Racists from minority groups

Racists from minority groups are getting to be a big arse. Worse still, they’re a growing pain arse. Over the past couple of years, an increasingly vocal number of non-whites have been coming forward with their ‘White people, especially white men, bad’, bullshit. Recently, the government carried out a study into a racism which raised the hackles of the very minority group racists that I’m talking about. Why? because the report had the audacity to include anti-white racism.

“YOU CAN’T DO THAT”. They wailed. “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS ANTI-WHITE RACISM”. Well I beg to differ. There very much IS such a thing as anti-white racism, and it’s on the rise. I know it exists, because I’ve experienced it. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m in an interracial marriage. Mrs QDM is of Nigerian descent, and we’ve been together over twenty years. Though, having both been married before, it wasn’t until last year that we decided to make it official.

Throughout most of our relationship, we’ve never had any real problems. Sure we’ve had the odd sucker of penises make comments toward my wife, but they have been very few and far between, and I’ve found that a swift smack in the mouth usually shuts them up. Over the past three or four years though, there’s been a distinct change. Several times, I’ve had so called men, usually black men, feel they have a right to come to up to my wife and I and…express their disapproval of a white man being with a black woman. Now, most of the time, we’ve ignored it and carried on. However, there have been those who just wouldn’t let it go and things have become more physical. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m no hard man. But I will stand up for myself and my loved ones, and I will not back down from a fight. With hindsight, I’ve been extremely lucky that I haven’t been arrested or seriously hurt, or worse. My point is though, that contrary to what those whingeing about the government report would have you believe, anti-white racism not only exists, it’s getting worse.

Almost every day now, we hear some bullshit about ‘white man bad’, as the recent bollocks with the NUS at certain universities shows. Not one of these hypocritical cunts though has ever mentioned the evil perpetrated by that little shite who died recently in Zimbabwe hundreds of white farmers have been murdered and their land stolen because he and his followers hated white folk. The same is now happening in South Africa. White people are increasingly living in the unsanitary conditions and starving in ghettoes. None of that gets mentioned by these right on non-white cunts in the NUS and Black Lives Matter. Nor do the historical atrocities of the Barbary pirates who took white slaves. According to them, it either didn’t happen, or it’s payback for whites did to blacks for centuries, never mind that black slavery was actually happening in East Africa for centuries before white colonists showed up.

Racism is racism. It’s that simple. To imply that only white people can be racist is not only offensive, it is ignorant in the extreme and, in itself racist. It’s about time that cunts who claim that only us white people can be racist were challenged over their bigotry and lies. Because those making that claim are nothing but cunts.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

62 thoughts on “Racists from minority groups

  1. Good posting on a topic about which Libtards are in denial.

    There is no group more racist than the average Peaceful.

  2. Eloquent cunting, sorry to hear of your troubles. Take it from a Boston resident, all the gimmegants who have swamped this place are the most racist bunch of cunts you’ll ever meet; Poles hate the Russians, Russians hate the Latvians, Latvians hate the Lithuanians and on and on. Only thing they have in common is they all hate the Romanians and Bulgarians

    • It’s like that in Kent, C The C. If only there were a way to engineer some sort of Dooshka Wars to cull the herd.

      • We wait in reserve in Nottinghamshire to help our English friends and cousins in Boston Lincs ??

      • Get over here quick GB while there’s still some of us left to help!! Be into double figures soon (on the plus side the Eastern Europeans do keep their own numbers in check a bit by stabbing each other in the kidneys 5 or 6 times a week)

      • Stout men of Sherwood, test your staves and tighten your bows and advance unto battle, but spare the virgins they shall make splendid gifts for the men of Yorkshire who wish you well.
        PS you can keep the Romanian ones for yourselves

  3. Black person: I like being black.
    White person: That’s good.
    Black person: Thanks.
    White person: I like being white.
    Black person: Racist.

    • It’s like playing Buckaroo; you can keep adding comments with best intentions in the world but sooner or later you’ll catch yourself out and the donkey/dark key will kick off

      • As a committed racist I think i know a bit on the subject!
        While being white is amazing, some of our cousins are jealous of our beauty!
        Yes theyre racist to white people
        And yes we should sue them!
        The cunts.

    • Because these morons think you can only be racist If you have social power and privilege so no matter how poor or ill or disabled white ppl get they are never without privilege or power.

      It’s utter bollocks and just a way to excuse their disgusting and racist rhetoric towards whites and feel good about it.

      Racism is Racism no matter who is doing it to who there is no class system to it.

      • Some of if not the worst racism is amongst the Indian community in perpetuating the caste system, and all of the conflicts in Africa have their roots in competing tribal loyalties, its just the wrong type of racism that the liberal/left prefer to gloss over. The liberal/left much prefer to use racism to brand their opponents in this country

  4. There’s always someone trying to boss us about.
    One minute it’s Hitler and next news it’s these cunts.
    Great cunting.Fuck them.

