Prince Harry (3)

‘Heir Miles’ Harry
Prince Harry de Halff-Whitt is deeply concerned about the deteriorating state of the environment, and he wants to see his concern addressed. We know this because he tells us so. Often.
This concern notwithstanding, ‘Heir Miles’ Harry seems very wedded to his jet-set lifestyle, with emphasis on the word ‘jet’. Now it transpires that he’s off again, this time on a gas-guzzling round trip to Japan, to watch the rugby world cup final.
Oh, no doubt some justification will be contrived by the palace; he’s a patron of the RFU, he’s representing Her Maj, or the country. I think however, that deep down, we can all recognise this for what it is. It’s a jaunt. He fancies going to the game instead of just watching it on the telly, and he’ll be flying first class I’m sure, unless his late mother’s ‘dear, dear friend’ Dame Elton Luvvy shells out for a private jet again.
Anyways, he’ll be stomping another big carbon footprint in the clouds in the process. Tell you what, then. Let the likes of you and I make the sacrifices and forgo our holidays to Spain. We can’t expect Harry to curtail his gadding about as if he was plain Joe Soap; after all, he is a Very Important Person. I’m sure that this line of thinking will suit him admirably. First rule in the book of the rich and powerful; ‘do as I say, not as I do’.

Nominated by Ron Knee

106 thoughts on “Prince Harry (3)

  1. He is a pussy whipped arsehole who has a hypocritical love of victimhood – he is Lewis Hamilton without the effnik makeup. A touch of Oedipus complex as well – he married his mum in a sense.

    • Or maybe he’s thinking “fingers crossed when the results come back, they’ll confirm I’m Charlie’s ”
      There’s more chance of a one legged man, winning an arse kicking than that. You ginger cunt

  2. If this cunt is so clever why doesn’t he lead by example and sell his enormous palatial “cottage” and live in a tent?
    Then shut the fuck up and play with your pet monkey in a ball gown.
    Fuck off.

  3. Top stuff. Always been fairly ambivalent about the old royals until this carrot-topped cunt stuck his head above the parapet; you’d think if you enjoyed a life of unimaginable wealth and privilege at the expense of others you’d also have the common sense to keep your fucking head down and get on with it without lecturing the peasants who fund it.
    I don’t buy all that bollocks about “yes but they work so hard”, either; I reckon I could manage a jaunty wave a few times a day for the countless millions they receive in a year. Wind your neck in and just spend your days jaunting round the world, getting the odd hummer off Gretsel Thunderthighs.

    • Come to think of that isn’t it terrible that a member of the Royal Family is reduced to ‘bumming a lift’. Like the fella in the pub who would bum drinks off you but also bum a lift in the taxi home by not contributing.

  4. I wouldn’t expect anything else from him when you look at his breeding, his mother was a strumpet whore who would lay down and open her legs for any tom, dick or tariq.
    His father was no better, a man with the morals of an alley cat.
    As WC B says he married his mum in a sense, another vacuous mucky little slag.
    Save the world H ? No I hope when you’re with fat fucking rug head in his private jet, you drop out of the sky.
    It would cheer me up anyway.

    • Can you imagine the furore if old Meghan were to meet with a similar “accident” in a Paris tunnel?? Jesus, I don’t think I could take a repeat of the pathetic display of public blubbering which went on for fucking months last time round. I remember my neighbour knocking on my window at 6am on the Sunday morning shrieking “Diana’s gone, gord bless her!!!”, to which she was told to get to fuck in no short order. Elton would be working on a single before the various bits of the body were cold.

      • I went down to the Dianna memorial in front of the palace. The pathetic cunts blubbering just made me roar with laughter, which didn’t go down well. This country lost its stiff upper lip and it never returned. For that alone she was a cunt. This millennial spawn is the result. Cunt.

      • The only time you see a stiff upper lip in this country nowadays is on Geordie Shore or TOWIE, to go along with a stiff bottom one like a suction cup on a cheap window ornament.

