Mandelson and Campbell

A Whoops-duckie-show-me-the-way-to-go-home cunting please for this pair of Remaniacs, who it seems, now they sense success, intend to “come out” and take over the leadership of the main Remain groups (from Mr. Rudd the man with friends in high places, no less):

No doubt Dame Keir is taking his instructions from the poof and the piss artist. which emboldened the wimpy wanker to announce yesterday he would push for a “second referendum” (no mention of people’s vote or “confirmatory” vote this time – just shows how brave you can be when Mandy has your back). It looks as if the bastard DUP might even support Steptoe, and this all depends on whether Berc – ow ALLOWS a meaningful vote. What a heap of shit Westminster holds – more than the sewers that flow under the house,

I just hope that we go for an election rather than this democracy denying move. What with Steptoe and his amateur Marxists and trainee misandrists, and the resurgence of the pansy Blairites and their fancy ways, I really think they have done for themselves. I can only assume the inclusion of Mangledbum’s name will make Labour leavers even more defiant. Dame Keir needs a wake-up call that not everyone lives in Islington.

What of Alcoholic Ali and Mandy if their attempts fail?. Perhaps Campbell will drink himself to death, and Mandy will mince round Hampstead Heath to hawk his battered old ringpiece to the rent boys

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

73 thoughts on “Mandelson and Campbell

    • So they voluntarily Cross the Floor because they don’t like the policies of their sitting party, despite what their constituencies think; and now they complain about not getting a payoff! And because of that they bring out the D card!

      how about the other 80% of the population who are barely struggling to keep their heads above the rising debt mountain. Perhaps we should all wave the P card, you entitled shitstains!

      This won’t be forgotten when these cunts come knocking on your door grubbing for votes!

      • Morning, RTC!

        According to a Google Images™ search, Technocunt’s Gravatar™ avatar finds its ægis in the hideously limp 2017 remake of Ridley Scott’s 1982 masterpiece.

        For your (and others’) erudition and future convenience, such a search can be performed via a “touch-and-hold” manœuvre¹ on the relevant image, followed by selecting “Search Google for Image” from the drop-down menu thereby invoked.

        For example, some months ago I expedited such due dil on Komodo’s monitor moniker, and determined that he is in fact a she², and goes by the name of Flora.

        ¹at least: on the Android version of Chrome®. “Your mileage may vary” [aaaargh]

        ²more specifically, the Gravatar™ image is that of a lizard held in a UK zoölogical garden which displayed hermaphrodite characteristics. He (Komodo) appeared to be unaware of this detail, and took umbrage. I fancy he/she will elucidate further in due season.

        Afternoon CS, it dose not work on RTC’s avatar, it comes up with “Human”

      • Good Morning CS.

        What a mine of information you are!

        Much appreciated, thanks. ?

        Be seeing you… hopefully.

      • Somewhat surprisingly you rather elegantly answer your own question, dear Flora. I for one couldn’t give two hoots, though RTC seems to find the revelation more tantalising.

        I appear to have a knack for unintentionally rubbing people up the wrong way. Back on topic, and I remember with immense fondness pissing off Peter Mandelson quite badly.

        In a previous life as a British diplomatic passport holder around fifteen years ago, I lived in China. Mandelson made multiple visits as European Commissioner for Trade. When I first met him, I was struck by the fact that he really did possess some strange kind of “aura” (he had been satirically dubbed “Prince of Darkness”, and the epithet had proved durable).

        I christened him “The Ready Brek Kid” (reminded as I was of the eerie glow in those early 80s breakfast cereal TV adverts… it just seemed curiously appropriate.)

        Unexpectedly, but satisfyingly, this moniker gained considerably more traction within the Embassy in Beijing than you can imagine, and Mandelson had somehow got wind of it. This proved slightly awkward for me down the line, though Ready Brek remained an “elephant in the room” on our numerous subsequent meetings. Whenever he buggered off (usually in an endless quest for a spot of arse-banditry) we all fell about laughing. Unfortunately for Peter, the gay flesh-pots of Chongqing weren’t quite up to the standards of his earlier Rio shenanigans, and I was reliably informed he invariably left empty-anus’d.

        I couldn’t give a shit about him, either. Creepy as fuck, but basically just a screaming homosexual and a humourless, self-important twat into the bargain. [Now that my passports have expired, I’m notably less diplomatic.]

      • She was tired and confused, couldn’t remember where to park her scrawny arse on the green benches.

        What a cunt she is, she misspoke, what she should have said was the commie bitch with the funny tinge.

      • …and claimed MY fucking cash for 4 beds in a 1-bedroom flat…….no doubt to house a load of dooshkas for cash.
        The dry-cunted old cunt.

