitch anyway? She’s been on the telly for 5 minutes, on some half arsed reality show , and suddenly we’re all supposed to listen to the pearls of wisdom dropping from her stupid, uninformed, uneducated mouth? Fuck off with that shit. In fact fuck off back to bongo bongo land and fucking stay there.
Old camp ladies sing this song doo dah doo dah, who give a fuck what this tart wants, does, thinks and says, if its so bad fuck off back to Gambia for a 20 mile walk to the well, power cuts, rapes and food that needs to be cooked properly and best of all no benefits and NHS, if you dont like it fuck off and take your sponging relatives with you so you can complain about songs there and see where that gets you, fucking hell its bad enough we have to tolerate these cunts let alone take crap from them, these cunts make me sick, next she,ll be having a go about fucking Grendfall fawlty towers .
Only need to go fuckinh notting hill for that.
It amazes me how these fuckers all want to come and reside in the UK, but when they do, they are not happy with one thing or another and seek to change it.
Why come here in the first place then, you utter cunt?
Oh yes. That will be because you want to reap all of it’s benefits (usually LITERAL benefits) and see it as the land of milk and honey for your grabbing arse, coming from the shithole you came from, but then you get a little too comfortable, think you own the fucking place and can change centuries of tradition.
Bleating on about “racism” when the most racist of the lot these days are blacks themselves.
The cunt is from Gambia so why the fuck is she whining abaaaht slavery it should be the west Indians/Caribbeans like half my family who have the right to whinge.
I believe slaves were taken by whitey but also a lot were sold or captured and traded by Africans (I don’t have an opinion on the ratio so fuck off with any stats) so there is a good chance her ancestors could have sold my ancestors so she can fuck off.
I’m tired of hearing abaaaht slavery and other horrors from history. Stopping a few songs or taking down some statues won’t change history.
It’s 2019 for God’s sake and if it wasn’t for slavery I wouldn’t be here to tell you to go fuck yourselves.
So go fuck yourselves.
A good chance some of my whitey ancestors were slave owners…no wonder I’m so fucked up.
Piss off.
I’d stick my tongue up her arsehole though, I ain’t had some black meat since I was in Jamaica a couple months back.
Sheer poetry B&W cunt. Have you thought of entering the Turner prize (as opposed to an arsehole)? They would be obliged to let you win it. Along with a bunch of woke cunts.
Abaaaht time I used my dual heritage to my advantage CC, I could make a statue of me tonguing a white lady whilst she writes me a windrush compo cheque…with the intended message of unity, races coming together and me getting some more money.
I’d win it easy.
I think you’ll find I had first dibs on sticking tongues up her arsehole.
you’ll just have to wait… and wait…. and wait
I fear for you Technocunt…you have become infected with the debauchery.
When you are aaaaht and abaaaht and find yourself staring at ladies with nice arses and think to yourself ‘I’d stick my tongue up that arsehole’ that’s when you need to get help.
Well I blame you for my affliction, Black.
When I found this site a few months ago I could not help but notice your cravings for ladies’ arseholes, and I have been addicted ever since.
You are Neo: you are the One!
You’ll have to join Black and White for confession on Sunday!
Afternoon Blunty, I reckon the priest would be very familiar with arseholes.
Evening LL. I’m saying nahhfink.
I know I am the one Technocunt…it is my destiny to lead you all towards the pleasure of the woman’s arsehole. I am going to construct a massive place of arsehole worship…the doors will resemble a tight bumhole.
I have finally found my calling in life.
Sounds a bit tongue in cheek to me.
To be honest I feel like B&W C has corrupted my innocent mind with his depraved antics.
I found myself in the gym the other night, staring at a
gorgeous young woman’s pert posterior and thought “Would I?……yeah course I would”.
Prior to this I used to be a gentleman.
I remember those days when I was having those thoughts Harold and then it happened and I haven’t stopped since…not a bad pastime.
You don’t go all Incredible Hulk and your tongue turns green B&W? Maybe just close your eyes and repeat “Ann Widdecombe” three times to supress the urges.
I tried thinking of Teresa May but that didn’t stop me… maybe Ann Widdecombe would.
I went to the Gambia a few times. I am pretty sure we built the airport and infrastructure. Europeans certainly built the hotels which provide their main source of income.
I have first hand knowledge of their corrupt police and customs officers.
Gambians seemed to get along with begging and petty thieving although it wasn’t as savagely dangerous as the average African shithole. Seemed to be popular with shirtlifting sex tourists.
As is the norm it is corrupt and unequal. As it was before whitey ever got there.
Are you sure that was Gambia? Could be pretty well anywhere in in Londonistan.
I’d rather they stopped playing that God-awful ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’ single. We can perhaps start looking into what, if anything we owe for the slave trade once they’ve paid us the money back from the proceeds raised from that Bob Geldof led shite… Would be interesting to know where that money went, and something tells me it wouldn’t all go the the starving kids…
Gold plated AK 47s and a fleet of bullet proof limos for the regime almost definitely
I’d rather they stopped playing that God-awful ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’ single. We can perhaps start looking into what, if anything we owe for the slave trade once they’ve paid us the money back from the proceeds raised from that Bob Geldof led shite… Would be interesting to know where that money went, and something tells me it wouldn’t all go the the starving kids….
Sound like yet another lairy entitled Um Bongo drinking cunt. From that photo though, I’d certainly fucking give her one, but not before taping up her mouth and tying her wrists together (in case she tried to steal my wallet).
I still haven’t forgiven the Roman Empire for occupying and enslaving Britain. Cunts.
What did the Romans ever do for us?
Not just the Romans, but the Vikings, Normans and Saxons
Gambian National Anthem:
For The Gambia, our homeland,
We strive and work and pray,
That all may live in unity,
Freedom and peace each day.
Let justice guide our actions
Towards the common good,
And join our diverse peoples
To prove man’s brotherhood.
We pledge our firm allegiance,
Our promise we renew;
Keep us, great God of nations,
To The Gambia ever true.”
Words written by the wife, Virginia, of Jeremy Howe, a British colonial administratorwho set them to a traditional tune.
Who gives a fuck what she thinks?
Just more garbage that needs sweeping away.
I don’t know of any other fucking country in the world that would put up with foreigners going to live there and then proceeding to run their new place down and moaning about their heritage and customs. I am totally and utterly fucking sick to death of it and why the fuck does no-one say to them if you don’t like it fuck off back to your own country. I suppose everyone’s scared to death of being labelled a racist but isn’t this fucking thick-as-arseholes cunt being exactly that? What’s the fucking difference, for fuck’s sake?
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag ?
Then fuck off,fuck fuck off,fuck off. ?
We have enough Dark Keys with attitude why do We have to import them? ?
I blame ITV for having this cunt on the TV in the first place.
I think this nice young lady could use her time better by preaching to her kin folk in deepest darkest Londonistan to stop them stabbing the fuck out of each other.
She was rubbish on the show too, couldn’t manage a fried egg on toast let alone organise a team.
I was glad to see the back of her, not because of her race or colour but because she was crap.
Are you being a bit Crapist? Admin ban him…???
Give me Lottie Lion any day….dominatrix style.