A Christmas Carol (BBC Shite)

I know, it’s been done to death, but could we please have another extra large Cunting for the BBC, please?

Not content with having recently dug up H.G.Wells and pissed all over his corpse, with their righteous ‘now’ version of War of the Worlds, Auntie Beeb has deemed it necessary to ruin the start of my Christmas TV, by fucking about with Dickens.

That’s right folks, the BBC have dug up Mr Dickens and made him look a right Charlie.

In their ‘new’ adaption of ‘A Christmas Carol’, a younger Eb Scrooge strolls about his office, giving long cryptic monologues to Bob Cratchit (who now seems to be a young socialist revolutionary, barely hiding his contempt for his evil capitalist employer).
The best so far (just watched Ep.1), is that Mrs Cratchit is now a Dark-key. Yes, Bob’s in a mixed race marriage (all the rage in Victorian London weren’t they?) It’s also hinting that Mrs C may have been dabbling in a little prostitution for a few extra coins (get ready for the tale of the poor, victimised ethnic being subjugated by the evil, white property owner).

Can these millennial, righteous-signalling, snowflake Cunts keep their hands off none of our literary classics? Is nothing sacred anymore?

Fuck off BBC – stick to celebrity dancing specials, un-funny cross-dressing comedy sitcoms and bollocks soap operas. Fuck right off.

Nominated by Lord of the Rings

101 thoughts on “A Christmas Carol (BBC Shite)

  1. The F bomb was dropped. Maybe I’ll drop the F bomb and C bomb as well. You haven’t got a Fucking clue you Cunts.

  2. Hahaha! I knew one of you was going to fucking rage about this any moment.

    I watched about 10 minutes of it last night, I loved reading the original by Dickens as a younger man.

    I think I was more annoyed about the fact that they added in a load of stuff that wasn’t in the book, like all the fluff about Marley being in purgatory and put on the bonfire with his rocking horse.

    Guy Pearce was excellent.

    I’ll get my coat.

  3. Admin – This should have come with a spoiler alert. I’ve got it recorded to watch.
    Don’t think I’ll fuckin’ bother now. Still, it’s prevented me from wasting my time.
    What next? I, Claudius with Derek Jacobi wedged up somone’s arsehole?

    • #MeRecordedToo Bertie.

      We’ll be giving part one a go tonight, though the jury’s still out as to whether we’ll be bothering with parts two and three…

      • I’m sure Lady Creampuff will still enjoy it. She seems to have moved more with the times and is much more inclusive than you!

      • I have taken the liberty of setting ‘The Pickwoke Papers’ BBC New Year Dickens adaption Lord Creampuff, if it offends your sense historical literal accuracy, I apologise in advance.

      • Good man LL!

        Your Christmas bonus is hereby upped by… an orange!

        Hopefully The Pickwoke Papers will prove to be one in the eye for all the moaning Minnies posting here.

      • Don’t forget ‘A TALE OF TWO CLITIES’ which depicts the relationship of the transsexual French Doctor Manette with his daughter Lucie. God that would fuckin’ turn me on watching that. It would include incest, rugmunchin’ and necrophilia.
        Who says BBC can’t do drama?
        I’m starting on the script tonight.

      • Maybe it’s because there are no trigger words involved. Just a shot in the dark.

        Top-Tip – found out today that hoôker is a trigger word.

    • Just finished watching it Bertie. Worse than anticipated. Actors mumbling – lucky I know the story backwards, otherwise wouldn’t have had a clue what the fuck was going on. Dark, gloomy sets, well to do dârkiès in top hats on the street, mixed race Cratchit couple (as per nom). Tiny Tim made me think of that dwârf thing wearing a red hoodie in ‘Don’t Look Now’. Irritating tyke would have long been in the graveyard if he’d been my sprog.

      Can’t wait to see part two!

      • From an article in the Spectator:

        “People trust us,” claimed Lord Hall, recently. But like a lot of what you hear from the BBC these days I’m not sure that that is strictly accurate. The BBC’s shamelessly biased news coverage over Brexit was bad enough but what has really started in sticking in viewers’ craws is the way its relentlessly woke politics have now infected pretty much the entirety of its entertainment output. There is almost no escape from the BBC’s finger-wagging lectures, not even when it’s Christmas and you’re desperately trying to have fun.

