Well that’s that then; the venerable British institution that is M&S is officially launching its own range of Halal ready meals. Mozzers can now happily chow down with the rest of us (or at least those of us that are sufficiently up our own arses to pay £6 for a microwave tagliatelle ‘cos it’s got an M&S label) in the warming knowledge that the wee beasties in their meals were stoned to death, after being made to watch the mad Mozzy butcher pissing on pictures of their family (I’m not 100% on the technicalities of this barbarous dark-ages bullshit, nor do I want to be) in the traditional manner that Al Larr dictates.
No doubt they’ll soon realise that it’s eating into profit to have two methods of despatching the chooks so it’ll be Halal for one-and-all…. As-Salaam-Alaikum!
To make things fair I think they should adopt a policy of sprinkling random bacon bits in say every fifth meal, give the Mesquites a bit of a thrill
Nominated by Cunting virgin
Pandering to the fucking savages, well done M&S, wouldn’t it be better to tell these cunts to respect western standards when it comes to slaughtering animals (or fuck off back to goat shagging land)
M&S Cunts.
And to cap it, Tesco have launched HUMZA products at their stores HUMZA is the brand name of a company that now has the contract for all meats supplied to TESCO.
Makes you laugh don’t it? Clearly a death wish, for every savage that now buys a meal 20 less-savages will think ‘Halal? Fuck that!’.
This Jewish-owned company is making a statement. They’ll take money off anybody.
Hardly surprising from Karl Marx & Spencer. Was it only a few years back when Muzzîe M&S workers complained that they didn’t like touching alcohol or dirty meat and the Bosses rolled over and allowed it? Why would you go to work in a supermarket then whinge about touching certain dad animals but not others? Oh, because your big book of desert fables told you what to eat, how to behave, and whom to murder.
It’s the trend that’s sweeping the nation: Roll over, face down, stick your arse in the air, and let the terrorîsts bugger you while laughing. Fuck your clean meat, fuck your dirty meat, fuck your cruel halal methodology, and fuck your giant book of fairytales.
Halal together now, go fuck yourselves, you stone age cunts.
From the same company that brought you ‘artisanal LGBT’ sandwiches….
Artisan. I fucking hate that word… ?
Anal sandwichies ??
With battered ringpieces ?
“Artisanal” and “curated” are two of the most cuntish words in the language. Only pretentious cunts use expressions such as “ our carefully curated range of artisanal LGBT sandwiches”.
Fuck off.
“art is anal”… hurr hurr, fnar fnar….
Yep!!! Everything’s got to have a twattish label on now to appeal to the limp-wristed brigade; used to be salt and vinegar, now it’s “Pink Himalayan sea-salt encrusted with a Kentish Cider vinegar reduction”. Get to fuck
I must admit the Co-op do some nice sea salt & chardonnay wine vinegar crisps
Where are the vegans when you need them.
they are quick enough to protest in pizza places but are to shit scared to get involved in the barbaric practice of halal.
Bloody good point, never thought of that!! Dont see them chucking the fake blood about and shouting through the loudhailer in the local mosque do you??
Like most of these plastic protesters, they’ll pick on safe havens like ordinary shops and restaurants because they know there won’t be much in the way of comebacks.
However, when it comes to fucking about with another culture and their particular practices, it’s up a different street.
Moreover, why isn’t the RSPCA getting involved with this whole halal business, which to most people’s eyes is animal cruelty at its most extreme!
But again, they won’t get involved because they don’t want stir shit.
I’d pay money to see it, though!
Wouldn’t you be there for free to pick up the body parts?
Marks and Spencer are such a basket case now they are truly desperate for anybodies money. Perhaps they should go back to selling outsize bloomers and stays. Diane and Emily would be there regularly.
Why, have they branched out into scaffolding?
…or making parachutes?
They would need several parachutes each to avoid hitting the ground with a bump
They’ve been doing it for a while. Imported NZ lamb is often sourced from halal abattoirs, and M&S sell it, while claiming at the same time that all their meat is pre-stunned. The slaughtering process is identical for kosher meat, incidentally, but the meat has to be properly prayed over, so Jews so can’t eat halal (Muslims can eat kosher unless they’re ultra-Islamist). M&S have been selling kosher meat since June.
There’s ritual slaughter and then there is M&S ritual slaughter.
Looking forward to that ad.
Thanks for airing my nom admin, much appreciated!! Like Prince before me though I am no longer the artist known as Cunting Virgin
Kosher is even more barbaric than Halal. The krauts stopped it in the 1940s. Fucking cunts. The only good thing is the M&S are rapidly going down the pan and will, hopefully, be bust not long after Christmas. I will be trying not to buy their shit any more.
I also fucking hate Christmas – all the fake bonhomie and “groaning” tables of food (most of which is wasted) and cunting shops trying to sell as much fucking Chinese made tat as they can to gullible cunts who have no money. I’ve told everyone in my family that the best present I can have this Christmas is no present, which is what they will get. Then hopefully all the fuckers like Argos, M&S etc. will be best shortly.
Cunts. Ebeneezer Scrooge for PM.
bust shortly I meant
M & S definitely going south in market share and performance, still see’s itself as an institution with no right to fail, I don’t see it surviving in it’s present form, it’s clothing range is like something banged together in East Germany
I just wonder what stance the other big supermarkets will take?
Hopefully a shitstorm will dump on M&S and the others won’t bother getting involved.
It’s not much different to putting dark keys and mud slimes in every advert anywhere all the time.
Super cunting,these twats are long overdue a collapse into bankruptcy.
Halal my arse,what a shitty disgrace.
Get fucked.
This is not just food it’s favoured bestial food.
Bloody word predictive bollocks. It was supposed to be bestial barbarian food . I might be going dyslexic too. I’m such a tunc !
Our new neighbour is the product of mixed race parents.
Half Irish, half Chinese…
Pat Noodle….
Fuck Is Lamb …..buy British Meat.
I’ll never shop in this shit-hole again.
M&S ……. Muslim & Sheeny
M&S has always been good at squeezing shekels out of the Arabs. Back in the 70s, when the petrodollars started to flow, waves of Arab bints flooded Jewish-owned M&S shops for their knickers and other items. They used to snip off the St Michael labels to avoid gimlet-eyed custos when they went back home. A Palestinian faction also tried to bump off the M&S chairman at the time using cross-eyed “Carlos the Jackal” who fired point blank into the old dodderer´s face and the bullet bounced off his teeth! So much for the Jackal!
Oh well, no further from M and S . Ever.
Let’s hope their favoured savages can replace my revenue.
Good luck to them.
Considering they don’t like paying for anything at the best of times, I suspect not.