Not bad enough that it’s Friday 13th, a day when I resist the urge to stay in bed all day just in case (not that I’m superstitious you understand) or even that it’s Mrs D’s birthday, they have to round it off by making it Christmas jumper day.
So today my grandchildren are forced to wear hideous puke inducing knitwear to school – paid for by their parents of course – and will be forced to cough up more money for charity.
Not only that, but the nice birthday lunch I am taking her to will no doubt be spoilt with idiots trying their best to outcunt each other in the enforced jollity stakes.
Not that this in any way just another ploy to make us spend more money so the fat cats can fuck off to the Caribbean for a yuletide break, whilst admiring the empty shelves in their shops. Of course not.
And it’s all for Save the Children. Well, fuck ’em ‘cos nobody ever gave my kids anything for fuck all – accept me.
Nominated by Dioclese
Popped into the office for the first time in a few weeks to find all the cunts in Xmas jumpers.
Still, nothing is going to deter me today from grinding it out until 11:00, whereupon I will be rushing home for an uncontrollable wank over Jo Swinson’s cuntly election tears.
She is a fugly cunt but I don’t half want to drill her arsehole hate fuck stylee.
Christmas jumpers are quite simply the garments of cunts. Look at me what a fun guy I am I don’t mind looking like a prick I can laugh at myself etc. The only thing is that wearing a Christmas jumper isn’t remotely amusing and as for raising money for kids charities they can go and fuck themselves.
That’s the spiwit!
Like novelty ties Christmas jumpers make a statement. Which is “I am a cunt”.
Never had a Christmas jumper, think the missus has one for work, penguins i think?
They are a bit ‘colin Hunt office clown’
But who cares?
Im in to good a mood to care, watching the cunts on telly crying over the election results.
Fuck me MNC I’ve just read about Lily Allen throwing a massive strop, crying and calling all voters raycysts….. I think I may have spunked in my pants a little bit I’m so happy
Morning Cuntan, nowt like a crying Lilly mong to get me grinding!!?
She’s just a one-trick pony: if she doesn’t get her way everyone else is to blame, and out pops the appropriate card!
Well she has 3 choices:-
shut the fuck up and go with the flow
leave the country and wait for a Labour government
form her own party and try for government herself
I can offer a fourth, bit am unsure about the law with regards to encouraging suicide.
but, not bit.
My mum and dad knowing that I’m an atheist used to buy me clobber adorned with christfest icons on them.Neederless to say they were never worn and went straight in the bin.
Charity Cuntfests really have become big in the last decade. Of all of them, this is the one I am least likely to take part in if I was forced to choose between say Cuntvember, Cunttober, Cunt for Life, Dry Cuntuary, Cuntmas Jumper day, etc.
In part because clothes you can only wear for one day in a year are entirely illogical … Jim, also because you might be expected to buy a new jumper every year so as not to look like a skinflint, but mostly because making yourself look a cunt and paying for it is entirely illogical… Captain.
Crikey just realised I’ve been subliminally influenced by the graphics … I don’t know what thoughts are my own anymore, I think I need a lie-down.
Buy a jumper and wear it for one day? That’s a waste of money. If I buy a jumper I wear it every day when I feel cold.
Christmas jumper day is marketing for clothes shops.
Fork off you cans of can’t.
P.s It reminded me of this…
Wear it for the whole Christmas period, which now starts in September, until eastern European Christmas, 7th January, and get your money’s worth.
Christmas jumpers are great for kids and that is it.
Do adults look good wearing Tommy Tippee bibs? No they don’t. Case closed.
Enjoy it while you can Dio me auld sausage because if there are no big changes in this country, by 2060 it will be Ramadan Burka Day! ?
Stupid idea for Stupid people. Diane Flabbybot probably wears one. That’s a lot of wool.
she has one!
Are you sure she doesn’t just use an Xmas themed settee throw?
Your a bitchy lot on here arent you?
I think Diane looks nice!
Especially with the antlers!
Like a simple two left feet ‘its my glands’ bison.
If you saw her sweating and waddling across the grasslands youd realise how majestic she was.
Back in 2014 so the old heffer was slimmer, relatively speaking. Not so much the Flabbotasaurus Rex as a wooly mammoth.
30,000 people voted for this bloated, racist imbecile yesterday. Astonishing and a little bit frightening.
Hi Cap, your not wrong, it is scary!
Like picking stevie Hawking for the 100metre sprint.
He’d have won, the cunt had wheels.
The flabbottomus wearing nothing apart from a white wooly hat would definitely end my love affair with christmas pudding
Haha yeah!
Describe yourself naked?
“Sort of like a Christmas pudding”…
What a pile of bollocks.
Admittedly, I have a couple of Christmas jumpers, but nothing like the tacky shite that many cheesy mongs will be donning today. One has very tasteful robins on, the other very tasteful (ahem) sausage dogs wearing scarves on.
I hasten to add that I only wear them at home in front of the family over “the festive season”.
They are a bit of fun for me, but I curse them the rest of the year as they get fuck all wear and just sit in my bottom drawer (along with my gym clothing, that hasn’t seen the light of day since 2009.)
Portillo looks like an absolute cunt in that photo.
No change there then.
Alright Freddie?
Happy with the election results?
You wearing that Christmas jumper i sent you? Wi Rudolph on?
Bet these cheerless old twats posting on ISAC wont wear christmas jumpers!
Not like us! I look snazzy in mine!?
Why is every other fucking day a something-day for charidee? If you want to wear a ridiculous Santa-themed pullover, fine, whatever pulls your sleigh, you crass tasteless cunt. But FFS do it on the 25th and keep your virtue signalling to your immediate family, if they want to be anywhere near you, which I doubt.
I saw these abominations n display in my supermarket. Pathetic.