        As exhibit A, allow me to present A Christmas Carol. ‘Charles Dickens.

        This version was written by Steven Knight, the creator of Peaky Blinders, with his characteristic sledgehammer nuance. Scrooge, we learned from this adult re-imagining, was the way he is because he had been sexually abused by his housemaster at school; and also because the one nice Christmas present he had ever had – a pet mouse – had been decapitated by his drunken father.

        In Dickens, Scrooge is merely a grouch and a miser. But according to Knight’s account, he is in fact the Embodiment of the Evils of the Capitalist System. Scrooge makes his money – as of course everyone did in the early Victorian era – by cutting corners and asset stripping. One of his coal mines collapses because he refused to invest in sufficient wooden props; then he buys up a cotton mill at a knock down price because the owner is crippled with his father’s gambling debts, before selling it off at ten times the price the next day by breaking it up, sacking the workers and flogging all the equipment. It felt like being bludgeoned all over again with the crude, anti-Industrial-Revolution politics of Danny Boyle’s London Olympics ceremony.

        Even #MeToo got a look-in. Scrooge hints to Mary Crachitt that he will only give her the money for Tiny Tim’s medical bills in return for her sexual favours. When she appears at his home and offers herself, he turns her down: it was the abject submission he was after, it seems, not the actual sex. As she leaves, she mutters bitterly about a woman’s power to call up vengeful spirits, or some such. I’m still not at all sure why this subplot was included, other than to signal that the author is totally onboard with feminism – just like he was with Peaky Blinders where he promoted women to positions of boardroom influence they would never have had in the period delineated.

        On the upside, it was well-acted by a first-rate cast (led by Guy Pearce as Scrooge) and atmospherically directed by Nick Murphy, with all manner of spookily disturbing special effects and arresting imagery. I loved the Christmas-tree-land purgatory amid which the shade of Jacob Marley is doomed to wander until Scrooge repents; the Ali-Baba character who takes Scrooge on a camel ride through a snowy landscape to his old school; the scene where Scrooge sees in his ceiling Tiny Tim falling through the ice and drowning…

        But all this only served to remind you just how captivating this production might have been if only the BBC hadn’t insisted on ruining it with all the tub-thumping lefty politics and the unnecessary swearing and gratuitous grisliness. Part of me almost admires the BBC’s cussed resistance to criticism, its determination to carry on insulting to the bitter end that large portion of its audience which doesn’t share its politically correct outlook. If I didn’t have to review the BBC’s output as part of my job, though, I think I would have given up paying my licence fee long ago.

      • You could have written a full blown nom on this!
        It’s so long, on first glance, I thought it was the Pope’s New Year message!

      • I used to envy people that got to watch films&TV, or listen to music, for a living. Now I feel sorry for the poor cunts. To have to endure this shite just to earn a wage. That could be a consciousness-raising special the BBC might be interested in – ”This Christmas Please Consider The Poor Immigrant Wage-Slave Reviewers, Forced to Suffer our Bilge for TV Times”.

  4. I couldn’t fuckin’ see anything. They clearly had a lighting budget of £3.67p and that was to buy candles from Aldi. Load of total shite.

  5. Shoe horned an effnick into a dickens classic, it’s compulsory now, first thing on the agenda in the planning stage “which part will be played by the effnick”


  6. You’re more courageous than me as I hold Dickens in too high esteem to watch his classics being picked over by talentless pc cunts. Unable to produce classics of your own? Simply flush out somebody else’s with ethnics and different genders regardless of historical authenticity. How else could these mendacious, hateful thieves “interpret” Dickens?

    Dombey & trans-son
    Martina Chuzzlefuckwit
    Gay Expectations
    David Copperfieldski
    A Tale of Two Lesbo Titties
    The Pickwick Pakîs


    • Afternoon Cap’n.
      I’m sure you were delighted to learn of the latest take on David Copperfield from that cunt Armando Iannuchi. According to the review in arsewipe comic ‘The Guardian’, Ianucchi has taken a fresh approach, brought in more diversity…. fucking blah.
      That courageous young Englishman Copperfield is played by er… Dev Patel.
      Cultural appropriation? Naw; it’s revitalising a much adapted classic. Or something.

