Faiza Shaheen (2)

Can I suggest an, ‘I’m not getting the message’ cunting for Faiza Shaheen?


Apparently, the will of the people, as expressed in her constituency, is ‘unjust’ and the political system is ‘rigged’ because she wasn’t elected. Whilst it’s obviously raw, bitter tears, it also smacks of the modern ‘snowflake’ (figuratively speaking in the lovely Faiza’s case, obviously) way of carrying on; namely, if I don’t get what I want, then it’s not fair and we need to keep repeating the vote until I do get it.

Self-entitling cunt.

The people spoke, love; they rejected you, your wrinkled scrotum of a messiah and all the leftie nonsense that you preached. Time for a re-think, but it seems you’re going to keep knocking out the same old tosh (but not on £76K a year, just yet.)

Merry Christmas (if that’s appropriate to you.)

Nominated by The Stained Gusset

70 thoughts on “Faiza Shaheen (2)

  1. Odds on she’ll play a couple of the usual cards purely because she lost and therefore democracy doesn’t count

      • Spot on nom, and it is indeed hilarious to see these cunts weeping in the aisles. Only thing that worries me is, sooner or later there won’t be enough of us sensible types left to exercise our democratic right to tell them to fuck off – then there will be nothing to stop these loons….. we’re proper screwed then boys.

      • Now approaching landfall between Dover and Deal, all other channel shipping please avoid, as we believe there are others close behind

  2. Word of advice, don’t click the link; I’ve just taken one for the team and my blood pressure has just gone through the roof!!! “The system’s not fair, I lost by just 1,262 votes” – AND???? Here’s a newsflash – if you’d have lost by one vote you’d still have lost you dumb bitch!
    And the loss feels “unbearably awful and unjust” – yes I’m sure all those 18 year old that had to go and fight to the death for their country 60 years ago spoke similar words

    • Hopefully she might just top herself if her life really is so “unbearably awful and unjust”

      Either that or she can go back to her little corner shop and carry on selling newspapers, cigarettes and soft porn mags to the ignorant cunts in her constituency

      • The internet must have had a huge negative effect on the wankmag industry. I hope a cyborg Mary Millington from the future goes back in time and fucks Tim Berners-Lee to death. I am suspended from twatter again just because I called a whiny lefty cunt a cunt. Hate speech apparently.

    • And she only get that close because other candidates and Hugh Grant pleaded her case and gave her an easy time. Minimal campaigning in their bid to ousr IDS (just like in Putney and Richmond the fucking LibDems and others became honoury Labourites).

      It seems to me a lot of these bloody BAME wimmin think they have the divine right to be elected just because they were “brave” enough to stand. I’m sick of their big hair , their big hats, big backsides and most of all their big gobs. Mammy!

      • It’s the logic of quotas, W.C. Jezza & half the other deluded cunts think that it’s not about having the best candidates, it’s about having the best wimmin candidates.
        The populous, however, don’t have their heads wedged up their arses in quite the same fashion, so a cunt ends up being recognised for what it is.
        I think of elections like this one as a natural leveller.

  3. Having read that bollox I wish she’d won by a dozen votes then lost by one vote after a recount.
    Jebus what a whining libtard cunt.
    Try Saudi Arabia.

  4. Faiza Shaheen… Afua Hirsch… Ash Sarkar… all hatched from the same sulphurous egg fertilised by gobs of bükaké jizz scooped off a shit smeared Virgin Train lavatory seat.

    Speaking after the result, dippy Corbynista Marxist Shaheen said losing to the Tories was the “biggest injustice”.

    Reckon I can think of a few bigger, luv… ?

      • Sounds more useful than a lynx box set. Who needs to be scented, when you have the right tools?
        Sutcliffe could have his own branded one, in a lorry shaped container, complete with his patented wank friendly long johns. Apparently, he used to wear a polar neck jumper as long johns, so he could pull out his old boy and have a tug, without his legs getting cold. Up there for thinking, down there for wanking….

  5. I am surprised she didn’t say all the people who vote for IDS were stupid, because ‘they were and I am going to stamp my feet until I get my way’ what a cunt this entitled effnick snowflake really is.