  1. BBC news being a cunt as usual. Two Tory bashing stories – Mogg n Grenfell and the rape trial – and then boo hoo story about food banks.

    • I had to turn it off Sgt Maj, only saw Rees mogg getting crucified for shortfall.
      Don’t suppose the food bank was in Scotland was it ?

      • Radio 4 news at 5 beasted Mogg for nearly 20 minutes, with repeat headlines at intervals. Andrew Bridgen was the token Tory and he made a bad job of it – obviously unprepared.

        Then they went over it all again at 6.

        Pravda, where are you?

    • The beneficary of the food banks was slimmer as a nurse. Since relying on food banks she gained a few chins, and drives around in a lovely new car.

      I expected waifs and moth-eaten rags from the hand-wringing going on.

    • Mogg !said what was on the nations minds!fucking bsng on if people are that stupid they deserve to fry!shame that fucking prick stormzy wasnt in the block burnt to a crisp the fucking bell can u call mogg a peice of shit ya dum fucking no talent no name cunt.moggs about the poshest deluded lives in snother reality world all together but he should be given a medal .fuck greif fall tower they was all shitbags anyway and as for that fat bloated waycccciiiisssstttt cunt lammy he should have been nailgunned to the top floor by his fucking arse..CUNTS CUNTS CUNTS CUNTS CUNTS

  2. C4 advertising Kaffir history month.
    More shite virtue signalling…

    What has a cotton picker ever invented apart from:

    Drug dealing
    Gang rape
    Rap music
    Impregnating as many girls as possible and deserting their kids
    Benefit scrounging
    Moaning about waaaayyyyycccciiiiiiissssssmmmm
    Knife point robberies….

    • You forgot the Combined Hat Rack And Table, invented by WJ Ballow in 1898, Patent No. 601422.

    • That’s why they put cotton wool in the top of tablet bottles, to remind the drug dealing sooties of their ancestors.

    • Peanut butter…
      You know, that stuff that perverts smear on their bollocks when they want a dog to…

  3. A corrupt politician and a liar who fucked the British people. No wonder that cunt Campbell gets depressed with all that blood on his hands. Who pays his wages these days. I’d make them both into a Hannibal Lecter conjoined twins.

  4. I’m not normally such a cunt but with Campbell I’ll make an exception. When he was suffering depression and suicidal thoughts why oh why didn’t he fucking act on them the dolally cunt?

    • If I had been Alcoholic Ali’s GP I would have asked him if he had ever considered suicide and when he said no, I would have told him it can solve an awful lot of problems.

    • Like Dr David Kelly did ?
      A pair of right cunts and no mistake, I may be wrong but didn’t mandelson get mixed up in a controversial episode?
      Something to do with fast tracking someone a Visa from Brazil ? Maybe wrong.

      • The bandit from Brazil, now playing a starring hole under Mandys blankets, one of many transgressions in this reptilian vain glorious popinjay cunt of an individual

  5. Look at the picture above.
    Go on!
    Dont sit there scratching yer balls with yer mouth open, look at the picture!
    Can you see the arrogance and slickness of this pair of metropolitan snakeoil salesmen?
    The contempt they hold ordinary working people like us?
    They pay for lunch what we spend on a weeks shopping and put it on expenses!
    And theyre moaning about debt?
    Cheeky cunts!
    Travis Bickle had it right, we need a hard rain to come an wash all the scum away.

    • That chisel-faced lush Campbellend looks like he’s got an invisible pint of vodka shoved round his cakehole.

      The fucking alcoholic cunt.

  6. Two of the most corrupt cunts in the country, both in the pay of the EU. Handleyoursonsbum is, of course, the holder of the Legion d’honneur for “services to France.” You used to have to be a war hero to get that, now they give it to traitors.
    I wish them both extreme misfortune.

    • Probably the only thing dear Mandy did for France was giving the opportunity to legion’s of ”les bum bandites” to dip their podgers into the UK’S top mincing sausage tipy toed fairy cake, quite what they made of the experience is hard to know, but France was the one country hoping we would leave sooner than later

  7. I’m honestly past the point of giving a shit now; the one thing that’s been made explicitly clear since the vote is that the establishment are NEVER going to let us leave, and that a democratic vote only counts for something if we vote the way they want us to. When the inevitable second referendum finally rolls around every single dirty trick in the book (and plenty that haven’t even been written yet) will be pulled into play to make sure the result’s watertight for remain this time.

  8. You can already see the narrative building in the media….

    Labour/Lib Dumb. Good

    Tories/Sir Nigel. Bad

    A simple tale for simple people.