      • Afternoon Ron
        I didn’t have the stomach for that version. They’ve all been done so many times they feel obliged to do something different, hence the Slumdog Copperfield bollocks.

        Why not just make something new? My version would be The Pickwick Pakîs (as above). A heart-wrenching tale of a poor, migrant Pakî who brings his family to Britain for a better life. He takes a job as a bus driver to pay for his sons to have a decent education and, after they’ve overcome cultural differences, prejudice, enduring adversity, and the pressures of private school, they still manage to go on a brutal, murderous, stabbing rampage in London.

      • Great idea. Would suggest Idris Elba as the dad, with Bendycunt Cumbersnatch, Tilda Swinton and Richard Ayoade as the sons. Grayson Perry can play the token daughter (in a black bin liner).
        Must be written by Stephen Moffat or Richard Curtis, have a London setting, and feature a variety of implausible American characters to appeal to the ‘Mid Atlantic’ audience. Soundtrack by Stormzy.

      • ? Ron Knee: Agent to the Stars.?

        You mean you’d give the part of the little Pakîsthan immigrant ….to a black actor? Deny the role of little Móhammed Pickwick, the struggling, poverty-diseased, loving father of 22 to a brown actor? You waycist. It’s an authentic, groomy actor and I ain’t budging. No negotiating.

        We’ll pay the little cunt £50 a day and film it all in less than a week.
        No accommodation.
        No dinner expenses.
        And keep the little cunt away from children.

  7. Christmas carol was Scrooge and Marley, made lots of money and shared not a bean to others, now if liebor had won the scrounges would get everything and Scrooge would have lost the lot.
    Fuck off scrounging cunts I’ll remain Scrooge at keep what I fucking earned.

    Happy fuck off christmas ?

  8. BBC drama used to be the jewel in the crown; ‘Pride & Prejudice’, ‘Tinker Tailor’, ‘I, Claudius’ and the unbelieveably brilliant ‘Roads toFreedom’ (which the cunts won’t show again, or release on dvd, and consistently refuse to say why). Now they have to piss on everything with their identity politics.
    After giving the Tories my vote earlier this month, I want two things for my trouble;
    1. I want Bojo to shit on Remainers from a very great height and give us Brexit NOT Brino
    2. I want him to shit on the BBC from an even greater height, and clear out that fucking den of Londoncentric, trendy, elitist libtard fucks with a 20mm cannon.

    • The only things worth watching on the BBCunts are the quiz shows. The news is fucked and seems to be solely left of centre propaganda, drama is fucked as they are not able to make anything without adding on a Corbynite message and sport is fucked because of women commentators who know fuck all about what they are talking about. I am not anti-women in sport and I am just anti-ignorance.

      I do like Ken Bruce and Victoria Coren but fuck the rest of them.

      Happy Christmas fellow cunters.

  9. Cunters will not be surprised to know that ‘The Ghost of Christmas Present’ is to be played by a woman… probably a feminazi.

  10. Thankfully, I’m away from my TV otherwise I might have watched this and had a stroke.

    I love A Christmas Carol and all the film or tv versions have not strayed far from the book. Even the modern Disney animation was very true to the story. Now the BBC have applied their woke magic to it. It really is time to scrap the BBC.

  11. As a consolation fellow cunters, you can watch C4’s alternative Christmas Day message. This year delivered by….. John Bercow. Joy to the World!

    • Yes, the stumpy traitor dwarf is apparently going to tell us that “democracy has taken a hammering this year”. Yeah, thanks to you shithead. We’ve all seen your idea of democracy.
      He’s also going to tell us to be more courteous to each other. Yeah, “bollocks to Brexit” is pretty courteous innit cunt? To be fair loaning your wife’s pussy out to any dirty pikey is the height of good manners in my book.

  12. Fucking contemptible cunts. Absolute contemptible cunts. I fucking loathe what we are becoming. Too bastard late to turn back the clock.

    • Surely not DCI… With BORIS in Number 10 and BRINO just around the corner…



      • One can only cross one’s fingers, RTCP.

        Compliments of the season to you and all fellow cunters. My Christmas Day will be seen from my Big Yellow Taxi. Bah, fucking humbug.

      • Think yourself lucky DCI.

