2019 Election results


Good morning Cunter’s.

Your chances to make your point on this Democratic shit fest, admittedly labour started off on the wrong foot (or two miss matched left ones) Conservatives were being butchered by the Media.

The Lib dems, well lets not go there and the Brexit party broke down into in fighting.

As far as the Press is concerned this has been hailed the largest labour loss since 1935 (incidentally the date of the rise of fascism in Europe, so expect Lilly Allen to start banging that drum)

On the brighter side I note that Dianna Abbot has received over 39,000 votes, I like to think that I am a little more intelligent than her so, statistically that makes me cleverer than at least 39,001 inhabitants of this island.

Carry on Cunting!

185 thoughts on “2019 Election results

  1. Swinson getting fucked up the arse by her constituents, really made my night!

    (as well seeing Labour and the left-wing media getting well and truly fucked as well)

  2. Time for Bozzer to clear out the cunts – EU first, then BBC, then refer to Is A Cunt and we’ll tell you when to stop.

    • I really do hope Boris pulls the rug under the cosseted and biased BBC!

      They’ve been fucking him over for months, and now its payback time by abolishing the licence and forcing it to go subscription, and let it fend for itself against the big boys!

      • There must be plenty of wasters at the BBC shitting themselves. Boris should abolish the tv licence and tell the BBC to act as any other business- sink or swim. The notion that the BBC is Aunty is complete bollocks; just ask Cliff Richard.

  3. Glorious night with so many cunts relegated to the Great Dustbin of Cunts – Jo Swindle, Chuckup, Granny Grievous, Sarah Woolycunt, Steptoe and the treacherous anti- semetic Labia Party. Roll on Brexit!

    • A great result and a great night.
      Seats that Labour took for granted in wales and the North lost, the smug smiles gone.
      Now its time for no deal, fuck that oven ready bollocks, lets trade with the world, shut our borders and protect our fishing territory.
      Death to the EU!!

      • Morning mate, and what a morning!!
        Chairman jeremy on his allotment weeping as he harvests his brussel sprouts!?

      • I hate to piss on your parade Miserable, but the Tory landslide effectively kills off the likelihood of No Deal.

        Ironically it also makes an extended transition period a virtual slam dunk….

      • Bassetlaw boot out Communist Labour a seat they have held since 1938 ?
        Bolsover boot out Communist Labour Dennis Skinner a seat He’s held since 1970 A smug ignorant arrogant socialist ?
        Get Brexit Done ????????

      • Bassetlaw. The Labour cunts at Central Office threw out the local choice in favour of a Corbynista and tuned a 5000 majority into a 14000 Tory majority. And those cunts wanted to run an entire country……

    • And the fucking Irish. NI is a boil on the arse of Britain, get the Fuck Out.
      Fuck Off Sturgeon and Scotland.
      Fuck Off Magic Grandpa.
      Boris is a Cunt .
      Brexit is dead.

      • Wasn’t she going to be the next PM? Mind you , she will meet plenty of people with similar ideas down at the dole office.

      • I’m more optimistic about Brexit. It’s not the deal I voted for but it’s not dreadful.

  4. As per the referendum the electoral map of Britain looks very familiar with the Metro cities mostly all red, while the rest of England and parts of Wales is blue. But then when you look closer at those metro cities, especially the demographics, its no big surprise to learn that a large proportion of the population are gimmecunts, chavs, and slebs.

    No doubt the cunts in the London Bubble will be crying and stamping their feet at how unfair last night’s result was; and that all those voters from “oop north”, who voted for Boris are ignorant, racist bastards!

  5. IV had a great time commenting on the Grauniad YouTube channel. The poor saps don’t know what hit em. Hilarious.

    • Me too smug!!!! Like shooting fish in a barrel. Normally wouldn’t touch it with a shitty stick but couldn’t resist last night. Already been called racist, xenophobic (never got that cos I’ve no fear of the cunts, just hate them), too stupid to understand what I’ve done, blah blah blah.

  6. I am expecting some pompous blustering and ‘despair’ from super rich misery guts cunt and Floyd destroyer, Roger Waters… No doubt this middle class mulit millionaire cunt will tell us (again) how and where dear old Blighty has ‘gone wrong’… Is their anything this cunt is happy about, ever?

    Oh, and Coogan can fuck off and all…

    • Yes, expect to see the usual social media backlash from the usual suspects totally in denial of why their particular party did so badly!