    She was on news night along with Jack Straw, whinging about loosing and they were all chatting along with whichever newsnight shit presenter was on that night and there was a ‘moment’

    I am not sure if anyone has listened to this bitch, she is often on the mid day politics show but she desperately tries the speak English without her fucking Essex girl twang. The problem she has is when she gets upset or angry it comes back, missing off the ‘g’ at the end of words and dropping ‘t’s’ for instance Majority (something she didn’t get haha)

    Back to newsnight, Jack made the mistake of called her Faisall , she came back with a snap ‘Faisal is a mans name!’ He apologised but that was the moment and the Essex girl was unleashed. She could have been more polite, he made a mistake but she could have said gently, it’s Faiza not Faisal but cunts like her don’t do nice, they only do aggression like the rest of the left wing cunts if you don’t agree with everything the say.

    So fuck off Faiza and as you lost you in a free and fair election just say that and don’t come out with it being unfair because all that does is make you look an even bigger cunt than you actually are.

    • Oh, and there was me believing in messiah Jezz’s promise of ushering in a new era of “kinder, gentler” politics…

      Wonder where it all went so wrong?

  6. I feel for poor Faiza.

    I lost a vote to be the next President of my rugby club…couldn’t understand how I could have lost by 73 votes to 2. I canvassed all the voting menbers pre-vote and did get a slight hint “on the doorstep” that some thought that I was actually a bit of a Cunt..extraordinary view but I felt sure that my radical plan to nationalise the club and invite some Romanian travellers to camp on the pitch would hold sway…alas not,the bigots couldn’t see just how stupid they were being by not allowing me to take control

    I.of course,took the result magnanimously…I screamed like a bitch,called them all thick sexual miscreants and cried all the way home.

    • Unjust Fiddler, as a straight white able-bodied male, you are very limited on what victim card to pull. Perhaps the gender-fluid dw@rf tossing in burkas on the first Friday night of the month was just a progressive step too far for these philistines.

      • They’ll live to regret snubbing me,LL. I’m going to leave the gate open on my field full of bullocks next door to the club…if I can’t be President I’ll make damn sure that they’ll have to wade through a whole heap of bullshit to get to the clubhouse….that’s just the kind of guy I am.

    • Are you sure it wasn’t your suggestion that the new club strip should be rainbow coloured with Pride emblazoned on the shirts.

  7. I suppose her next step will be to look for a vacant safe Labour seat when it arises, because it is quite clear cunts like her never go away.

    So she’ll be back sooner or later I’m pretty sure of that.

    • Yep, that’s the way it goes.
      Piddle-cock will get a free run a safe seat as soon as a by-election comes up too. A North-East lass who couldn’t get re-elected in a North-East constituency because, if you believe her Twitter feed, “that’s what you get when you call your constituents thick”, so she’ll parachute into somewhere in the south where the metropolitan liberal elite will ‘value’ her contributions.
      It’s all fucking bollocks, so fuck them all.

      • Oops! Actually meant for Technocunt’s post above. Must learn to pace myself with the early morning brandies…

  8. My council area is next to the people’s republic of Waltham Forest, where IDS won. It is a funny place, taking in the shit-holes of parts of walthamstow, to the mostly white Chingford (although it still has a London postcode). I really thought he was going to lose due to the 110% asian postal vote, but it seems the good folk of Chingford stymied it. By the way, the WF council is run by asians and they make up the rules to suit their masters. The housing situation is dreadful with asian slum landlords.

    • I very nearly had this cunt as my MP, one of her pledges was to build more council housing in the area. I can guess what sort of ethnicity the majority of the tenants would have been. Chingford dodged a bullet, I hope she fucks off to another part of the country but I’ve got a horrible feeling she’s going to stay around for the next election

  9. I didn’t win the National Lottery last week. I paid for my ticket but I wasn’t expecting to lose!

    This is clearly very unfair. Corbyn and his Momentum Group kept telling us we are always right, and everything must go our way.

    I think, therefore, we must have another National Lottery where I can play for free until I win!

  10. She may have a point. Perhaps the postal vote wasn’t arranged properly? Should have had the Peterborough by election supremo managing it.

  11. The words – “ our general election campaign has been one of the most beautiful and inspiring things I’ve ever been a part of” – demonstrate that this woman is as divorced from reality as the 4th dimension. So the system is “ rigged”. She wouldn’t be saying it was rigged if she’d won.

