Good morning Cunter’s.
Your chances to make your point on this Democratic shit fest, admittedly labour started off on the wrong foot (or two miss matched left ones) Conservatives were being butchered by the Media.
The Lib dems, well lets not go there and the Brexit party broke down into in fighting.
As far as the Press is concerned this has been hailed the largest labour loss since 1935 (incidentally the date of the rise of fascism in Europe, so expect Lilly Allen to start banging that drum)
On the brighter side I note that Dianna Abbot has received over 39,000 votes, I like to think that I am a little more intelligent than her so, statistically that makes me cleverer than at least 39,001 inhabitants of this island.
Carry on Cunting!
Should improve Swinson’s chances in CotY.
On the other hand, she’ll probably lose that too !!!!!
Even without the Lesser Spotted Flabbopotamus, the Labour cunts still couldn’t win. McDonnell told Andrew Neill that they failed to appreciate that the election was all about Brexit. You couldn’t make it up.
Pissed myself that the Grenfell constituency went Tory.
At least now my house and pension are safe…
sorry I had to pip your jumper topic to the post, but I could see the whole day going to shit if I didn’t put this one up.
All the best Bigus Dickus
Not a problem. When i ran things I used to juggle posts all the time to make room for topical stuff…
I’d love to see the faces of steptoes sleb followers. Bugger lugs Linekar crying into his probiotic yoghurt. 6ou fucking smug, jug eared non politician its time to shut the fuck up
Corbyn lost because people didn’t fall for his farcical, idiotic freebies for all bollocks. If something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I have serious reservations about Johnson ( never call him Boris, that’s what he wants) but him winning is better than another hung Parliament, that prospect was mind numbing.
Or because he likes enemy’s of the state more than the state its self
Some of my in-laws voted for the Lib Dumbs….for once I’m looking forward to seeing them.
In truth, I can’t fucking wait…the cunts….
You should film it and post it on YouTube JR.
I always like a soppy Xmas home video with few tears in it.
I’m a traditionalist like that you know…
With any luck there’ll be a fight too.
?All together now…..
? Oh Jeremy Corbyn
What a cunt you are…♬♬
What a cunt you are…♬♬
Thank the fuck we will shortly never hear that chant ever ever again
What a wonderful and possibly paradoxical day for the superstitious. As extreme as the divide in the country.
Some overjoyed with Friday the 13th possibly for the first time ever. Others probably wondering what terrible ill will befall them next. And all of it entirely the product of their imaginations.
The latch on No. 10 had barely closed before the AL-BEEB began their: “…not just about Brexit…” monologues. And Kuntsberg – in true form – picked up (at 10:10pm last night) that the “pound was soaring” once the exit poll had been announced but then, even THEN, STILL had to chime in with “…and that is inspite of Brexit still looming over the UK economy!” Get fucked – YOU CUNT!
Listen AL-BEEB, you British hating cunts! We need to get Brexit done and ASAP because everything else will depend on it, and the majority BoJo now has (and having routed the Connies of most of their fifth column traitors) means that he can go and smear dog shit in Druncker, Verhofstwat, Tusk and Barnicles eyes and TELL THEM what kind of fucking deal WE want, and without interference – even if all the other cunts gang together (as they have done for over 18 months) as a bloc!
The EU cunts can no longer hang onto their “revoke article 50” and “second referendum” straws. Brexit is happening and you need to start playing fucking fair right now because: TRADE DEFICIT!
With a mandate like that BoJo could fuck what the 400 green leather polishing traitors forced him to do and legitimately go for a no trade deal. Fuck them like they fucked us! Cunts!
If he can then force through legislation so that we don’t just keep on accepting the world’s flotsam and jetsam – to further drain our resources – and fuck off cunts who shouldn’t even be here (including ALL economic migrants) then it will be a hugely successful term and WILL provide an even bigger majority going forwards.
The London echo chamber constantly chimes on about how great immigration is and the lie that “diversity” is our “biggest” strength. Well that may be all well and good in a city that has already fallen but the *real* UK is over 70% against any more immigration whatsoever!
BoJo talks about a “points system” like Australia. As Australian’s will attest, that’s no fucking silver bullet either because if you can sign an ‘X’ where it says “Signature here:” then you’re in. If we have to have a points system then it should be a minimum entry requirement of a Doctorate level education and only from English speaking, non Muslim countries. End of. Fuck ’em!
Chuck in a bit of Pretti getting medieval on the “peacefuls” arses then what’s not to like.
If nothing else, it will be like watching the lamestream media eat a shit sandwich for the next five years! Good!
I hope Stormzy and fellow celebrity Boris-nashers woke up feeling deead from all the scar-MONG-ering they’ve indulged in over the past year.
Teeth ‘n tits Swinson is stepping down after her SNP trouncing.
