Black Pete Haters

Who the fuck is this ‘Black Pete’ cunt, I hear you ask.

He’s Sinteklaas’s helper, part of Dutch folklore. Sinterklaas is basically the Dutch Santa Claus (or Father Christmas in proper English). He probably says, “Merrysh Chrishmush” and leaves clogs under the Christmas tree.

Anyway, he has a helper named ‘Black Pete’ and in early December, in a tradition going back to around 1850, the Dutch have street processions with Sinterklaas with his black-faced helper (a Moor from Spain, according to tradition). You can guess what the Millennials think of it. ‘Pwotests’ abound about the ‘waycism’ from these fuckwits. From the video I watched, it seemed pretty much all of the protesters were white.

I doubt most black people give a shite.

If you know any of these cunts protesting this age old tradition, send them Jim Davidson’s Chalky singing ‘White Christmas’ and a ‘Black and White Minstrel show’ DVD as their Christmas presents.


Nominated by One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Cunt

66 thoughts on “Black Pete Haters

  1. Would have thought they’d be happy Father Christmas was a equal opportunities employer?
    Hes complying with the law employing Pete.
    Thought my selection box felt a bit light this year, and a few pressies missing!
    For fuck sake Santa dont let pete drive the sleigh, hell do a drive by shooting.

    • Equal opportunities employer? There’s more than a whiff of Positive Discrimination imo.

      Bet Santa knows what black cock tastes like.

      • Morning Rtc,
        Father Christmas doesnt know what any cock tastes like!!?
        Dont be vulgar.
        Santas strictly a pussy licker.

      • Cüm now Miserable – everyone knows what black /yellow cock tastes like by now, even Santa.

        Haven’t you been reading ISAC? Get with it man!

        Morning to ya.

      • Morning mate,
        Apparently canadian cock tastes of maple syrup!
        And mexican tastes like ghost chillies!
        Some guy told me in the next door cubicle in the public toilets!
        Seemed a nice bloke, offered me a hot dog through a hole.

  2. There’s a film called Santa and Pete about the story behind this. Presumably, if Pete was ignored that would be racist too. What is it, precisely, these fucking people want?

  3. One suspects these woke social justice warrior cunts have a long list of “ishoos” that need to be ticked off on their piece of A4, and on this occasion its the turn of Black Pete.

    So off they type on Twitter in order to round up the usual (un)social misfits and university students who can’t hack the coursework, and then they all meet in some town centre street making sure they’re carrying their phones so their protest can be filmed and subsequently uploaded to SM.

    They’ll shout a bit, clap hands, toot horns, and generally just be a pain in the arse, while 95% of the townsfolk will just walk on by not giving two shits.

    Give it a few hours and these cunts will think “It’s getting a bit cold now, time to head off home and see ourselves on the TV. Our grievances have now been noted, and obviously things will now change for the better because we’re always right!”

    And that’s it, job done, and another tick in the box.

    What’s next on the list?

    • This is all very well but what about Elves? Are they an ethnicity or not? I shall probably disappear up my own arse with worrying about this all day.

  4. Hang on,cunters. How fucking dare you use gender specific terms such as he. This is an act of violence.
    You utter cunts. If Pete is being paid he can put it towards his architecture course.

    Good morning.

  5. Fucking useless cock suckers. Except the birds with tape on their mouths, they can’t even do that the selfish cunts.
    A few months ago I saw a documentary on the fucking BBC which included some footage of cunts celebrating the long forgotten Empire Day from the 1920’s . It was the tradition for some cunts in the parade to “black up” to represent certain parts of the Empire. Fuck me, the fuss they went to before, during and after the clip to explain there was nothing raaay-sist about it you’d think they were showing some porno or something. Yeah, we get why you’re showing it, our fucking eyes ain’t gonna pop out you cunts, we’re not fucking kids……or are we?

  6. What is the white woman in the picture doing wearing dreadlocks? I think that the black people at her side should be protesting about her blatant cultural appropriation.

    • You have to admire the protestor Cunt on the left of the photograph for his advanced make up skills!

