Swiss driving knob and money lover, Lewis Hamilton. What a prime cunt. Makes an easy target of himself, wanking self-righteously on about veganism being the only way to save our dying on its arse anyway planet from self destruction; all from either the comfort of a big fluffy chair in a private jet where he’s getting his cock sucked for the duration of the flight while he sups champagne (if he hadn’t shaken it up and spurted his bubbles all over the tits of his podium pussies); or from the “cockpit” (cockpit, FFS… what a cunt. It’s a CAR not a fucking plane, you TWAT!) of his massively engined penis envy machine.
No need to cunt cunts like this cunt when they cunt themselves so effectively.
Nominated by Brian Stoat
I never understand why this arsewipe is always pictured with that smug grin on his ugly vacuous face. He has zero self-awareness and given his ridiculous hypocrisy he should be in Parliament rather than his “cockpit” he would get more than enough cock at Westminster. Probably a friend of Mandy’s.
Yes, what are you Lewis? Are you that oh so woke vegan lefty type?
Or are you still that dangerous gangsta wiv your bevy of hoes?
No, the answer is neither. You are just an annoying childish cunt.
Great British sportsman or not i can’t stand this twat and his mid atlantic accent.
How much has that hypocritical cunt blew out of his mouth & racing cars . The arsehole needs to plant a forest. IT IS OVERPOPULATION what is fucking the planet. CUNT
Completely agree , Overpopulation is the root of all environmental problems, the subject no cunt will ever talk about. We can recycle , drive electric cars until were blue in the arse , the way population is rising it will make no difference.
Oh and did I say were completely fucked.
Good Morning.
Couldn’t agree more, it’s the (endangered) elephant in the room; the acolytes of Saint Gretchen love to bang on about how it’s all the fault of the ordinary (mainly white let’s be honest) bloke in the street, and we should all live in mud huts and never travel further than the end of our own streets; but the fingers soon go in the ears when you put it to them that perhaps they should refrain from breeding any more snot-faced, quinoa-munching little Araminta’s and Crispin’s if they really want to make a difference
Malthus did. But his wise words have largely been discredited.
I go to the Isle of Man TT every year, posers like this cunt wouldn’t last 5 minutes over there. Some of those riders are genuinely scary looking bastards.
or any of the Irish road races. John Mc Guiness would have the cunt for breakfast.
Nope. A breed apart those maniacs; brushing the ground with the side of your helmet (ooh err mrs) at 160mph on public fucking roads with dry stone walls either side…..
Joey Dunlop – a breed apart, and as hardcore as they came on the IoM TT
This cunt wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes against James Hunt in his F1 prime.
Hamilton would have shit his pants in his “cockpit”, declared the fucking great V8 1970’s F1 McLaren “scary” and run into the pits to crap himself multiple times again. The cunt.
He’d double shit himself up against the likes of the 70s and 80s greats – not least Senna, Proste, Schumaker… even Nigel Mansell!
He’s got talent for sure, but F1 is such a bore fest it’s like watching a CGI infested war film – all fancy computer gadgetry, ramped up safety and fuck all real action!
Aye Mansell may have been a miserable moaning cunt but he was spectacular and brave as fuck behind the wheel in an era when drivers still died. Worked his arse off at it and proved the naysayers(“He’ll never win a race as long as I’ve got a hole in my arse”) wrong.
Hamilton was basically groomed for stardom, got a drive in the best car at 22, Nige didn’t even race an F1 car until he was 27.
Ron Dennis thought that having a dark key driver would be his route to a knighthood. Any cunt can drive an F1 car – it’s the sponsorship that matters.
Dennis probably had some of his Beemers nicked by some dark key gangsters back in the day, so he knew where to look for his next F1 driver.
Another thing with Mansell too, even after the world championship and millions of pounds in his bank account he still comes across as a normal enough bloke. Married to the same woman since 1975, no bling or any shit like that. I used to hate the bloke when he was racing but I’ve definitely gone on to respect him these days, I never really appreciated at the time he was racing against 3 legends in Senna, Prost and Piquet.
Fucking hell and Niki Lauda, can’t forget about him, 4 legends.