Funny that, especially after vaunting herself as the ‘possible next PM of the UK’. What fucking dream world do these cunts live in? She should step down and pursue an alternative career on Xhamster with her jugs and a family-sized bottle of Johnson’s Baby Oil. She’d get my vote then!
Wee Jimmy is cock a hoop. If she puhses for another Indyref then I hope she gives England the vote too. But she won’t will she? She needs to be seen to push for Independence but if it happened she fucking well knows she would be up shit creek. She is playing a game and walking a line with a finite life. One day, the fucking daft Sweaties might just wake up to what the SNP is up to. Or maybe not.
They are all cunts, aren’t they?
If we had an inverse SNP vote – where N.I., Wales and England decided if we wanted to keep Scotland as part of the union – I’m pretty sure the sweaties would shit themselves!
And this is from a self-confessed Caledoniaphile of Jock Grand-parentage!
Be very careful for what you wish for because we might just let you have it!
I see no sense in those cunts wanting to be independent of a nation that – warts and all – generally does care about what happens to the fellow members of the union, only to sign their independence away to an egregious cabal of bureaucrats who don’t give two shits about them!?!
Yes, totally logical, you Buckfast fueled cunts!
Oh what a night,
Mid December in 2019,
Swinson, Corbyn, and Labour failing,
Oh what a night.
You’re gonna love these:
From Piers Morgan:
“Congrats Hugh Grant & Steve Coogan – you helped get Boris a landslide,” he tweeted, adding: “The British people listened to your democracy-wrecking garbage & told you to f**k off.”
and from Fat Cunt James Corden.
“I can’t shake the feeling that if @tom_watson had been leader of the Labour Party the outcome of this could’ve all been so different. Jeremy Corbyn has now lost two elections to opposition candidates who could’ve and should’ve been beaten.”
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Suck it up, fat cunt buttercup!
The fat cunt lives in America so why is he bothered??
I’d like to wish Hugh Grant,Steve Coogan,James Cordon,a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year because
Leave Means Leave ??????????
Bag of shite
merry brexmas corbynistas and swinsters
oh and fuck u EU
Must admit I was starting to think the same…. was reading last night of the “youthquake” (real term coined by lefty cunts) – millions of students pouring onto the streets to loft Comrade Jez to power on their shoulders! Turned out well didn’t it – I presume Kim Kardashian tweeted a photo of her right piss flap which prompted them all to stay at home instead
We haven’t had hundreds of moose limbs saying they’ll leave the country because they’ll feel threatened by Boris’s islamaphobic government.
Funny that!
I saw a picture of Flabbott in the paper at a polling station yesterday wearing two left shoes from two different pairs looking like a characteristically doss cunt.
Here’s a link LL.
I’m sure those that love her must really be concerned for this woman’s health.
Early onset dementia? (it’s marginally easier to spell than
Does the fact that she’s wearing two left shoes mean that she’s moving even further to the left?
No it indicates that she may have nicked them from a shops outside display, two things indicate this, 1 they are both left 2 they are odd
Poor old Flabbott, once Compo resigns its back to the (reinforced) back benches.
“For the many – not the shoe” 🙂 good tag line
Meg Hillier tried to spare Diane’s embarrassment by suggesting she goes home to change her shoes and then come back.
To which Diane replied “there’s no point. I’ve only got another pair the same at home”
My link’s better than yours Admin. cos I’ve got a real close up at the bottom of the page.
Probably drunk of her skull…….maybe
That is fucking psychotic! Flabbott’s choice of footwear symbolises the state of the Labour front bench perfectly.
Jesus fucking wept. So not content with fucking up basic mathematics, Flabbot has now added dressing like a spastic to its CV. Factor in our would be leader comrade Catweazle slipping it a length, and I can safely say, we’ve dodged a bullet.
I guess there aren’t as many students, SJWs and trannys as Labour hoped there were. They’ve just had an absolute kicking. Surely the end of this leftist bullshit. Labour will move back towards the middle now.
And how long before the cunts on (anti-)social media start blaming the Russians for fixing the vote, saying people didn’t know what they were voting for and demand a re-run / “people’s vote”?! We’ve just fucked Compo!! Merry Christmas, everyone.
quote : ‘Surely the end of this leftist bullshit. Labour will move back towards the middle now.’
I wouldn’t bet on it. Grandpa Steptoe said he won’t lead another election, but wants to make sure they carry on the same track, as their policies are right.
Apparently, the only reason he lost was ‘BREXIT’ & the ‘Media’ told lies about him & were biased in favour of the Tories.
What a fucking Ostrich ! Stick your head in the dirt, you Ego Maniac. He’s right – everyone else is wrong. (& we should be worried about Boris ! FFS)
What a massive, deluded, god complex CUNT
It’s also a good example of how the rest of England told London to fuck off with their woke, lefty, libtard touchy-feely shit
London no longer speaks for the country, and nor should it!