        All the females in those shows and their ilk all now look alike: plastic gob, plastic tits, plastic “thinned out” noses, fat arses and prance about like they’re goddesses of Trojan beauty!

        Is it me or can they really not see how fucking hideous they look when they see themselves in a mirror!?!

        “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?”

        “Not you, you trout faced cunt!”

      • I think TOWIE deserves a good cunting, even though I’ve never sat through a single episode. And yet it seems to enthrall my missus even though she herself admits its carcrash tv.

        And yet for millions of other viewers TOWIE seems to be the be-all and end-all of chav life and they lap it up and emulate it in real life.

      • You missed out those fucking stupid looking thickened Groucho Marx style eyebrows, the now de-riguer armsful of cheap trash tattoos and last but not least that classy metal hanging bogey septum-piercing or, a snot-hanger-nose-ring

      • Yes those women are both hideous and ubiquitous on the television. I cannot be be fucked with them.

      • Yep Diana was the best out of all these cunts… why the fuck marry an ugly cunt God only Knows

      • The spot near the tunnel where Diana was killed is still a shrine. Even now, over 20 years later, lots of English people go there and lay wreaths, teddy bears and write mushy messages of love and condolence. Meanwhile, les francais whizz by in their Citroens and Renaults and police vans giving Inspector Closeau-syle siren blastings, not giving a merde.

      • The spot near the tunnel where Diana was killed is still a shrine. Even now, over 20 years later, lots of English people go there in all kinds of weather and lay wreaths, teddy bears and write mushy messages of love and condolence. Meanwhile, les francais whizz by in their Citroens and Renaults and police vans giving Inspector Closeau-syle siren blastings, not giving a merde.

    • Even more marvellous if the plane crashed into Grendel Thunderberk’s yacht. I’d sacrifice a baby seal upon a tyre fire in Pripyat as thanks to the god that organised that. C’mon Yasur.

  5. Meghan and Harry to ‘skip Christmas’ a headline. Can’t be doing with formality. The ‘Royal’ stuff. Going to her mother in America supposedly. Watch that they’ll be at some soup kitchen Christmas Eve. Virtue signaling. That’s all there is.
    The Queen was in tears at the Cenotaph. I suspect half her emotion was for her fractured family.

  6. Skip Christmas? You mean the cunt and cuntess aren’t going to turn up at Church on Boxing Day and wave at the cameras? Well, that Christianity lark is SO twentieth century. When you are woke you recognise the equality of all religions…….they’re all shit…….er……except the peaceful religion obviously. The boy Hewitt is the biggest wanker in this country. He’s making his step father look fucking normal and less cuntish by the day.

  7. I refuse to be lectured to about privilege by someone who leads this person’s obscene lifestyle.

    I refuse to be lectured to about flying by someone who thinks they can use a private jet because their fat mate pays for some trees.

    And I refuse to be lectured to about science by someone with one ‘E’ grade A-Level in Art. (I am well aware that this final point is pure intellectual snobbery).

    Fuck off.

    • You know what he got his E grade for?…….a drawing of a big spurting cock and balls. You get an E just for the ability to hold the pencil.

      • Yet, he still only managed an E ? Who was the teacher?…..Joey fucking Deacon?
        Actually, I think it was old Charlie the chimp who had the teacher input. Purely a rumour of course.

      • Joey Deacon!! There’s a blast from the past. Bet the woke students of today don’t do the impression we used to do at school…

      • up tick for Joey. Remember the “unnnnnnn” noise and face as it was yesterday. In fact made the same noise and face to my daughter last week, she’s only 13, but told her all about it. I hope she carries on the the tradition.

      • All together now – play the piano at neck level whilst trying to bite your ear.


      • This site should carry a public health warning because I just choked on my fucking soup laughing out loud at Freddie’s rather apposite observation!