  7. Off topic but I really feel a sense of relief that our friendly Marxist Leninist Jew hater, Comrade Corbyn was annihilated on Thursday.

    The fear amongst my tribe was becoming palpable. The UK has always been good to the Jews. We don’t cause too much trouble (not many in prison,unemployed or on the dole) Yes there are issues but, on the whole like the Chinese, we keep ourselves to ourselves. We love the Queen and have a proud history of service in the war.

    We brought fish and chips to the UK and much else besides.

    God bless the UK for voting in a Conservative government.

    God bless the Queen.

    God bless the State of Israel.

    Labour: A party created by Jews,destroyed by those who hate Jews.

    My late grandfather,who I never met, was a Labour mayor in London. He would be turning in his grave to see what has happened.

    My other grandfather, who I cherished, served with Fire Brigade during the Blitz in London. He never spoke of what he saw, I can only imagine. My grandmother, who stayed in London despite my mother being born during the war.

    How did Labour turn on the Jews? Why are the so utterly preoccupied with the Arabs in Gaza?

    Fuck off and die Corbyn.You are an utter piece of excrement.

    You fucked with my tribe and you paid a heavy price. This is karma.

    Mazel Tov Boris.

    We are leaving on the 31st of January.

    • Kravdarth@
      I imagine plenty of jews were celebrating the demise of the commies this week?
      And so they should!
      Doubt they recover from that in a hurry, and might be were the nutters, an marxists are driven out returning Labour to a more centrist stance.
      Thanks for the fish &chips.

    • Krav, you massive kike bumder,

      I properly hate anti semitism. The old 4 by 2s are the most persecuted people in all history and it all comes down to jealousy because they punch above their weight in every field you could think of. The way Steptoe dog whistled the snackbar vote in this election was loathsome. Thankfully, people saw through it. I don’t have much time for Boris but I am a bit relieved the way this election went because people outside of the small but very vocal minority on soshul meeja emphatically declared what we are about as a country. We had no real anti Jewish sentiment in this country for decades and suddenly its all coming from 2 directions, the left and the muslims.

      Mazel tov indeed, fella. Have a good christmas.

      • Read my mind Miss Jones! We must’ve been writing our responses at the same time.

        Now is that “great minds” or “fools think alike”?

        I’m going with the former! ?

      • I’m sorry to piss on the parade but this still doesn’t answer the age old question of who killed JC?
        This is of particular importance and will be occupying our minds from now until Easter.
        Any thoughts Miles? Are you able to roll back the stone?

    • Our Old Testament Allies.

      I agree with all of the above Kravvy me auld sausage.

      However, we do know of one sector of our society who definitely do mean us harm and absolutely do mean to take over (via the waiting game and out-breeding us 8:1) between 2050 and 2060. And in fairness that’s pretty much down to the sector within that sector who come from the shithole to the northwest of India. The same sector that has a proclivity for taxi driving, grooming and blowing the fuck out of shit!

      Antisemitism is essentially born of envy. Imbeciles who are jealous of folk doing well for themselves and looking after one another, as opposed to looking in the mirror and striving to make themselves better and improving the lot of their people.

      Islamaphobia is essentially born of fear. And rather than being an irrational fear (as “phobia” would indicate), it is the very real fear of being murdered, having your daughter raped, and eventually becoming the persecuted minority in your own country.

      When that happens, at least you have somewhere to go that will welcome you with open arms.

      Can I come too?

      • PS: I better desist from further comment – wouldn’t want to upset our resident Marxist. ?

      • You couldn’t possibly upset me RTC. And now the Tories’ treasurer is an Israeli, I hope we can gradually, but not without occasional grovelling adulation of the little apartheid state on the Med, move on to other matters. Who knows, the Labour Party may move back towards that nice Mr Blair and all the Jewish firends who financed (and still finance him), and all will be kosher again.

        This dissenting voice has been brought to you courtesy of Karl Marx, who was himself Jewish, and by the ghost of an initially socialist Israel.

        Thanks for the opportunity, RTC.

      • You’re welcome. Glad to see you now acknowledge the existence of secular Jews. That’s progress indeed.