        I’ve got to brave the mother-in-law and the idiot brother-in-law.

        Callard & Bowser’s Olde English Mint Humbugs!

      • Your a saint DCI! I’m comforted by the fact that if acid indigestion catches me out after my turkey dinner, I can rely on you to pick me up in your big yellow taxi!
        ps I hope you’ve got New Year off and have a great time.

      • I’m hoping the public take some responsibility and not bother us for a six week history of leg pain, like usual, so I can put my boots up on-station, dip into a tin of ‘Heroes’ and read a book I got from Father Christmas. Then again, I might command the next shuttle mission, there’s more chance of that… New Years Eve, working a ‘Late’, but, not too late and off for a couple of days. Same shift last year. Last job of 20q8? Mid-twenties female, suicide… Never been so glad to get to a party despite the ‘You’re quiet’, questions.

      • I don’t know how you do it DCI.
        What a sad end to last year. However, you do seem to share your good times with us that must make your work rewarding.

      • Just to cheer you up, mate went to a bloke with a cucumber stuck up his arse! Best part was he said: ‘Can’t believe I’ve done this again’ when they turned up!!

      • Just to cheer you up, Bertie, mate went to a bloke with a cuc**ber stuck up his arse! Best part was that when the crew turned up, he said ‘I can’t believe I’ve done this again’!!!

        (Reposted due to moderation!)

      • Ah yes DCI, the old cûm inside a word. I would have thought a banana would have been more organically friendly and you can’t be moderated for it!

  13. I love anything with Guy Pearce and the guy from Snatch is quite good too.

    It’s a shame to see the BBC shitting on our traditions and classics but I’m sure in many years time people will point and laugh at is as much as they do say Rising Damp or Steptoe.

      • Ah a corbynista christmas carol, lovely!!
        Vegan slop on Bobs table, tiny Tim struggling with gender identity,
        Warms my heart, sure its much better than that racist gammon one with Aleister simm!
        So all those sat watching in islington as you tuck into your artisan cranberry wine and vegan mince pies, raise a glass too changing times, …hope you fucking choke.

      • I’ve an idea for a modern day take on it:

        Why don’t they make Scrooge like Sir Phillip Green or Mike Ashley and Bob Cratchett is on a zero hours contract being paid minimum wage.

        Plot Twist:
        Tiny Tim has Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

        In all seriousness though, I loved the Disney version with Scrooge McDuck The tight fisted penny pinching Scot.

  14. Im quite surprised that they didn’t go full on cunt and make a social commentary something like this; poor hard working black bloke Leroy Cratchit is treated as a slave by nasty old white tyrant Ebeneezer Scrooge. Who then meets Bob Marley’s ghost who spends eternity singing and getting stoned ,so he smokes a spliff with Scrooge and tells him to be nice to the dark people or he will suffer a similar fate . Then the ghost of Christmas past takes him back to a time before diversity and shows him how terrible things were. Then to the present when people of all races are happy and socialising with each other and not being blown up and stabbed, and then finally to the future when Scrooge can see the death of himself and his country if he doesn’t stop being mean to Africans. So old Ebeneezer changes his ways and when he goes to watch the football on Boxing day he stops shouting racial slurs at the black players and buys all the young fans a halal steak and kidney pie at half time. Perhaps ?

  15. It’s CD’s , Rioja and Malbec until the New Year (a dram or two, perhaps), and fuck the BBC. It will remain a lost cause until Boris privatises it, and probably even then. Happy hibernation to all.

    • Think theres cds (cross dressers) in this version Komodo!
      And think they are called Rio joe and
      Malc Beck!

  16. Word is that gobshite cunt Stormzy is doing a bit of bible reading on BBC1 on Christmas Day… No fucking joke… If I want to watch a giant turd at Christmas, I shall go to the bog….

    Fuck the BBC and their Chicken George appreciation society….

      • No doubt the script of Stormzy will be an anti-Boris/Tory rant dressed up as the Corbynated Chicken manifesto that alienated 95% of the country.

      • Fucking why? BBC black mass? Serious question, is it an attempt at representation or is it black washing?

        As it happens we have a very strong black Christian community round here, rightly or wrongly these are proper god fearing folk who dedicate their lives to the good lord.

