Irresponsible Hill Walkers

I would very much like to nominate irresponsible hill/mountain walkers.

After recently moving to the Lake District a week doesn’t go by without reading of some party of twats ending up getting lost on mountains that surround the Lake District.

Usually these fucking clowns are tourists wearing the most basic hill-walking footwear; they don’t bother with proper boots or thick clothing or hi-viz jackets, torches or even a flask of fucking tea! Instead they just stroll up a mountain just because its a nice clear day at ground level. They don’t bother with the weather forecast, and they assume they will get a good signal for their phones.

But as soon as they get to the top they realise how quickly the weather can change; low level cloud suddenly appears and the next minute you’re walking around in thick fog and totally disorientated. Moreover, temperatures can drop in minutes from being suitably warm to unbearably cold.

So typically the mountain rescue services are called out to find these fuckers, risking life and limb for their troubles. Admittedly some of these twats are humbled and grateful. But what really grates are those cunts who, once back home safe and sound, start playing the blame-game on social media; even to the point of criticising the rescue service for being so slow finding them!

This doesn’t just apply to hill and mountain climbers, but twats who fuck about on rivers, lakes and seas; who end up getting into difficulty and expect to be rescued.

Irresponsible selfish thick cunts should just freeze to fucking death, the cunts!

Nominated by Technocunt

48 thoughts on “Irresponsible Hill Walkers

    • I remember a while back reading about one rescuer’s experiences. They went to the aid of a group who had a girl with them and she was wearing flip-flops. Some of these people deserve to be left where they are.

      • Im a hill walker, rambler, occasional wild camper.
        Some right daft fuckers out there.
        Not the majority by any means.
        Weather can change,
        Aways have the right gear with you, probably wont need it, but when you do? ..could save your life. And stop others risking theirs.
        I once raced a incoming storm cloud down from Kinder scout, and as i got to the village at the bottom it snowed that hard that transport stopped.
        Id of had a very hard night if hadnt turned back.

      • Occasional wild camper? I’ll never pitch my tent near you, MNC. Never get any sleep with noisy bastards like you around.

      • Yeah ‘Born to be wild’ me S.F!
        Nothing better than being miles from anyone else sat round a fire with my hip flask for company, looking at the stars. Love it!
        Never stayed on a proper paying campsite, just found my own.
        Fiddler welcomes campers, bit of company for him!
        Great spot, he likes the gates left open in case of any caravans turning up, just tell him i sent you, and ask for a full english for the morning!??

      • I used to do a lot of climbing in my late 20’s MNC.

        I’m only 40 mins from the Lakes so it was always the go to place.

        My favourite climb was Dow Cragg just behind The old Man of Coniston.

        The stuff we did was fairly extreme and did come with its risks but we always always took the local weather forecasts which were available from the local Post Office.

        You could turn up and the day would be as good as it gets but if the forecast said fog and rain coming in at 2pm, fog and rain DID come in at 2pm.

        So you planned accordingly.

        As we climbed on ropes we avoided the dick heads but would often encounter them on the way down on the climbers paths and I lost count of the amount of cretins wearing T shirts and ‘performance’ footwear I couldn’t help but think these idiots thought the performance footwear would save them in a Force 9 biblical storm.


      • Laid out serious money on some Berghaus stuff – money very well spent, good kit and good sense = good day out

      • Check out some of the military online stores for British army stuff,
        Its excellent stuff because it has to be!
        My extreme weather sleeping bags great as is my entenching tool which can double as a axe, my rucksacks a British army bergen , also got a rain poncho thats ??

      • No mate, some of my mates are ex army and got me some bits from other lads still in the army, think bits might be ‘liberated’ from stores, didnt ask!
        But most ive bought myself, love camping & outdoors, also love dry feet and not dying of exposure!!

      • I just read three Japanese tourists had to be rescued from Scafell Piike, just down the road from where I live.

        It’s the tallest mountain in England, but these fuckwits were wearing baseball caps, raincoats, gloves and trainers. And yet they were also carrying expensive cameras to take photos.