      • How long can a post stay in moderation?
        Wrote a post for mandy & Ali hours ago,
        Epic it was!
        Now im a humble bloke but id put it on par with James joyces ‘ulysses’
        Maybe Harper lees ‘to kill a mockingbird’ but with more swearing.
        Then….fuckin dissapeared! Nowt! Nish!
        Its off putting!
        Im getting writers block!?

      • Feel your pain Miserable.

        Do all your posts disappear when they go into moderation? Mine usually remain visible, but with the words “your comment is awaiting moderation” at the top.

        In my experience, the ones that completely disappear rarely return, don’t know why. I always keep a copy of my longer and more considered comments before posting, just to be on the safe side.

      • Good idea!
        Yes normally says ‘awaiting moderation’ this one did then just…into the ether!
        Wonder why?
        Normally they just in moderation for short time.

      • Tip. If your post goes into moderation or disappears, press the back button, go back to the edit box, copy post. Edit out banned words and repost.

      • If it was there for a bit then disappeared, admin probably deemed it unsuitable for publication.

        Libellous? Inflammatory? Be nice if they could give you a reason.

      • A reason ? A reason?
        Artistic jealousy!!
        Well i was going to give them a cut of the film rights but they can get fucked now.
        Libellous? Inflammatory? Well sure, all my posts are.

      • And so it should.

        Antisemitism in the Labour Party will continue to be an issue as long as cunts like Corbyn, Milne, Burgon, etc, and the hard-left remain at the head and in control of the party.

        PS: Signs that the MSM are warming to Johnson’s Surrender Treaty. No surprise there.

      • Comrade corbynski isnt hesitating now tho he only wants good litlle natzis er mps who follow orders /if they dont pledge total alliegience to the national socialist party he fucks them off.still ven you vant to ve reich chancellor /commander in cheif

      • You are actually quite right there, RTC. Antisemitism will disappear as soon as the nice centrist globalist Blairites muscle their way back behind the steering wheel. And they will be able to be as antisemitic as they like, without a whimper from the MSM. Not, of course, that they will be. They’ll be funded by the Friends of Jerusalem*, like last time.

        Anyway, relax. Today’s on their case and was giving the Flabbott a hard time this morning on this very issue.

        * You know, where the US Embassy is now.

  9. Mandelson loves his far East holidays (where coincidentally, age of consent laws are more lax and their enforcement is dubious to say the least).

    I say no more.

  10. Just heard that remoaner bitch Luciana Berger on the radio saying that the Lib Dumbs (her 3rd party of the year) want to end the “chaos and uncertainty “ brought about by Brexit.
    Er…..Brexit hasn’t happened yet fuckface. The “chaos and uncertainty “ has been caused by you and your remoaner mates determined to prevent the result of a democratic vote ever seeing the light of day.
    The front of these remoaner cunts takes my breath away.

    • Pictured, most unflatteringly here:

      That nose is offensively stereotypical: I’m surprised the BBC got away with it.

      The report speaks for itself, I think. Take-home message: “I’ll do anything for £80K a year, now Liverpool’s decided correctly that I am a cunt with an agenda and turfed me out. Also available for bar mitzvahs and weddings”

      • I wonder why Labour decided not to re-admit prominent Jew baiter Chris Williamson back into the Party at this particular time…?

  11. I see that fat bastard lammys been at it again!im surprised he didnt say to jrm thats waaaayyyycccciiiisssstttt.I had a friend in grenfell!oh fuck me not this again!shame he wasnt fryed to a fuckin crisp trying to help him out there he dont say that you useless bastard/mind you he d never get his arse up 20plus flights of stairs the fucking lardarse.every day we have had to hear this !grenfell this that the other ffs .And as for these two mangled bum &drunkwell (makes a great wanted poster)how much is the reward money !a snipers bulletbfrom 300yds away will di well theres no molesvabout niw tobfucking cold

  12. The two key orchestrators off the UK’s second dark age of 1997 – 2010!

    Pair of cunts!

  13. Campbell and Mandy a match made in heaven a proper set of cunts
    Campbell Minister Without Portfolio?
    Mandy The Black Prince of Politics
    Back Stabber and Shit Pusher How’s your Brazilian Boyfriend?

  14. Lady Mandy of St Fudgepack hung out with (or was it of) diddle diddle Epstein on Caribbean japery. Just sayin’ like.
    Epsteins probably hanging out in the chosen lands and Lady Mandy is still adhered to his yehudic jacksy.
    Campbell on the other hand, well he’s a cunt.

  15. And as for this anti semitism brouhaha, Arabs are semites too. Cop that SJW’s.
    Besides, there’s anti fucking everything and everybody these days, join in you red sea pedestrians, celebrate inclusiveness.
    My life already.

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