    For Libtards democracy has no meaning or validity unless the outcome of a vote is to affirm their own fascistic identitarian prejudices.

    What a cunt. And a Peaceful to boot. Fuck off.

  12. Ian Duncan Smith won and rightly so ?
    She can fuck the hell off ?
    Communist Labour can say what they want They lost ?
    Leave Means Leave ???

  13. Has anyone mentioned to Faiza that Ian Duncan Smith received a knighthood in the New Honours List ?
    As much as I dislike the honours system I couldn’t help but chuckle, I wonder what Faiza the loser thinks ?

    • Morning Gingers.

      On the bright side, hopeless Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders has been made a Dame… just like her predecessor Dame Keir Starmer. ?

      • Morning Ruff, nothing like awarding undeserved useless imbeciles with top awards in our wonderful honours systems.
        In saying that, and this is hypocritical of me, Harry Billinge and his honours award, he won’t say he is a hero…..but I will.

        Good day to you all fellow cunters

      • Is “Dame” and “Sir” still allowed these days?

        Surely this will cause great offence to the gender neutrals.

  14. This is the U.K not some third world shit hole where everything is rigged, don’t tar us with the same bunch as your lot.!

  15. I don’t know what she is moaning about I paid Brexit party £25 to go in to an election that they seem to have withdrawn from, will I ever see my £25 again will I fuck.
    I might ask her for the addresses of some of her “Social justice warriors” so they can get on to Nigel for me and get my cash back, Bastard…..
    She can fuck off too…….

  16. Am surprised no one on here has volunteered to insert their tongues up her arsehole yet! (I certainly wouldn’t )

    What is the world coming too?

  17. That’s what having a lump of luvvie shit like Hugh Grant licking your arse does for you cuntface. 88% of Tory adverts were lies…….that’s a very precise figure. If you are going to snatch figures out of thin air you might as well go for 100% you stupid whore. Did she have hubbie’s permission to go to Parliament anyway? Fuck off back to Pakistan and see if they vote for you there bitch.

  18. It’s nice to know Mrs Glottal Stop has become even more unbearable since I cunted her the first time.
    She protests, “Even though I went to Cambridge, I’m still working class you know.
    Daddy is a mechanic. After he fixes cars, they go like a BOMB.

  19. Fucking annoying rising inflection millenial voice with an inability to sound the letter T.
    Fuck off and take Flabbott and Lammy with you.
    Silly cow.

  20. Cunters if you all scrape your index fingernail over your thumbnail, this will be the worlds smallest violin playing a sad song for the bitch.
    OI vinegar tits the populace have had enough of you cunts, have you thought about relocating to Islamabad?


  21. What an unbelievably stupid and entitled fucking bitch. Tell you what, shitforbrains, let’s not bother having anyone standing against you in future, OK? I don’t know what is about these cunts who seem unable to get a simple grasp of democracy and what it entails.

  22. Faiza love just a quick word in your shell like, I get the impression you are of the opinion you have an absolute right to whatever you wish for and who can question that as you do fulfill just about all the mandatory tick boxes required to stand as a Labour candidate, so why did it go so wrong for you, possibly because others saw you as an ignorant, uppity, hate filled piece of shit with an overblown sense of entitlement and your own worth (which is fuck all by the way).
    If you are a compassionate empathetic individual perhaps you could volunteer in a womens’ refugee camp in Syria for the next five years, but I doubt it because its all about you isn’t it, lets just face facts you are just a deeply unpleasant individual only interested in your own self and spreading rancour in a society which has allowed you to advance far beyond your abilities, so take your hijab and bile and fuck off for all eternity, cunt.

  23. What a vile nasty pus ridden fish smelling old semen smelling tampon plugging doctor white blocking vagasil cunt she is, ffs another ethnic who thinks the voting public don’t know what they are voting for, well bitch , We all know about tower Hamlets vote rigging don’t we! And how the peaceful people all voted in the borough don’t we! The electoral commission knows all about it, tower Hamlets councillor Rahman was caught good and proper, you scumbags are on notice, cunts all of them

  24. Oh dear. We democratically decided to not allow her eight-baby each family of you-know-what ‘religion’ to have political power.


    I only hope we can rally enough support behind Anne-Marie Waters and For Britain to stop EYE SLIME in its filthy perfidious tracks.

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