        Stormzy believes the word does he? No he doesn’t, it’s a desecration of the good book. It is a black mass performance mocking believers.

        I’m sure one of the older black women from the congregation would grab his ear and shoo him back to Babylon.

        The black messiah he ain’t.

      • The black rappers like Kwadjo Omari Owuo, and that other egomaniac Kanye West, don’t like to think there’s anybody more important than they are so move in of their territory fool!

  17. The BBC shitting on Britain? Tell me it ain’t so? The BBC pushing agenda via so called entertainment? No really? The BBC may as well twin with the Huffington Post.

    They both have left progressive editorial leanings, the both love to remind us we are all racist gammons and both love fucking Stormzy.

    Everybody is racist. But only white racism is news worthy. Not one corner of humanity is free from prejudice, not one country exists where an ethnic\religious or sexual orientation has not been stigmatised or suffered from so called hate crimes.

    Many of the celebrated cultural enrichers we embrace are far more prejudiced than the indigenous people of their host nation.

    I was racially abused outside seven sisters tube station years ago, loads of black folk and one of them decided to suck his teeth and ask me “you lost, white boi?” And no he wasn’t about to offer me directions. Sorry I digress, point is the world the BBC likes to portray never existed and never will exist, because people of all creeds, colours and religion are part cunt.

    Stop rewriting history BBC, stop with your progressive liberal fantasy preaching. Just fucking stop, I don’t want to be converted to your happy clappy land.

    Put anyone from any creed, colour etc amongst a group of strangers of another persuasion and that person is likely to feel uneasy even if their is no blatant bias displayed.

    I’ll carry on judging every man as the man he shows himself to be and every group as what they show themselves to be. The BBC’s virtual version of reality doesn’t work if you live in the actual reality.

    Fuck Stormzy, he may represent part of Britain that now exists, but he doesn’t represent a Britain I want to live in. I suspect a 13 year old black kid watching his life flow across a pavement because someone he knows dissed someone he doesn’t know in a grime video the BBC will tell you is vibrant youth culture may not want to live in that kind of Britain either.

    Humanity is not my little pony and it never will be. Drop the British from the BBC, make David Lammy the director general and become self funding, then see how many Brits subscribe.

    Bah Humbug

    • An eloquent rant Sixdog. It boils my piss that cunts like Stormz are lifted up as black role models by the MSM. It’s always black ex-con turned good (by joining a charidee), anti-white poetry or, now, “I’m a victimized football player.”

      The role models should be the decent black guys n girls who I’ve worked with in the armed forces and Civil Service. Of course, they spoke good English, worked hard and didn’t carry a chip on the shoulder. Stormz is far removed from the fairly decent immigrants that came in from the Windies in the fifties.

      • Get this apologist cunt, cos none of us knew what a stab vest was previous to Stormzy at Glastocunt.


        Coppers up and down the country are wearing thick vests to look cool, nothing to do with protection from being stabbed?

        And the little cunt thinks he’s the smart one.

      • Sixdog, the Seven Sisters Tube area is a true shithole, a proper dodgy place for a cracker. Best avoided. They should concrete over the whole sçummy ratfest. It’s so wretched, Lammy is their MP.

  18. Just turned the second episode of this utter, utter shite off.
    How this crap got commisioned is beyond me, but there again the licensed funded BBC is a law to it’s SJW self.
    Totally destroyed the story by trying to be edgy and relevant to the unimaginative millenial morons of today.

    • Why the fuck are you all watching it?
      You all know itll be bollocks and raise your blood pressure!
      Ive just watched ‘some mothers do av em’ enjoyed it.
      Next up is ‘the bleeder’ about boxer chuck Wepner who fought Ali an was the inspiration for Rocky.
      Bet i like that too.
      Then ive got ‘the Joker’ the new one,
      And ‘once upon a time in Hollywood’ the new Tarantino film, dunno if ill like em?
      But its 100% ill fuckin hate bbc Christmas carol!!-

      • But MNC, at the end just as the Cratchetts are about to carve the turkey, Stormzy smashes the front door in and takes it because they can’t afford the TV tax.

        Oh, that would be too realistic BBC.

      • Man no eat the white meat
        Man want dark meat
        Dat Jeremy he good man
        He got integrity.
        Man get mobo award?