Lots of respect for Niki given his appalling accident while in a race back in 1976/7 I think. Severe burns, especially to his face, and smoke inhalation in his lungs. But he continued racing and became a legend!
‘Crispy’ to his pals…
Lose the ridiculous gangsta facial hair and earrings you pathetic little impotent cunt.
You can take the boy out stevenage, but you can’t take stevenage out of the boy.
chavvy neck tattoos, bling, piercings etc. Chav cunt
Another,like Sir Mo.,only too happy to wrap themselves in the flag and bang on about their patriotism……..
Plus…he’s really just a bit of a Wanker.
He is as gay as a window.
Window? The relevance escapes me.
Ohhh ducky!!!
Shut that window!!!
Perhaps in Bumholia, due to all the back-doors being smashed in,they take great pride in their windows?
It’s yer back passage that you should be worried about.
Well they’re both a pane!
Don’t worry I’ve got my fucking coat!
Krav is merely pointing out that like a window Hamilton is not gay.
Is it something to do with swinging both ways? Maybe he’s about to ‘open up’ about his bisexuality?
Right angles at the corner: bent!
I noticed that most Dutch houses have very clean and shiny windows. Is there something we should know?
I wonder if Krav has a “Vote for Diane Abbott” poster stuck up in his window?
Oi! All windows at the Maskinback estate are strictly heterosexual.
No bum fiddling windows around here, I’ll have you know!
he’s got ‘brown hatter’ written all over him, the cunt
The only reason formula1 was interesting was because the drivers diced with death everytime they got in a car. Today it’s like watching golf. Boring cunt.
Heard some cunt on the radio the other day going on about this wanker. He was listing all his great achievements and saying he couldn’t understand why people didn’t like him, he should be recognised for his sporting greatness etc. etc.
Well cunt, people don’t like him for the same reason they don’t like Victoria Beckham, Eddie Izzard, Tony Blair, Anna Sourberries, the Markle bitch, Terry Fuckwit Christian and many others……..these are people so clearly in love with themselves that they turn other people’s stomachs. We’ve all known cunts like that so when we see them on the telly we pick up the signs very quickly.
Hamilton is an irredeemable CUNT and no amount of world titles is ever going to change that.
he might be a ‘great driver’ but that doesn’t stop him being a conceited, self obsessed, cry baby cunt – and that’s why people don’t like him
Tbe irony Lewis!
His sport caused more pollution than the M6 an hes lecturing us!!
Well enjoy yer lettuce gangsta,
Just for you left my diesel van running for 10minutes, every little helps eh?
Ah, but what you didn’t know is that every night when everyone is safely tucked up in bed, he goes round planting little tree saplings and coats them with his very own “fairy dust” to make up for his massive carbon footprint.
Morning Techno,
Lewis isnt right in the nut is he?
Hes in my next suicide squad
So THAT was the black Man fucking about with my Range Rover at 3AM, daft twat me – I naively thought he was trying to steal it!
Good form – but if the van is white it may be a waycist!
Perhaps he should hook up with St Greta and bore each other shitless with their Save the World bollocks.
I bet he’d love to shift gear up her exhaust pipe!
He will probably be Greta Thunderpants guest on Today (Wireless 4) when she “guest edits” the programme between Xmas and New Year (and that isn’t a joke – she really is). It’s got to be him or St. David of Attenburgh
Good morning WC
You have to be Fucking joking? Are you trying to wind me up?
I heard St Greta will be doing Desert Island discs.. That will be a lot of fun. Plenty of Leonard Cohen and other assorted music to slit your wrists to. Probably end with “Their coming to take me away by Napolean X1V “
She’ll pick 8 different versions of ‘Eve of Destruction’. ?
Morning Fenton.
Roy Plomley would never have allowed her sort on DID. In his days they did real personalities and achievers not the modern “Hello” and reality & daytime TV wankers.
That Lauren Laverne can’t hold a conversation, she has her questions written down for her and you can hear her reading them out. She never listens to any of her guest’s answers. She is as bad as that twat Michael Parkinson. Bring back Sue Lawley is what I say or Kirsty Young, although I understand that she is poorly. They were both bloody good.