  8. Harry is doomed and is what we used to call under the thumb of his Mrs who probably insists that she has been insulted/ snubbed by William or Kate.
    ‘And Harry, if you don’t take my side on this, we’re finished and you won’t see Archie again’!

    • Well it’s his own cunting fault for choosing the grasping, VS whore. It’s not as if he was hard up for crumpet, the soppy wanker. Think of all the posh totty he could have shacked up with and he ends up with the Yank version of Lily Allen. What a cunt!

    • Ah, you mentioned the wonderful Catherine: Duchess of Hard-ons!

      Even at 7:52am I would still love to take her up the arsehole

      What a nice way to start the day, especially after reading about old Air Miles being a despicable cunt AGAIN!

    • Think your all rather mean, and both our wonderful pure bliod royal prince and his pet bonobo are lovely.

      Long live the Royals!
      Jim Barbara Denise Anthony


      • Pet bonobo, fucking hilarious. By the way I’m starting to think my phone’s a woke cunt: just tried correcting “bonobo” to “Bono”…. get fucked!!

      • Morning Cuntan, yer phone showing where its sympathies lie?
        Mine keeps trying to use ‘americanisms’ thinks its a teenage skateboarder from California or something!

      • Ay up MNC. Yep, as I was saying yesterday it’s the beginning of the indoctrination of us all into a dystopian 1984-esque hellscape; how long before Alexa starts telling you “That statement I overheard was not woke. I’m afraid I can’t allow you to say that, Dave. You have 30 seconds to comply.”

  9. Harry was ok, then he met Meghan and he became woke. It’s like a car crash in slow motion now. We can all see it’s going to end badly and Harry will become the new Edward.

  10. Imagine if he’d married Saint Greta of Icebergs!

    Two boring patronising arrogant two-faced “do as I say” cunts in perfect harmony together; and hopefully will cheerfully murder each other after realising what utter boring patronising arrogant two-faced “do as I say” cunts they really are!

  11. The pussy whipped prince has always made a cunt of himself, from dressing up In a nazi uniform to the absolute hypocrisy he displays with this private jet mullarky , I have complete indifference to the royals , they are there and ain’t going nowhere soon but at least most try and keep a relatively low profile in comparison to Hewitt and his rapacious missus …..
    couple of cunts and I give it 5 years…..

    Off point….
    just watched KUNT burley on her sly breakfast news show interviewing shadow heath secretary Jonathon ashworth, talking about the alleged 100,000 shortage in nhs staff burley said “ well 52% of the country voted to stop immigration, they don’t want people coming here” Absolutely disgraceful stuff from the lying bitch!! I hope there’s a deluge of complaints for that slur on leave voters who simply want to control immigration!!! Not stop it bitch!!!
    Get people we actually need not just any cunt who can hop on a bus and come to the UK …..

    • Perhaps the dim cunt should have asked why not enough British people are prepared to work for the NHS? Is it because they’re not qualified enough, then why not?

      But no, that would be too “in depth” for a cunt like her. I’d love it if some Booshka took her fucking job.

      In any case there seems to be shitloads of senior admins, managers , directors and CEOs cluttering up the NHS, most of them seem to be British!

      • Too true. My missus works as admin in the NHS in Plymouth and the amount of waste she sees through bad management is fucking obscene. Then there is the nine, yes fucking nine levels of management and the pointless compliance, diversity etc officers et al. Chuck as much money as you like at the NHS but given it’s current predilection for profligacy the cunts will always waste it. Give it to the fucking Yanks, they’ll sort it fucking sharpish.

      • And there you sum up the misery of this fucking General Election. BOTH main parties engaged in an arms race to spend as much of our non-existent Wonga as they can.
        I too have seen first hand the stupendous waste and duplication around the INHS and it really blackens my day when some cunt on TV suggests we ladle still more billions into its voraciously gaping maw.
        Personal pet project: top-slice just (an insignificant) 0.5% of the bloated INHS budget and that will be sufficient to keep every struggling municipal swimming pool and leisure centre in the country financially stable. And it would be self-funding because presumably improved public health will reduce the strain on the INHS. But no, there’s never any fucking imagination from our politicians yet alone a willingness to take a few bob away from the INHS.