        We’ll make a Zionist of you yet!

      • I have never denied the existence of secular Jews. My only bitch is that the ones you are so gungho for claim the same g-d – given exclusive privileges as the religious ones. They are no more Jewish than Syrian in any other sense than their discarded religion.

      • On 13/06/2019 you posted:

        “The only defining features of Jewishness are the religion and the culture, which is inseparable from the religion. If you abandon the religion – or lip service to it -, you are no longer a Jew.”

        Ergo, by YOUR definition, the atheist Karl Marx was not a Jew.

    • BBC? Bring my f*cking rifle! I made a formal complaint to the BBC about the blatant age discrimination displayed by having a question time of under 30’s in York recently (so many snowflakes I thought Aunty Elton was shaking out his wig!) and the response I got – this is completely true – was “it is not age discrimination as the opinion of under 30’s needs to be heard”, so fuck anyone over that age then and the most wokeflake organisation in the UK deliberately engages in discrimination and tells us it is for democratic reasons!
      Quick finishing point, a massive thumbs down to the Men (presumably non University educated middle aged Northern wayycists) who allegedly gave Owen “sulky child” Jones a kicking recently – do you call that a belting? Seriously? Don’t ever come to Yorkshire cwybaby, the sight of your well reamed arse up in the air as you grovel about in the gutter looking for your missing teeth would be simply toooo much!
      Have to go now, Lady R has that “you complete c*nt” look on her face – I feel I can only be safe this evening by taking her out for some gin, just need to find a place that does barrels so she can finally have a proper mouthful!

    • Nice one Krav. Reminded me of my grandad, who had lots of tales from his time as a firefighter during the Manchester blitz.

      No snowflakes then, eh?

  8. Makes me cringe when whitey tries to be Rastafarian.
    Its just not right is it?
    Nothing against rastas, but when some middle class hippy does it?

    “Easy my bredren! Me feelin mighty like lion, i is Tristan from Bristol ya know me?”

    I just want to die .

    • You’d have enjoyed yesterday in my city centre, then. Big white guy, thirties, cropped hair with a fuck-off huge portable amp entertaining a decibel-cleared radius of twenty yards with something he would no doubt claim was rap, interspersed with (couldn’t be sure about this) beatbox noises or distortion. Content incomprehensible, volume defeating Sally Ally band doing their best with Christmas fifty yards away. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong cunt in every respect. Credit where credit is due, not one of the shopping crowd giving the cunt the widest possible berth was stopping to listen.

  9. Just as with the clamouring to have the “Black Country” re-branded because “waycism”, not one of these SJWs will have one iota of knowledge with regards to the history behind what it is they’re protesting against.

    It’s the same leftist “useful idiots” who give two-faced Justin Trudeau a pass because he’s on “their side”.

    Gnit-picking on such things just goes to show how non-waycist the west really is these days for these feckless fools to latch onto them because…”waycism!”

    Whenever any of these cunts begin to claim how “waycist”, sexist and homophobic society is today, just shut the fuckers up by asking: “Compared to what?”

    I don’t know of one sane person who would call out a BAME these days based purely on the cosmetic differences they may have because we have grown as a society and realise that such acts are truly hurtful and are without merit.

    The highest office in the world (whether you think it or not) – The President of the United States – has been held by a black man. Two of our former PMs (alas both the strongest and weakest) in modern times have been women. Gay marriage is legal in almost all western nations, and almost all high offices in those nations are represented by members of the LGBT community.

    So, SJW cunts, if everything is so bad and so unfair in the west, please explain to me: “Compared to what?”

    No didn’t think so.

    Get a life and have a fucking point!


  10. ‘Black Pete’? I’ll wager if he’s portrayed by the BBC he’ll have a white wife.

    Fucking arseholes looking for offence where none exists.

    • The beeb should change Blue Peter to Black Peter.
      Its more diverse.
      Rather than a sea shanty theme tune could have ‘super fly’ or ‘shaft’.
      Might right in!
      Get a Black Peter badge!