She once did an interview with the notoriously cantankerous cunt Lou Reed, and spent the whole thing flirting with him like a dimwitted 14 year old schoolgirl with soppy kex; it was fucking embarassing
Morning Cuntan,
Lou Reed is a right sour fucker anyway isnt he?
Like a bit of velvet underground but i cant stand Lou the personality vacuum.
Ayup MNC. Yeah the guy’s talented beyond belief but by all accounts one of the rudest, nastiest cunts you’ll ever meet. Always disappointing that; I’m a big fan of the American singer Beck but he’s a Scientologist for fuck’s sake
Beck’ odelay’ is all I know mate,
Sometimes its best just to take it as it is, my hero from childhood is Muhammad Ali, a gobshite black mudslime!
Still see him as the champ and the greatest!
Yes she’s a real ray of light is young Greta.
I hope The BBC can get her to do some Swedish stand up comedy. Those Swedes really know how to make us laugh.
Good Morning
Ruff Tuff
To me, watching racing is boring. I imagine driving is more exciting.
Driving racing cars will probably be banned one day eventually and watching people playing driving simulators will be the next thing.
I’d rather play Chase HQ instead.
Morning Spoons,
Agree its boring but doubt just watching someone drive would be any better.
Whats chase HQ?
I like pass the parcel, but I cheat.
Good morning MNC. How art thou? 🙂
Chase HQ was a driving game I used to play on the Sinclair Spectrum many moons ago.
Ah those were the days. They joy of pressing the button to boost the engine. 😀
P.s here is Chase HQ
I fond memories of playing it.
Good thanks Spoons,
My sister had a spectrum I think as a little kid, played ‘Fire Ant’?
Both my kids are into computer games, but it passed me by.
Cant sit still long enough!!?
It was always the sad nerdy kids who played with computers when I was at school.
Same here Lord C, but theyre the ones who are now financially better off while im pulling my tripe out working!
Still, computers or knives an ropeswings? computers still lose.
Spectrum 48k &128k! Dizzys did u play them mnc treasure island dizzy/spellbound dizzy etc
Anne, my brother and I shared the 128k version, with the built-in tape player. It took ages to load but I was mesmerized watching the screen as the picture appeared as it was loading, the sound is so memorable.
Derrrrrrr skkick! Skkkrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, burrr narrr nurrr, skrrrrrrrr skkick etc hehe 😀
No Anne, not a clue what your talking about, like I said my sister had a spectrum, but I was in my teens when it came out, more intetested in drinking cider, fingering girls & listening to Bowie albums.
Never caught the bug, never played computer games not my thing .
I have a laptop but use it once a year for filing my tax
You think watching F1 is boring Spoonington.. I used to know a bloke that listened to it on the radio.
Morning, Fenton. How do?
Blimey! To each their own, I suppose.
Is he still a twatwaffle?
Hopefully not a blue waffle. Don’t search for it. It’s a picture of a ladies front bottom that looks very poorly.
Jesus! You perked my curiosity spoons!
Never heard of ‘blue waffle’ before.
Nearly lost my breakfast!!?
MNC, I told you not to look for it! 😀
Morning all. Yes Spoons you did but it’s like telling someone not to think of a pink elephant; what’s the first thing they think of?? I refer to my previous getting in trouble for the c*ck spl*tting incident
Fair enough. 🙂
This must surely stem from all that blue liquid they emit from their fannies on a monthly basis (while bungee jumping in bikinis) that I’m reliably told about by the tellybox
Oh dog! Yes! The blue liquid on the adverts for ladies personal things.
P.s pink elephants reminded me when I was a child. Before an operation I had to count aloud pink elephants before being anaesthetised.
Wonder if that’s what the Nazis told the kids to do when they were due for their “special showers”.
Blimey, was that a bit dark for a Sunday morning?
Yes that was dark.
I’m a hypocrite. I think I wrote a few dark comments a while ago.
Yes both of you should be ashamed of yourselfs. Tut tut.
If you cant say nothing nice,
Dont say anything at all.
Winnie the pooh said that. Sniff.
My only real attachment for F1 was in the bygone years of the 70s and 80s, and the BBC had the full broadcasting rights.