  5. Interesting.

    I think one of the unintended (but obvious when you think about it) consequences of the left unleashing this is that any black who tries to genuinely improve is derided as a “sell out” or uncle tom (I believe this is more prevalent the other side of the pond).

    Education is “white”!? Get educated and you are a defacto slave of honky.

    This isn’t racism, it’s insanity.

    Personally I Woulld waste a fucking bullet on these hypercunts. Create your hell on earth stinking ghettos then. Turn areas of once prosperous cities into primeval jungles.

    Just don’t be too surprised to wake up one day and find there’s a wall around it.

  6. Am I racist? Probably, I’m white so I must be.

    Everyone tells me all whites are inherently racist, there’s nothing i can do about it. These same people say we should learn to love ourselves and we will love others more.

    So I am accepting and embracing my inner racist.

    Hugs inner racist

    Big hugs back Sixdog.

    I’m calmer already, the Liberal Democrats just put a leaflet through my door and no ones hanging from a tree yet.

    Love you all

    • The Limp Dumbs sent me a letter instead of putting the usual flier through the door thereby extending the document’s life by a few seconds, before being limp-dumped into the bin.

      These assassins of democracy must have money to burn.

      • I am unlucky enough to live in an area infested by student cunts so the voting pattern is heavily Labour or Green. Consequently I am getting a lot of leaflets from both,addressed to me personally. i have marked them all “return to sender” and slung them back in the postbox in rhe hope the cunts get charged for the postage. If it has a reply envelope you can always fill that with soil,potato peelings or some other miscellaneous shite before returning it.

    • I’m not racist. What’s the point in limiting yourself to hating coloured people when there are so many white people to hate? I’m a misanthrope and proud of it. I hate 99.9% of humanity..

      • With you there Allan, I don’t like many people and not many people like me.

        I’m happy with that, better to hate everyone equally.

        Hate not Hope.

      • Jerry Sadowitz summed it up for me: “I only hate two things; living things and objects. Actually make that three for miscellaneous in case I’ve missed anything out.”

      • What’s happened to him?? Not been on TV for donkeys years, way too offensive nowadays

      • Dunno, never be mainstream, and think he likes it that way.
        Truly talented, makes me laugh anyway!
        But then people being sick makes me laugh, so hardly a critic.

    • Love others as you would love yourself, judge others as you would judge yourself, cherish others as you would cherish yourself. When you wish for others as you wish for yourself and when you protect others as you would protect yourself, that’s when you can say it’s true love. – Confucius

    • I’ve just been reading mine. Well, looking at the picture of a big pair of tits. Then in the bin it goes, unread.

  7. QDM having spent some time in Nigeria (Ikeja GRA next to 21 mobile police headquaters) I am curious as to what tribe your wife is (This will sound very racist to anyone who has never been there).
    I am guessing that you haven’t been over to see the in laws.

  8. I suppose I could also say they used to call me “ibo pepper” which translates from Yoruba to “white man like peppermint”, as the mothers would hush their children I assume it was derogatory but never gave a fuck about it.
    But there you go black on white racism (we were also prime targets for armed robbers too another form of racism)

  9. Ok – then let us choose. We’ll set up two countries in the UK – one for whites and one for blacks. Let’s see how each gets on? I know which one will be more peaceful, have less crime and be more prosperous.

  10. Africans are incapable of forming complex stable societies. So they come here and fuck ours up. Were the cunts however for putting up with it.

  11. Yes there’s a definite shift now from libs and some people in minorities to systematically destroy our way of life constant sniping about the British Empire and slavery, perhaps they would prefer it if they were still scratching around in the dirt looking for grubs to eat. Let it go you cunts we don’t keep going on about the Roman’s the Vikings and the Norman’s. Fuck off .

  12. “Racist
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.”

    Well I do believe that the White race has done more for the advancement of Mankind than certain other races and I fully admit that I have certain prejudices as regards other races…guess I’m a racist,so what?

    However,to claim that only white people are capable of having a sense of superiority and prejudice is ridiculous. Every human will have a degree of mistrust and some preconceived ideas about people who are different…be it colour.creed,religion,race etc right through to supporting different football teams. I suppose it goes back to tribal times.

    It’s the B+W Cunts you have to be careful of….one unguarded white female arsehole and he’ll be up there before she can say “My! What a long tongue you have..”

    • I agree Mr Fiddler… I must have inherited the barbarian pervert gene.
      I have no discrimination when it’s comes to a fine females arsehole…white, black l, black and white…although ok nwiuld be wary of an Indian bird…i love a curry an all that but nit a curry bumhole.