        Good night mnc

  19. Anyone seeing the effnik Big Issue Seller in the first street scene will realise that the shifest to come was going to be fucking awful. The Dickens Society should sue!

  20. Off it went as soon as Mrs Cratchet turned out to be of darker stock. This is now becoming a joke, Dickensian London was rife with it.!

  21. On the subject of BBC shite, there was a programme on BBC 4 earlier, called what we watched in 1979.. looking forward to some classic clips, the whole thing was ruined by the host, some bint called Grace Dent. Graceless Moose more like. I have no idea who she is, and have no desire to find out. Irritating, sounding like a labour leader candidate with even less personality, if that’s at all possible. Cunts.

    • Grace Dent reminds me of John Cleese when he did the Anne Elk character… ‘This is my theory! I own it! And what it is too!’

      • Discovering her has been like discovering a polyp on my arse lips. I fear it’s not the last I’ll see of her either, I’m sure the fucking beeb will shoehorn her into everything.

    • ‘Grace Dent’ is a well known brand of toothpaste.

      What Grace Dent doesn’t know about teeth isn’t worth knowing.
      What Grace Dent knows about old TV shows is a mystery

  22. Fuck knows what the BBC are going to do to Worzel Gummidge… No doubt there will be an ‘environmental’ agenda to go with the box ticking black kids who are in it… It will be a far cry from the Pertwee original, that’s for sure… I wonder if St Greta will make a guest appearance? She looks like her head is made out of a turnip….

    Oh, and McKenzie Crook is a fucking cunt sausage…

    • Norman@
      Pissed you off this Wurzel reboot hasnt it?
      Your right itll be woke as fuck, hell be stuffed with locally sourced non allergenic hay, got a message to spread, maybe breakdances and raps.
      Saw few bits of the original one few weeks back,
      Remember his punk rocker nephew?
      A cockney scarecrow looked like Paul Cook from the Pistols!

  23. Haven’t watched it, but is it still Tiny Tim? Or is it Tiny M’Tembe (who’s actually 30, has a beard the length of Jessica Yaniv’s scrotal hair, but because he’s undocumented we’re not allowed to disbelieve him)?

    No doubt Scrooge’s nephew Fred is now married to Bill, and the ghost of Christmas Present’s feast is 100% vegan with the Milk of Human Kindness being replaced with soy light!

    Bunch of cunt!

    And if you think that’s bad, you should see what delights await us on the five terrestrial channels come primetime on Christmas Day!

    (Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. To our noble spirit moderators…)

  24. Just watched episode 2, I knew there was something missing from dickens story, sure it was good, but how much better is it now the BBC have have deemed it necessary to add the customary dark keys and yes, the fucking paedophile.
    Genius. Fuck you Dickens.
    Merry Christmas everyone.

    • Fuck posted too soon, looks like scrooge is shaping up to be a sex offender.
      I’m going to have to check the book again.

  25. Fuck how many tv and film adaptions of Christmas carol do we fucking need here? Theres probably 100 different kinds including animated ones for kiddies.

    The alastair sims 1951 seems to be the definite version of the tale and the musical 70’s film with albert finney and alec Guinness also seems to be held in high regard but yeah we need another thousand adaptions of this dickens novel ffs

  26. Just need a gay scene for the last episode and all boxes ticked thank you very much.
    I hope it’s a hot lesbo scene like the one with Theron in Atomic Blonde. Best part of that movie that’s for sure

  27. Can I ask for cunters opinions on what would be the likely result of a visionary film maker casting Hugh Grant in the next reboot of Shaft.

    Do we think that would be received well?

    • Since Huge Cunt came out dribbling liquid woke for the Bias beeb election bollox he’s been rewarded with xmas tv slots…cunt is everywhere now..you never saw him at xmas previously he was always on his hols in Ting Tong Land fucking some slitty eyed up the duff…how many “”blended”” brats has he got now? .The Beeb illuminati rewarding their own for pushing the commie agenda

  28. Can’t be as bad as the new David Copperfield with David being played as a paki…Copperfield is based loosly on Dickens own childhood, Macawber based on his dad…who knew that Charlie Dickens was black and selling postal orders…A total cunting off to everyone who ever dares throw WOKE on Dickens…die you lefty cunts die

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