    • Burley has to be the most arrogant, self-regarding cunt in Britain. A boring, irritating gobshite if ever there was one.

      Why the fuck do you always go into moderation Ron? (and then duplicate the comment)

      • Why do my comments always go into moderation? It seems that only God and the system know the answer to that my friend! If you guys can figure it out and stop it happening, I’d be mighty obliged!!!!!!!

        (this comment will now head straight into moderation…).

      • The WordPress Smart Moderation engine can be overzealous at times, depending on what plugins are installed and the API settings that are set.

  12. To cunts like Burley ALL immigrants are doctors, nurses and architects. Except for the waiting staff at The Ivy, so efficient, and the delightful little Lithuanian man who does our garden twice a week.
    They don’t have to mix with the trash, the beggars, the shoplifters and muggers. They haven’t got a fucking clue.

    • Coincidentally, just been talking to a Lithuanian. Excellent English, informed, intelligent, physically fit and very far from little – working over here as a scaffolder, in a largely British crew. Welcome, friend. What a fucking tragedy that our system doesn’t encourage manual workers and we have to poach yours…

  13. My comment on this thread is pending because I can’t type my own email address ?

    I just read the below story and I can’t work our what this guy said that’s racist of particularly offensive, nothing that should of got him fired in my eyes.

    “ Cherry’s sudden departure follows the NHL and Sportsnet on Sunday condemning as “offensive” the comments he made Saturday. “You people love — they come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey. The least you could pay is a couple of bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys pay for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada. These guys pay the biggest price,” Cherry, 85, said during his first-intermission show, which is the highest-rated seven minutes on Canadian TV.”

    Hate to see countries step on their own to accommodate ignorance. There was no prejudice in his comment. He is a Canadian, surely he’s entitled to have an opinion.

    They could argue that he should not of expressed personal opinion at work but if he’d said immigrants are all wonderful no one would of said fuck all.

    Suicide of a nation.

    • “Freedom of speech” must have acquired a new meaning when we weren’t looking, eh? Well spotted.

      • Fair play to Don Cherry as well for refusing to offer any apology. He has nothing to apologize for.

      • RTC, I am aware that you choose to exercise your democratic right not to wear a poppy from your comments in the recent Rainbow Poppy post but that overused “fascist” argument cuts both ways.

        Part of being a fascist is an intolerance of opposing views and supression of democracy.

        In a truly democratic society, which Canada claims to be, Cherry has the democratic right to freely express his opinion about the wearing of a poppy just as much as it is the democratic right of someone to express their views by not wearing one.

        Therefore, he should not have to pay with his job for his opinion just because it goes against the group mentality held by the PC brigade.

        That is fascism at work.

        (N.B. The word fascist has its origins in the Italian word fascio meaning group).

      • Afternoon Dick.

        I never suggested for a moment he should lose his job. I know nothing about the background, maybe his employers had been looking for a reason to fire him and used these remarks as an excuse?

        PS: I know what fascism is thank you, but thanks all the same.

    • But what’s a man to do? Accept this creeping woke shit or resist it? If no-one pushes back, we’re stuck with it.

      • I see Russian TV have already offered him a job where ‘he can say whatever he likes’. I make my point again there is more fucking freedom of speech now in Russia than there is in the West. OK, you cannot fuck with Putin but everything else is permissible.
        Who would have thought? Soon you’ll be hearing of dissidents defecting to the East.

      • Freedom of speech in Russia? You’re having a giraffe!

        A site like ISAC wouldn’t last five minutes in Putin’s Russia.