      I see from Facebook that some Labour supporters are calling the election “rigged”; and that people who voted Tory are ignorant racists!

      Same old shit, different day (of course today is Friday 13th – unlucky for some)

    • I loathe that opinionated cunt Roger Waters. He should go back to playing the boring wall for the billionth time.

      • I’m sure a few of these celeb cunts (Hugh Grant perhaps) said that if the Tories won the election they would be emigrating!

        Well if that was indeed the case, may I suggest you start packing your cases and fucking off out of here asap!

        (Of course they won’t because they’ll find some excuse to stay.)

      • Ithink his type pack their bags at this time of year regardless be it for the skiing or some Caribbean sunshine on Branson’s ‘Private’ Island rubbing oil in each others bollocks

    • Hilarious pics of Hugh Grant crying into his £30 glass of wine in a Kensington Tapas bar (wish I could take credit for that as a witty piece of writing but in true luvvy, lecturing-the-proles fashion that’s actually where he was) when the exit poll broke ???

      Cant find it

  7. I must admit to election rigging, the lady in red was offering free Wi Fi, so I popped down sainsbury who are selling 18 tins of stella for £13 ( a game changer)
    so vote labour and get something you cant see, or Vote my way and have a tin of temporary happiness.
    Worked a treat.

  8. If only those two pieces of shit, Saddam Suckdick Khan and Andy Burnham were fucked off too… Those are two turds that need to be flushed away…

  9. Perhaps this will wake the “Westminster bubble” bunch to the fact that the vast majority of this Country are sick of being patronised and treated like fools.Johnson recognised this and played on it while the other parties and some of the media believed that the “We know better” view around their Islington dinner tables was reflected by the majority of the Country. That idea has been firmly stuffed back down their sneering throats.
    It is telling that the Labour vote pretty much held up in London…a capital city divorced from it’s own Country…a place stuffed with immigrants and “liberals” who really have no connection with the rest of the population.

    Good night for Sturgeon..she can,with some justification,claim to have a mandate for another independence ref……let her have it. Although I certainly wouldn’t want to see Scotland leave,if a majority want it…well,give them it and let them deal with the fallout.

    • People were voting snp just for the sake of it up here. Fucking arseholes.
      I’m scouting and i hate (and i mean really hate) the sickening patronism that’s going on up here. Not everyone gives a shit though, me included.
      Death to Spurglion

    • Unfortunately Dick I don’t think it will. I broke my own rule last night and spent some time baiting the cunts on the Grauniad website and the consensus seems to be that I am too stupid and racist to understand all of this, and shouldn’t be allowed to have a vote. One cunt was actually banging on about how we now need a “people’s vote”; erm…… let’s start on Elections for Dummies, page one

      • So in the mindset of the liberal intelligentsia yesterday wasn’t a peoples vote, Oh excuse me !!! the wrong kind of people, I get it now

  10. This was another vote on Brexit. Get it done Boris and shut the whingeing cunts up for good. No ifs or buts, it was a democratic vote that restores some faith. Opposers lost again so get it through your thick skulls that it is happening. If you don’t like it fuck off and take as many immigrants as you can with you. Boris is not to everyone’s taste but he picked up the steaming pile of shit that the Maybot left behind and showed he had 2 things that she didn’t…… a big pair of balls and a backbone. Well done sir.

  11. Has anyone seen or heard the Fat Cunt with the megaphone ?
    Anyone ? ……. anyone ? ………

      • Good point!!! No “Stop Boris” this morning being shouted at the H of P, putting me off my stride wanking over Sarah Jane Mee’s tits. With luck he’s by now swinging from a rafter in his mum’s house with a spunk-sodden Labour flag wrapped round his tiny cock

  12. For the first time in nearly 2 years i’m going to tune in to champagne socialist James O’Shithead. Can’t wait to hear that wanker cry. I wonder who he is going to blame for the fact that, yet again, he was FUCKING WRONG, the cunt.

  13. If anything this feels more momentous than the Brexit vote. Yet already the lefty spunkstains are already pointing fingers and making excuses; they are singularly incable of accepting defeat. Am I alone in thinking that if this (or the Brexit vote) had gone the other way, the vast majority of people on the losing side would just have shrugged, admitted defeat and moved on? Because we understand that’s just how things work; yes it’s shitty but them’s the breaks, get on with it.