The choice of music for the programme was and still is amazingly profound and perfectly suited for F1 – Fleetwood’s Mac’s “The Chain”
And then to add to the mix we had everyone’s favourite dotty uncle in Murray Walker – yes he made lots of on-air goofs, but he was passionate for motorsport (bikes and cars of all formulas); been there done that, and even when the race was dull he would always try to sex it up with his insights and observations (aided and abetted by the late, great, James Hunt)
What we have now is mostly borefest races, driven by mostly borefest drivers, in borefest cars, and commentated by borefest pundits and twats.
F1 need to FO!
I’d rather watch the Goodwood Revival with all that vintage machinery being given a workout.
No ABS or computer controlled shite, just man wrestling with stubborn elderly machine, as opposed ro a laptop on wheels…
Agreed. Best race meet I ever went to was at Castle Combe watching classics go hell for leather. Choose the tightest bend on the circuit and watch them fly off in all directions.
I am very pleased Hamilton won the championship because that means Vettel didn’t.
Despite that, he was, is, and always will be, a weapons-grade wee wank.
I’ve always thought that Lewis Hamilton is a superb driver but a BOAC (bit of a cunt) moaning about pollution when he used to fly his fat ugly fuck bulldog Roscoe across the Atlantic just so he could join him in the UK. How he has the temerity to complain after the damage he’s fucking done and continues to do , he’s clocked up more air miles than a 20 year veteran commercial pilot. And lose the cunt hair/wigs/extensions, your fucking bald !!! and a BOAC.
Neowwwn! Neowwwwn!
“Are you driving?”
– “No. I enjoy making the sound neowwwn!”
James Hunt? A tremendous driver and wild man.
This dark key spacesuited monkey? A fiery death I can but hope.
Fuck off.
Agreed, Hunt was the top bollocks…
It’s only a matter of time before Lewis minces out of the wardrobe…
He’s probably mates with Fat Reg already….
It cheers me up no end to know that the likes of Lewis can make themselves look like such a cunt with such little effort. It brightens up the day to see them strutting their stuff, unwittingly giving us all a right laugh at their expense.
James Hunt racing F1, and Barry Sheen racing 500cc GP motorcycling.
A right pair of geezers from the same era: both of them glamorous pin-ups, popular with the birds and TV advertisers; and both of them at the top of their respective sports.
Hunt was a bit stuck up, while Sheen was your working class hero – but they were fucking awesome to watch, especially Sheen!
Bring back the pit lane totty then I might give it minutes of my time
May as well sit on a roundabout thats more interesting than this cunts driving.
More to the point I ACCUSE YOU Brian Stoat of actually being Superintendent Harry “Snapper” Organs of “Q” Division and of not arresting the cunt for speeding to get him out of our faces with his self-righteous preaching and virtue-signalling cobblers.
As for this vegan shit, if we were to adopt it planetwide, we’d have to flatten every forest and jungle, let alone temperate zones to grow enough food. Oh and it wouldn’t be fucking “organic” because virtually all farmed livestock would become useless and extinct.
Cue the agro-chemical industry to make “vegan” fertilizers or more likely MASS STARVATION.
On the other hands, we carnivores can eat the vegans before they get too skinny, the bones making a very acceptable broth. We eat while getting rid of the irritating cunts. Now THAT’S what I call a “fair trade”.
Lewis Hamilton, another luvvie who let his fame go to his head, in the belief it bestows on him superior knowledge, gives him the right to lecture us and be a CUNT.
Meanwhile Hamilcunt drives around a track, burning more fuel and releasing more rubber and brake dust than a whole street of cars in a month, that and his support team and all those fucking flights.
So, Lewis, ditch the hypocritical”green” BOLLOCKS, stop being a preachy cunt and make us happy by just driving the fucking car and winning. Otherwise just fuck right off or we’ll just switch right off.
He’s a cunt of the highest order. I could script a 1500 word essay on why I loath him so. He’s after the Sports personality award currently to crown his glory. No surprise as, after he went tax avoiding under the guise of wanting to remain low key and disliking the “limelight”, he employed “Not” Sir David Beckcunts management company. Nuff said.