      • Just a bit naif, Miles. RT will use anything and anyone on its world broadcast services, with a particular preference for issues which divide Western countries. Hence, Alec Salmond, George Galloway, and, sad to say, Farage, among others. It makes Russia look like an open society, which it very definitely isn’t, and it’s completely logical.

        None of this reaches the Russian home public unless it redounds to the greater glory of Putin.

      • RT can only use those who you cite Komodo because everyone else is too terrified to go on it.
        Including Jezza who I’ve never seen appear.
        They never have footage of The Commons or some disaster. Other broadcasters won’t share with them They’re not allowed it.
        In fact they were banned from a recent international conference on journalism. Funny piece about one of them trying to get in.
        It’s actually right wing; Criticism of the liberal mainstream Media, the tyranny of political correctness staple subjects.

        In the programme I watched the debate on Russian TV was about the rightness or the wrongness of the invasion of Crimea. Much criticism of the decision to go in. Seemed to me to be challenging of Putin.

        While we debate ‘rights’ of Tranny mental cases.

      • If you wish to believe that Putin’s Russia is a cuddly bunny, fine. I believe otherwise. That should be sufficient argument for one of any Faith, eh? Only believe.

        While caution is rightly creeping in among our politicos when it comes to invitations by RT, it’s certainly not true to say that Corbyn hasn’t taken the tainted rouble, and he’s not alone –

        It’s fairly safe to say that if Corbyn were to use the words “corrupt oligarchy” in the same breath as “Putin” he would not appear. And though belatedly, I imagine he now has wit enough to realise that appearing on the State-run propaganda outlet of a potentially (probably actually) hostile power would simply add to the shitstorm unleashed on his aspirations to run the country.

    • I agree, I want it replaced with a UK version of Lilly the Pink.

      “What did you think, you think, you think; when the whole map was pinky, pinky, pink!”

      Nasty Imperial Occupation, or “winning” as it used to be called pre-wokeness!


    • Thought Lily was a musician?
      A musician wanting music banned?
      Why as a musician doesnt she pen her own national anthem?
      A ode to our ancient historic beautiful country?
      Surely shes a creative type?
      Shouldnt be hard for a singer-songwriter to find inspiration from thousands of years of history?

      ‘oh the glorious empire on which the sun doesnt set, we shook the world and ruled it let us not forget!
      From zulu to thuggee
      From chinaman to mawmaw
      We drowned them in blood
      And for merry olde England
      Stamped their bodies in the mud.

      There yer go Lily done first verse for ya!
      Now chop chop, crack on and fuck off

    • Does anyone give a fuck what Lily Allen thinks? The few “hits” she had were all over a decade ago, she’s done fuck all since except get wasted, spout shite at every given opportunity, and invite all the shite of the day to these shores. Didn’t she have problems evicting invaders from her home.? Lily, I hear OJ Simpson is wanting to relocate here, do us all a favour and move him in with you.

  14. Oh yeah, Lily Slagheap hates the nasty British and loves foreigners. Except when they’re renting her big house and she wants the fuckers out. Different story then.
    Fuck off slag.

  15. If Hairy doesn’t want to be a royal, and do the never-ending round of travelling to the UK provinces to open things and condescend to cunts – as his father (?), brother (?), aunts, uncles and grandparents (?) do* – then the solution is simple. He should relinquish his titles and play-ranks in the Forces, fuck off down to the Jobcentre and start supporting himself. He might still be able to pimp the wife out, too. Though she’s getting on a bit I’m sure she has the necessary experience.

    *Take a look at the Court Circular some time to see the sheer tedium of those royal engagements. Every day, time without end. I wouldn’t do it for any money, but then I don’t have the IQ of a corgi.