    But your modern soshal meeja prick is just not capable of recognising that people are allowed to differ from the cretinous Grauniad group think. Fuck off you cunts, you lost. Again. I fear this will just be the catalyst for more “we need a people’s vote” blah blah bollocks though

  14. Woke up to the sounds of whining slebs, trashed commies and other displays of unbelievable sadness plus lots of cunts making out they are leaving the country cos Boris won a big majority. To be truthful I revel in their misery, got tired of being labelled a facist racist bigot homophobe Just because I had a problem with their World view.
    Magic granddad fuck off, Swinson fucked off, upchucked umma fucked off, Hugh the cunt Grant fuck you to Belgium and back you utter cunt. Time to crack a tinny but only time will tell; but is it not fun to abuse slebs on twitter and has been politicos?

    • I think all of the fallen traitors like Grieve and Sourberries, et. al., should have “LEARN TO CODE!” tweeted to them.


  15. If you can’t win offering Free Fucking Everything may as well pop down to B&Q and buy a good strong rope.

    What a cunt and his fucking momentum brigade.

    Even now that silly cow from momentum Laura Parker (on the box) won’t admit they were wrong! You were fucking hammered you silly CUNT!

    Oh but the Swinson result was a peach!
    Sadly sister of Zippy is still there, c’est la vie.

  16. I wouldn’t want to see the end of the Labour party. They need to dump the Red Flag and move to the centre.

    The Tories need the competition to ensure they don’t suffer a similar complacency of the early to mid 90’s after which, our beloved Tone was swept to power.

    I love reading Polly Cuntface Toynbee whining and decrying Granddad’s election throw in today’s Guardian. Delicious reading from a schadenfreude perspective.


      • “”rising poverty, homelessness, collapsing legal and social care systems, living standards in reverse””

        LOL, what would Poly know of these things? this is the problem here, you have to taste the wine to know the flavour or your opinion is so much dry dog shit, blowing in the wind of self pity.

    • Someone needs to ask the Toynbee creature “Why?” all of our social systems are collapsing, and then point out – as fact (something the left hates, facts) – that the UK birthrate is currently at 1.8, well below the 2.1 replacement rate (which also more than offsets people living longer), so what *possible* reason could be the cause of all of our services being stretched??? Hmmm???

      There you go Polly, here, have a bowl of dog vomit to go with that shit sandwich you’re eating!


      • My Percy tells me he’d like to shove his beak up Polly’s arse – preferably after he’s sharpened it with his favourite cuttlefish.

    • Polly Toynbee is an absolute cunt along with that little wanker Owen Jones They blame everyone except Corbyn the horrible Conservatives it’s their fault yes it is Brexit Let’s Get It Done ???

    • I saw her latest plot to disrupt trade negotiations ,she has already chronically misjudged the mood of the country and any further interference from her just to protect her own business interests will hopefully attract retribution.

  17. A great day for Britain cunters…lets hope Boris tells the EU to fuck off, we trade with the world (especially the Commonwealth who are old friends) and stop EU and other assorted trash from around the world coming in the numbers they have been.
    What a day/night…The left can go fuck themselves.

  18. Just had some prize cunt tell me that he hopes all 3m EU immigrants in Britain refuse to speak English today. Bit nonplussed when I informed him that the ones where I live don’t and can’t (except “ekskooze ples wher iz beneefitz offis”)

      • One wag a few years back did actually change lots of road signs to read “Bostongrad”…. soon got wiped

  19. Toynbee can go and fuck herself the rich slag. Meanwhile what’s wrong with the people of Brighton, other than that they are all arsebandits and lezzas? Fancy electing that Lucas bitch again. Cunts.

  20. Whilst I’m obviously glad that “my” side won, it is far more pleasing that the other side lost.
    For the first time in weeks I was laughing at, not swearing at the radio news. Until that Sturgeon cunt came on.

  21. Unfortunately somehow Yvette Cooper survived, either the people of Pontefract and Castleford forgot what a remainer bitch she was or there was some dodgy postal voting going on. She’ll probably be Labours next leader, I hope she is, then come the next election she’ll be fucked off like tits and teeth Swinson.

    • They won’t have time to cause any trouble, not after doing the laundry, washing up, cooking the meals and cleaning the fucking houses.

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