Most of London can’t speak for the rest of the country since it doesn’t know the language.
London has never spoken for the rest of England It only thought it did?
Communist Labour as it stands is now finished as it should be Our next door neighbours in Bassetlaw have booted out Communist Labour and their NEC appointed candidate it’s been Labour since 1928 not any more ??
Revenge is always best served chilled ??
Listen to your electorate don’t tell them how to vote and who they should have as their candidate ??
Good news and bad news for me.
Good news;
Catweazel and the Limp Dicks fucked over. Swinson out.
Luvvies and Owen Jones looking for a sharp blade.
Bad news;
SNP get c.50 seats and massive over-representation at Westminster, Brexit Party gets fuck all for its share of the vote. Wee Jimmy Crankie’s up her gramophone to play her indyref broken record yet again.
Over to you BoJo. Where’s our Brexit (and I DON’T mean BRINO) then?
Afternoon Cunters one and all.
Could Swinson at less than 5 months be the shortest serving party leader ever in the UK?
Enter our resident archivist RTC. Do you know any different Ruff one?
The most satisfying cunting of all time, the one that the Labour heartlands just handed the metropolitan elitist commies who stole the Labour Party.
The working class elected Boris over Labour.
The knives are out in the Commie party.
Look forward to a bloodbath and a complete collapse in support.
Bubble of undemocratic bullshit well and truly burst.
Let’s see how long it is before Boris and the toffs fuck it all up.
The British people didn’t vote for Boris Johnson, the cunt. They didn’t vote for the Conservative party either, they voted to get us out of Europe. So at least the whining bleating remain sheep can finally shut the fuck up.
Johnson has pledged to bring honesty back into politics, so I expect an announcement from Downing Street within the next three months which says “Due to delays finalising trade deals with our overseas partners, there will be an extended period of austerity for you plebs while us rich cunts are doing very nicely thank you.”
You’re right about not voting for the Tories, but to get us out of Europe. Johnson’s support will go down the shitter fast if they don’t deliver on this now.
Brilliant result for the Conservatives yet all the BBC and O’ Shithead can wang on about this morning is what went wrong for Labour. Remoaner-lefty media at its best.
Has that nauseating little gobshite Owen Jones surfaced anywhere this morning?
I’m waiting to hear from the cunt so I can piss myself laughing.
I don’t want that fucking arsewipe to make an appearance until I’ve finished laughing at Swinson, Sourberries et all, I reckon about Tuesday.
To Corbyn , Mcdonell , Abbott , Gardner , Swinson , Sturgeon , Major , Grieve , Blair , Soubrey , Berkow , Blackford , Gina Miller , Cougan , Hugh Grant , Lilly Allen , the BBC , Sky News , Chanel 4 , The guardian , The Independent and all you other anti British , anti democratic cunts
I think I might buy a Groaniad tomorrow. It’ll be a bitter, twisted rant from that wanky bunch of losers; should be a hoot!
Oh they’ve already started with their twisted ,crybaby whinging, blaming Boris, Brexit, the North, the working classes, white-van-man, the weather….. in fact their op writers are in full force while being in total denial as to why the likes of Steptoe and Big Jugs lost in such spectacular fashion.
I do sometimes wish London would fuck off and become its own independent state so that the rest of the country could just get on with life without being dictated too by an arrogant social elite.
My piss almost froze when I learned that Sedgefield, formerly represented (poorly) by Blair, and then by a former lobbyist for the gambling industry, had become Tory, with a margin of 4000 votes. Whoop-de-fucking-do!
Mr. Returning Officer, allow me to thank the turncoats and traitors Blair, Mandelson, Brown and many others whose nice little numbers are dependent on our remaining in Europe, for the superb smear and disinformation campaign which resulted in reducing the appeal of unicorn-breeder and dithering cunt Corbyn to the point of electoral wipeout. To the point where the Tories appeared to be the rational choice even to traditional socialist voters such as myself. Well done, you shameless cunts, and I hope Brexit breaks you.
OK, we’ll get a softer Brexit than many here would like, including myself. But if the project is a success, it shouldn’t be impossible to erode the EU’s terms and conditions as time goes on, and I don’t regard this as in any sense a failure. It’s encouraging that a lot of new Tory MP’s come from strong Leave constituencies and have their seats to lose if they don’t deliver on their promises.
At last we’ll get some decisions. Even if they’re the wrong ones, that’s a plus.
Erode the terms? Just say ‘Fuck You ‘ and walk away.
“unicorn-breeder and dithering cunt Corbyn” was rejected by the UK electorate because they recognised him for what he is: an anti-British, anti-Semite, economically illiterate Marxist fuckwit.
The British people do not take kindly to extremists, either Left or Right.
Naturally Corbyn blames his defeat on “Brexit”, a subject on which he apparently has no opinion. ?