  11. Black Pete was my distant ancestor of mine and due to his dashing looks and charm (which I have inherited) Father Christmas asked him to help aaaaht at Christmas to broaden the Christmas appeal to the darker shades all over the world.
    Black Pete travelled the world and learnt many a language, trading weed from his home land with fine silks from the East, a true entrepreneur of his time.
    He was obviously a hit with the ladies and all shades lapped up his charm and they all wanted to suck him off and more, so it was inevitable that Black Pete Fathered many a child and he paid his maintenance for all of them due to his well paid job.
    Please toast Black Pete this Christmas and all his living ancestors like me…and go fuck yourselves.???

    • What’s that cunt in the photo doing with that fuckin’ large grey spider on her head?

      • Afternoon Bertie, no mate, not this weekend spent few quid on Christmas so be after Christmas now probably.
        Sunday dinner at home , bit of Colombo, might even have a sneaky nap!!

  12. I hope Black Pete fucks them all up the arse.
    In other news Boris is mulling essentially scrapping the BBCistan tax.
    Get it done!

  13. It’s a race to see which flaky, empowered cunt can be the most right on. Fuck these nancies. They don’t give a fuck down in Mogadishu or Nairobi so why should we?

  14. Bloke 1: “I was with my wife in that country where they play the steel drum pan things.”

    Bloke 2: “Jamaica?”

    Bloke 1: “Nah. She did it herself”

  15. Sir Mo Farrahs brother has been deported to Somalia on his release from prison. I wonder which one is the odd one out?

  16. There’s no reasoning or ‘common sense’ approach that you can take with this kind of reasoning. People have been allowing themselves to be put on the defensive for far too long by these cruds, often feeling that they have to apologise when they haven’t actually anything to apologise for. I’ve given up trying to accommodate this behaviour. I just tell these cunts to get their sanctimonious heads out of their arses and then fuck off.

    • Don’t tell these protest-happy cunts that there’s a 2008 Japanese film called ‘The Black Swindler’. They’d have a heart attack.

  17. For the triumph of cuntery it is only necessary that non-cunts are silent, or something.

    I was encouraged to hear a red-wall former Labour voter who had switched being interviewed – very briefly – on R4, naming one of his reasons for voting Tory as this kind of PC cuntery.

    Opposition exists. Ironically, it also exists among the Muslim population – pause for contemplation – but it has not yet found a unified voice. Perhaps it will under a confident Tory government owing its majority to voters from outside the London metro-chic bubble? I hope so.

  18. These dozy cunts have the skin thickness of gossamer which incidentally is the name of a furry cartoon alien creature whose boss Marvin the Martian may also be a target for libtard opprobrium. Resist them my Heineken and weed consuming friends. For sure !

  19. Those two bints in the photo with bandaged lip’s evidently misjudged the size of black pete’s cock

  20. Racist or not the Christmas we are now used to was invented for white people, watch It’s a Wonderful Life (Film) the only black person in it is a house keeper like the faceless black mamma from Tom and Jerry. Christmas holds no reality to anyone of African Descent. I’m not talking about the Nativity, I mean Snow, chocolate, open fires, eating and drinking, long live old St Nick.!

  21. When komodo spoke of the little apartheid state on the Med, presumably he was referring to Lebanon, where his precious beloved palestinians are universally hated and kept in camps, far away from the rest of the population.

    • You should have no difficulty in understanding the Lebanese government’s approach to massive immigration of non-Lebanese nationals displaced by Israeli policies, since it is rather similar to our own (as I discover from a Syrian-British contractor where I work, who is attempting to import a Lebanese bride legally, at immense cost, with a satisfying weight of bureaucracy in his way).

      Might I also mention that the Lebanon’s mode of governance resulted from repeated incursions by Israel into its territory? Thought not.

      There is, however, a slight difference in that Palestinians in Israel were legally there from the start and that the Balfour Declaration stated that the institution of a Jewish homeland was not to adversely affect them.

      So, no, I was not referring to Lebanon. If I had been, two wrongs still do not make a right.

      • The Palestinians have done a pretty good job of adversely affecting themselves… let alone the Jews who were also “legally” there from the start.

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