  13. Everyone is racist, it’s natural, people feel comfortable with those who look the same and have a similar outlook and background, this was the view of John Barnes and I agree.
    I would not feel comfortable living on a street where all my neighbours were peacefuls of black people.
    The ethnic minorities are now empowered by the liberals to shout racism at the drop of a hat and indulge in racism themselves because they are the oppressed and so justified. I am not sure why some sections of society actually live in the UK, it will never be good enough them.
    I have a particular issue with the peacefuls, a significant minority will never be happy until we are living in an Islamic state and the majority would go along with it because their faith dictates that they cannot criticise Islam.
    I cannot think of any benefit wider society gains from having Islam in the UK, the cost to society over the years is huge, from grooming gangs to terrorism, I am sure that if some clever people counted the cost (human and financial) and published it the general public would be horrified.


  14. Couple of moose limb bints on Question Time last night, tiresomely complaining about “islamophobia in the Conservative party” and for the billionth time brought up Boris and his “letterbox” comment (Zzzz).
    Here’s a tip :- Tell your friends and family in the mudslime community to cut back on the bombing, stabbing, shooting and noncing. If they do that, maybe our “phobia” will disappear eventually, too.

      • I saw those two bin bags on QT last night and I worried for their fingers as they were being wagged so much whilst shouting, “D’yoo understand wit Ahm saying’?”

    • Yes, a pair of cunts specifically in the audience to bang on about the ‘letter box’, I really don’t get these people, they are living in the UK not Islamabad or Baghdad.
      They never ever talk about the two women arrested in Iran for removing their head covering in public on International women’s day, why is that, it’s because they can’t criticise anything that is Islamic!

      • The letterbox is held in high esteem in the islamic world , because how on earth would you be able to post all those postal votes being the most popular method of voting for this group

  15. What makes matters worse is when a priveledged arsehole like David Lammy or Dawn Butler (or the Abbopotomous, of course) tells their bros and hoes that they ARE discriminated against, when this clearly hasn’t been true for years.

  16. I have to admit that I am slightly racist, even though I am a minority my back ground let’s me see the bad in white and black cunts and I massively dislike most other cunts.
    Racism does mean you thinking you are superior and I guess I do…my black gene’s have derived from survival of the fittest former slaves and the end result is an almost superhuman athletic/physical gene pool which now dominates athletics and a lot of other sorts and also has blessed me with a big cock. I also have the clever whitey gene…with my superior intelligence, guile and love of fine things.
    I’m not saying Black and White cunts are the master race but we aren’t far off and evolution backs up that point.
    I wouldn’t change my heritage for anything.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  17. During my social work training we were taught that racism is not possible without oppression. Therefore, white people in this country could not be the victims of racism.

    This caused a very heated debate in the classroom with most of my fellow students (surprisingly), calling this ridiculous doctrine for what it is, grade A bullshit.

    • You shouldve told the tutor that such definitions are postmodernist prattle and that they needed a functioning dictionary, the cunt.

  18. I’m not a racist, I’m a poncist.
    Turn up at Dover expecting to be housed, fed and watered, fuck off.

    Same for the cunts born and bred here who make benefits a career choice. Ponces….

    It’s not your colour, it’s your mindset….

    • The foreigness can add a certain We’ll fight them on the beaches mentality I dare say.
      Give the gift of mustard gas.

  19. The lack of self-awareness of these cunts and those who promote their bigotry is hilarious. They take ever opportunity to berate the wypepo but wring their hands pver the rise of ‘hate’ incidents and the ‘far right’.

    Fuck ’em. Tommy Robinson is no longer right-wing enough.

  20. I think this Cunting should be sent to Dawn Butler MP Because I think she sees everyone who is white as racist.
    Won’t be long now before Steptoe is banished back to his allotment and Dawn can make him a cuppa in his shed?
    Communist Labour For The Many But Not The Jew?

  21. These people bring nothing to the table other than a threat or the begging bowl.
    Their plight and demeanour has nothing to do with racism or victimhood.
    The fact of the matter is that they simply can’t jump forward through 500 years of evolution and deal with all the troubles and complexities that it brings.
    We should feel sorry for them and perhaps help them get back on to less troubled waters…

  22. Let’s conduct an experiment.

    Let’s put the Swiss in charge of Sierra Leone for 10 years.

    See if it is still massively fucking shit in 2029.

  23. Let’s conduct an experiment.

    Let’s put the Swiss in charge of Sierra Leone for 10 years.

    See if it is still massively fucking shit in 2029

    Let’s face it , there is a recurring theme found in all the world’s prosperous countries and another in all the shit ones. That’s not racist, it just facts

  24. Some countries in West Africa are behind where England was over 500 years. Those that had the benefit of colonisation have destroyed the infrastructures since independence by descending into civil war as usual.

    Cunts. It’s why I’ll never donate a penny to Comic Relief


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