Yeah, yeah. He’s gone now, so calm down, hey?
You’ll have a new socialist to hate soon.
Or maybe a Blairite to like?
Heh-heh, that fetched you K!
Good night sweetheart. ?
Did anyone see the “alternative” election coverage on Channel 4? An audience jam-packed with some of the biggest cunts alive, mostly moose limbs, manky stinking student wimminz, Um Bongo drinkers, lezzers, and poofs. All with faces like smacked arses and shouting and booing guests such as Stanley Johnson etc. Add to that a panel which was an absolute cavalcade of cunts such as Pish Kumar, Katherine Ryan, David Baddiel, some fat ugly Oirish cow and a host of other fucked off remainers, lefties and unfunny “comedians”. An absolute joy to look at the upset and dismay on their cunty faces. I couldn’t watch much of it due to the tripe coming out of their slobbery mouths, but seeing them look like they were ready to throw the ropes up was an early Xmas present!!
Isn’t ‘BBC panel show comedian’ now a synonym for ‘unfunny lefty cunt’?
Come on, this election result has saved British TV comedy. What the fuck would they have to talk about on these cunt panel shows like mock the week and the last leg. Squinty Bristolian Russel Howard makes a living from it too, the pontificating twat.
No, an oxymoron.
Katherine ‘Moody’ Ryan – face like a smacked arse & as funny as pickled haemeroids.
If there was a rag to stuff in her mouth & a bag to pull over her head, I would smash her doors in though.
Jess Phillips punted as the next Labour leader you just couldn’t make it up could you?
Could the Black Prince return ? Yep
Anthony Linton Blair ??
Blair, sleeping peacefully under his mountain of money, awakes to the sound of Drakes Drum, and leads his ghostly army of vampire financiers to rescue the country from the far-right nationalist fascist waycist invaders. Now read on…
Smart money is on the next labour leader being ‘wimmin’
Probably that sulky streak of piss ‘Long’ Bailey though. Thick as a plank, no command of the issues & a whinney bitch – sounds like a female Corbyn clone to me.
What about puddled Laura Pissflaps ??
We seem to be forgetting Big fat gobshite cunt Paula Sherrif lost her seat. You know, the ugly screwed up faced cunt shouting at Boris in parliament. Hooray, the corpulent cunt!
So, that’ll be at least two free seats then. Her gigantic arse would need more than one.
I bet Boris will give his posh bird a good pounding tonight…go on Boris give her some for me.
Any special tips you would like to give him?
Any tips? Yeah get your tip of your tongue up her arsehole Boris followed by your knob, whilst saying ‘I am the man’.
She looks super posh…proper filthy those posh birds, she’ll probably wear a Swinson mask…the Tory toff cunts.
What a euphoric night that was! Of course in the cold light of day it won’t last : watched up to 2am then up at 6am.
I am sure I will revisit this entire ISAC thread in the months and years ahead when I need cheering up. Thanks Cunters!!
So many highlights (most picked up above) but I’ll add my personal favourite….. that sensible P45 gathering Labour cunt in Stoke on Trent who quite understandably put the boot into Cazweazle and Co. It’s fucking GOLD.
Labour for the common working man, not in many a year we’ve had our say and
if it wasn’t for all your media friend’s we would have kicked you all the way down the shit tube instead half way down.
Media will run with the labour story until the new labour leader is in place, them it will die down, expect them next to start flogging Scottish Independance and possible re-unification in Ireland as their next stories to promote division
That ,in a nutshell is their problem. The ordinary person who gets up at 7am and does a good day’s work is no longer in the thoughts of the Labour Party and vice versa.
My favourite result was Iain Duncan Smith holding on to Chingford. I couldn’t give a fuck about him but the look on Corbynista’s Faisa Shaheen’s face was priceless.
Fuck off to your glotal stops you cunt. I’ was close wani’ ?
Described as a “Rising star” by The Grauniad, that star has just plummeted into a dog turd.
Tee-hee Blunty, loving this schadenfreude.
Christmas has indeed come twice this year LL!
I have been lavishly bathing in the tears of the losers today, and it has been wonderful. It’s not about what I have gained, which is fuck all, it’s what they have lost, and listening to the reasons and excuses these cunts have peddled has been fantastic. Most of the cunts who have been trying to subvert democracy has had their P45, so the might be justice after all. Any hopes of the remainers shutting the fuck up have already been dashed, as they have done the sums, and proudly state that regardless of the election results, more people voted for remainers parties than voted for leave parties. However, they count labour votes in that equation, and no one really knew what their position was on Brexit, so I don’t know how they can include them. Also, if you add all the fucks up I give about their whinging, you’ll arrive at the same number as the chance of a second referendum. None. Yeehaw, just going for another dip in that sea of tears, I even listened to Jeremy Vine for fucks sake!