        Typical sense of priorities – spend £10 on clothing and fucking hundreds on bleedin’ cameras!

        no idea how much it cost the rescue services to find these cunts. Thousands no doubt.


  1. Just leave the daft fuckers there till their toes go black like Sir Ranulph . I watched a documentary called free solo a while ago about a crazy yankee fucker who doesn’t understand the laws of gravity . One day he’s gonna be a puddle of entrails and shattered bones. Saft cunt.

  2. Prize idiots, good cunting. In a similar vein I’ve never understood the fuckwits who chase after their dogs when they leg it into crashing 30-foot waves in storms, or onto thin ice on frozen ponds then invariably need emergency services to risk their own lives in order to save them… ok I get it’s your pet and in some cases maybe only companion but is it worth your own life and the life of the poor cunt who has to rescue you? Spur of the moment I suppose though

    • You always get twats who completely ignore blatantly obvious warning signs by rivers and lakes “Do not swim: strong currents!”

      But they think “Fuck that, I’m a good swimmer, I know best!”

      10 minutes later and they’re fucking drowning, so have to be rescued (if they’re fortunate to have a passerby see them first)

  3. Newspaper headlines would suggest that you’re more likely to fall to your death if you’re named Cliff Walker….

  4. There’s no such thing as the wrong type of weather, only the wrong type of clothing.

    • Agreed – but I am more bothered about staking out my allotment, some f*cker has been sneaking in on a night and adding topsoil!

      The plot thickens

  5. Quick change of subject, but not disputing that the OP is spot on about these irresponsible cunts, so well cunted.

    I just read a statistic on the election results that no less than 50 of our elected representatives are in the LGBT group. Con 24, Lab 18. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I mean, if LGBT’s are 1% of the population (no real idea, just a guess) there would be half a dozen. And its not as if benders in previous parliaments have covered themselves in glory – almost without exception they been totally shit.

    Westminster, the gayest parliament in the world. Makes yer proud dunnit.

    • Or to put it another way, 8% of them are LGBT.
      Her Maj will be wearing her rainbow gown and tiara on Thursday at the opening of Parliament.
      This country’s finished. . . . . . . .

      ©️ RTC June 2019 ( alright not fuckin sure when but he’ll no doubt tell us)

      • Blunty that was the old sour glass half empty Rtc!
        Hes a different man since the General Election!
        Hes out with mrs creampuff at moment down the roller disco but hes like a charles Dickens story!
        Wishing everyone merry Christmas,
        Pinching kids rosy cheeks,
        Gave me a shilling for a turkey!

      • I’ve got Christmas afternoon off from pot washing at Creampuff Manor AND an orange! Gawd bless im.

      • A new dawn has broken has it not? ©️B. Liar 1997.

        To Bertie Blunt and Miserable northern cunt I say, a merry Christmas to both of you kind sirs! Send that prize parrot to Colchester Zoo wherein a certain esteemed Marxist resides – a rare treat for his Xmas bodily eats!

        As for you Liberal Liquidator, a merrier Christmas to you my good fellow than I have given you for many a year! I’ll raise your salary, and endeavour to assist your struggling family, and we will discuss your affairs over a Christmas bowl of smoking bishop!

        Make up the fires and buy another coal-scuttle before you dot another i – and fuck climate change!

        ©️ RTC Dec. 2019

        PS: “This country is finished” was ©️ RTC Sept. 2017

      • Told you so Bertie.
        And fun, merriment and feasting to both you and your lady!
        I raise a tankard to your health!

      • We’re having a cunt of the year vote. If we had a comment of the year award, then this one by RTC would get my vote.
        His comment, which is full of Christmas spirit warms the cockles of my heart and sums up completely what this time of the year is really about.
        His generosity to his employees is unrivalled, particularly to his faithful longstanding servant, Liberal Cratchitt.
        God bless you Mr Creampuff!

      • Indeed it is Blunty, I will ignore the pain of my gammy leg when hanging the portrait of Boris Johnson tomorrow in the grand reception room and count my lucky stars.

  6. Superb cunting Techo.
    Half soaked cunts who walking in the Cairngorms and elsewhere at this time of year are absolute idiots if they don’t have the right experience and kit, and it seems that some just don’t. Inevitably the rescue services have to bail the stupid fuckers out. Fucking twats. They should be made to pay the bill for the cost incurred in saving their stupid necks.