  16. I was listening to the Memorial service on the radio, the Queen on the balcony and Prince Charles filling in doing the wreath laying, the Broadcaster said “And Prince Charles is dressed in the attire of a naval commodore” and my head span a little and I thought Christ its like Halloween for them they have a big dress up wardrobe (Mummy can I go as an air marshal please?) then I half expected the presenter to say “And now Prince Edward approaches the cenotaph dressed in the attire of Big bird from sesame street”

    • And the soused corpse of pantomime Pricess Margaret, with Rod Hull behind her; he likes to get his hand up a raddled old bird…

    • Wouldn’t Eddie come as Burt or Ernie given their supposed sexual tendencies according to Sesame Street writer Mark Saltzman?

  17. Harry went up in my estimation when I heard he was flying his apache through the Jundland wastes and happened upon some sand people ( he must have spotted their bantha tracks ) any way he incinerated the fuckers with a hellfire missile. Nice. Unfortunately things have gone downhill for the auburn cunt. He married a social justice warrior , and now he has Californian liberalism pouring in to his ears . Daft cunt.

    • I recall reading that when he was flying his helicopter about, his own special SAS protection squad went with him. Presumably they would have shot him to prevent the enemy getting their hands on him…

  18. Ron Knee, is that an educated guess, because if it was, its bang on! Not that the Half-Blood Prince got too close to the action. In fact if he’d been any further East of Helmand he would have joined the Bengal Lancers! Vacuous ginger cunt, that he is!

    • Aye up SB. I definitely recall seeing the story about his SAS bodyguard squad, although I can’t exactly recall where.Can you confirm? I always thought his stint in Afghanistan was just a carefully managed bit of spin anyway, to be honest. Remember those films and photos of him firing a huge fuck off machine gun? I wonder where those were carefully staged.

      • Well more thsn likely i mean would the royal family really let him get blown up/answers on a postcard to the bastard obvious!

  19. Is it too late to add that I think his wife is a complete cunt, too? How dare this fucking Yank, split arse snub The Boss at Christmas! Fucking yo-yo knickered hound that she is!

  20. but but but …. there is no climate catastrophe …. so he flys off where ever he wants , whenever he wants cos he’s not paying anyway – we is paying for it – CapitalCunt

    • Did you know Ginger Pubes and his entourage had two Range Rovers shipped out to South Africa on their recent trip there, obviously no thought given before he starts preaching

  21. Any informed comment on how the cunt got round the aircrew requirement for at least minimal intelligence in the first place?

  22. In spite of the fact she is a massive annoying cunt, I would love a go on her smooth tanned arse.

    • Yes I concur, please remove my avatar whilst I admit to the fact, in my defence I have just returned from prodigious liquid sustenance

  23. Oh come on everyone.. put yourselves in this poor fucker’s shoes . . . for instance decorate the nursery . . ooh Harry I’m not sure that I like it.. on darling we’ll just redecorate it all over again (rolls up sleeves) “but Darhhling it’s gonna cost the taxpayers another mi££ion or so” “I know it’s a tough choice but it has to be done”

    I wonder what it’s like to (gulp) work for a living? I’ve heard that old Jeremy Corbyn will bring a true living wage of £10 an hour . . . haw haw guffaw… that wouldn’t buy us a, decent bottle of sparkling wine from sainsburys (laughs) etc etc etc

    I think you’ve all guessed by now, I hate Tories…. well I’m almost cone to the bottom of my bottle of (cheap) whiskey)

  24. That is defiantly deserves a cunting…it seems that most women have this plastic ‘gob job’….tattoos, shade of shite..tan..and blown up plastic tits….if not that they are flabby, wear goggles, in brief look like the ‘ Blue Meanies’…from the Beatles film the yellow submarine….led the munters from One born every 4

  25. Well, what a great start to 2020! I turn on the TV, and this ginger haired cunts hideous fizzog is starting out at me. Apparently, he’s enjoyed so many free holidays in 2019, that he wants many more in 2020! All under the guise of ‘meeting people!’ Yeah, well you go off and do just that, Hewitt! Maybe take that fucking yo-yo knickered yank slut on a visit to Cape Town. As she’s ‘of colour’ maybe someone will sort her out for you! What a monstrous pair of vacuous cunts!

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