    • I wish Flabbott, Steptoe, Phillips and all the other Marxist Labour losers would take a long walk up Ben Nevis, end up getting lost, but the rescue services said “fuck them for a game of bollocks!” and let them all freeze to death.

      I can dream I suppose

    • Too right Ron. I live in the Cairngorms, and when the first snow of the year came (October) I had a cracking day on Ben Macdui. This summit is now a favourite with the Facecunt brigade, so people up there in jeans and little kit.

      It’s like that British heart attack lass who got hypothermia in Spain because she and her cunt partner thought the Pyrenees would be good for selfies. Typical millenials didn’t seem to realise that it would be cold on a mountain in November.

  7. You can buy all the fancy clothes you like ( and don’t they cost!!!) but if you can’t read a map and use a prismatic compass you’re a liability. one of my bugbears is seeing people with disabilities trekking in adverse conditions, you can understand the wish to partake but when the conditions are liable to go tits up they are selfishly putting others at risk

  8. I was thinking if doing a bit of climbing up the mountainous terrain and thanks to your good advice I’ll wear my yet unworn Aquascutum suit, with smart shoes.
    I might wear sunglasses if it’s a sunny day.
    I’ll show you lot how its done.

  9. Super cunting.
    Love the outdoors and the Peak District hills are 20 mins walk away so I’m on them several times a week.
    I also see lots of mud slimes walking round the reservoir and other assorted shite who drive as close as they can then waddle round looking bewildered.
    More gales and cunts falling into ravines please!

  10. Where’s that place where captain kirk was bare knuckle fist fighting that lizard monster?

  11. cannot agree more with this nom… my word there are some stupid fuckers around.
    having done some hill walking myself the sights you see are unbelievable, the train to the top of Snowdon being the worst…… “lets get the train up and walk down bunch” walking down with flip flops no supplies or warm clothes beggars belief!!!
    saw some cunt jogging down with a small child in one of those back carrier thingies, lips blue and shaking like a shitting dog!!!!!
    beach wankers are just as bad, remember a story from Cornwall a few years back when there was some bad ‘rips’ in Perranporth on a summers day the RNLI said they rescued some people up to 6 times… the mind boggles!!!
    first post be gentle please!!! love this site keeps me sane!!!

    • Thought it was irresistible hill walkers?
      Only reason i commented!
      Normally bit shy.

      • Me too.
        Hes not been on today, hes out buying us presents probably,
        Think of us as his sons LL!
        Me n you are his favourites.
        Yeah bet hes spent few quid.

  12. Fuck off is the Lake District dangerous at anytime of year. The Amazon, that’s dangerous. Yellowknife doesn’t ain’t too pleasant either.

  13. I think dick heads doing shit that involves being rescued, or a helicopter,fire brigade an ambulance or anyone else having to risk life or limb to save them should be slappers with the costs for said rescue.
    Eg,- you had to be rescued from the top of snowdonia in flip flops and board shorts cuz your a regards, there’s a bill for $15,000 you stupid cunt.
    At least they won’t fucking do it again and the costs are covered.

  14. Ex-MR here. I have nothing to add to this cunting except that the satisfaction of a successful callout usually outweighed the cuntishness of the victim, if cunt he was. The real pisser was when the cunt made it back before we arrived. MR teams enjoy their work, for the most part. In my time (early Iron Age) there was some resistance to charging for the service, but it makes sense IMO.

    I don’t know how you get across to Joe Public the magnitude of the shit he can be in on a hill when the weather changes or one of his party drops his specs andwalks blindly over a cliff*, and what kit he needs to minimise the risks. Therein lies the problem.

    * happened.

  15. What about that poor cunt who was sat on the beach in dorset a couple of years ago and 600 tonnes of fucking cliff face fell on her,took fucking weeks to dig her out and suprise suprise she’s wearing fucking flip flops and shorts,vesty top,apparently if she’d had proper boots on and a berghaus jacket she’d have been fucking fine!

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